By LyssahTraicey

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After Hannah's brother dies in prison while on an undercover mission for the FBI she starts exchanging letter... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Twenty Nine

9.1K 477 58
By LyssahTraicey


"If you cry I swear to God I will knock you out." I threaten Julius as he watches me pack up my box.

I've been here for three and a half years so I have accumulated lots of photos and letters especially over the last six months from Hannah.

"Cry? Dude please, I can't wait for you to leave. I've been eyeing your bunk for months." Julius retorts.

I scoff and finish up quickly since its not like I'm packing up a suitcase.

"I'll miss you kid." I say to Julius as I lace up my boots.

I know I'll have to change out of my uniform into some street clothes but I can't as well walk across the prison barefoot and naked.

I see Julius lower lip quiver and I drop the box on the table in time to catch him as he hugs me.

"I'll miss you too. You won't forget me will you?" He cries.

"Are you kidding? There's no way I'm forgetting your annoying self anytime soon. Just be careful in here, remember what I've taught you." I demand.

"I will, not that I'm planning on being here much longer anwyay." He replies.

"Even better but all the same, keep your head down and mouth shut." I remind him.

"Yes boss." He promises.

I wait for Julius to pull away as this hug is more for him than for me. I will miss the kid but I know he will be getting out soon and back to annoying me like always.

"You remember where to find me once you're out and how to get into contact with me?" I ask him.

"Yes I do and even if I didn't I'm a hacker remember, I'd find a way to track you down." Julius grins.

"No more hacking, you need to clean up your act if you're to stay out of here." I remind him.

"Yes boss, I know. It was a joke." He retorts.

I roll my eyes at him and flick his forehead.

"Ow." Julius cries stepping back.

I pick up my box and give the cell I've spent the last three years of my life in one last look. I am definitely not going to miss a single moment of my life in here. The bonds I made and the people I met sure, but not the time.

Sayonara to this hell on earth.

"Be good." I say to Julius.

"Yes sir." He nods jumping onto my bunk bed with a happy grin on his face.

I chuckle as I step out of the cell and Finn is right there ready to escort me out. To avoid causing too much ruckus inmates are usually released at dawn before the rest of the prison gets up.

"No offense but I hope I never see you again Finn." I say to my favorite CO as he helps me through the release process.

"None taken. The feeling is mutual Delgado, stay out of trouble now." Finn requests.

"I will, you have my word on that. Where is Callahan, I was hoping to stick it to him one last time before I leave?" I ask as I sign my release forms.

"You didn't hear?" Finn asks his face turning sour.

"What? Did he get hit by a car or something?" I ask with a chuckle.

Fingers crossed that he died or is wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.

Finn's face gets even more grim and I realize that something bad must have happened. I haven't seen Callahan in a week so I just assumed he was on leave or assigned to another wing.

"What happened Finn?" I insist.

Finn bridges the gap between us to get closer.

That bad huh?

"He was caught sexually assaulting an inmate down in solitary. Been doing it for years." Finn whispers.

My eyes bulge wide in shock because of all things I was not expecting that.


"I know, didn't see that coming did you?" Finn asks.

"I always knew there was something wrong with the guy but not that. What will they do to him now?" I inquire.

I hope he gets the injection or worse the chair. Just because inmates are in solitary doesn't mean they don't have rights. As I think of what almost happened to Julius my blood begins to boil and that was by another inmate. This is a whole fucking CO for crying out loud, someone entrusted with our care. How many lives has he ruined by being a predator? No wonder suicide in solitary has been a common occurrence the last few years. I sure hope he rots in hell.

"He's going to face trial and will probably be sentenced for a very long time." Finn answers.

"I hope they bring him back here. He won't last a week. After what he's put us inmates through, he deserves a taste of his own medicine." I grit out.

I knew karma would catch up to him sooner rather than later. My only regret is that I won't be here to see Callahan get what he deserves. I hope they tear him apart limb by limb or better yet crucify him in the quad after cutting off his gonads. A bit grim but he deserves it.

I was afraid of leaving Julius in here alone under Callahan's protection but hearing that he's gone relieves me a bit. It doesn't mean the kid is safe but I taught him how to protect himself against his fellow inmates so as long as he adheres to my teachings he will be okay.

I am handed back all the things I came in with which isn't much, a silver watch, belt, some cash and my original clothes. All the money I made over the years working here in prison has been put in a card. It's not much compared to the money I have waiting for me outside but it's the first honest money I've ever made in my life and I am going to treasure it.

"Thank you for making my stay here at FCI just a bit more bearable especially over the last couple of months." I say to Finn as he walks me out.

Finn did a lot for me especially in matters related to Hannah, putting his own job at risk showing how honorable he is.

"You're one of the good ones Delgado. Keep it that way so you can look after your brother and your girl." Finn replies.

"I will." I assure him.

"Good, maybe I can get an invite to the wedding." He suggests with a smile.

"Definitely." I grin at him even though my girl and I agreed on a court wedding.

He can be there for the reception.

I am not the only one getting released so once the six of us are done being processed, we are ushered into the prison bus that will drop us all off at our different locations.

As we drive out of FCI I can't help but think how much that place has changed my life over the last couple of years. It's been hell but at least I got one thing out of it, Hannah, my girl, the love of my life. Julius counts as well since the kid has grown on me and I love him but Hannah is my biggest accomplishment.

And to think it all started before I was even an inmate here. I've never been a big believer in fate until I sat back and realized that my whole life has been interconnected for one thing lead to another. My parents immigrating here from Cuba with the hopes of a better life led to my father joining La Lobo to make a living. I joined the gang to survive after he died to give Diego a better life which led to Diego being stupid and stealing my drugs. I had to give myself up for him and then I met Darius my arresting officer who later became my cellie. Darius brought Hannah into my life and I am going to wife that woman. She's my future and I will be damned if I let her go. Fate, destiny or whatever you call it, she's my everything.

She has no idea I'm getting out today that's why I'm planning on surprising her. I already know her schedule by heart so I know that she's on a shift right now and will be at the hospital all day. I'll time everything so perfectly that when she walks out of Westview after her shift I will be right there waiting for her.

The drive home shows me that Phoenix hasn't changed much but then again its only been three and a half years. I am excited to be out and free in the city I love and call home.

I am dropped off in front of the apartment building Diego and I lived in. I instructed Diego to keep paying rent so he would always have a place to come back to while on break from school but he didn't know it's so that I would have a place to come back to upon my release. The rent is reasonable enough and its an amazing place. I see two cars covered at the end of the parking lot and on closer inspection it's my truck and Diego's car. He didn't feel confident taking it with him to Rhode island until he got a proper feel of the place.

I carry my box of meager belongings up the stairs and to the second floor. I find the emergency key Diego and I keep hidden under the fire extinguisher by the door and let myself into the house.


Nothing has changed. There's still a dent on the wall in the entry hall where Diego crashed trying out his hooverboard for the first time. There's paint handprints on the floor from when Diego and I repainted the house two years after we moved in. It was our mark on the house.

All these small things are a reminder that I am back home and free where I need to be. I would have loved for Diego to be here but I plan on seeing him soon so we can begin making up for the all the years I have missed.

I take off my jacket and kick off my shoes hanging it in the coat closest walking further into the house. Diego even covered up the furniture believing he wouldn't be back for a while which was thoughtful of him. But now I am here and ready to take charge of the new chance granted to me by Darius, the parole board and Governors office.

The fridge is empty except for bottle of water meaning I need to go shopping later. There's so much to do around the house and since I don't intend to see Hannah till later I decide to work on getting the house back to habitable conditions since I'll be living in here again now. It feels strange to be here, back in the real world after being incarcerated for so long but I know I'll be quick to adjust. If I am to have a normal life from now on, I need to be.

My bedroom is exactly as I left it but with all the extra muscle I've put on while in prison I'll probably need a new wardrobe. I find a tank top and put a load through laundry since all my clothes smell like mold and dead moths. I need something fresh to wear when I see Hannah later.

I begin cleaning up, uncovering all the furniture and dusting up the place. I'm so used to working hard in kitchen that this doesn't feel like work to me.

I am taking out the trash near the parking lot when someone drives in and parks next to Diego's car. I don't bother checking to see who it is until I hear my name being called out.

"Santiago is that you?"

I turn around to find our friendly neighborhood widowed cat lady.

"Mrs. Bates."

She has lived in the building just as long as Diego and I have and she is the sweetest old lady I know. She was always feeding Diego and I and didn't care that I was in a gang. Always said, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive just don't get caught. Unfortunately for me I did get caught but I'm out now and ready to begin again. I always liked her for minding her own business and not being judgemental.

"It is you. Always so formal and sweet. When did you get out?" She asks.

"Today." I reply.

"Oh wow, welcome back. We have missed your handsome face around here." She smiles patting my arm.

"Thank you."

"Diego was so awfully lonely with you gone but I made sure to keep him out of trouble and fed." Mrs. Bates informs me.

"Diego told me all about it. Thank you Mrs. Bates. You're so kind." I praise.

"It was my pleasure, you're good boys. It's sad what happened to you but you're out now. I hope you keep out of trouble this time." She demands giving me one of her most scolding looks.

"I will." I assure her.

"Good, I'm going to make some brownies, make sure to come by for some later." She invites.

"I look forward to it." I nod knowing I might not be here later but I leave that part out.

I see her struggle to get shopping bags out of the back seat so I offer my help.

"Here let me help you with that."

I take the bags from her and hold out my arm to help her walk up the stairs.

"So sweet, thank you my dear boy."

She fills me on all the gossip I've missed and by the time we get her to her house, I already know that Tina and Ricardo, our long time neighbors had a messy divorce and Mr. Alderman, Mrs. Bates long time crush moved into an elderly care facility. Mrs. Bates refuses to let her children stash her away to die and declares that she will be carried out of here in an ambulance.

I order some take out and get back to my cleaning until its time for me to take a shower and leave to meet my girl. I didn't want to disturb her while on shift and I've already waited this long, a couple of hours didn't kill me.

I put on a pair of jeans that don't fit too snuggly, all my t-shirts have shrunk so I don't have a choice there and one of my nicer black jackets.

I take Diego's car since I have no idea the state of my truck being that she's so old and head for the hospital. I stop by a florist to get my girl a bouquet of sunflowers knowing how much she loves them. I wouldn't want to turn up empty handed.

When I park infront of the hospital, I am more nervous than I thought I would be so I take a moment to calm myself down before I face Hannah. I have no idea why I feel like this, seeing Hannah out here in the free world is all I've been looking forward to for months. Now it's here and I have more butterflies in my stomach than in the damn zoo.

"You look familiar." Someone comments making me look up.

The woman gasps and it takes me about two seconds to connect the dots.

"Tear drop tattoo, built like a lumberjack, carrying flowers, Santiago, we finally meet."

"Good afternoon Jada."

I have no idea Jada's opinion of me so I have to be very careful of what I say or how I act around her. I know Hannah cares about her friends opinions so I have to make a good first impression with her best friend.

"You're here. When did you get out?" She asks.

"Earlier this morning." I answer.

"And you didn't come straight here?" She challenges.

She's trying to find a fault in me but I will not give her the satisfaction.

"I didn't want to bother Hannah in the middle of her shift. I want uninterrupted time with her." I explain.

"That makes sense." Jada hums in acceptance.

"Congratulations on the wedding. I hear the ceremony was beautiful." I comment.

"Thank you and it was. I married my best friend and I couldn't be happier." She replies and I can see the sparks in her eyes as she talks about Tom.

I want Hannah to be that happy and excited when she tells people about me.

"I was supposed to give Hannah a ride home, we had dinner yesterday before our shift so she didn't drive but since you're here can you make sure she gets home safe. You did drive here right?" Jada asks.

"Yes I did and it'll be an honor." I reply.

"Good, she'll be very happy to see you." Jada assures me.

"I can't wait to see her as well." I nod unable to keep the excitement in check.

"I'll leave you to it. I'll be seeing you around Santiago."

"You too Jada, get home safe."

She walks towards her car but stops at the last moment and turns around to face me.

"Oh and Santiago ..."

"Yes doctor."

Here comes the threat.

"If you hurt my best friend, remember that I am a doctor with access to the some of the deadliest most undetectable poisons known to man and my husband is an FBI agent. We will kill you and bury your body in the desert without trace."

She does not disappoint.

"Yes ma'am, I'll keep that in mind."

I have no intention of hurting Hannah, all I want to do is love her and make her happy but Jada wouldn't be her best friend if I didn't at least get a threat.

"Good, see you around." Jada waves getting into her car.

She's gone a minute later leaving me to my pacing once again. Why am I so nervous?

I feel her immediately she walks out of the automatic doors five minutes later. I look up to find her looking around, probably for Jada's car and she looks even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. She's in magenta scrubs with her ID badge hanging around her neck, her bag in hand. She's so gorgeous and all mine.

I wait for her eyes to find me and her reaction doesn't disappoint.

"Cesar?" She chokes out in surprise.

"Hi mami." I wave shyly with my free hand since I have the sunflowers in my other hand.

"Cesar!!" She screams excitedly.

A second later she covers the distance between us and jumps into my arms. I easily catch her and hold her tight against my body hoping I'm not crushing her flowers. She smells fruity and sweet just like I remember, her curves fitting into my body perfectly. I love that she is shorter than me and oh so curvy. She's perfect and finally in my arms where she belongs. I am never letting her go ever again.


I can't believe it has taken us 29 chapters for us to get here but then against it wouldn't be an inmate romance story if he was released in Chapter 10.

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