From Bringston, With Love

By BUFantasy

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If you've ever watched the young adult drama, All American Homecoming, this is my spin on the events that occ... More

Intro + Playlist Link
Chapter 1: Fallin'
Chapter 2: Concentrate
Chapter 3: You Should Be Here
Chapter 4: Little More Time
Chapter 5: Cracks in Mr. Perfect
Chapter 6: Conversations in a Diner
Chapter 7: Fake Love in LA
Chapter 8: Comfort In Ending
Chapter 9: Almost is Never Enough
Chapter 11: All I Want For Christmas Is You
Chapter 12: Back For More
Chapter 13: Runnin' Thru Lovers
Chapter 14: One Good Thing
Chapter 15: It Gets Better With Time
Chapter 16: Love Don't Change
Chapter 17: Can You Stand The Rain?
Chapter 18: I Thought You Wanted to Dance the Night Away
Chapter 19: Keep the Family Close
Chapter 20: Moments
Chapter 21: Moment

Chapter 10: Here to Stay

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By BUFantasy

Simone is knocked out of the pro-tournament in it's last few days, and since she did not make the top 6, her hopes for playing tennis in the spring have faded. Though she may be able to fill in for injured players and for doubles matches. After all of the hard work that she's put in this semester, it's hard for her to not feel left out but she keeps pushing forward. She focuses on what she can control. That's continuing to hone her skills. She hits the tennis courts to practice.

Meanwhile, Coach Marcus is still MIA because he is still suffering from his current depressive episode. The baseball team is gathered and waiting to hear who is going to coach them for their final game of the semester. Zeke has found a solution in Jesse Raymond Sr, but after finding out the truth about their parents, JR and Damon are very displeased. Jesse is unaware that they know everything that has happened by now.

Thea is still in the tournament, but she is reaching her final matches. Today, her match is off campus, and Damon is not able to make it. He goes to meet her before the match, but runs into Simone first. She is on the courts practicing.

"Hey, you got another racket?"

"Please don't tell me you're changing sports"

"What? You don't think I'd look good in short shorts?" Damon says I see chuckles.

Simone looks him up and down. "Mmmm no."

They both laugh.

"So, how you feeling about the news?"

"You mean the school potentially closing? It doesn't even feel real honestly. How about you? I know pretty much postponing the MLB for such uncertainty was hard. I'm sure you're wondering if it was all worth it now."

"Nahh I wouldn't say all that, cause then I would've never gotten to know the wise words of Simoonneee Hicckkssss."

Just as Simone is about to respond, Thea walks up. "Hey"

"Oh hey!" Damon says in response. Simone wishes Thea luck at her match and goes back to practicing. Damon and Thea step to the side for a moment to chat before she leaves, and as she is grabbing her bag to go, she reacts to the pain in her shoulder. She says that she is fine, so Damon leaves her be. As she walks off the court she side eyes Simone. It's easier for her feel a way toward Simone than Damon. Simone has always been a threat to her.

A little later, Damon and JR are at baseball practice breaking in their new coach while Keisha, Nate, Simone, and Cam are all out, helping Amara with the save Bringston agenda. Keena, who is still around for the final baseball game of the semester, is on a mission to help Marcus. She told Damon that she would stay out of it but as a mother, she just can't help herself but to get involved. It also helps to keep her mind busy about the Xavier mess.

Damon is still processing the fact that Jesse is his new coach, and he has to get it off of his chest before he goes to the Greek showcase. He goes to see Jesse and let's him know that he's aware of what happened between him, Celine and Xavier. Damon feels like he shouldn't be the only one to burden and face the truth about their decisions, and since Xavier can't own up to his part in this, Damon will make sure that Jesse does.

While Damon is talking to Jesse, Simone, Cam and Nate are helping Keisha finish making adjustments to the showcase. They are now trying to raise money to help save Bringston. Keisha is overwhelmed with emotions because Bringston has been her one constant, her one safe space, and now this might be taken away from her too. She feels like her world is crumbling beneath her. Nate and Simone help her maintain focus and encourage her to keep pushing. They believe that they have what it takes to save the school.

Gabby catches them while they're out on the yard.

Gabby: "Hey Keisha, you get everything worked out with Cam?"

Keisha: "Yeah! Everything went perfectly. I really can't thank you enough for helping me out. Ya girl was out here struggling."

Gabby laughs. "Just know that I might have to call in a favor one day."

Keisha: "Well actually I might have to ask you for one more favor!"

Gabby: "Wassup?"

Keisha: "Do you think that you and the ATLs can perform at the showcase tonight? We need one more performance to pull it all together."

Gabby: "Hmmm that list getting a little long for me. Trust, I will be collecting. But lemme hit up some of the ATLs and get back to you in a little bit!"

Keisha: "Okay cool, I really appreciate it. Lemme know when you need to call him that favor!"

Gabby: "It's no problem, really. I'll catch yall later."

After being outside helping with the showcase for multiple hours, Simone decides to take a bathroom break at the dorm. As she's approaching the stairs, she sees Damon sitting on them. He's had a pretty rough day emotionally and he doesn't want to be alone in his room, but he doesn't want to be around too many people either.

"So I have to pee. What's your excuse?"

" I just needed some fresh air."

"You okay? Where's Thea?"

"It's 10 o'clock on the night before our big match you know she's..."

Both: "Passed out"

"Well I'm gonna leave you to your peace and I hope your night gets better."

Just as Simone is walking off, Damon takes his opportunity to vent.

"I told Jesse who I am."

"Wow...okay, and how do you feel about that?" She goes to sit beside him.

"I'm not really sure. I guess I'm glad that I faced him and let him know that he didn't break me, but I'm still kinda sad too ya know"

"You've had a lot thrown at you these last few weeks. There's no one way to heal and process all of that. Just take your time and know that we all have your back. Anndddd we're all going to be in the stands cheering for you and JR tomorrow."

"I appreciate that... and personally, I really need that win."

"I get it. With all the changes happening at Bringston and not making the top 6, I just need something good to look forward to."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I know you put in a lot of work. We all know that you fought hard for it. You just gotta keep pushing. Keep showing your coaches that you're worth it, because you are."

Simone gives Damon her signature grin.  "Thanks."

"Do you ever just think about how far we've come since the beginning of the semester?"

"Yeah, things are so different now."

"I know that we've been through a lot together and separately, and it's been tough at times.... But I have really grown a lot since I met you. I really appreciate you."

Simone turns to Damon, smiling softly, "Yeah, back atcha!" They hold each other's gaze for a moment. Simone's gotta break them out if it once again and quickly. "Okay, enough with all these feelings!" Simone hops up. "I still gotta pee, and you need to join the rest of us and finish celebrating homecoming. Imma go use the bathroom and when I come back, you better be ready to go."

Damon laughs. "Aight aight I hear you!"

After her bathroom break, Damon and Simone go watch the remainder of the showcase with the rest of the crew. At the end, they find out that they still did not raise enough money to save Bringston. This means that once the semester is over. Bringston will be no more. After hearing the news, Damon goes to check on Thea. She's in bed but not asleep just yet. Since their time at Bringston appears to be coming to an end, she offers Damon an out. They are in the early stages of their relationship and she feels that given all the possible changes, they can end it if he wants to. He lets her know that he believes that they can make it work no matter the distance. When they go in for a hug, she puts her arms around his shoulders, and as she releases, she twinges from the pain. For the second time, she claims that she's fine but Damon does not believe her. He convinces her to go see a doctor before her match tomorrow.

The next day, baseball team wins there final game of the semester. Everyone is on the field celebrating the win when Simone receives a phone call from Coach Loni. After a quick celebration with the team, Damon returns to his room to find Thea there waiting for him. She lets him know that she wasn't able to play due to tearing her rotator cuff. He comforts her when Keena pops up. Thea leaves and then Keena reveals the biggest plot twist for Damon yet. Xavier is not his father. That means Jesse is. Xavier had known for a few years now since he got some testing done on him and Damon when he received his diagnoses. Damon informs Jesse and JR about the news.

Simone finally makes top 6. She doesn't see Thea for a few days until Thea is finally in a good enough space to attend practice. Simone is excited to hit the courts with the rest of her teammates in the top 6. She's worked so hard to get there. As the team walks out to the courts for Practice, Simone sees Thea sitting on the stairs. When Simone sees her, she calms her excitement and goes to speak to Thea.

"Congratulations," Thea says sarcastically.

"Hey, Thea. I'm sorry about what happened."

"I bet this was a part of your plan all along." Thea says loudly.

"What are you talking about?"

"It was all a part of your plan to beat me this semester. To take my spot. Convincing me that I needed friends and that I shouldn't be so single-mindedly focused on tennis. (The other girls start to gather around.) Convincing me that you were my friend all so that you can get in my head. Get me be vulnerable for the right moment to arise. Me needing to use your racket just so happen to come at the right time. And yeah, I may have gotten the guy, but you're trying to make sure that I don't have anything else."

As Thea speaks, Simone looks at her confused. "Thea I am your friend. All I've ever done is try to look out for you. You're in pain and I'm sorry about that, so imma let you have it for now."

"Listen to me you conniving little bitch. Watch your back because I'm coming for you and I will be getting my spot back."

Simone scoffs. "Rest up. You're gona need it." She walks off.

A little later as Simone is in her room. She's cleaning up aggressively with the door open. She has music playing in the background to calm her mind, but the events of the day are playing in her head. "I bet this was apart of your plan all along." "Now I may have gotten the guy." "You conniving little bitch..." all echo over and over again.

"Yeah you got the guy. I basically gave him to you... A bitch? Yeah, I'm THAT bitch," she says out loud to herself just as there's a knock on her open door.

"Hey, I thought we were supposed to be studying but maybe I caught you at the wrong time."

Simone is so focused on what she's thinking that she doesn't even hear the voice behind her.

"Simone! Earth to Simone!"

Startled, she turns around. "Oh my bad. I didn't hear you? Wassup?"

Damon shakes his book, waving it in her face. "Did you forget that we were supposed to be studying? Finals are coming up soon."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I got a lot on my mind."

"Right... Congrats on making top 6 by the way. It's your time to shine!"

"Yeah, thanks," she responds in a dry tone.

"You good? I would have expected you to be a little more excited than that."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Damon doesn't believe her. "I can tell you're lying. Wassup?"

"Maybe you should ask your girlfriend. I'm not the one with the problem... she is."

Damon looks at her puzzled. "You're gonna have to give me a little bit more than that."

"She's mad about the whole injury thing and like always she's using me as her punching bag."

Damon sighs. "Okay...and?"

Simone snaps back. "What you mean 'Okay...and?'"

Damon laughs. "Woah, I didn't mean it like that. Like...I mean you're being mad discreet. Tell me what she said."

"Calling me a bitch, saying she's coming for me and how... You know what, it doesn't even matter."

"It does matter, but don't worry about it. I'll talk to her. Maybe we can just study later?"

"Yeah... maybe"

After a few weeks go by, the kids take on finals and get ready for winter break. Simone and Thea aren't talking. Thea hasn't uttered an apology. Word has travelled about what Thea said to her but since Simone won't talk about it, everyone else stays out of the way. Amara is preparing herself for her new role as president. Marcus has checked himself into a rehabilitation center. It's time for one last family dinner as the semester comes to a close. Thea has left campus early to spend time with her granny before she has to prepare for surgery, so she's not in attendance. She's not welcomed by Simone anyway.

As their final family dinner comes to an end, Simone pulls Damon to the side for a moment. "Don't forget I still have one of your books. I'm sure you have to return it to the bookstore before they close for the semester." Damon responds, "Oh yeah, I completely forgot. I'll come by and get it la—" His words are cut off by the ringing of his phone. When he picks his phone up, the name Shaw pops up.

"Wait, why is Shaw calling you?"

Damon takes a quick look around the room to make sure no one heard Simone's inquiry. "Keep it down. I'll tell you about it later."

Two days later, Nate is leaving for break. She's going to spend time with her family for the holidays. Simone's going to hang back with Amara for a few days and then head to LA with Keisha after she finishes up some RA shifts. Keisha's going to stay with Simone, but she's meeting Cam's parents and will spend time with them for Christmas. Simone, Nate and Keisha cheers to the ending of the semester with a few shots.

Nate: "I'm gonna miss you guys so much. I love my family, but I am not looking forward to all the holiday drama."

Keisha: "You'll be okay girl. It's only for a few weeks then we'll be right back together and better than ever!"

Nate: "Yeah just a few weeks! I can't believe y'all are going to LA without me this time. We need a do over."

Simone: "Yeah for sure! The idea of going home is actually so weird now that I'm single, but it really helps that I won't be alone once again."

Keisha grabs Simone's hand. "Yeah you know I got your back just in case"

Simone smiles. "Yeah I know!"

Nate checks her phone for the time. "Oh shoot! It's later than I thought it would be. I gotta go y'all."

Keisha: "Okay, I'll walk you out. I actually gotta handle some stuff too."

Nate and Simone hug just before Nate leaves. "Love you!"

Simone: "Love you too!"

Just as Nate and Keisha are on their way out of the room, Damon is stopping by to get his book. Since Simone is a little lit from her few shots, she's in the mood for some fun. She refuses to give Damon his book or let him leave until he tells her what's up with him and Coach Shaw.

Damon sits at the foot of Simone's bed while Simone sits across from him on Nate's bed. "Okay, okay, okay. So basically a few days after our last baseball game, I came to my room, and there was this note from Shaw on my bed. He heard that Jesse is staying on as coach, and basically offered me a spot on his team since Coach Marcus is out indefinitely."

"And you haven't said anything about it because you're considering it?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Well he wouldn't be calling you if you hadn't already called him right?"

"Fine, so I am considering it. I just don't know if I can play under Jesse."

"I get it. You gotta do is best for you."

"Yeah. I'm still trying to figure out what that is... Anyways. You got all your answers. Can I get my book back now?"

"Oh yeah! Ummmm." She says as she stands up trying to figure out where she put it, scratching her head as she pretends to think. "My bad. That José getting to me a little bit."

Damon grabs a throw pillow off her bed and throws it at her. "Yeah, or you're just trying to find another reason to hold me hostage." He chuckles.

Simone chuckles, "Maybe..." Simone goes to swing the pillow back at Damon. He catches it and tugs trying to get it back from her. A combination of his strength and the alcohol make it hard for Simone to tug back thoroughly. She falls onto him while he's still sitting upright on her bed. He catches her. "See I told you," she says while they both laugh. When the laughing stops, they are still facing each other closely. Looking at each other intensely. Taking in each others air. It's like deja vu, except they really have been here before. Simone comes back into awareness jerking back. "Oh I... my bad." Damon is sitting there stunned.

Simone goes to grab his book from a drawer in her desk. "Here you go. I guess I'll see you in a few weeks."

Damon stands, grabbing the book from her. "Yeah. I'll see you around." He wants to reach in for a hug, but the tension between them is so high right now, he knows that he won't be able to let her go. He leaves the room, and Simone shuts the door behind him. She sighs deeply while pressing her back against the door. "WHEW, yeah I need to get out of here ASAP."

Check out Here to Stay by Liza

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