Loved By You! ~Naruto Various...

By Hellouniverzum

152K 5.3K 5K

What if a girl is getting transported into the Naruto world? After her death, caused by an airplane crash she... More

Welcome! :D
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chaper eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four

Chapter seventeen

3.5K 130 138
By Hellouniverzum

Third person's pov:

After Kakashi fainted and (Y/n) carried him to Tazuna's home, he slept for a good forty minutes. When he woke up, a nice lady entered his room.

"Waking up huh. Are you alright?" She asked.

"I've been better. It'll be a week before I can move normally." He said trying to sit up.

"See? It's better if you don't move so just lie down."

"Ah.. right." He gave up and lied back down in his futon.

Just then team seven and the bridge builder entered the room.

"Look, the sensei is coming around!" Naruto said relieved.

"Listen Sensei, your Sharingan is amazing and everything but if it puts that much strain on you maybe it isn't worth it!" Sakura scolded him.

"Sorry" He simply said.

"Well, you did take out one of those powerful ninja assassins so I'll be safe for a while." Tazuna joined the conversation.

"Right. But you know that boy with the mask.. what about him?" Sakura asked.

"He is from the tracking unit of the hidden in the Mist. Those masks are only worn by the most elite shinobi. But tracker ninjas are dealing with the body on the spot." He said holding his aching head.

"Uh.. is that really important?" Sakura asked.

"Think about it. Do you remember what that tracker did with Zabuza's body?"

"I guess he took it off somewhere."

"Exacly. But why? He was supposed to deal with his body right away. Do you remember the weapons he used to take him down?" Kakashi asked again.

"Throwing needles..." Sasuke said.

"Okay, but what are you all worked up about? You finished that assassin." Tazuna said boredly.

Suddenly the door opened widely.

"We didn't. Zabuza's still alive." (Y/n) burst the door wide open and came inside.

Their mouth dropped to the ground in shock.

"Look who decided to talk." Tazuna said after recovering from his shocking stance.

"But we saw his body! Believe it!" Naruto said looking at Kakashi.

"But you checked yourself and said that his heart stopped!" Sakura exclaimed.

"His heart did stop. But that was just a temporary state to simulate death. That tracker wasn't trying to kill Zabuza. He was trying to save him."

"C'mon you're overthinking this, aren't you?" Tazuna asked hoping for a positive answer.

"Encountering suspicion, the ninja prepares quickly. Hesitation leaves to disaster." Kakashi spoke.

"Sensei... you say to prepare quickly. But how can we do that when you can barely even move?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi laughed.

"I can still train you. Naruto, you've grown the most." He did a close eye smile.

Naruto chuckled.

"So you noticed, Kakashi sensei! Now things are gonna get better, believe it!"

"I don't believe it, and nothing's gonna be good!" Someone said.

They all turned around to see a little boy there.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Naruto shouted.

"Ah, Inari! Where have you been?" Tazuna asked smiling at his grandson.

"Welcome back grandpa!" He ran to him and hugged Tazuna.

"Inari, that was very rude. These ninja brought your grandpa home safely!" His mother scolded him.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm rude to them too!" Tazuna smiled and chuckled.

"Mom! Don't you see these people are gonna die! Gato is going to find them and wipe them out!" Inari said to his mother.

"What did you say, brat? Listen, do you know what a super ninja is? That's me, only a lot better. One day I am going to become Hokage! This Gato or Plato is no match for a warrior like me!" Naruto yelled grinning.

"Hah. There is no such thing as a hero! You are just so full of yourself." He responded.

"Whatdidya'say?" He walked towards Inari but Sakura held him back.

"If you want to stay alive you should go back where you came from." He said before going out of the room.

"Sorry bout' that" Tazuna apologised.

Poor kid...

"And (Y/n). I wanted to say-"

"Tazuna, can you please tell Kakashi that I am NOT talking to him? I am still pissed off so unless he wants his eyes being scratched out it's fine by me." The (e/c) eyed girl said who was currently leaning against a wall.

"Um.. She is saying that she is not-"

"Yeah, I heard her. Since when was she like this?"

"Since you passed out..." Sasuke mumbled.

"She refuses to talk to any of us. No matter how hard we try or what we say she acts like we are not even there and walks away!" Naruto continued.

"So who did she talk to when she said that Zabuza was still alive?" Kakashi tried to outsmart his stubborn student.

"Tell him that I talked to you and to Inari's mother."

"She's saying that-"

"I know what she's saying" Kakashi interrupted him.
"But didn't you say you won't pay attention to us?" Kakashi asked again.

"No, I actually said that I am not talking to them. I never said anything about paying attention. Smart ass."

"She said-"

"I got it!" Kakashi said interrupting him once again.
"But you just talked to me" He said smirking slightly under his mask.

"Tell him I didn't. Just because I am not saying 'tell him' it doesn't mean that I am talking to him, or Sasuke, or Naruto or any of them!"

"It does" Kakashi said.

"It doesn't"

"It does"

"It doesn't"

"It doesn't"

"It doesn't"

"Okay that didn't work." He sighed.

This is going to take a lot of time, huh? I guess we really did hurt her feelings.

"Tch.. Tell them what I'll sadly see them when we're training. Till then I'm helping Inari's mother with the housework." She said going out of the room.

"That's kind of you sweetheart!" The woman smiled as she went after her.


''Alright! Training starts now" Kakashi said to his four students.

"Right!" Naruto yelled excited.

"First we will begin with the review of chackra. A ninja's basic sorce of power."

"We know that." Sasuke said.

"Mhm! Long time ago we learned about.. uh.. catra." Naruto said.

"It's Chackra."

(Y/n) giggled at him. They didn't even start but Naruto already messed up.

"Go ahead Sakura..."

"Alright Naruto. I explain it simply so you can understand it. Chackra is the elemental life energy a ninja uses in jutsu. It's the sorce of all of his power. And not this energy has two forms. Physical energy gathered together from each and every cell in the body and Spiritual energy accumulated based on numerous trainings and experiences! In other words, Jutsu wrings out and combines these two energies form within the body, and this is called 'Combining the Chackra'. Then Chackra is activated by forming handsigns" She finished.

"Right by all points. Iruka sensei really did have some excellent students" Kakashi said as Sakura smiled proudly at herself.

"Ah! What's the big deal with all this complicated explication? The point is to learn the jutsu, isn't it?"

"Naruto's right for once. We're already using chackra in our jutsu." Sasuke joined in.

"No! You haven't mastered this power, you barely scratched the surface of it!"

"WHATDOYA MEAN?" He yelled.

"Calm down and listen. It's just like Sakura said."

"Then... what do we have to do?" Naruto asked.

Kakashi chuckled.

"Climb a tree"

"Climb a tree?" The three of them yelled.

"That's right, but there is just one rule. No hands."

"What? You're kidding." Sakura stated.

"Am I? Let's see." He said and started to slowly walk up to a tree.

"He's climbing..." Naruto said.

"Staight up. And he is only using his feet." Sakura continued.

"Well you get the idea..." He said looking at them from above.
"Focuse the chackra to the soles of your feet and use it to connect to the tree" Then he took out four kunai knifes throwing it in front of them.
"Use these to mark the tree at the highest point you can climb without using your hands. Then try to get higher the next time. Do you want to say anything? (Y/n)?"

The girl just looked up at him and stucked her tongue out.

"Still pissed off I see..." He said.

At the next second a shuriken was flying towards him. Because he could barely move, all he did was taking a few stepps back in order to dodge the sharp object.

"Really pissed off..." He muttered taking out the knife from the tree.
"You may start now."

(Y/n)'s pov:

I have my reasons to avoid talking to them okay? I can explain. They didn't even believe in me for a minute! I'll show them how wrong they were.

I didn't bother to take the kunai knife before me. I simply just approached tma tree.

Chackra control, huh? It means that it needs to be perfect.

I put my hands on the tree.

Let's imagine a scale from 0% to 100%. I am using my chackra now and maybe I can focus on how much am I putting in it. That means I need to stop at 45-55%. But it would be safer if I can go with 50%... Wait.. how did my Physic teacher say....

I started to focus my chackra but not in my feet, in my palms.

If I can find the balance in my hands, then I'll get to my feet. Then it should be easy.





"(Y/n), what are you doing?" Kakashi asked, taking away my concentration in my palms.


I took my hands away from the tree seeing that It left a mark. My handmark. I glared at kakashi.

Does he want me to throw another shuriken at him?

I ignored him and started again.




Focus... a little lower...


Good enough... now for my feet.


This is a little bit harder. Focus.


Good enough..

I slowly put my feet on the tree, then the other one.
My eyes were closed because I focused so I wouldn't fall.

I heard someone gasp. Sakura, I think.

I too a step forward, then another one. Just like that I slowly walked up to that tree with my eyes closed.

You know, they said feel the nature. That's what I'm doing.

Who said this bullshit?


When I had a feeling I almost reached the top, I stopped and opened my eyes.


Oh shit, focus!


Okay I'm good.


I let myself fall. It wasn't a mistake, I wanted to get down. One of those asses will eventually catch me.

"(Y/n)!" Sasuke shouted, so did Naruto as Sakura yelped.

But someone did caught me.

Oh it's just Kakashi.

I wanted to jump away from him but he held me tightly.

"Talk if you want to get away." He slowly said.

I just looked at him. I may be stubborn but I am not dumb.

I smiled and got comfortable in his arms, hugging his neck.

He stood still, so when he least expected it I pulled his white hair. Hard.

Eat this!

This caused him to let go of me.

"Ow... did you just?..."

I smirked as I took the kunai knife from the ground.

"You did..." He shighed.

I stared to run up the tree.




And there I was marking the top of the tree. Soon after I was laying down on a tree branch trying to sleep.

What? I did what he asked me to do, didn't I?

You hugged him...


"Well, looks like the two female on this squad have more chance to become hokage, don't you think Naruto? And maybe the Uchiha clan isn't that grate." He said with a close eyed smile.

"SENSEI!" Sakura yelled at him.

Now for sure both of them are going to be motivated.


When I woke up, the sun was already setting down. I needed to rest after that fight with Zabuza and all this drama. It's not like I fought him.. It were just a few kicks and punches I guess, but I mostly talked to him.

And you told him to watch out for Gato. Don't you think they'll figure it out that you are from another world?

Nope. I don't. The thing is I told the Hokage when I met him that I can predict the future by touching someone's hands. I did touch Zabuza's, and I also did Kakashi's. I'm safe. This is just an excuse.

Ah.. now I got it.

I jumped off the tree branch and started to walk towards Tazuna's house. Naruto and Sasuke were still training but I didn't glance at them twice.

When they saw me going away, soon after they followed walking behind me.

We all walked in silence, me at the front and the two of them behind my back.

Suddenly Naruto came on next to me interweaving his warm fingers with my cold ones. So did Sasuke at the other side of me.

Is this some kind of a plan to get me to talk to them? It is is then it isn't working really good.

When we arrived, a table waited for us full with food.

I let go of the two boys and went upstairs to the bedroom.

"Aren't you eating with us sweetheart?" Inari's mother asked with a sad expression.

"No, thank you. I don't feel very well. I think I'll just go back to sleep." I said smiling back at her.

I'm not on the mood to hear depressed backstories at the moment. Soon Inari will come upstairs and he is going to be a raging mess.

You should comfort him

Me? Why me?

If there is anyone, you are the one to give him a little courage and comfort.

You think so?

I truly do.

Then I guess I can try.

I slowly went to my futon and organised it.

Hey... I need to say sorry.

Right you do.

I am sorry I didn't have faith in you, (Y/n). It was my fault that I doubted you even for a second. Can you forgive me?

I have no other choice but to forgive you. You are a part of me, aren't you? And if I would say that I am not forgiving you then you'll annoy me all day and night. Did I get that right?



s that Inari? Do I hear his footsteps?

You do, you do, you do. Go now and talk with his head before Kakashi does.

Kakashi? Ah right. He is going to talk to Inari too. But isn't that part after Naruto passes out in the forest?

Then why do I sense him coming this way? Go to Inari now.


I left the room and searched for Inari. Soon I found him at a cliff overlooking at the Ocean.

"Beautiful out here, isn't it?" I started a conversation.

"What are you doing here?" He turned around angrily.

"Just needed air. May I sit down next to you?"

He hesiteted before nodding his head slowly.

"Thank you." I whispered

Kakashi is here. He's watching you.

He just hid his chackra, didn't he?

He did.

Not impressed.

"So why are you here? I know you want something." He looked at the ocean.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what happened with your father. Kaiza, right?"

"Tch... First them, now you. I don't want to talk about it. Leave."

"Sweetheart, I am not going anywhere till I am not easing you up a little. Talk it out. If you don't, all that pain in your heart gathers together and you won't be able to hide your emotions anymore. So talk ot out till you can. Trust me, it will be a lot easier after." I said looking at the ocean.

Soon, I heard him sniffing and I realised that he was crying.

"H-hero's don't e-exist. W-why are you t-trying to a-act like one?" He asked wipeing his tears off.

"Here is the thing. I am not. I never wanted to be a hero. But for those who I love I wanted to fight, and to protect them from the world's pain. It's not easy for them, you know?"

This just made him cry more.

"Let it all out" I smiled as he leaned into me hugging me.

"H-h-he promised... Th-That he will p-protect me a-and this land, w-with both of his a-arms. He made me believe he could do it!" He cried more as I hugged him closer to me, but I didn't say a word.
"B-But it was all just a lie!" He continued.

His tears soaked my red sweater but I couldn't give a damn about it. He needed someone now.

"He didn't lie to you, Inari. He protected everyone he could. You, your mother, the village. He saved everyone and gave them hope. But human is born to die once and nothing can change this. It is just the way it is." I said stocking his hair.

"H-he didn't?"

"That's right. He didn't lie to you. Look at the stars, sweetheart. You are not alone. He is there somewhere in them. Just concentrate and you'll find comfort in them." He looked up to me with teary eyes.

"How do you know that?" He asked hugging me once again.

I gave him a short laugh.

"They were my comfort. Still are, actually. You know your father would be really proud of you."

He cuddled into me.

"Why are you different from the others? How comes that you understand my pain?" He spoke softly.

"You are too young to taste what real pain in this world is. Life is cruel, and there is just one way to outsmart it."

"What is it?"

"My father used to tell me to play with my life. So play with it. But never brake the number one rule."

"What is the rule?" He looked up at me with now his clear eyes.

"Don't let anyone too close to your heart. They might brake it and it'll take a lot of pain. So don't. I am not saying that you can't have friends or anything, just don't spill anything to them. Don't let your heart fool you."

"You are speaking fron experience, aren't you? Share it with me." He said backing away a little but still remained in my arms.

"Ah... how do I start this. You are not the only one who has no father. You know Naruto and Sasuke doesn't have parents at all..."

"Not even a sibling?" He asked.


"Nope. Not even a sibling." I lied.

"And what about you?" He asked curiously.

"Ahh.. I had a family of four people. My parents and my little brother. I lost them not lond ago." I sarted looking at the stars.
"You know before I became a ninja, or a hero as you would say, a boy my age found me wandering outside of the gates. I lived in a forest, you know?"

He slowly nodded his head.

"We lived in tents. Imagine a little group wantering in the forests. One day when we set a camp with everyone, something torn us appart. My friends didn't survive, but I only have hope left in my parents. Maybe they'll come after me, or me after them. I bet my brother is scared." I smiled slightly.
"The best part is that it was my own fault. I could decide were are we going to set a camp and as some time passed, the tragedy happened. If I found them dead, I'll never forgive myself. That's why I want to protect the one's I love."

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me.

"But you aren't talking to your teammates at all. Yet you still want to protect them?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"Of course. They mean to me more than everything and I wouldn't let anything happen to them. Even tho I am mad at them, It doesn't mean that I don't care. I care more then anything and the fact that they didn't believe in me for a minute really hurts me. You know I played a trick on our enemy, and they thought I am a traitor. Zabuza was his name, he told me I might be a ninja. He's wrong. So wrong. I don't even deserve it, I am weak and I can't fight. He offered me power and strenght." I looked down.

"Why didn't you accept?" He asked.

"I am not a traitor, Inari." I looked at him.
"Even if I don't have power, or I can't fight. I am still here to protect them with my own body if it's necessary. I would do anything for them. Anything Inari." I looked away.
"You know maybe I am the bad guy for what I did to my loved ones but I am not changing."

"So if that hurts you this much then why don't you cry it all out? Like you told me to do it. I am feeling a bit better now." He smiled lightly.

"I can't. I am not allowed to cry." I hugged him.

"Why not? Who is stopping you?"

"More like what is stopping me. My father was the strongest man ever in my eyes. He never cried and never fought. He always used words like I do. I guess I got this from him." I smiled.

"And then are you a psycho from your mothers part?" He asked smirking.

"That's right- WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?"

He laughed and got up.

"I saw you throwimg a weapon at your teacher. You are a psycho!" He laughed more as he tried to run away.

"Oh no, you are not getting away with this! And it's short temperd not Psycho! Hey! Get over here!" I said running after him.

"No way! Catch me if you can, miss Psycho!"

"HaaAAAaaHHh? I'm offended! Now you are gonna get it!" I yelled before I caught him and started to tickle his sides.

"H-HEY! Q-QUIT IT!" He laughed.

"Is this psycho enough for you?" I laughed with him.

"STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" He tried to push me away still as a laughing mess. Then I stopped and layed down next to him.

"How about this. Since it's pretty late, I'll put you to sleep?" I asked looking at him.

"Will you sing for me? Or tell me a bedtime story?" He asked with his eyes sparkling.

"Of course" Now help up this old hag and let's go inside.

"You are not old!" He pulled me up and dragged me with him inside his room.

After I made sure he was comfortable in bed, I sat down next to him.

"What do you want me to do now, little master? Song or story?" I smiled as he laughed.

"Song please!" He grinned.

"Alright. But we have a little problem here... I don't know any song what normal people are singing at night to their kids." I laughed.

"Then how are you going to sing?"

"I have my own songs too, you know? I can sing for you one of them."

"Yes!" He smiled and closed his eyes.

"Okay, I am just warning you that I don't remember all of the song, just half of it. But it's a beautiful one, I swear."


(Here is the song btw.. I hope you like it)

"Oh the wind whistles down
The cold dark street tonight
And the people they were dancing
To the music vibe
And the boys chase the girls
With the curls in their hair
While the shy tormented youth sit away over there
And the songs they get louder
Each one better than before"

Inari looked at me in shock. I am not surprised, this song has a meaning and he never really heard of it.

"And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?"

I stopped because I don't remember the rest of the song. Inari was already half asleep.

"You have beautiful voice..." He mumbled before drifting off.

"Maybe you're right sweetheart. But I can't do anything with it." I whispered and kissed his hand.
"Sleep tight."

I got up leaving the room.

Third persons pov:

Kakashi stared at the two of them with a smile on his face. A true smile.

I did a mistake not trusting her enough. And now she's hurting and is mad at us...

He steppes away from the door before the (h/c) girl so she couldn't see him and walked back down in the kitchen.

(Y/n) walked in her room. She was alone now and all she wanted to do is sleep, so she took off his red sweater and weapons. 

Are you gonna change in your pijama's?

No. I'll just sleep in my top. It's covered what it needs to be covered so I'm good.

Just then the door opened and someone entered the room.

"(Y/n) please talk to me. I feel like I am going insane with you being mad at me." Sasuke's voice rang in her ears as she stood up straight.

She didn't say anything. And you know why? She was still mad at them. She just stood there listening to what he has to say.

Then she was hugged from behind. Still, not even a sound escaped her mouth.

"Please, love. I am so sorry for not trusting you more. Just talk to me please." He whispered in her ear.

I so wanna mock him now that the big Uchiha is begging.

You're evil...

I know.

She turned around looking at him in the eyes telling him with a look to repeat himself again.

He pulled her closer to him by her waist and put his other hand on her cheek.

"Forgive me? Please" He whispered as he looked down at her. His face was just inches apart from hers.
"I won't doubt you ever again. Just please talk to me. Say something, anything."

"Look at you love. Begging for forgiveness. That's new." She finally spoke up smirking.

"When I said say something I didn't mean to make fun of me... but at least you talked" He slightly smiled.

(Y/n) put her cold hands on Sasuke's cheeks and tilted her head.

Sasuke, who was caught off guard gasped when she kissed him just below his ear. He never expected this. But one thing was sure. He fell in love.

So when (Y/n) pulled away, he approached her lips.

Suddenly the door opened widely and Sakura came in.

This straddled both (Y/n) and Sasuke so they quickly stepped away from each other. Well- more likely (Y/n) fell on her futon.

Sasuke scoffed when he saw Sakura. She just ruined his moment.

"Ah- Sasuke-kun, (Y/n)-chan. Are you resting for the day aswell?" She asked blushing slightly.

"Hn.." Sasuke said pulling his futon next to (Y/n)'s.

"Ah! Can I sleep next to you too (Y/n)-chan?" She asked messing with her fingers.

The (h/c) girl just nodded her head, getting comfortable in her futon.

So when everybody was in their place, (Y/n) spoke up.

"Where are the others?" She asked turning towards Sasuke.

Sakura gasped.

"Does that mean you forgive us?" She asked with her eyes sparkling.

"No, she's just forgiving me. Right?" Sasuke said smirking.

"Yet. If they'll say their sorry I might forgive them too. But I'm too tired for that now." She said closing hear eyes.

"Naruto is off training again and Sensei is talking with Tazuna and miss Tsunami." Sakura spoke slowly.

"Mhm.. Tell Sakura to have sweet dreams. And you too of course." She said almost sleeping.

"Good night to you too, (Y/n)-chan." She said smiling.

"Hn.. Good night"

Soon the three of them drifted off to sleep.


(Y/n) opened her eyes when she was in front of the cage yet again. Without hesitation she went inside only to be welcomed by Reji.

"Finally you fell asleep. You know I wanted to ask you something." He said going closer to her.

"Yeah? What?" She tilted her head.

"But first I'll tell you what you need to do for today's training. I'll teach you how to throw needles."

"Needles? Really? Whose are so dangerous..."

"Crystal needles from your palm." He said deadpanning.

"Oh, now it's getting interesting!" She grinned.

"You know when you want to use your crystal powers, you need to take the bandage off first. That is preventing you to use your power."

"Got it!"

"All you have to do is to put your hand in front of you and to concentrate your power to 4%. Needles are not that big of a deal, it's a simple atack. But is you concentrate hard enough you can decide how strong you want them to be. If it's strong enough to go through a trees log, than you mastered it completly. Now take off that bandage and say the words do activate the technique. Pluvia Cristallina."

"Is this some kind of ritual? I don't wanna die yet! I'm too young!"

"Shut up, it is not"

"Yes it is"

"It is not." He looked at her in the eyes.

"Okay, I'll give it a try"

"But let me ask you something first." He said stepping closer to her.
"I understand that you made up a lie of you living in a forest, but why continuing it? Why did you say it was your fault?" He asked.

The (h/c) girl stopped moving.

The story of a forest was a lie. It all was and you know that. But the thing is that I didn't chose the place we make our camp. I chose the place where we wanted to go on Holiday. It depended on me, Reji. If I wouldn't chose Hawaii that day my family would still be by my side. I will never forgive myself if I lost them. They are gone somewhere because of me. I didn't lie. It was the pure truth twisted in a lie."


A/n: Hello there dear reader! How was your day/night?<3

So, the thing is I wanted to make this chapter a little emotional, and it turned to be really long...

But I have good news! I found my book full of my drawings.

And they are terrible... I'll post one at the end of this chapter. I mean now.

This wanted to be a half Sasuke and a half Naruto I guess? As you can see the date it's made in 2022.

I have an old one of Sasuke too...

Oh my god..

And yes, these re made by me. I have a couple more of them but not every character is from Naruto. There are others from MHA, Kamisama Kiss, Fruits Basket and I guess two more anime's that I forgot the name of.


- Love you!-Ay<3

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⋆.ೃ࿔ ⌗ 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐒 ࿐ : ❝ 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘱𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘰...
40.6K 2.1K 17
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ㅤㅤㅤ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ "Something feels different. This is ain't the same Villain I fought before. No, something hav...
2K 106 7
𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄 v(a)-le-rie Origin(s): French, Latin, German, Italian Meaning: healthy; strong Valerie, an executive of the assassination organization...