The Exposure

By BattyforDungeonBat

168K 4.5K 2.1K

In this POV story, you're a 19 year-old college student at Hogwarts University and Snape is your professor. (... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three

Chapter Forty-Five

1.9K 52 47
By BattyforDungeonBat

          You're summoned for a meeting with the Headmaster immediately following dinner. When you arrive at her office, you stop in your tracks a moment when you see Angel standing before her desk, turning and watching you with smug eyes. "Miss Y/n. Thank you for coming. I'll get right to it, as I'm sure all three of us have better things to do..."

          McGonagall sits behind her desk and gestures to two chairs across from it for you both to sit. You comply, and once settled she begins, "While there is a no-tolerance policy for violence at Hogwarts..." your eyes lower from her stern gaze, "...there is also a no-tolerance policy for bullying or slander." Angel stiffens in restraint.

          "Miss Baker, while Miss Y/n's actions were...indecorous, yours were also unacceptable. Seeing as how you provoked this entire ordeal by surreptitiously going through Miss Y/n's personal belongings, I would say you're both...even, for lack of a better term. There will be no more recalcitrance from either one of you." Her watchful gaze moves between you, "Do I make myself clear?" she asks firmly.

          "Yes, Headmaster," you reply quietly, but Angel is silent. McGonagall's eyes are bright and piercing as they watch Angel's miffed expression. She finally speaks quickly, her voice shaky with anger, "Headmaster, she deserves to be punished! And do you even know what was in that journal? She wrote all kinds of vile things about Professor Snape and how badly she wants to––"

          "Miss. Baker," McGonagall says in a terrifying voice. "I do not recall asking your opinion about whether we should enforce thought control. Miss Y/n may express in her free time, with her own belongings, whatever she wishes. We do not own her mind, and neither do you. It is none––and I do mean none of your business." Angel's cheeks turn red with barely-reigned rage. "Is. That. Clear?" McGonagall asks firmly but calmly, her eyes almost serpentine with intensity.

          After a moment Angel finally speaks in a quiet voice through clenched teeth. "...yes, Headmaster." You watch the heated exchange, a wave of relief washing over you that you won't be required to leave Hogwarts...or apparently even face disciplinary action. Severus meant what he said when you shared your worry with him of getting expelled, "...I will make sure no such thing happens to you." In spite of the tension in the room, you feel a calm and a warmth wash over you at the thought.

          Angel gives you one last venomous look as you both leave the Headmaster's office, each heading your separate ways to your own rooms.

          That night, you sneak silently from your room, checking every possible angle for prying eyes. When you're satisfied you're not being watched, you climb up to the seventh floor and gaze up at the strange tapestries hanging in the halls. You knew it was across from the tapestry with...dancing trolls? Ah, there it is. Wow. What a scene. You feel the stone wall directly across from the tapestry and think of Severus and the longing in your heart and suddenly the walls vibrate and it opens up to you.

          You enter the room and find it warm and cozy, a fireplace roaring. You notice a large, soft bed in the middle with an unashamed, naked Severus on it, lying on his side luxuriantly. He cocks his brow at you with a smirk and you laugh in disbelief at the sight and saunter over to him, hopping up on the bed and lounging next to him, lying on your back and looking up at him with an adoring smile.

          "Professor, why did you have me meet you here?" He kisses the back of your hand, examining it before explaining in a low tone, "The Room of Requirement perceives great need and provides a space accordingly. It can also conceal us in a way my quarters cannot." He glances at you, "It will only open to us while in our...use. We won't be discovered or interrupted in here," he says with a mischief in his eye and a boyish smirk.

          Your eyes flutter up to his and his dark ones bore into you as he continues in a deep, sultry voice, "It sensed my need..." he leans in closer, his lips gently kissing your jaw, biting it in soft little nibbles up to your ear, where he purrs lowly, "...and as I told you, I simply...must...have you. It would seem that the room agrees." He raises up to look you in the eye, smirks and kisses you softly, closing the distance between your lips.

          "But...what about the Headmaster? Were we not forbidden from "consorting" in the castle?"

           "Minerva actually suggested it, believe it or not. She decided that setting a rule that was near impossible for us to keep only sets us up to fail every time we break it." He looks up thoughtfully for a moment. "And that perhaps giving us certain allowances would cause the least amount of grief all around." 

          He arches his brow after a moment, "She also suggested that the risk of us meeting here was much lower than anywhere else, and I suppose she's quite appreciative of the bludgeoning you're taking on behalf of the school." His gaze falls on you tenderly, his fingers gently stroking your cheek. "Beautiful...inside and out." He taps your nose with his finger. You blush and smile under his warm and kind attention. 

          He suddenly grabs you by your waist and pulls you up and over to lie on top of him, and you squeal at the quick movement. He chuckles and gazes at you, his dark hair spilling around him on the mattress. He pulls you back in for another kiss, this one passionate and sensual. His hands roam up over your sides and slide up your shirt, tickling the skin beneath, sending shivers down your spine.

          Those strong hands begin pulling off your shirt and you sit up, stopping him, "Well, someone's in a hurry!" His mouth falls open in surprise before he speaks, his eyes and voice stern, "Miss Y/n...I am not known for my patience." Your legs straddle him on either side of his body as he lies beneath you. You raise your brow and smirk down at him, "Well, perhaps it's something you ought to work on then."

          Before you know what's happening, you find yourself on your back and Snape is above you, his eyes intense but playful, your wrists pinned down over your head, "In a feisty mood, are we?" He holds both your wrists with one of his hands, and the sudden rush and his display of strength makes you tremble and his sharp eyes catch the movement, a smirk forming on his perfect lips.

          He leans down and kisses you softly, then a bit more deeply. His other hand comes to your hair, his fingers playing with and stroking it gently as he continues kissing you. He glides his hand down to the side of your face, softly brushing and holding it. His large fingers hold your face, his hand moving it according to his bidding. His thumb slides underneath your jaw then up to your chin and pulls down, opening your mouth to deepen his kiss.

          You moan in his mouth and you feel his chest rumble deeply in response. His grip on your face tightens slightly, and your hips begin squirming in excitement. His hand slides down and grasps your throat in a sensual movement, kissing and licking down it and you turn your head to expose more of it to him. His eyes hood and his breathing quickens at your show of submission, the way your body yields to his. His grasp on your neck tightens slightly as he holds you and kisses it slowly, deeply, biting it softly.

          He lifts up to look into your eyes and his dark, ravenous ones bore into them. "I believe...I have been patient enough," he hisses in a low but fervid voice. He releases your wrists and reaches down with that hand, caressing your body the whole way down to your hips and slips his finger beneath the hem of your shirt and lifts it, revealing your soft, bare skin. He slides his hand over your side, following the curve of your waist and coming up to just beneath your breast, holding you there. He looks down at you and his eyes glisten with primal desire, seeming to be aroused by the image of his hand on your neck, his other undressing you. You bite your lip in desire.

          "So lovely..." he drawls, and he seems genuinely captivated by your body, appreciating every curve and every slope. Those eyes flash down to your skirt with a profound hunger. "We won't be needing this either," he says as he unzips it, but before he slides it off of you, his brow arches curiously, his eyes narrowing on yours intently. He traces his fingertips slowly from the inside of your knee all the way up your thigh, under your skirt "But first...let's see how obedient you are..." His fingertips rake lightly up your inner thigh to your center.

          His eyes hood and his lips part when he feels only bare skin underneath, now damp with arousal. "Good girl..." he whispers softly. Your middle pools in response to his praise, your body's pent-up hunger for him suddenly coming into full force, demanding to be satiated. "Always so obedient..."

          His dark eyes scan your body, narrowing in on your bra like it's a nuisance. He leans down and kisses your neck, taking his time with his soft, slow kisses. The kisses intensify with a certain desperation, his teeth nibbling it, and his hands masterfully unfasten your bra and slip it off you before you realize it. He lifts up off you and finally pulls off your skirt.

          He sits back on his heels, his hand slowly dragging down your body from your throat, over your breast, and is eventually joined by the other hand to hold you by your waist. You tremble at the feeling of being exposed beneath his hungry eyes that roam over your naked body.

          He leans in and his arms snake around you, his hands holding you at your lower and upper back. He suddenly lifts you up into his lap and you straddle his kneeling form, your legs bending beneath you. You shiver at the feeling of his forearms coasting across your naked sides and behind your back, your thighs on his, the skin-on-skin contact making you whimper softly.

          He gazes intensely into your wide eyes as he brings your face close to his, resting your foreheads together. One hand moves up into your hair while the other moves to the small of your back. He grasps your hair gently but steadily and pulls your head back, bringing your neck back to his mouth, his hand in your hair guiding you. Your hair spills back and over his hands that hold you tightly. His lips kiss you longingly, desperately, his teeth occasionally nibbling you, harder and harder, as if he's trying to restrain himself from biting you.

          The sensation leaves you breathless and waves of desire crash into your wet center, and you feel it slowly dripping out of you and onto his lap. His teeth grazing your flesh drives you mad, and you want him to sink them into your flesh. You both know you can't risk being seen with a bite mark on your neck...but the temptation is so strong.

          His breath is heavy and hot on your neck, his teeth grazing, his body trembling with restraint, his hand in your hair massaging your all sends chills down your spine. He continues the exhilarating movements, every kiss followed by a little nibble, gradually harder and harder. He kisses up to your jaw then to your mouth and bites your lip. You gasp at the sensation, and he groans deeply in response.

          His lips find your neck again and his hands squeeze your body tightly. You wonder how much self-control he really slide your hand up behind his head and throw your head back, pressing his mouth into it, tempting him to take more than he should. He groans more loudly at the movement. Your arousal seeps out of you and his erect cock rests perfectly against your wet clit. You begin gyrating very subtly, the sensation making you whimper in want.

          When your wet slit rubs against his head, it's all he can take and he shudders aggressively, jerking your hair back and he sinks his teeth into the delicate skin of your neck, making you moan a loud laugh of pleasure. "Oh, Professor...I want badly..." you barely manage to breathe out and his dark, serious eyes blaze into you as he lifts you up by your ass with one hand, gripping his member with the other.

          He hisses, all restraint void from his voice, "Open up for me, my naughty little witch..." and he runs his tip along your slit and gathers your wetness before plunging inside of you. He lowers you down onto him and you choke back loud moans, your hands clasping over your mouth. 

          He roughly rips your hand away from your mouth, an animalistic intensity in his eyes, "Make noise for me, Pet..." and you sob in pleasure, "Ohhh...yes, sir..." and you do, your voice sounding husky and primal in the dark room. The shadows from the fireplace dance on his pale skin, licking him in all the places you want to.

          Your hands grip his shoulders as his own come to your waist, holding you by it, lifting you as you bounce up and down on his cock. Your mouth falls open at the overwhelming sensations flooding your system. He growls deeply as his eyes closely watch you and he leans in, biting you again, his tongue licking the wound. He thrusts faster into you, and even deeper. You feel so close and so, so good.

          "I...have never wanted...anything as I want you..." You moan uninhibitedly between panted breaths, and his eyes narrow on yours, his pupils dilating. He forcefully pulls your mouth in to kiss him then breathlessly releases, continuing his thrusts. His large hand comes to your breast, gripping it roughly, then his thumb brushes over your nipple, making you gasp. He takes it between his finger and thumb in a light pinch and it makes you moan loudly. You feel your insides tightening, your thighs squeezing hard against him. "Oh...I..."

          Severus growls in a deep voice, "Come for me, Y/n...come for Daddy..."

          With that, your eyes open wide and you fall into your bliss, choking out loud, desperate moans and sobs of bliss. He suddenly moves forward and lies you on your back, his arms around your body and squeezing you tightly to himself, thrusting hard into you as you continue to orgasm. 

          His mouth drops open as he comes, and his deep groans are louder than you've ever heard them before and his hand is on your throat, his eyes dark with hunger. His warmth fills your insides, your body shuddering and your hips still buckling. You take a mental image of him like this, so abandoned and unrestrained, the sweat beading his brow.

          Both of you eventually quiet, your loud groans turning into pants, your hearts still pounding against each other's chest. His body covers yours completely, and you feel safe and small and good like this. You feel so spent, and fuller than you've ever felt.

          He supports himself on his forearms on either side of you and for a moment, he just gazes deeply into your eyes, as if they're his favorite part of you altogether. His own hold endless pools of love and desire for you, and you peer into them, losing your footing and falling deeply, knowing there is no way to stop the fall. Your heart is his...only his. Suddenly the tender, earnest look in his eyes become playful, and a smirk appears on his face. "All mine? Do you promise?"

          You blush and reply softly, "All yours, Severus...I promise." He beams down at you and kisses you softly, then says in a gentle voice, "My sweet heart is all yours too." His hand caresses your cheek and his eyes amorously search yours.

          You gaze into each other's eyes a moment before he lifts off you and carries you to a convenient large shower to the left. You throw your head back and laugh. "What's so funny?" he asks with an amused smile. "It's just...I didn't realize how literal the 'requirement' part of this room was. It really does accommodate your needs." He chuckles softly and turns the water on without his hands or wand, adjusting the temperature all while gazing down into your eyes with such tender affection.

          He steps into the large shower with you, bringing your body under the spray. He lowers you down, setting you on your feet so gently, as if you're a fragile porcelain doll. You laugh to yourself when you think of the juxtaposition of his rough fucking to his delicate aftercare. His hands clean your body, lathering you with soap and rinsing you. You feel so loved and taken care of.

          When you're both dried off you ask, "Professor. Are we allowed to...sleep here?" His eyes fall and he replies, "Unfortunately, that could be dangerous in case the room is sought for someone's use. The middle of the night is fine, but say in the morning hours we oversleep a bit, someone needs the room, they come inside and..." You nod in understanding, "I see. Well, I'm grateful for the time we do have together here." You smile warmly at him.

           His brow arches playfully and he steps closer, taking your hands in his and bringing them up to his lips, "That doesn't mean we have to leave immediately..." he says in a quiet voice. "I've got a little surprise for you." He smirks and leads you back to the bed, pulling a small package out from underneath it. He hands it to you as you sit, and he stoops down in front of you, looking up at you.

          Your brows knit together in surprise and confusion and you smile, "Why...thank you, Professor." You open the package and your eyes widen and you laugh in amusement when you pull out a pair of black, lace panties with little emerald green snakes embroidered onto them. "I told you I'd get you a new pair," he smiles tauntingly. "I know you're a Ravenclaw, but you've shown some proclivity toward Slytherin. Sneaking...plotting...thinking on your feet." He smirks at you mischievously. You turn to him with a playful smile, "Is this surprise really for me, or is it for you?"

          He looks at you in mock offense, his hand over his heart, "I resent your accusation..." he smirks, "Can it not be for both of us?" He leans in and kisses you tenderly, as if pouring out all the love in his heart to you in this small, gentle kiss. His eyes search yours when he breaks the kiss and he speaks in a quiet, loving voice, "I...have never loved anything the way that I love you, Y/n." Your breath hitches in your throat at his words and you blush then smile sweetly, "I love you, Severus..."

          He sits on the bed next to you and pulls you up onto his lap and holds you in a tight hug, your warm, naked bodies pressing together, your head resting against his. "I can't wait until the end of term," you say in a quiet, longing voice. He smiles softly to himself.

          "Me neither...just the time of year to plant a little garden, you know." You sit up and look into his eyes, "A garden?" He kisses your nose playfully, "Yes, a garden. If you'd like, I can teach you how to plant, grow, tend and harvest. The herbs we grow can be used to make medicines and potions...and we can experiment right from our home," he smiles, a sparkle of excitement in his eye.

          You smile widely in glee, "Yes, I would love that! I...would love for you to continue teaching me, Professor..." your voice becomes playful, "After all, there's so much I've already learned from you..." Your fingertips begin lightly raking down his bare sides. 

          He smirks and kisses your cheek, then mutters lowly in your ear, "Why, Miss Y/n...if I didn't know any better I would say you were trying to earn a little extra credit." You giggle, "And what if I am?" He grins wolfishly, "I suppose I'd have to give you a chance to impress me."

          Needless to say, you both spend another few hours in the Room of Requirement that night.

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