Soundwave X Cybertronian

By MarcyWeisinger

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This is a story that is a working progress. It may not be sudden for me to update it. This is my first time d... More

Please Vote Or Comment Which Photo Is Better To Represent And Describe Snowfall
Characters In My Story
This Page Goes With The First Page Of Characters In My Story
Confessing Feelings To Soundwave
Remembering The Memories Of The Good And The Bad
Somewhere To Get Away And To Relax
Megatron Gets Sick
Being In Charge For Today
Her Sire Discovers And He Finds Out The Truth
Her Sire Isn't Going To Let Starscream Get Away With It
She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper
She Finds Out That She Is Sparked
Spending Time Alone With Sire By Meditating But Something Unexpected Happens
Trying To Find Ways To Protect Snowfall From Unicron: Part 1
Rescuing Snowfall And Soundwave From Unicron: Part 2
Megatron Gets An Unexpected Visit From His Ex-Lover: Part 3
Hoping And Waiting For Any Signs Of A Miracle: Part 4
Still No Signs Of A Miracle: Part 5
Soundwave Finally Comes Around: Part 6
He Tries To Forget His Ex-Lover But He Can't & Ravage Is Discovered To Be Alive
Soundwave Gets Something Back That He Thought Was Lost And Gone Forever
Megatron's Ex-Lover Doesn't Know When To Stop
Snowfall Notices & Discovers That This Megatron Isn't Her Adopted Sire Megatron.
The Past Returns And Never Goes Away From Knockout's And Snowfall's Family

One Month Later: Snowfall & Soundwave's Sparkling Is Close To Full Development

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By MarcyWeisinger

It was the next morning. Knockout was in the med bay looking over things. He then noticed it was time for his sister's annual checkup. It is one month and the child is at the stage of being fully developed. He then messaged his sister through the bond that they shared as brother and sister.

'Sis. Are you awake?' Knockout asked his sister through the bond that they shared.

'I am now.' Snowfall replied back. 'What do you need?' Snowfall asked him.

'It's been one month. And I checked your medical papers and files. And it's actually time for your checkup. Since the sparkling is at the stage of being fully developed and due I think in the next 5 months or 6 give it a take.' Knockout replied back.

She groaned.

'Do I have too, Knockey.' Snowfall asked him.

'Yes. Yes you do.' Knockout replied back. 'Or do you want me to get Lord Megatron and Soundwave involved.' Knockout asked her.

Snowfall sighs.

'No. I'll be there.' Snowfall replied back.

'Good. I'll be waiting.' Knockout replied. 'Because if you don't show up. I'm going to let Lord Megatron and Soundwave know that you didn't even show up for your checkup.' Knockout said and explained to his sister.

'I'll be there. I promise.' Snowfall replied back.

Soon the bond ended.

Knockout had everything ready and he waited for his sister. Soon the doors opened in the med bay. He looked and he saw his sister.

Snowfall walked in.

She walked over and she sat down on the med berth.

Knockout walked over and started his examination.

"Tired." Snowfall said out loud.

"Huh." Knockout replied back.

"Tired. I am tired." Snowfall said.

"That's completely understandable." Knockout replied back.

"Understandable. What do you mean, understandable." Snowfall asked him.

"What I meant. Is that you are tired because you are carrying." Knockout replied back.

"Of course I'm carrying you dip shit." Snowfall said to her brother. While cursing at him.

"Sis. Watch your intake." Knockout replied.

"Oh. Just shut up you asshole." Snowfall said.

Knockout got up and he walked over to his counter.

"Moody." Knockout replied.

"What." Snowfall said.

"Moody. You are being a jerk and being a complete asshole." Knockout replied.

"You just cussed." Snowfall replied back.

Knockout turned and he looked at his sister.

"You cussed at me. So what makes a difference?" Knockout asked her.

"I'm a femme. That's a big difference. Never cuss at a femme." Snowfall replied back.

Megatron was walking when he heard voices from the med bay. Almost sounding like yelling and shouting. He walked over and the doors slid open to the med bay. He looked and he saw his daughter and her brother arguing.

"You're really starting to drive me up the walls sis." Knockout said.

"Oh shut up you, dipstick." Snowfall replied back.

Megatron's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he just heard came out of his daughter's intake. He just heard his daughter cuss right in front of him. And he didn't like it one bit.

"SNOWFALL!" Megatron shouted.

Startling both Knockout and Snowfall.

Knockout and Snowfall both jumped.

Snowfall turned and her eyes immediately widened seeing her sire.

Megatron walked in. He looked at Knockout and at Snowfall.

"What is going on here?" Megatron asked them.

Soon they both started blaming each other on who started it first.

"She started it, master." Knockout said.

"No he started it, sire." Snowfall replied back.

Megatron groaned.

He looked at his daughter.

"Snowfall, sit there." Megatron said while pointing at the place he wanted her to sit at.

He then glared at Knockout.

"Knockout. You over there now." Megatron said to Knockout while pointing in a different place he wanted him to sit at.

They both did what they were told.

Megatron stood in front of them.

"Now. One at a time." Megatron said to both Knockout and to Snowfall.

He looked at Knockout.

"Knockout what happened." Megatron asked him.

"But sire." Snowfall said.

"Zip it. I'll get to you later. So keep your intake shut and don't say a word. Or you'll be grounded." Megatron replied back.

Snowfall immediately shut her intake.

Knockout looked at his master and saw him nodding. Telling him to go ahead and speak.

"Well, my Liege. All I was doing was checking her sparkling and everything else until she started to get moody. Really moody." Knockout replied.

"Moody. Now where have I seen that before mmm." Megatron asked his daughter. While looking at her.

She looked down.

He then turned his attention back to Knockout.

"Anything else you need to say Knockout." Megatron asked him.

"Uh. She also called me an asshole, my Liege." Knockout replied back.

Megatron growled.

"Snowfall. I thought you knew better than that." Megatron asked his daughter.

Snowfall sighs.

"Ok. Is it my turn to speak now?" Snowfall asked her sire.

Megatron sighs and groans.

"Yes. Speak, my child." Megatron replied back.

"He also cussed at me. And he should never cuss at a femme. And I told him that I am tired. But he told me that I am moody. But I'm not." Snowfall said.

Megatron looked at her.

"Actually. You are." Megatron replied back.

Snowfall looked at her sire.

"I am not." Snowfall said.

"You are moody. You just don't see it. All Knockout was trying to do was to see if you were healthy and if the sparkling was healthy. So appreciate what your brother is doing. Alright." Megatron said and explained to his daughter.

She crossed her arms.

"Maybe." Snowfall replied.

"Snowfall." Megatron said.

She looked at her sire.

Snowfall sighs.

"Sorry, Knockout." Snowfall replied.

"Ahem." Megatron said, while clearing his throat.

"What. I apologized." Snowfall said.

"In a nicer way." Megatron replied back.

Snowfall looked at her brother.

"Okay. I am sorry for the way I treated you, Knockout. Can you please forgive me?" Snowfall asked him.

Knockout looked at his sister.

"Yes. I can. I do forgive you. And I am sorry for the way I treated you. All I want is for you and my little niece or nephew to be healthy." Knockout said and explained to his sister.

Snowfall held her servos out.

Knockout walked over and he hugged his sister.

Megatron smiled.

"Good. Now. Behave you two. You two are brother and sister. You two need to get along. Now excuse me. I need to get going." Megatron said to Knockout and to Snowfall.

Soon Megatron walked out to where he needed to go.

"Am I good to go?" Snowfall asked him.

Knockout nodded.

Snowfall got up and she left.

Soundwave was in the throne room at his station when the doors to the throne room opened. He looked and he saw his master. He looked like he had a rough day.

"Rough day, master." Soundwave asked him using his real voice.

"Almost. It's Knockout and Snowfall. Those two keep bickering and are giving me a headache." Megatron replied back.

"Bickering. What did they both do this time?" Soundwave asked him.

"Snowfall cussed while Knockout was doing her annual checkup." Megatron replied back.

"WHAT!" Soundwave shouted.

Soundwave immediately growled.

"I'll have a few words with her once it gets late." Soundwave replied.

"Yeah. I know you will. I think it's because of the sparkling that's making her moody. But she's moody all the time." Megatron said and explained to Soundwave.

Soundwave chuckled.

"That you are correct." Soundwave replied back using his real voice.

Soundwave was busy when he heard his sparkmate calling for him through the bond that they shared as sparkmates.

'Sounds. I need you now. Ravage doesn't know how to be quiet.' Snowfall replied.

'Snowfall. Just ignore him. And not trying to be rude. But get used to it dear.' Soundwave replied back.

'Excuse me. Do you even know who you are talking to here? I am your wife dude.' Snowfall replied.

She kept going on and on. That's when Soundwave had enough of it. He immediately ended the bond.

"Master. Request to have a day off. Only today." Soundwave asked him.

Megatron looked at Soundwave.

"Let me guess. Snowfall is acting like a jerk again." Megatron asked him.

"Yup. Big time." Soundwave replied back.

"Yes you may. And teach her a lesson. I guess my lesson didn't do any good." Megatron replied.

"I guess not. But mine will work." Soundwave replied back.

Soundwave immediately bridged himself to his room.

Ravage was getting really annoyed with Snowfall.

"Shut up." Snowfall said.

"I didn't say anything." Ravage replied.

"You just did." Snowfall said.

"What's gotten into you?" Ravage asked her.

"Me. Gotten into me. Nothing. I am perfect. Whoa ho." Snowfall replied.

Ravage covered his ears.

"Please get here, sire. She's really annoying." Ravage said to himself.

Ravage wishes were answered. A bridge opened up. And out came Soundwave. And he was pissed. He immediately crossed his arms.

Snowfall looked at Soundwave.

She crossed her arms.

"I can do it too." Snowfall said.

Ravage walked up and he touched Soundwave's legs.

Soundwave looked down and saw Ravage.

"Going. She's annoying." Ravage said.

"I am not annoying." Snowfall replied back.

Snowfall immediately took off after Ravage. But Soundwave quickly grabbed Snowfall.

"Umph." Snowfall said while grunting.

She squirmed in his grip.

Soon she calmed down.

Soundwave didn't let her go. Because he knew she was still acting crazy.

"Let me go Soundwave." Snowfall asked him. "Or I'll kick your codpiece, Soundwave." Snowfall replied.

"Oh no you won't." Soundwave said.

"Oh yes I will." Snowfall replied.

Soundwave sat down still holding Snowfall.

"Let me go Soundwave." Snowfall asked him.

"No I will not. You're acting childish and acting like a baby." Soundwave replied back.

Soon Snowfall immediately screamed.

Soundwave droned out her screaming. He saw the doors open to his room. And it was Megatron.

Megatron walked over and bent down.

"Snowfall." Megatron said.

Megatron sighs.

"SNOWFALL! SHUT UP!" Megatron yelled.

Snowfall immediately shut her intake.

She immediately calmed down.

"Bed now Snowfall. I really don't know what's gotten into you." Megatron asked her.

"Sorry. Baby. Sparkling. Moody." Snowfall replied back.

"Now. I am going to get some recharge and you should too. Night my child." Megatron said.

"Night sire." Snowfall replied back.

Megatron walked out and headed to his room for a good night's recharge.

Soundwave walked over and laid Snowfall down on the berth. She immediately passed out. Soundwave laid next to her.

"Night sweet spark. Soon our little one will be born." Soundwave said and whispered to her.

Soundwave closed his optics and soon he fell into a deep and peaceful recharge.

Words: 1,760

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