MHA × Ringwraith Male Reader:...

By Astral_Outlaw

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You are (Dark) Y/N, once a ranger from Gondor, now become a Ringwraith among the Nazgul. After a betrayal fro... More

Ch. 1: The Beginning
Ch. 2: The Meeting
Ch. 3: The Hero Killer And The Assault
Ch. 4: The Revelation
Ch. 5: Finding New Allies
Ch. 6: Capturing Shindram
Ch. 7: Sports Festival Pt. 1
Ch. 8: Sports Festival Pt. 2
Ch. 9: Dinner At The Todoroki House
Ch. 10: Betrayal
Ch. 11: A Change In Fate
Ch. 12: New Plans
Ch. 13: Twice For A Change
Ch. 14: New Friends, New Enemies
Ch. 15: Y/N's Past
Ch. 16: Awakening Of New Powers
Ch. 17: Second Day of Training
Ch. 18: Meeting Old Acquaintances
Ch. 19: Return of the League
Ch. 20: A Fierce Battle and Final Good-byes
Ch. 21: The Invasion Begins
Ch. 22: The Assault
Ch. 23: The War Begins
Ch. 24: The Final Battle

Ch. 25: The End

195 1 2
By Astral_Outlaw

(Hoglik gets back up and charges, not focusing on the bright orange light that's coming closer, but to Izuku after being knocked into a tree and unconscious. Izuku, becoming aware of the sound of footsteps charging towards him, turns to see Hoglik before being tackled down)

Hoglik the Torturer: You little shrakh! I'll make you and your role model pay for embarrassing me in front of the other uruks!

(Hoglik attempts to pierce his spear into Izuku's head, but Izuku catches it in time, preventing the spear from reaching him. After a moment, the spear slowly pushes toward Izuku's eye with Hoglik trying his best to kill him, before a sudden blast of wraith fire is shot like a beam into Hoglik's head, instantly killing him and falling to the side. Izuku turns to look at the direction where the blast came from. He then hears the orcs and his allies say a few things that made him hopeful and with joy)

Orc #1: It's him!

Orc #2: The bloody tark!

Bruz the Chopper: (Smiles) The bright lord!

Eltariel: He's back!

(Izuku, upon getting a clearer view, becomes joyful to see a familiar face)

Izuku: (Screaming in joy) Y/N!

Mr. Stain: (Smiles) Looks like you made it just in time, Y/N.

(You arrive with your drake before landing at a short distance from the Nazgul. You slowly walk toward the battle, with your memories playing in your mind)

Ioreth: Do not let the past trouble you, my love. We will be together again.

Y/N: I know. But what should I do? I can't wake up. I want to help Izuku and the others stop the dark lord from reigning terror on his home world.

Dirhael: Let go of the past, father. You need to move on. As long as you keep yourself stuck in your past memories, constantly angry with yourself that you didn't save us, you'll never wake from Sauron's curse. Please, father, leave the past behind. You may not have been able to save us, but you can save them.

Ioreth: They need you, Y/N. (Smiles) Now, go.

(In your memory, you turn away with a smile and with tears coming down your eyes, knowing what was said to you is true. Having been pained by the troubles of the past, you finally release the burden of pain from your heart and soul, causing you to wake from your slumber and join the battle. You look towards the Witch-King, who remains unsurprised to see you)

Witch-King: You have arrived to save your friends. You're not too late, but you will not win this war.

Y/N: Yes, I have come, but I did not come alone, and I will not let you conquer this world.

(A dark portal manifests by you, and a familiar figure comes out, which Twice recognized as he utters his name in a whisper and with tears in his eyes)

Twice: Kurogiri.

Y/N: (Turns to Kurogiri) Now, Kurogiri!

(Kurogiri looks to you and nods. He manifests portals all around the battlefield, surprising everyone and are now curious to what's about to happen. After a few moments, more orcs now pour out of the portals, and to the enemies' horror, they're orcs that serve you. Stakuga and the other orc captains you fought alongside have joined in on the fight. A group of men appear from one of the portals, and Endeavor is surprised to see them)

Endeavor: Baranor! Serka! You're here too!?

Serka: (Smiles) Yes, Endeavor! We've come to repay our debts!

Baranor: It's nice to see some old friends of ours once again!

Marwa the Drinker: Let's teach these hostiles the meaning of war!

Stakuga the Reaper: It's time we got to spill a little more blood from Sauron's forces!

Flogg the Poet: Mordor is ours! From cellars to Towers!

(In the final portal, Saruman, Elrond, and Galadriel appear, and Eltariel looks on in surprise)

Eltariel: Lady Galadriel!

Saruman: (Looks to the heroes) Are you in need of assistance, heroes?

(The Witch-King along with the other Nazgul prepare to face the White Council while Sauron's forces now turn their attention to Baranor along with your forces)

Galadriel: Inform the Pro-Heroes that they can join the students in fighting Sauron's orcs. Y/N and the White Council will face the Nazgul.

All Might: (Smiles) Very well.

(You give the charge command, and your forces now battle against Sauron's armies, with the Easterlings fighting alongside them. You head towards the Nazgul, and is stopped by Izuku)

Izuku: Y/N?

Y/N: (Looks to Izuku) Yes?

Izuku: (Smiles and in tears) Thank you. I knew you would join us. Glad you're back to assist us in this fight.

Y/N: (Smiles) No problem, Deku. Now then, get yourself ready. We got a war to win. (Flies toward the Witch-King)

(Izuku and the other students and pro-heroes continue their fight, now seeing that the odds are now in their favor. You and the White Council members face the Nazgul in the final battle and to the Witch-King's surprise, they're kept at bay by you and the others. Saruman instantly knocks away Suladan, while Elrond and Galadriel overpower Khamul and another unnamed wraith. You beat Helm Hammer-Hand before being charged by the Witch-King. To his surprise, you best him and push him away. Meanwhile, the battle between your allies and enemies continue on)

Marwa the Drinker: (Poisons some of the hostile orcs) You don't look well, goblins!

(Stakuga rips through several of the enemy captains with ease)

Stakuga the Reaper: (Smiles) That's why I'm called the Reaper. I'm your harbinger of death.

(Zunn returns to the battle, now angered by Izuku's actions of knocking him away. He sees him battling one of the captains and begins to assist his ally)

Zunn Battle-Master: Hey, Lorm! Let me help you kill that little shrakh! We'll even kill his little girlfriend after we're done with him!

(Zunn however, is instantly decapitated without realization until his head falls off. Stain jumps behind him and smiles)

Mr. Stain: (Smiles) Not quick enough, monster.

(An orc grunt seizes the opportunity to attack Stain from behind from a tree, only to be batted away by a large hand from Re-Destro. Re-Destro smiles before looking down to see the captain that killed Skeptic)

Re-Destro: (In his mind) It's a shame I couldn't get to kill you. But alas, you've met your fate.

(More orcs charge toward Re-Destro, before he turns and uses his hands as a swatter to send them flying away. A fireball is shot towards other hostile orcs by Endeavor, with Shoto using his freezing ability to freeze the orcs, allowing Twice to break them all with ease. A captain knocks Twice down and to his surprise, is met with a familiar face)

Pug the Bard: (Singing) You may have heard of one like me, he dances and prances and sings with glee, wherever there's strife, the singer is there, he slaughters and slays with such merry flair. I sing this song with all my breath -- take heed -- for this interlude ends with your death.

Twice: I'm surprised you're still alive after I killed you.

(Twice and Pug battle each other. However, the fight becomes one-sided since Twice is tired and his quirk is still temporarily exhausted. Pug knocks him down and attempts to strike him with his weapon, before being shot at with feathers by Hawks, and then knocked down by Daz)

Hawks: (Flies toward Pug) You have any last words, orc?

Pug the Bard: My final song is rather long, it's time for me to take a bow, on second thought, just do it now.

(Daz then kills the enemy captain. A group of enemy captains show up, but are seen laughing and crying like maniacs, with a familiar captain telling everyone to shut up)

Daz the Ripper: What is this, Sauron's special forces?

(Daz, Hawks, and Twice charge toward the deranged captains to battle them. Meanwhile, you and the White Council successfully defeat the Witch-King and the remaining Nazgul, giving the heroes and students the upper-hand)

Galadriel: It's time we turn our attention to the armies of Barad-dur.

Saruman: Indeed. The forces of Sauron must be dealt with.

(As you and the White Council head to the battlefield to assist the others, you hear a fiery roar coming from the portal. To your shock and surprise, Sauron slowly manifests with the Nazgul grouping together in front of him)

Sauron: (Speaking in Black Speech) You cannot win this war. This world will be ours. You and the desperate, hopeless ones will fall like the rest who stood before me and failed. Your time is at its end. Submit to the power of the darkness. There is no light left for you.

(You on the other hand, are unphased by the words of Sauron, and you point your sword at him)

Y/N: You and I have unfinished business, Sauron. Let's continue where we left off.

(You charge toward Sauron, and you and him lock horns. Eltariel comes in to assist you in battle, along with the White Council now attempting to continue fighting the Nazgul. Sauron is pushed back, but then he powers up and begins knocking you and Eltariel away with ease. You power up and charge towards him again, knocking him back. At the battlefield, the orcs of Sauron now flee into retreat, knowing they've been beaten despite having been given great power by the Nazgul. To Eltariel's surprise, she sees Galadriel collapse to the ground, and is worried. She heads to her to see if she could help)

Eltariel: My lady, are you alright?

Galadriel: I'm fine. You need not to worry about me. Go and help the White Council fight off the Nazgul. Y/N can handle his own against Sauron.

(Eltariel looks to you and sees you're doing well in battling Sauron. Galadriel grabs her to get her attention before giving her a stern, fierce look)

Galadriel: Go!

(Galadriel falls unconscious to the ground, while Eltariel heeds her command to join the White Council in battling the Nazgul. Izuku and the others, having become victorious, arrive to you and Sauron during your battle. Shoto then launches attacks at Sauron to assist you, with Endeavor using his quirk to wrap Sauron around in flames to subdue him. Sauron looks to see his forces are fleeing in retreat from a battle they couldn't win)

Endeavor: (Angered) Give it up, Sauron! It's all over! I'll make you pay for the death of my son, at your hands!

(Shoto and Natsuo step in to join their father in this, while everyone else surrounds him, ready to fight him. Sauron, however, laughs at the ordeal, powering up to greater strengths, surprising you and everyone else)

Sauron: (Speaking in Black Speech and laughing) This fight is far from over!

(He emits a powerful, fiery shockwave, knocking you and everyone away at a short distance. You charge towards him and resume your battle, but after a few moments, the battle becomes one-sided as Sauron has shown himself to be much stronger than you. He quickly overpowers you and forms a dome-like barrier to prevent the others from attacking him, while placing his hand on your head and forcing you to submit to him)

Izuku: Y/N!!

(Izuku charges in to save you, but is prevented by a barrier. He tries his best to break it, only to have no effect on it. He begins shedding tears, desperately pleading with you not to give in, but the power of Sauron was too great to resist. Slowly, your eyes glow a dark orange color, having slowly become like the other Nazgul and under Sauron's full control. The White Council could not save you because they're occupied by the Nazgul, and Eltariel and the others can't destroy the barrier Sauron created)

Izuku: (Crying and yelling at Sauron) Let him go, you bastard!!

(This gets Sauron's attention and turns to look at Izuku and smile, before shifting his gaze, only to be met with a sight that changed his expression from joy to terror. Izuku looks to where the dark lord is facing, only to see a ghostly-looking Galadriel rising up, looking directly at Sauron. She raises her hand up, and with her power, the barrier breaks, and Sauron is unable to resist her attempt to push him back)

Galadriel: You have no power here, servant of Morgoth!

(Sauron tries his best to resist Galadriel's power, but is still being pushed back)

Galadriel: You are nameless! Faceless! Formless!

(Sauron, now becoming weaker due to Galadriel's power, can no longer fight her off. This also causes you to be freed from Sauron's grip, and your consciousness slowly returns)

Galadriel: Go back to the void from whence you came!

(Sauron is forced back into his world through the portal, leaving you and the others to remain. Galadriel's ultimate form fades away, and she slowly falls to the ground. The Nazgul, knowing Sauron is no longer accompanying them and are without forces to help them win, retreat back into Mordor through the portal)

Eltariel: (Falls to her knees) The war is over.

(Everyone cheers on for the victory against Sauron's forces, with Izuku helping you up)

Izuku: (Looks to you) We did it, Y/N! We won!

(You look to Izuku with glowing eyes, causing him to be terrified and in tears, believing Sauron had successfully taken control of you. However, the orange glowing eyes fade away and you smile at him)

Y/N: Yes, we have.

(Izuku smiles with tears and embraces you in a hug, and you hug him in return. During the aftermath, the area is cleaned up thanks to the help of you, your allies, and the others of this world)

Endeavor: (Looks to you with a smile) Even though we weren't prepared, you had some tricks up your sleeve. Thank you, Y/N, for helping us to protect this world.

Hawks: (Smiles) Indeed, Y/N. Had it not been for you showing up, we most definitely would've been defeated.

(You look down with sadness, knowing what's to happen next)

Izuku: (Concerned) Is something wrong, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes. It's time for me to go now.

Bakugo: But why? We finally defeated the orcs who follow Sauron, but you can't stay here and celebrate our victory together?

Y/N: Sadly, yes. If I stay here long enough, Sauron and the Nazgul would return shortly and with Galadriel's power completely drained, she won't be able to save me again.

Shoto: (Saddened) I see.

(Kurogiri walks up to you)

Y/N: (Looks to Kurogiri and smiles) Kurogiri.

(Kurogiri then nods to you)

Y/N: Thank you for choosing to assist me on this.

Kurogiri: It's something I should've done from the beginning.

(Twice and Compress arrive to see Kurogiri with a smile, only to see Kurogiri's eyes are the same color as the other former league members' after being resurrected)

Twice: Have you been resurrected, Kurogiri?

Kurogiri: Yes. Now that the war is over, I can rest in peace.

Twice: (Looks to you) I hope you didn't force him to fight for you against his will.

Kurogiri: He did not. Unlike the uruk captain, this one gave me a choice. Had I not, Y/N's forces would've charged through that portal that leads to Barad-dur. However, given the situation our world has, I did not want it to crumble to dust since I do have some care for this planet. Even knowing that Shigaraki was experimented on and resurrected against his will, it gave me all the more reason to join Y/N.

Mr. Compress: I see.

Y/N: You both should say your good-byes to him before he leaves this world. (Leaves to speak with All Might and the others)

Twice: (Looks to Kurogiri) It's good to see you again, Kurogiri. It's saddening that the league of villains had to go through this. I just wish things were different.

Kurogiri: It's alright, Twice. I'm glad to see you've been doing pretty well yourself, even for a man like you who's become a hero to society once again.

(Hawks and Bruz arrive along with Daz and the other Ologs)

Hawks: Now that this war is over, what's going to happen now?

Kurogiri: I'll be resting once again. (Looks to Compress) What about you, Compress?

Mr. Compress: (Thinks and looks down) I'm heading back to prison.

Twice: (Surprised) What? Why?

Mr. Compress: (Smiles) I guess I'm not really cut out to be a hero, and honestly, I'd rather spend my time in there than remain with potential wanna-be heroes.

Twice: (Laughs) You never cease to amaze me, Compress. (Looks to Hawks) As for me, I'll be joining the heroes now, given that I've made some new friends along the way.

Kurogiri: But not all of your friends can stay. (Points to Bruz and the others arriving)

(Twice looks toward Bruz and the others, whose faces are saddened)

Twice: (Saddened) I suppose you have to leave too.

Bruz the Chopper: Aye, mate. We don't belong here.

(Twice extends his arm for Bruz to shake it)

Twice: (Smiles) It's all good. I'm happy I got to meet you guys. You guys are the best. Thank you for helping me out, and for being my friends.

Daz the Ripper: (Laughs and smiles) No sweats, pal! We'll always remember our friendship for as long as we live!

Twice: (Laughs) That's great!

(Twice gives his good-byes and handshakes to Bruz and the other Ologs before they walk through the portal to head back home. Kurogiri then manifests the portals to send the others back home)

Baranor: It's time to go home now. Our debt is paid off. (Looks to Y/N) Thank you, Y/N!

(You nod with a smile to Baranor and Serka before they and the Easterlings head back home, with Stakuga and your orc followers doing the same. The White Council arrive to speak with you)

Elrond: How long do you have until your eventual downfall, Y/N?

Y/N: For as long as I can withhold it and resist it's grip on me. Nevertheless, I will continue to hold back Mordor from invading all of Middle-Earth as long as I can.

(Saruman pats you on the shoulder with a smile)

Saruman: Keep fighting the good fight, Y/N. We'll see to how we can defeat Sauron and free all of Middle-Earth once and for all.

Elrond: Indeed. Do your best to give Gondor and the race of Men a fighting chance against the forces of Mordor for as long as you can.

(Galadriel nods to you with a smile before leaving with the White Council, entering the portal to head back home)

Endeavor: (Looks down) It's a shame they can't stay with us to celebrate our victory together.

Shoto: Nevertheless, it's for the best that they leave, to prevent Sauron from amassing another army to assault us. Not to mention Y/N might not have much time until he finally falls to the ring.

Eltariel: I guess I'll be heading back home now, but I'll wait for you through the portal in case any orcs or Nazgul try to come through.

Y/N: (Smiles and nods to Eltariel) Thank you.

(Eltariel heads to the portal to Barad-dur to ensure no enemies can cross again. Izuku and the others arrive to see you, while Kurogiri closes off the portals he created)

Y/N: (Speaks telepathically to Zogg) Alright, Zogg. Let him be free.

(Zogg then releases Kurogiri from control, allowing him to slowly leave his body. Twice and Compress head towards Kurogiri)

Kurogiri: (Looks to Twice and Compress) I guess this is good-bye now, Twice and Compress. Thank you. I'm really glad to have met you and the others from the league.

Twice: (Smiles and in tears) You too, Kurogiri. Be at peace.

(Kurogiri leaves his body. Compress then heads back to prison, but before continuing, turns to look at Twice with a smile)

Compress: Good-bye, Twice. Someday we'll see each other again, hopefully as friends and not as enemies.

Twice: (Nods and smiles) Same goes for you, Compress. We've had a great run together.

Izuku: (Looks to you in tears) We're really gonna miss you, Y/N. It's been a blast getting to know you and what your world is like.

Ochako: I had only wished I could see his world again, but like you said, there are some things I might not be able to handle. (Chuckles)

Y/N: (Smiles and nods to Izuku and Ochako) Thank you. All of you. I'll never forget meeting you guys.

Monoma: (Laughs) You too, Y/N.

Bakugo: (Smiles) If we ever do meet again, I would like a rematch with you. I promise I'll be a lot stronger than before.

(You and Bakugo laugh about this. All Might and the pro-heroes arrive to speak with you)

All Might: (Smiles with a thumbs up) We won't forget your valiant efforts in stopping Sauron and his forces from taking over our world, Y/N. Thank you.

Y/N: You too, All Might. Your efforts at stopping the Nazgul showed me you have gotten stronger and believe in protecting what's right.

Mr. Stain: (Shakes your hand) It's been a pleasure fighting alongside you, Gravewalker. (Chuckles)

Y/N: (Smiles and nods) You too, Stain.

(Stain leaves and heads back to the city to continue his business. You give everyone your final good-byes, even to La Brava and Curious through the phones of Gentle and Re-Destro. Before walking through the portal, you turn to give one final look at Izuku and the others)

Y/N: (Smiles) Fighting alongside you, it's something I'll never forget! I'll forever cherish this memory!

(Izuku gives you a smile and a thumbs up, and you do the same before turning to walk through the portal. As you walk through, you close the portal made by AFO, finally shutting away the bridge between the two worlds)

Eltariel: (Looks to you) So what do you plan to do now?

Y/N: (Smiles) Same as always. Hold back Mordor.

Eltariel: (Smiles) That's fair enough.

(Eltariel leaves to see Galadriel for her next task, while you head back to Minas Morgul. Back at the other world, Curious and La Brava arrive to the location to meet up with the others)

La Brava: I never got to meet that guy in person. It's a shame, really.

Gentle: (Chuckles) But I think you did see how he looked on screen.

La Brava: (Blushes and chuckles) Yeah, he did look terrifying. But he was a great help for all of us, and for you, Gentle.

Curious: (Speaks to Re-Destro) What are you planning now, boss?

Re-Destro: (Laughs) As I originally planned of course, to retake my villa.

Curious: (Smiles) Then I shall accompany you. For now, do you think we should give Skeptic a resting place?

Re-Destro: (Smiles at Curious) Indeed.

La Brava: (Speaks to Gentle) So what now, Gentle?

Gentle: (Points to Izuku) I believe the young boy over there may be a more fitting hero than me. But for now, I need to head back to prison.

La Brava: (Surprised) What? But why? Please, don't leave me again.

Endeavor: Actually, Gentle, I'd be honored if you could join us in helping repair the hero society. I realized that the hero society hasn't been fairly stable, and there's a mix of corruption within. So I was wondering if you would like to join me, Hawks, and Twice in fixing that problem. (Smiles) What do you say?

(Gentle smiles and agrees to this with one condition)

Gentle: As long as I can take La Brava to accompany me on this.

(Hearing his words, La Brava looks up in surprise before blushing and smiling with tears)

Endeavor: (Chuckles) It's accepted.

(Gentle then looks to La Brava and nods, and La Brava does the same)

(Ochako walks up to Izuku)

Ochako: What do you plan to do now, Deku?

Izuku: (Thinks about his decision) I plan to make Y/N proud, if I ever see him again.

Ochako: Is that so?

Izuku: Of course. Fighting to become a true hero has been my dream, and it's something I want Y/N to be proud of. He even told All Might we are heroes who fight to protect this world. (Thinks) Still, even though he left, I could still feel the energies within me, even his energy. Perhaps it's a side effect from the Witch-King's blade, but I'm not sure.

Ochako: (Laughs) You think too much.

(Ochako begins holding Izuku's hand, and he looks to her with a blushing smile, before saying one thing that made her happy)

Izuku: Let's become true heroes together.

(Ochako blushes and nods with a smile)


(Two months have passed since the war ended. Before the war, you have spent decades holding Mordor back, and you still did to this day. However, the power of the ring could not be undone. The ring, with a will of its own, finally corrupts you)

Witch-King: It is over.

(You turn to see the Witch-King appear behind you, along with the rest of the Nazgul)

Witch-King: Together, Y/N, we shall rule all of Middle-Earth.

(You finally fell, and you join the nine in the effort to amass the forces of Mordor to conquer all of Middle-Earth. Strangely, Izuku suddenly senses this change, causing him to become saddened and fall to tears in front of the other students and his girlfriend, Ochako)

Ochako: Deku, what's wrong?

Izuku: (Crying) Y/N. He.....he....fell. He's finally one of them now.

(Hearing this, Ochako is now saddened and in tears, and the other students look on in horror)

Bakugo: (Shocked) But, it can't be. How can you tell, Deku!?

Izuku: (Crying) For some reason, I felt it.....I felt his energy within me.....He's gone now.

(Bakugo, feeling despair for what happened to you, now sheds tears knowing you're now one of the Nazgul. Some of the other students cry in tears while the others look down in sadness that you're no longer one of the heroes fighting to protect Middle-Earth. The news is relayed to the pro heroes, including Endeavor, Hawks, Gentle, and Twice, the latter now shocked to hear it)

Twice: But that can't be! Y/N said if the portals are close, he can't connect through to us! How could that kid tell!?

Hawks: From what you told me, he said he couldn't teleport to us. But I suppose he didn't say he can't connect to us in some way. Perhaps that's why Deku was able to tell. You must've sensed it as well.

Twice: (In tears) I did sense something terrible happen, but I didn't think it had anything to do with him until now.

(Gentle sighs and looks down with despair, believing you're gone)

Endeavor: (Looks down in sadness) Y/N, no.

(Twice is now crying, knowing you're now gone and no longer protecting middle-earth. Back at the school, the students are still saddened, with Shoto asking an important question)

Shoto: What will happen if he attempts to invade our world? Will he recognize us and stop his attacks?

Izuku: I'm not sure. We can only pray that doesn't happen.

(The students give a moment of silence with belief you're now gone)


(After three years since your downfall, a new fellowship had formed. The ring that belonged to Sauron, was taken to Mount Doom, by two of the most unlikely creatures: Hobbits. The ring had fallen into the fires of Mount Doom, where it had been undone, and then, death came. Death to Sauron, death to his dominion, death to Mordor, and death to you. It was at this moment, Izuku caught a glimpse of something within his mind. It showed you, walking towards the light, and you look human and without the terrifying wraith appearance. He sees you smiling, heading towards the light, removing your armor and weapons, finding peace. Izuku then realizes you're free from Sauron's control, and he smiles with tears in his eyes while holding his son, with his wife beside him)

Ochako: (Concerned) Are you okay, Izuku?

(Izuku smiles and looks to Ochako)

Izuku: He's free now.

(Ochako then smiles with tears in her eyes, now knowing you're free from Sauron)

Ochako: Should I let the others know?

Izuku: Soon. For now, let's just enjoy our walk in the park.

(Ochako nods and continues walking with him and their son)

Izuku: (In his mind with a smile) Be at peace, Y/N.

(End of Story)

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