Twins: A Different Life From...

By Emmerypian

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Voldemort attacks on Halloween while James and Regulus are out, Mary and Lily are watching the girls, Estrell... More

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Chp. 7

418 11 1
By Emmerypian

Ella woke up at 6:30, why? Leo and Lucas woke her up through the chat. After cussing them out for five minutes and them just laughing about it she decided to try to fall back asleep. That didn't work so she chose to get dressed instead. First she took a shower, brushed her teeth, and chose her outfit, jean shorts, a black shirt, and a black and white flannel with black converses.

After she was done she headed downstairs. Venom was still sleeping so she left her on her pillow. She didn't normally make herself breakfast, but she could make a few things from her time with Petunia. She pulled out a pan and the materials needed to make pancakes, trying her best to be quiet. It now was around 7:00 a.m. but James, Regulus, and Jaya seemed to still be asleep. Ella didn't blame them.

She started whisking the dry ingredients first, then melted butter in a separate pot, then she whisked all the wet ingredients. As the final step she mixed the wet and dry mixtures together. She used a spoon to dump amounts of batter in the pan.

When she was on the third one James walked in. "What are you doing?"

"Making pancakes." She said nervously. Now that she thought of it she wasn't sure if she was allowed to.

"Oh! They smell good, is the batter homemade or from a box?"


"Awesome, who taught you to cook?"

"Oh, no, I can't cook unless it's very simple things, like pancakes. I can't bake either."

James laughed, "Who taught you how to make pancakes from scratch then?"

"Petunia when I lived with her, she just started to teach me basics when I left with Merlin."

"Oh, would you like to learn how to cook more things?"

"Sure, but I'll warn you, if I blow something up or cause a fire, it's not my fault."

"I'll let you tell Regulus that."

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing, Papa."

Regulus yawned and went to make himself a cup of coffee, "What are you two doing up so early?"

"Um, the morning is awesome, it's nice when it's quiet."

"No it's not." Regulus and Ella said in union.

"Today we're going to Diagan Alley."James said, leaning on the counter.

"Chocolate, strawberries, blueberries, or butter on your pancakes."

"Strawberries and chocolate, please and thank you."

"Butter please, Jaya will want chocolate."

When all the pancakes were done and the topping choices were laid out on the table Regulus went to wake up Jaya. When they came down Jaya was all too excited to eat the chocolate. She sat down and immediately reached towards the bottle, but James pulled it away and cut a pancake for her instead. He put the chocolate on as a tipping but Jaya just tried licking the chocolate off.

During breakfast Ella's Hogwarts letter appeared. Seriously, it just appeared at the table. The others stared at the note curiously while Ella checked it for hexes. It was clear. She gently opened the the folded note at top.

Dear Ella,
Here's your letter to attend Hogwarts for your year. A lot of things have changed from how we originally made it. Have fun at Hogwarts, my dear.
With tons of love,
-Helga Hufflepuff

"What is it?" James asked, noticing Ella's small smile.

"My Hogwarts letter, Helga sent it." Ella said, opening and reading through the Hogwarts letter.

"Who's Helga?" Jaya asked, "And what's a Hogwarts letter?"

"A Hogwarts letter is a letter that accepts wizards and witches into Hogwarts, a wizarding school. You'll go there to when you turn eleven." Regulus explained.

"And Helga's my aunt, I grew up with her."

"Why didn't you grow up here?"

James put a hand on Jaya's shoulder, "It's hard to explain, Bambi, you'll understand when you're older."

Not much more conversation happened during breakfast and afterward they went their separate ways to get ready for the day, or in Ella's case help get Jaya ready. It was a lot harder but they found her an outfit. It was simple, Jean shorts and white tank top and sanders.

Later, around 10:30 they left for Diagon Alley, their plan was to meet Remus, Sirius, Celeste, Lily, Mary, and Ari at the ice-cream shop. When they showed up they ordered ice-cream and sat in a booth big enough for ten people. Ella got mint chocolate chip in a cone, Jaya got chocolate chip in a cup, James got oreo, and Regulus got pecan.

A few minutes later Lily, Mary, and Ari showed up. "Hi guys! Sorry we're a little late." Mary said, sliding in next to Regulus.

"The press?"

"They're so annoying." Ari complained, she turned to Ella, "It sucks being famous, I can't even remember what happened that night."

Ella shrugged, "I don't know much either, but sometimes I get flashes. Like the green part of the killing curse."

"Really?" Celeste asked as her, Remus, and Sirius sat down at their table. "That's kinda cool!"

"Not really."

"I've never gotten anything like that, but I have made fake scenes about how things went based off the things mum and mama told me."

"Is everyone ready to go? Our first thing is to get wands." James said, wiping
ice-cream from Jaya's hands.

"We have to get money from Gringotts first."

"Right as always, Reggie, Gringotts then wands."

As the group of ten walked towards the bank Ella noticed the adults trying to hide Ari from view. Was the press this awful? She wondered. She couldn't imagine something like this happening in the founders time, at least then they knew boundaries back then.

"Hello, we need to speak to Griphook please." Regulus said when they approached the counter.

The goblin didn't look up, "Do you have an appointment?"

"No, we need to take money out of our vaults."

The goblin looked up, "Very well, Lord Potter-Black, follow me." They followed the goblin through what seemed like a labyrinth until they reached a door marked as Griphook's office. "Here you are, knock and go in, he knows you're here."

"Thank you." Regulus did as instructed.

"Good day, Lord Potter-Black, what can I do for you all today?"

"We need access to our vaults."

"Of course, is that all?"

"May I get an inheritance test?" Ella asked Regulus.

He nodded and turned back to Griphook, "An inheritance test please."

"Right. I'll call another goblin to take Lord Lupins, Heir Lupin, Lady McDonalds, and Heir McDonald to their vaults." Griphook did as he said he would and a few minutes later there was a mock on the door.

"Good day, I'm Bogrod. Follow me to your vaults." Everyone except Regulus, James, Jaya, and Ella followed the goblin.

"We'll meet you outside." Remus said as he shut the door.

"Come, heir Potter-Black. Prick your finger and put eight drops of your blood on the parchment." Griphook said as he took out a small bowl, a piece of parchment, and a dagger.

Ella did as told and watched in satisfaction as the blood turned words. Griphook slid the parchment towards her when he was done duplicating it. She eagerly picked it up.

Name: Estrella Euphemia Potter-Black

Age: 10 (almost 11)

Date Of Birth: July 31, 1981

Biological Mum: Lily Leah McDonald

Biological Dad: James Felemount

Adoptive Dad: Regulus Arcturus

Godmother (s): Lily McDonald, Alice Longbottom

Godfather (s): Sirius Lupin, Frank Longbottom


Potter- inherited
Black- inherited
Prevelle- inherited
Emerys- through Merlin
Gryffindor- inherited

"You may keep that copy. Now-" Griphook pulled out all five ring boxes in order, setting them in front of Ella one by one. "If they accept you, you'll be shocked, it won't hurt and it'll be quick. Go left to right, each ring will blend into the other as you're accepted. If anytime you need to use one of your heir rings it'll appear by itself. Go ahead."

Ella one by one put on the rings, already knowing she'd be accepted for all of them. The first ring was the Gryffindor ring, it accepted her, the next was the Prevelle ring, then the Potter ring, the Black ring, and finally the Emerys ring. As she predicted, they all accepted her. The final ring was beautiful too.

Griphook stood up, "Now let's head to your vaults."

They followed Griphook down to the carts and all got in. On the way down James held onto Jaya and the bars while screaming as if it was a roller coaster. Ella was also screaming like it was a roller coaster, but she held on, tightly. In the founders time someone didn't hold on and they fell off, it wasn't until years later they found their body. Ella wasn't about to be in the same position. Regulus held on the bars for dear life too, but he and Jaya were screaming out of fear.

When they came to a sudden halt Ella was thrown back against the seat. Griphook handed her a bag as they all got out and made sure everyone wasn't dizzy before they stepped into the vault. Ella gasped. There was a shit ton of money in there, not as much as the founders vaults, but still a ton of money.

"Come on." James said, leading Ella farther into the vault. "This isn't even half of it."

She bent down to the pile, grabbed enough money to last the trip and stood back up. As she was about to follow James out a jewelry rack caught her attention. "Dad?" She grabbed Janes' hand.


She pointed out the rock, "Who's jewelry is that?"

James turned and stared at the rack for a moment, "That's my mum's, she died before you were born. I didn't know that was in here."

"Oh,.. can i.. look at some of it?"James looked at her in surprise. "Sorry, I was just curious, but it's okay if-"

"No, no, I was just surprised. Of course you can look through it, she'd want it to be used, I just didn't want to get rid of it. She'd be honored for someone to wear it, go on, they won't leave without us."

Ella gave him an inside look then turned to the rack. She ended up looking through it for a few minutes but didn't find a necklace she really fancied. James was beside her too, at some point he started to go through a box or rings and bracelets. He noticed her looking and pushed the box  towards her, carefully she started looking through that as James looked through the necklaces.

"I think I found one I like." She said after a few more minutes.

"Which one is it?"

"This one." She said, holding the ring out to him. It was gold with black details on it, she liked it a lot.

James smiled, "Mum loved that one too, take it, and take good care of it. Don't lose it or make me regret letting you have it."

"I won't, I promise."

"Good, come on, let's go join the others."

"Hey, what happened?" Regulus asked once James and Ella stepped out of the vault.

"Ella found my mum's jewelry, we decided to look through it together and she found a ring she liked."

"Oh- wow, that's cool. Oh, we forgot to say, the heir rings are connected to the vaults now, so we don't need to take out money from Gringotts every time."

Ella smiled, "Really? That's such a relief."Regulus and James laughed as they got on the cart. After another ride they were finally out of the building.

"Regulus!" Sirius called them over.

"Hey, sorry, it took longer than expected."

"No problem, now we need to get wands." Remus said.

"Alright, let's go then, Mary could you lead the way?"

Mary laughed, "Sure, James, follow me guys."

"Welcome, welcome everyone, pile on, pile in." Muttered Olivander as they entered. "Who would like to go first?"

Ari went first, she ended up with a Phoenix feather and Holly wand. Celeste was next, she had an oak and Phoenix feather. Finally it was Ella's turn. She already knew what her wand would be and what it looked like, but still, it took a while before she was presented with his wand. In the first hour she almost caused a fire and caused several boxes to fall from the shelves.

"Mmm... we'll.. maybe.. could.. no, no... but maybe.. mmm... curious.. curious, curious, curious.." Ollivander muttered.

"What's curious?" Lily asked.

"Nothing, nothing, but maybe.., give me just a second, I'll just be right back." He said, going into the back, you could still hear him muttering under his breath if you listened hard enough. He cane back a few minutes later with a velvet purple box. "Here, here, try it. A strange man, very old, seemed insane, came here, asking me to keep the wand, he said it was for a special person, he said the wand would only match one specific person. When I asked him who this person was, he never answered, just said the time will come and I will know. I didn't think, but maybe, go on, try it out." Ollivander rambled, pushing the box towards Ella.

She gently opened the lid, even the box was different than the others, besides the fact it was purple and velvet. The box had latches to open it instead if a box sliding out of it. She knew it was hers immediately. The stag, cat, snake, feel of it, color, everything. She picked it up, knowing exactly what she was going to do. She smiled as she created butterflies through the air, leaving behind sparkles as they traveled around the room. Jaya started to play with them,

"Bravo! Bravo! Never in my years have I seen someone do that! Oh, bravo, brilliant job! Hold on, it came with two other things, let me go grab them!" He said, rushing in the back again.

"That was so pretty!" Celeste says, "Can you do it again?"

"I don't know."

"Let's try it out later, when we get home you guys can try out whatever you want." Remus said.

"Here you are, the old man gave me these as well! Maybe you'll recognize them."

"Thank you, Mr.Ollivander."

"It's no problem, Heir Potter-Black, but the wand and wave holder will be 25."

"Here you are." Ella said, handing the money over. The wand holder and note she didn't expect. The wand holder was a beautiful purple color, not too bright and not too dark. She read the note as they were leaving the shop, but still paying attention enough to keep up with her family.

Dear Ella,
I hope you get your wand quickly after you return to your timeline. Remember to use it when you're in front of people! I hope you're enjoying yourself, darling.
I love and miss you.
-Rowena Ravenclaw

She smiled to herself and rushed to catch up with her family. She'd fallen a few steps behind while she was reading Rowena's note.

Next they went to Madam Malkin's. When they walked in it looked like a normal clothing store. There were already racks everywhere full of cloths ready to go in different sizes. There were two podiums with chairs for parents and guardians to wait. In the center was the register and check out counter.

"Good afternoon everyone, Hogwarts robes?"

"Yes." Lily answered. "It's about time they're all remeasured."

"Okay, follow me then, dears. You'll have to wait a bit since both podiums are taken at the moment." They followed her to the back were two families were sitting/standing on the podium. There was another employee measuring the boy. "These three girls need to be measured next."

The employee turned around, "Okay, thank you, Martha."

"No problem, dear, they'll just be waiting here."

"Here sweetie, let me help you." Said a woman that looked to be in her mid-thirties to the girl standing on the podium.

"No, it's fine, mum, that's how it's supposed to be." Said the girl.

"Alright, Eleanor, but if you're wrong, don't ask me to fix it."

"Okay, mum." The girl said in an annoyed voice.

"Alright, sir, you're done, here are your measurements, take them up to the back desk and everything will be situated fit you." The employee said.

The boy nodded, "Thank you, madam."

"No problem." The employee turned towards their group, "Who's first?"

"I'll go." Celeste said, stepping up on the podium.

"Okay, I'll start on you in just a second." She said, taking the measurements of the other girl- Eleanor.

Nothing exciting happened at Madam Malkin's, they went through the process and got some cloths for Jaya too. The desk lady told them to be back in two hours so they went to Flourish and Blotts. It was simple for them, all they had to do was walk up bad ask for three sets of first year books, once they had that they were done, but Remus, Regulus, and Lily wanted to look at the books for a while. So they stayed there with Jaya, who was getting tired, and Mary, Sirius, James, Ella, Celeste, and Ari headed to the Magical Menagerie.

"Okay, what pet do you guys want? Hogwarts only allows owls, toads, or cats." Mary said once they reached the entrance.

"An owl." Celeste and Ari said.

"A cat." Ella said, she didn't have a problem with owls, but never really had to use one, and she didn't really want to take care of an owl she wouldn't use much.

"Don't you want an owl to stay in contact with your friends and family?" Sirius said.

"Well, almost all my friends are in the past, and you guys, Jaya, Aunt Lily, Uncle Moony, and Papa are my only family. There's not much in going to be using an owl for, and I've always liked cats. Plus Uncle Pads, you just don't like cars cause you're a dog."

"That last part isn't true."

"Yeah, yeah it is." Janes said.


"Okay, how about Sirius and I take Ari and Celeste to the owls while Janes takes Ella to the cat section." Mary interrupted.

"Sounds like a plan, come on, Ella." James and Ella picked out a ginger fat and decided to name it Scarlet.

Ariel came back with a brown owl named Quinn and Celeste cane back with a snowy white owl who she named Hedwig. They told their owns to go to their respected houses and Ella base sure Scarlet was comfortable in her arms. After that they went to get the rest of their school supplies, potion kits, book bags, trunks, parchment and quills. Finally, it was time for then to pick up their robes and meet Lily, Remus, and Regulus at the entrance of Diagon Alley.

"You have everything?" Regulus asked when they met up.


"We better get Jaya home soon, she's almost asleep."

"I got a cat." Ella says proudly showing Regulus.

Regulus laughed, "Good choice."

"I thought so too."

After that they decided to eat at a muggle restaurant near the Leaky Cauldron entrance. There they had a nice early dinner before heading their separate ways. For the rest of the day Ella unpacked all of her things. During this Regulus walked in her room.

"Do you need help?"

"Huh? No, I was just going to summon some furniture."

"You can use some from my old room, there's still a few of my nightstands and my old dresser. Everything's in pretty good condition."

"I'll move it in a second."

"You can call Kreature, he's a house elf."

"Thank you, Papa."

"Your welcome." He said, leaving.

She called Kreature after Regulus left, but the house elf seemed unwilling to help her. That is, until she introduced herself, then he was more than willing to help her. As Regulus said there were pretty good pieces of furniture in his old room, she decided to take his old couch, desk, dresser, and nightstand. After all the furniture was where she wanted it she got out all her decorations, pillows, and blankets. She put a board above the desk for all her pictures, a few old papers or drawings she was proud of, her Hogwarts letter, and the two notes from Helga and Rowena. She also put a few pictures on the wall above her bed with string lights and decorated the window with fake plants Helena gave her, including the newest one.

Then she started unpacking her cloths and neatly putting them in the dresser or hanging them up in her closet. She anso made a corner for Scarlet next to her closet and a corner for Venom with heating at the end of her bed.

Later when she finished she took a cookie break and ate a few of the cookies Helena gave her while talking with Venom and reading the book Katherine gave her. Then  she started getting ready for bed.

Ella couldn't wait for the next month to be over. She couldn't wait to be back at Hogwarts.

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