Not So Dead Mari || Omori au

By RoseEryna

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The long black haired girl in a white nightgown stares at her dead asleep brother, all he does is sleep. He n... More

Chapter 0; prologue
Chapter 1; Mewo!
Chapter 2; my little brother, Sunny!
Chapter 3; My hobbies!
Chapter 4; my brother is really lazy!
Chapter 5; An unexpected visit!
Chapter 7; I'm not dead.
Chapter 8; I don't like being a ghost.
Chapter 9; I had a nightmare.
Chapter 10; Where is Mewo.

Chapter 6; My old friends!

821 12 28
By RoseEryna

The sounds of birds chirping from those cables on those telephone lines, the bright ray of  sunshine from the yellow sun, the green grass.. Mari can't stop herself from smily like a goofy little idiot.

She's out! She's never been out for a long time! So has Mewo.. and Sunny! Oh, he must be so happy right now! Wonder what he's thinking? Mari thinks to herself, as she stares at her little brother, who is walking beside Kel. Sunny seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, as he leads Kel (surprisingly) to somewhere, That reminds her- she still doesn't know where their going!

She really does want to know, is it somewhere she knows? Well, Sunny seems to know the way so it's.. quite obvious she should know too.. so maybe she'll look around and try to guess where they're heading. "Kinda.. kinda like a guessing game!" Mari mumbles to herself as Mewo looks up to her from her arms. "What like a guessing game?" It asks, confusion written on its face.

Mari looks up and notices that Sunny and Kel had taken a corner, so she follows them too, making sure she stood behind them.. yknow, to not lose them. She looks back at Mewo, who is still waiting for an answer. "Oh well, I'm trying to guess where we're going- I'm gonna make it a game, wanna play too, Mewo?" Mari asks the black cat in her arms, Mewo stays silent for a while before shaking it's head.

"You know I don't go out often either, I don't think I'd remember" Mewo states, looking around. In front of them, stood the infamous Faraway Park! In all its glory! Just seeing it floods Mari with a lot of memories, fun and happy times she'd have with her brother and friends.. were they heading there perhaps?

"Heading to the park?" Mari guesses, walking faster than earlier to get ahead of Kel and Sunny. She takes a good look at their faces, Kel quietly points at the park, making Sunny notice. He nods in response as they take a right and continue their way. Mari stops, as she makes her way back behind them, "okay.. not the park" Mari mumbles, as she continues walking behind them. She's still quite excited over where they'd be going!

They enter the town plaza, which was a few minute walk from the park. The red OtherMart sign at the top of the building gives Mari so much nostalgia, she'd come here often to get groceries or just hang out with the group. They'd buy pizza at Gino's, or would go to.. "Hobbeez!" Mari exclaims loudly, startling the poor cat in her arms, as she watches Kel and Sunny walk in.

She opens the door, she didn't really but just phased through it. She obviously wasn't used to phasing though doors other than the ones at home.. who knows if one day, these weird effects would run out and she'd slam face first into the door. She'd probably laugh and go something like.. 'old habits die hard hehe'

She snaps out of her thoughts as she starts hearing some cool non familiar funky music, they must've switched the old music after a bit.. she didn't mind though, this new music is a bop! The three of them walk into a medium sized shop that sells lots of stuff! She can't remember what, but from the looks of it- games, figurines, books, this was Sunny's favourite shop. She'd always visit here with Sunny when they passed by, he'd always go to the comic book section first..

Sunny seemed to be just in awe as Mari was, until Kel snapped him out of it with his big exclaims. "Well! Here we are at Hobbeez! It's probably been a while since you came here, but nothing really has changed much!" Kel states, as he points to various shelves and naming the things on them.

"Captain Spaceboy games, Sweetheart movies, a few pet rocks.." Kel lists, "..except their all vintage!" This startles Mari a bit, before giggling. She didn't expect it, but for some reason the way he paused was quite funny. Mewo, who was now on the floor ever since Mari legit dropped it in shock upon entering sat there, watching its owner giggle at something stupid.

Kel thinks for a bit, as Sunny moves his head around, taking in the new and nostalgic environment. "Actually.. since we're here, I should probably get a gift for Hero.." The mention of Hero stopped Mari's giggling. Sunny also stops looking around, facing Kel once again. Kel puts his hands on his hips, "He's in college right now, but he SHOULD be back sometime tommorow!" He explains. Hero's in college? Time sure flies huh? Mari thinks to herself, since he's in college.. then that means.. she must be in college too! Oh, she must've missed a lot from the fact she never came to school after 15.. Hero must've missed her, how she wished she could be with him right now- learning and boring stuff like that.

(Probably won't be boring with Hero though but eh ehebhehe) Mari giggles again, this time in a way that concerns Mewo. "-maybe I should buy him.. some medicine..?" hm..? Mari face palms, she should really start paying more attention- If Kel said he needs medicine.. then- Hero must be sick! Oh dear! Poor Hero.. there's an awkward silence between Sunny and Kel, giving Mari enough time to hope that Hero feels better soon.

"No that's a terrible idea" the hell??. Mari stares at him in utter confusion, is he not sick? "I know! You should pick the gift, Sunny!" Kel suddenly exclaims, putting his hand on Sunny's shoulder. Yeah! Yeah.. Mari stands in front of him, startling Sunny a bit.. he wasn't expecting 'it' to be here.. too.. but he's gotten used to it, so he doesn't show any sign of shock.. or acknowledgement.

"Sunny, let's go to a pharmacy and get Hero some medicine." Mari says, in worry for Hero. For Hero, she must get those medicines for him at once! Even if she doesn't know what he's sick with!!


Sunny has been staring at some game release  poster for three minutes now.. maybe he has gone brain-dead. Mari however, like a good sister she is, does not notice this and is just focusing on Kel. "Despite how tall he is.. he still looks the same as he did then!" Mari giggles to herself, Kel was looking around, probably trying to find something for Hero. He must've given up, Mari guesses from the face Kel makes. "So um Sunny, what do you think we should get Hero? A CD or something..? They could be selling classical music here for all we know" Kel asks, looking at Sunny.

Mari looks at Sunny too, he seems very indulged in his thoughts. "..Hello? Sunny? You there??" Kel asks, waving his hand in front of Sunny's face. The silence between them is interrupted by the sound of something light hitting the floor. "Woah! A CD fell from behind the poster.. weird.." Kel mumbles, picking up the CD and showing it to Sunny, who has came back down to Earth. It didn't really have a name or picture on it, it's just blank.

"Someone must've hid it behind here.. that does.. kinda mean we can take it.. right?" Kel asks, Mari stares at this. "Well- no we shouldn't do that guys.. we should at least ask the cashier behind the-" Kel hands Sunny the CD as Sunny puts it inside his pocket.. somehow. Oh no. They have become thieves.

Mari panics for a bit before realising that the cashier didn't seem to give a crap despite watching the entire event happen.


Sunny and Kel has been walking around for like-- 7 minutes now, trying to find some gift for Hero. But they act as if they don't even know him at all!! Poor Mari stands against a random bookshelf at the back of the store, waiting for something cool or interesting to happen. Her eyes wander from Sunny and Kel, to Mewo on the floor, to the books on the bookshelf. There are some light novels, some books about business, some magazines.. nothing that interests Mari. Well, this IS the adult section.

Her eyes falls on one hard book cover, she turns her head to read the title from its spine.
What a mouthful, but Papa Chip is a really cute name tbh. Just looking at the cookbook reminds her of Hero, how his goal was to be a chef when they grew up hah.. she loved cooking with him.

From the cd rack in the middle of the room, Sunny notices Something looking at a bookshelf. He is interested, but also a bit worried over walking towards it. But he musters up the courage anyways, and walk towards the bookshelf, Something moves behind him upon noticing Sunny. How weird, is all Sunny thinks as he looks at what made Something so interested. Some cookbook..

He pulls it out of the shelf to take a closer look, as Kel suddenly jumpscares him from behind. Sunny shows the book at Kel, he stares at it, mumbling something under his breath. "This.. yes.. THIS IS PERFECT!" Kel exclaims, slightly grabbing the book to his view. "PAPA CHIP'S CHIP OF THE OLD BLOCK COOKBOOK! Wow.. what a mouthful" Kel says, taking his breath as Mari nods in agreement.

"Hero used to have a copy of this when we were kids, but our dog, Hector, got to it first and destroyed it haha" Kel explains, "He's going to be very happy when he sees this.." the thought of a smiling Hero fills Mari's head, as she smiles stupidly in the corner. "But NOW. WE must ask the most important question.. how much.. is the price..?" Kel asks Sunny, as he slowly turns the book around showing the price tag at the corner of the book.

"20 DOLLARS?!? THIS IS EXTORTION!!" Kel exclaims, startling both Mari and Sunny. "20 dollars?? Who makes these prices??" Mari asks herself as she head towards the two to look at the book's price herself. "Oh- shoot, I left my wallet at home.. erm.. can you spot me, Sunny?  I'll pay you back! I promise!" Kel exclaims, after checking deeply into his left and right pockets, only lint leaving them both. Sunny nods as a good friend he is, as the two of them head to the cashier to pay up.

The sudden sound startles Mari, it came from below her.. Mewo! Oh dear Mewo, Mari left it on the floor this entire time! The poor thing.. "Sorry Mewo! I got excited.." Mari apologies, as she picks up Mewo from its back and holds it as if it were a baby.


"So Sunny.. what to do now? Guess there's really not that much to do around the suburbs, huh?" Kel asks, upon leaving the shop. Mari's back to sniffing the warm air as usual, as Mewo looks at its other owner, Sunny. "Oh yeah! How about Faraway Park? Yeah! The park!" Kel exclaims once again, running across Sunny, towards the parking lot. "We passed by it on the way here.. sounds fun doesn't it?" Kel asks, as Sunny starts leading the way again.

Mari follows the two of them from behind, still holding Mewo in her arms. She looks at her little cat, "Where we going?" She makes a dumb smily face while asking the question, "Faraway Park, that park we passed by earlier.." Mewo replies, hearing their next destination fills Mari with excitement. Oh how excited she was!

"Wait! Don't go.. please.."
"Sorry dude, you're all on your own with this one"

Mari, Sunny and Kel have just arrived in Faraway Park and overhears a conversation between a blond boy and a brunette girl with glasses. None Mari recognises.. that is.. IF SHE WERE LYING HAHA, "That boy looks like Basil don't you think?" Mari asks Mewo, looking at the boy who seems to be on the verge of tears. "That boy who likes gardening?" Mewo asks, as Mari nods in reply. "Well I guess it does.. he even has the flower in his hair" Mewo continues, "wonder what's going on though.."

"This ain't none of my business. If you got business with her, talk to her yourself, you creep!" The brunette says, turning her back away from the boy. "Please.. just ask her to give it back.. she won't listen to me.. she never does.." the boy continues, all sad and sappy.

"Wait.. is that..?" Kel mumbles, as he squints his eyes. "No way.. That's BASIL! get away from him you bully!" Kel shouts, as he runs up to the two of them. Sunny and Mari stays behind in shock, that is Basil! So that girl must be a bully... She feels herself frowning.

"Huh? Who's- oh. It's just Kel.. grumble.." The girl mumbles under her breath, "mind your own business man.." "well- why don't you go bother someone else, Kim??" Kel asks, a bad aura is forming around the two of them.. oh dear, this isn't good. Mari looks at Sunny in concern, he seems perfectly un-phased.

"Psh, now aren't you acting all high and mighty? You don't make the rules around here!" Kim argues back, Kel grits his teeth at this..

"WHAT'S GOING ON OVER HERE??" A sudden voice yells, scaring Mari and the other two. Five other people comes towards Kel and Basil, all on bikes except one. The one with pink hair and cyan bow rides a scooter. Mari admits, the pink hair looks cute on her but it's the fact they all look like hooligans that concern her. "Maybe Kel shouldn't have bothered that 'Kim' person.." Mari mumbles at both Mewo and Sunny, as if Sunny could hear her.

They all get off their bikes (and scooter), and groups beside Kim, all of them wearing scary faces.. the pink haired girl pulls out a bat and hangs it over her shoulder.. what a scary little girl..

"Oh hey Aubrey, this nerd Kel just shows up and thinks he could boss me around! Let's show him what's what!" Kim explains, pulling out a little smirk at the end. Aubrey? There obviously must be two Aubrey's.. this can't be..

"What do you want, Kel?" The girl ask in a very dry voice, her blue eyes staring right into Kel. "That can't be Aubrey, why would she hang out with those.. hooligans?" Mari mumbles, she feels a bit guilty for some reason. "Stop messing with Basil! We all used to be friends.. don't you remember? Tell them, Sunny!" Kel asks, looking towards Sunny. All eyes turns to him, as even Mari gets uncomfortable by the eyes..

Sunny stares back towards them, as he walks forward quietly. Mari follows from behind, hugging Mewo tight. These kids are very tall for their age.. how old are they? Sunny turns 16 this year, and he shares the same age with Kel and Aubrey.. so they all must be 16 to 15 right?.. they make her feel so small-

Aubrey's eyes him with disbelief, "oh.. it really is you.."  Aubrey mumbles, as Mari waves to her using Mewo's paw. "It's been a long time since I've seen you.. but you still haven't changed huh?" Aubrey tilts her head, as she puts her bat down to the grassy ground. "How long have you been in your house? Three years? Hah.. it must've been fun.. living inside that dumb little bubble of yours" Aubrey mumbles, cracking a little smirk on her face.

A little gap is formed between Mari's lips, in an offended and devastated way- as Kel looks quite upset at this. "Watch it Aubrey! We don't know what he has been through!" Kel yells, as Aubrey rolls her eyes in response. Mari looks at Sunny to comfort, but Sunny's face hasn't changed. He still stares at Aubrey with his blank face.. didn't he used to have a crush on Aubrey? At one point..

"Aubrey!" A small raspy voice comes from behind Aubrey, as a blond haired boy appears from behind her. "Please.. please listen to me-" The Kim girl suddenly shoves him to the ground out of nowhere, "H-hey! Stop that!!" Kel yells angrily, walking towards them before being slightly shoved by Aubrey. "Leave it alone Kel.. this isn't YOUR problem" IT IS!! what had happened while she and Sunny were gone??

Why- what happened to Aubrey..? She looks at Sunny for answers but all she gets are those emotionless eyes back. "What the heck is wrong with you guys- ugh.. Sunny! Come on! We gotta do something.." Kel calls, practically almost jumping out of anger. Mari slightly exchanges glances with Sunny, as he starts to look uncomfortable.

"Starting a fight are we?" Aubrey asks, as she pulls out her bat, pointing it straight towards Kel's chest. "Sure, why not? The two of you against me! How does that sound?!" Ohno..


The hooligans start forming a circle around the three of them, as Mari backs out to watch from the sidelines. Oh no.. oh god, this wasn't what she was expecting.. Aubrey swings her bat, as she tries to hit Kel- leaving Sunny with nothing to do but to stare. He has his right hand in his pocket, he seems to be gripping on something.. but looks unsure. Sunny should run! Mari should try to stop them from fighting! As the oldest here.. that's what she should do!

She tries walking towards them, with worry and focus on her face- when suddenly,


Aubrey yells, as she holds her arm in pain. Her knees hit the ground, as everybody stops chanting her name. Kim is the first one out the circle, as she gets on the same eye view as Aubrey. "Oh shoot Aubrey- are you okay?!?" The other hooligans run up towards her, Aubrey slightly lifts her other hand, revealing blood. Quite.. haha.. quite a lot actually..

This unsettles Mari.. she looks away as she continues to listen to their conversation, "I'm fine.." Aubrey mumbles, "no, you are not! You're bleeding! Come on, we gotta get that fixed!" Kim complains, as Aubrey clicks her tongue, before staring at the both of them. Sunny and Kel.

"I'll get you back for this.."

All of them leave on their bikes (and scooter), as they all send glances towards the two of them, very mad glances. They weren't even targeted to her but she felt that at a personal level. "Poor Aubrey.. Poor Basil.. Poor Kel.. Sunny.. ugh, why couldn't I do something??" Mari complains, covering her face with Mewo. "None of that would've happened if I stopped it.. somehow!"

Mewo stares at her quietly, "you know you couldn't, you're dead Mari" the way Mewo says it, stops Mari's hopeless complaining. She holds Mewo down to her eye level..

"HAHAH! Thanks for lighting the mood, Mewo!" Mari laughs, petting the cats un-phased face. "You're always the best to talk to.. and the only one to talk to hehe"

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