Test Your Might!

By jackattack364

313 9 327

Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon, bearer of so many titles it's a headache. Many trials befell him in his shor... More

Chapter 1 filius canis non iterum!
Chapter 2 Convergence
Chapter 4 Half born, but full of might
Chapter 5 Thunder over Dust
Chapter 6 King Vs Queen
Chapter 7 Into Heaven, not the one you're thinking of.
Chapter 8 Familial Conflict

Chapter 3 First Blood

45 1 82
By jackattack364

"Test our might?! So you want us to kill each other for your amusement!"

Chronus shrugged "what can I say, overseeing all of time without end nor beginning it can start feeling."

The primordial twirled his hand a bit before snapping his finger.

"Oh yes it feels MADDENING!!!"

The mere word reverberating around the room nearly made Percy himself go mad.

"No end no start having to split every last tiny little molecule of my being at every waking moments." He laughed a little madly "my brethren have it easy being such tangible concepts, but me! No I have to be the thing that makes it all work, including fate enough is enough."

Percy took a step back all his senses on high alert. It was like Tartarus all over again, but at least the pit had the decency of being somewhat stable.

"How can you just trap the fates? I mean it's."

"Fate and fate is absolute yada yada please my guy you never believed that yourself. The fates are just three old hags that can scoure time and probabilities like no one else. They know exactly what they are doing to make the events they want to happen, but these three faced whores like to put on an act of impartiality. Let's be honest it's a miracle the gods still rule and it's all due to them."

Percy tried not to get angry he really was. There was actually someone to blame for his misery.

"So you see Percy, without time without me to exist the fates are powerless. They cannot distinguish through the static of reality if said static is frozen on the wrong image." Eagerly explained Chronus more simply.

"So fate is—."

"A very useful and well orchestrated hoax pushed forward by the divine. Do you really think nothing could have went differently? Please countless timelines exist through me. It's why I could never be tricked by their lies."

The god waved his hand, images appearing before Percy's eyes.

It was him.

But at the same time he knew it wasn't him.

There were the gods at a civil war, Percy and Annabeth standing together with his father as they battled the other Olympians.

One image showed him being beheaded by Ares. Another showed him drowning the entire princess andromeda Luke included the time he ambushed them on the shores of Miami.

An image showed his entire body dissolving in the Styx.

He adverted his eyes as he saw the Minotaur holding his mother again. Only this time his eyes weren't filled with a bright light.

But his ears were filled with a sinister crack.

On one he stayed with Calyspo. The biggest what if of his life finally being answered. He lived countless years with her, in peace and tranquillity. He even made a family for himself.

But it all turned to horror as Kronos appeared on the shores of Ogygia flanked by Hyperion and Atlas. His other self unleashed all of his powers upon them. Mortally wounding Hyperion, but Atlas held him from behind as Kronos slashed his chest open with his scythe. Calypso and her children crying out in horror as they watched the Titan lord rip Percy's still beating heart out.

And consume it.

Worst fate awaited his family.

Percy tried to advert his gaze, but he couldn't. Despite this not being truly his family, he. cried screaming in pure horror and sorrow.

He wasn't even phased by the sight of him battling Kronos, only with lightning dancing around his body as he savagely attacked the lesser lord of time. Him, a son of Zeus?

But the next time he saw himself fight Kronos he knew what had happened.

The glass ball in his stomach had been obliterated. He shone with pure power as he clashed with Kronos, but their combined might didn't just shake Manathan.

It wiped it off the map entirely.

He saw Annabeth being switched instead of him and Jason. The Romans executing her. Her existence being a supposed insult to the gods.

Percy looked at himself sadly as he ragefully slaughtered entire cohorts of Roman demigod in revenge until only one remained. He and Jason mortally wounded the other in a literal storm of a battle. Both layed dying as Gaia awoke, the world having fallen to the storm that was Percy's wrath.

He gazed on in disgust as he saw himself wield the scythe that had killed so many of his friends. Only for him to strike the heart of Olympus with it. Destroying the gods power along with the flame of civilization.

Next came Tartarus and this one had the most possibility's, but only one truly broke Percy.

He stared with some satisfaction as the potential him killed Akhlys, the goddess of misery crumbling to the ground, poison foaming at her nearly toothless mouth.

They escaped safely, but after that. This Annabeth couldn't look at him without seeing a monster. She lost the person she called her love to that wretched place.

They drifted apart more and more like two shipwrecks pushed apart by the tides.

Until they lost each other to different horizons.

Percy fell to his knees gasping.

"See." Gently began Chronus. "These are fates that fell upon countless versions of yourself. Different decisions of the fates of these timelines. Perhaps they felt less merciful."

"What do you want!" Percy cried shackily rising to his feet in defiance.

"There it is!" Excitedly clamored Chronus shrinking back to an energetic child.

"There's that indomitable will you humans are known for. Other primordials don't see your merit, but I've lived through enough of you to know better. The way you stand over insurmountable odds in the face of non existence, the way you genuinely evolve!It is such a refreshing breath of air compared to you're stagnant godly family."

Percy clenched his fists. He didn't care that he looked like a child. All he wanted to do was drop kick the god.

"So Percy, what I want? I want to stop having to be spread out like paper. So I organized this little event."

"So you want us to kill each other for you're entertainement." Reaffirmed Percy scowling.

Chronus scoffed "you're more creative than that and I know it. Akhlys really did deserve what she got. I don't understand the guilt she is such a bratty downer and a drama queen no less."

"So what do you expect." Percy asked wanting to drive the conversation far away from that moment.

"To make a choice." Shrugged the primordial like it was simplicity incarnate. "I may have you all here against you're will, but in this velvet cage I offer you something much greater."

Chronus grew closer now looking like an adult man in his prime.

"A choice without hindrance, without even a whisper from these three heartless women. Not a hint of thread to wrangle you're existence. How does that sound my boy?"

It sounded like paradise, only one devised by the mind of a mad man.

He couldn't refuse him even if he wanted too. He couldn't fight the embodiment of time, he doubted he could even hide his thoughts to such a being.

So he accepted.

Smirking Chronus offered his hand, Percy nervously took it.

On the third shake Percy found himself shaking hands with empty air.

"I am getting really tired of being moved like this." Grumbled Percy rubbing his forehead.

He slowly turned around taking in his surroundings. For all accounts this place looked exactly like Olympus. Only less built around the gods ego's.

A true Ancient Greek city stretched before Percy's very eyes.

Only not that far. A few streets in Percy found the edge leading down to a fall at least a few miles high. At the bottom was the Colosseum. It looked even bigger from above.

"Perseus." Gently inquired a familiar voice.

Percy turned around seeing his father clad in Greek toga instead of his usual Hawaian shirt. The crown of golden and green laurel really sold the deal.

"Dad." Percy greeted tiredly marching to the god to hug him.

"After seeing everyone else, but you appear I feared the worst." He sighed pressing a warm hand to the back of Percy's head.

The two hugged for a few more moments before breaking apart.

"Is everyone here?"

"Everyone directly hailing from Greece."

"What about the others?" Asked Percy worried for Carter.

Poseidon wordlessly gestured at the horizon. Percy gave it a better look, finding more islands just floating there in the sky.

More specifically one with a large pyramid surrounded by a massive lush oasis.

Not too far from it was a massive castle of gold.

"Chronus has made sure we were comfortable and in You're case well fed."

"So he's treating us like pets." Scowled Percy kicking a pebble over the edge.

"Afraid so, I didn't know you were affiliated with Egyptians." He added sounding a bit disapproving.

"Really? You want to do this now!?"

"I'm just saying son, you can't trust them. Their pantheon will come first."

"Well since Annabeth isn't here to say it I will. The fool build walls and the wise build bridges. You keep these divine quarrels away from us."

"Percy." Tried Poseidon once more, but Percy wasn't having it.

"No! None of that. Carter's my friend, more importantly he's a kid. You or anyone lays a finger on him you'll have to get through me."

Percy stared down his father, who's lips quirked up a little before sighing in defeat. "Fine, but the gods won't like this."

"Bold of you to assume I give a damn."

Poseidon laughed and guided his son towards the center of the floating city.

There throned a massive Hearth managed by the smiling Hestia, the goddess beyond happy to be in the presence of so much family.

Percy recognized most deities present, the Olympians, Phobos Deimos Hecate and many more.

The number of demigods was a bit worrying, Percy could easily assume over 30 people were present.

"Is that fucking George Washington."

Poseidon chuckled "yes he had a bit of a spiritual shock discovering himself the son of Athena, but he surprisingly hasn't tried to convert anyone to Christianity yet."

"Good I don't need more divine beings BS in my life."

"Even if the situation is dire, it is good to see you again son"

Percy managed to smile at his father.

The gods grew quiet as he approached. "Well." Percy greeted neutrally.

"For once we are not stuck in a problem you created, good job kids." He said a bit condescendingly.

Ares nearly lept out of his seat, but one look from Poseidon had him wisely sitting back down.

"Best hold you're tongue child." Chided Athena "we are all stuck on the same boat. We do not need you to cause discord among us, we must remain united."

"Oh please, I'm willing to bet my own life that soon you'll be arguing about something insignificant instead of actually being productive."

"Come on Percy, give us bit more credit than that." Tried to jump in Apollo, but there wasn't much energy behind his statement.

"Enough enabling the son of Poseidon." Interrupted Zeus "we must understand what Chronus wants."

"Entertainement." Percy loudly stated before the Olympians could start arguing.

"How would you know." Demanded Athena.

"He told me." Shrugged Percy. "He wants to melt past present and future together in what he calls a fun event so he won't have to be spread out across existence."

"So what he expects us to kill each other for his amusement." Shouted Thalia sparks flying around her hair.

"He expects us to fight." Percy answered crossing his arms. "But he also said that it would be our choice to what extent."

"Oh great we can decide how much blood we wanna spill everything's alright now people." Piped up Leo in false happiness.

"What else did he say to you?" Wondered Hazel.

"As if!" Rudely shot down Ares leaning close to Hazel's face.

"We're just supposed to trust that stupid punk got talked too by the primordial of time. Don't make me laugh."

"Oh Ares, you should know I'm not fragile enough to say all of this for the sake of my ego. I'm sure you're special enough little boy to get his attention."
Percy shot back as if he were comforting a small child.

This time it was Phobos who jumped to his feet.

"You better shut the fuck up Jackson!"

"Oh I know you're not talking after the ass whooping I gave you." Coldly shot back the son of Poseidon.

"Enough!" Thundered Zeus lightning cracking above.

"I will not have conflict among us. Athena is correct, we must remain united in face of this overwhelming threat."

"So these other pantheons, we're supposed to fight them what are we even up against?"

"The einherjar are mostly like us in terms of power, they get traits from their godly parents, but they also all have an added boost in all physical department. To what extent I don't think it's anything ridiculous, but be wary anyway. These guys come with weapons of all ages and nations. Hard to predict if they'll pull out a musket or a grenade launcher." Informed Annabeth.

"How do you know all of this?" Wondered a young girl Percy didn't recognize. After a few moments he realized no one did. He held his tongue, he didn't need to know anything more about potential futures.

"When I found out my cousin was the son of Freyr I asked a lot of questions. As it turns out we both descend from the kings of Denmark. Gods like it when they can find connections to their glory days through people."

Some gods looked offended, but didn't bother rebuking her.

"I don't know much about they're rune magic or how many people can use it. I think I can figure out some of them if I get the right information."

"What about the Egyptians?" Asked Thalia.

"Most of their magic can't really hurt us demigods. Jumped in Percy, Carter and I fought before most non formed magical energy will just sparkle around you, but if they speak the divines words watch out. That fist of Horus packs a mean punch."

"So they're our ennemies?"

"No." Strongly stated Percy "that fight was a misunderstanding, they are just people like the rest of us. If you are to fight them just exhaust them. They are magical, but they're bodies are still human."

"Glass canons got it." Nodded one of the suspected future children.

"I recognized the Shintô and perhaps the Celtics as well. Pretty sure that giant beach island belongs to the Polynesians. You ever fought them?" Piped up a young hooded boy leaning against a pillar away from the gathered mass.

"Be quiet Damian." Nearly growled a dark skinned boy in a purple camp Jupiter shirt.

"No I can't say I ever did." Percy answered anyway, at least we're half informed.

"So only half likely to die. How do we know these people are going to give us the same kindness you plan on giving them?"

"Oh so what you want to kill them all too." Barked the camper leaping to his feet.

"Oh calm you're tits Zhang, I'm just being realistic."

Both stiffened as they realized the slip up.

Frank's eyes were so wide they looked ready to pop out of his skull.

Hazel looked completely calm, a little too calm her smile extremely strained.

"You're an asshole." Grumbled the now confirmed legacy.

"Yeah my bad spoilers." Admitted the hooded boy.

"So euh hi son." Frank greeted warmly albeit very awkwardly.

"Please don't this make this weirder dad." Sighed the boy "my name's Emile if you're wondering."

Frank smiled a little sadly. Hazel wrung her hands worriedly.

"What if we fight each other?" Asked another unamed demigod or legacy.

"Then treat it like sparring." Shrugged Percy with a small smile.

His smile quickly faded once he noticed all the looks being thrown around.

Clearly there was bad blood.

Hear me suddenly echoed the voice of Chronus all around.

People gods and mortals alike. For this tournament of might will be the greatest you will ever witness.

The rules are simple, two or more fighters will meet in the arena for various types of battles. Warriors will be chosen at random and if you have beef to settle with you're gods and vice versa than you can challenge them! The choice is yours to accept or not, But I must warn you you're fate is in the hand of those that defeat you and no one else, worry not about those old women. They have no influence over you while I'm here.

A wheel suddenly appeared in the sky, it was like looking at a new moon. Countless faces were and names were drawn on the bronze object. More than Percy could count.

Two lines like a clock appeared on the wheel. They spun around at an incredibly speed before suddenly stopping on two names.

Greater Ajax.

Hazel Levesque.

An interesting first matchup! Ajax son of Telamon, the legendary warrior of the war of Troy.

Images of Ajax battling in the legendary war flew by the screen. Him expertly wielding his massive spear with next to no equal.

Hazel Levesque champion of Hecate daughter of Pluto slayer of giants and of the undead. Princess of jewels and curses. Hostler of Arion the fastest horse of the nine realms.

Percy frowned at some of the images. One of them or Hazel clutching a woman that must have been her mother as a cave crumbled around them.

She was then shown riding Arion into battle weaving between giants slashing they're heels open with her cavalry sword. Fighting side by side with Hecate herself.

Emile cheered a little making his mother hide behind her hand embarrassed.

Spaced unraveled in front of Hazel, showing a dark room meant for the warriors. She sent a look at her family, no failing to include Emile before walking through it.

A larger portal opened for the soon to be spectators.

"Why do I have to fight the tiny girl!" Complained Ajax.

"This tiny girl has fought side by side with our gods. As far as I am aware that is hardly an honor you have earned." Angrily jumped in a tall bronze skinned woman that gave the stereotypical image of an Amazon a run for its money. Her appearance and the clothes made of bear fur told Percy this must have been Atalanta.

Despite the woman being a little over six feet tall Ajax still towered over her.

"You have something to say to me savage woman?"

A portal opened behind him, said woman smiled savagely before kneeing him in the groin. Caught of guard Ajax stumbled backwards through. The portal closing as he lept back towards the smug Atalanta.m

Percy gave a little laugh before walking through the portal with Annabeth hand in hand.

The rafters were gigantic. Very reminiscent of the ancient Roman colosseum.

On the other sides of the arena he saw how every section inhabited a different fractured pantheon and it's architecture. As if Chronus had dragged his fingers through time and ripped a piece of reality to settle it here.

Considering his ridiculous amount of power it wasn't such a stretch.

Percy quickly noticed how each demigod seemed to gravitate towards their parents. Hercules and who Percy could only assume was his namesake remained with Zeus.

Theseus with Poseidon Leo with Hephaestus, but what attracted Percy's attention for real was how Will nervously remained around Hades just to be close to Nico.

Which didn't go unnoticed by Apollo who opted to sit next to his son.

The ground shook as the sands of time shifted into a more solid substance, truly now looking like a proper arena.

Space warped in front of the spectators, making it seem like the battle was being watched through a television instead of being miles away.

The ground opened on two opposite side of the arena not too far from each other. From the two circular holes rose two platforms.

Hazel was now clad in her usual gear, golden and pristine like a true Roman.

Ajax was now clad in a celestial bronze armor, much better than his old one.

His spear was easily twice his size, but Percy didn't doubt he could still use it with deadly efficiency. Not that he feared for Hazel at all.

Pluto seemed slightly worried, but Nico stared at the fight with a confident smile.

"You can give up now daughter of the dark one. I have very little care for the child of such a dishonorable god."

"Fields of punishment?" Nico inquired.

"Please my son, it takes more than the mean words of a fool for me to overlook my duties as an impartial ruler, I'm not my brother."

Hazel remained impassive holding up her cavalry sword.

"I see no horse around to do all the work for you." Taunted Ajax "go home cook a meal for those future husband and son of yours. I doubt they'd enjoy seeing you bloodied and broken."

Now Hazel was starting to look annoyed.

She took one step forward and suddenly disappeared.

Ajax looked around wildly before suddenly stumbling backwards as if someone smacked him right in the face.

Growling Ajax made a wide arc with his spear, but he swung at empty air before stumbling forward as he was hit from the back.

"Show yourself coward!"

A small cut appeared on his right arm, making the warrior swipe his weapon in that direction. Only to be yet again met with another wound. This time to the back of his left knee.

He twirled his spear stabbing in every direction. Ajax noticed the sand lifting every so slightly and thrusted his weapon in that direction.

Hazel deflected the strike, but now Ajax had a general direction in which to attack.

And he was relentless, repeatedly stabbing at her, but Hazel wasn't about to act like a sitting duck.

Suddenly the sand stopped moving. Ajax agitedly turned to all directions his spear at the ready.

Small pebbles shifted and Ajax quick like the wind stabbed at the general direction of the movement. Only for him to fall over as the back of his other knee was slashed open.

His weapon slipped out of his large hand. He tried to reach for it but another cut appeared across the back of it.

Ajax rolled on his back suddenly tensing up.

Hazel reappeared her foot planted into the chest of the Ancient Greek warrior. Her blade at his neck.

"Don't think me weak enough to spare you if you try to fight more."

Percy had never seen so much affront in a single man's eyes. He expected he would be seeing that a lot in the next days.

Winner Hazel Levesque!

Emile and Frank cheered loudly while Hades loudly clapped his hands while suddenly standing up. Even Persephone at his side clapped gently at the display of magic.

Now onto today's next challengers!

The wheel turned for a few seconds before settling on two new names.

Carter Kane vs Halfborn Gunderson!!!!

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