random one shots

By dawnsonn

346 1 0

hi, this is my new one shot and it's random people so I hope y'all like it !! More

poem, wilbur soot
safe house, leo dicaprio
safe house (2)
concert, wilbur soot
can i get a kiss? hank lecker
deal, brian o conner
coffee and qualifying, oscar piastri
you're alone? , indiana jones
race, brian o conner
race (p2)

can i get a kiss? (p2)

15 0 0
By dawnsonn

hank pov

they put me into a really complete silence room with cuff around my hands. all I think is y/n right now. the way she saved me and charlie. she is one of the most caring person I ever met in my life.

and I just can't believe mom said that to me. I dont accept the faith that dad is hurting me when I was 4. I just want a dad. the love from a dad.

I saw mom and charlie outside the room and I went to the window and knocked it. she looks terrified and not pretty worried about me.

after some time of procedures of putting me into the mental hospital, mom decided to live in church for some time since there's no place they could live in. I got strapped and I don't know what to do here. it's so crazy. I'm crazy the place asshole and it's more crazy than before.

"hank. your mom's here to visit you." I look at the nurse and she helped me to walk outside of this cage. when I met my mother, I don't have any excited feelings of meeting her. "oh, Hank." yeah, tryna give some LOVE to me

we sat down and stares each other face. "why did you burned the house, hank?" I keep silence. she kept smoking and blew the smoke to me. "fine, if you don't wanna talk about it, it's literally fine."

she tryna walk away and I called her. "mom." she looks back. "im sorry for burning the house." she doesn't give any emphaty look and just walks away with her cigarettes.

I went inside. "hey, nurse. um, could you call someone for me?" "yea sure. you have a number?" I rethinking again. "well, it's fine. thank you." she then walks out.

my hands get cuffed beside the bed and I kept thinking about y/n. I just missed her now. so much. I want her comfort. right now. I suddenly felt a tears stream down. "oh fuck my tears." I wiped.

some chicken left for me. "she knows me too well." then, I saw a notepad on the side table.

I pick it up and read it.

"hank, I love you so much. there's some surprise for you in 0800."

oh my. holy fuck. is this true? she loves me? someone loves me now? wow, I am speechless. "she loves me.."

on 0800 pm, she's arrived. "hi Hank, I'm here." I'm always happy when seeing her. "are you still hungry?" I shakes head. "nope. you left the chickens so I ate em." she nodded.

"whats the surprise?" she looks confused. "what surprised?" I showed him the notepad. "oh, this.." she chuckles and look at me. "well, hank, I wanna tell you the truth actually." Im ready to hear what she said.

"i actually love you Hank. for whole of my heart. I love you so much." my eyes teary. am I hearing this right? "you didn't lie right when you said you love me?" I sob and I try to hide my tears.

"ofc I'm not lying to you. oh, my poor hank." I reached out for her and cried on her shoulder. "i know your sensitive about this part, Hank. but I'm promise to you, I love you from the bottom of my heart. I love you truly. oh, stop crying, you made me wanna cry right now."

I can't keep myself and just keep crying. she pat me softly and comfort me slowly. after 10 minutes of crying, I look at her. "nobody ever said that they loved me in 13 years." this made her cried.

"oh, hank." she hugs me back and cried on me. she wipes her tears quickly and gave me a letter. "whats this?" "a letter. for you. but, you need to open this after I left. you cannot open it here."

"but why?" she rolls her eyes. "just don't. I'll be fucking embarrassed tho." we laugh. and starts that, we spend our time together in romantic way. I starts my first move to kiss her on the lips and she smiles widely.

"you're a good kisser, Hank." I tug her hair. "well, just for you, honey." it's been so much fun for me. it's like a dream come true. I don't care about mom anymore. if she wants me, she should visits me.

after those hours of chatting, y/n has to go back home. "remember Hank, I always love you. 24/7." she caressed my cheeks and we kiss each other again.

"see you tommorow, Hank. I love you." she said and went away. I love her and she loves me back. oh, dream so came true. I open the letter that she gave me. I open it cautiously.

it's so long. it's a love letter.

dearest hank,

hello to my dear loved boy, being with you is the most incredible thing that has happened in my entire life. I never realized how fortunate and happy when I'm around you. the thoughts of staying by your side comforts me and proffers a whole new thing to me.

the sound of your voice is so soothing and a music to my ears. a really soothing and calmly your voice is, makes me calm down and everything turned to be just fine and amazing. everytime I look into your blue eyes, I keep falling for you. Zi kept fall in love with you every single time.

your beautiful radiant smiles scatters away my anxiety and fears. no words could express how much I love you, hank lacker. and yes, I am blessed to be met with you this year because it really changed me a lot. you have given a new meaning to my life, and I could not imagine if I lived without you.

loving you was the most classic thing that I ever occured to me. you have a really special place in my heart that others men don't, and no one could ever replace you. I will love you always, anytime and everytime. I wi always cherish you, love.

love, y/n.

holy mother of god. my tears dropped on this letter. I'll keep this letter til I die. fuck, I love her so much. all the words she expressed it in one letter. I got it all.

I want to meet her and kiss her passionately and shows her how much I love her. truly love her. "y/n, I want you now."

your pov

I've been helping my mom since this evening. "so, y/n. how's Hank?" my dad asked. "oh, he's going so good these days, dad. and I heard the doctor said that he'll get out in 2 weeks." he smiles. "thats good to hear that."

after that, the door bells ring. I opened it and it shows Mrs Lee. "oh, hi mrs lee. can I help you?" my mom surprised because she came to our house for no absolute reason. "oh lee, you want to come in?" she shakes her head.

"no thanks, can I just have a little private talk with your daughter?" mom agreed and we talked outside. I closed the door. "mrs lee, what happened? am I doing something wrong?" she smiles.

"no sweetheart, you are not. I just wanna asked, do you love Hank?" my cheeks already burning. his own mother asked me this question. "im afraid to telling the truth. but, yeah, I am." I hide my red face.

"aw, don't be afraid, I won't mad at you. well, did he make any trouble few days ago?" I shakes my head. "nope, he's super duper good and behaved. the doctor said he will get out in about 2 weeks." she smiles.

"thats great. if you love him so much, can you make a promise with me?" I look into her eyes. she holds my hand tightly. "can you take care of him carefully?" shit. "mrs lee. I'll take care of him like how you take care of him, mrs lee. I'll always taking care and loving him as much as I can." she smiles widely and hugs me.

"thank you, y/n, thank you. I appreciate all your efforts." we broke hug. "i really hope Hank doesn't break your heart." the next day, I went to the hospital again to visit him. when I went inside the building, the doctor stopped me. "looking for Hank?" I nodded.

"hes at the backyard. waiting for you." how does he know?? I nodded and went to the backyard. when we were face to face and eye contact for a minute, he smiles widely and we ran to each other for a hug. "hank!!" it was so nice to see him outside of the hospital.

"your out?!" he hugs me tightly and so comfort. "yeah, I'm out now!! I'm free!!" we look each other in the eyes again. "i got your letter." he showed me the letter I sent him. "so, how was it?" he grab me into my waist and staring inside my eyes.

"y/n, you are the most lovable and beautiful person I ever met in my entire life." my cheeks already burning. "i love you so much, y/n." he really truly said that. he's more closer to me and we kissed.

WE FUCKING KISSED AT THE BACKYARD OF HE HOSPITAL. then, we broke the kiss and look into each other eyes. "i'll never let you go, y/n. I'll always be by your side. anytime and everytime." I smiles and we hug again.

"oh, how I love you, hank." he giggles. "do you wanna meet my parents?" he nodded excitingly. and so, we went back home using public transportation. as soon as we arrived at my home. mom already saw us. "hank?" I smiles and wave at her. "mom, Hank's here."

Hank green her and went inside. "dad, Hank's here." he just finished showered. "oh, hi hank." he gives him a hug. "hi, nice to meet you, mr russell." then, my dad started a conversation with him for a really long time. while me, having a little gossip of me about Hank kissed me.

"mom, you know what, Hank kissed me!!" she's shocked. "omg, y/n, really? he kissed you?" I nodded. "what is his reaction while kissing you?" "his reaction while kissing me are so cute and adorable. I feel the comfort when he kissed me, mom. oh, how I love so much that man." my mom pat me.

"hes the man."

after dad have a conversation with him, I took him to my bedroom. "so, this is my room." he look around and then look at me. "what?" he smirked and push me to the bed and kissed me. "hank, my parents downstairs!!" he laughed.

"just a little kiss, y/n." he kiss me softly.

third people pov

Mr and Mrs russell went upstairs and sneak to look inside y/n's room and they literally shocked. "honey, they kissed?!" Mr Russell said. "shh, slow down, babe." after that, they went down stairs back to respect their privacy.

"oh, I love you terribly much, y/n." he let the tension go and crouch down. "well, I love you more, Hank lacker." they can't take their eyes of each other. "i love your eyes." y/n compliment him and it makes him shy.

"i love yours as well too." they smiled. "youre so beautiful. your blonde hair and those blue ocean eyes." y/n caress his cheek and he gave a short kiss but soft to y/n. ".. y/n.." "hm?"

"can I get a kiss?" y/n smiled and hold his face to give him a really soft and comfort kiss. he closed his eyes and enjoy that moment. y/n still caress and hold his face and adores him.

y/n caress his blonde hair and take him to cuddles.

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