The Pirate Daughter

By _Crystal_Plays_

976 30 4

Ok, you know Hadley's story. She was born to Snow White and Prince Charming, put in limbo for twelve years an... More

Act One
Cast List
The Curse
The Royal Proclamation
The Museum
First Day of School
The Love Spell
Dress Fitting
The Game
The Date

Welcome to Auradon

85 2 0
By _Crystal_Plays_

In front of Mal's house sat a stretch limo, adorned with a mini crown. I gave my chest to the driver, ignoring how his eyes lingered on my leg, before hobbling around to the doors. I opened the door, and was about to get in when I heard Cruella shouting from behind me. "Carlos!" Cruella cried. I looked behind me to see Carlos hurrying away from his mother. Carlos threw his trash bag of clothes into the limo, ran past me and practically dove into the limo. I hurried into the limo after him. I found myself seated in between Jay and Carlos, my peg-leg digging into the carpet by Jay's foot.

"Bring me home a better hook!" Dad ordered me as the limo started to move.

"Bring home the gold!" Jafar called out to his son.

"Bring home a puppy!" Cruella demanded.

"Bring home a prince!" The Evil Queen shouted at Evie. The Limo drove out of the run-down street. Jay, Carlos and I found ourselves enamoured at the array of sweets that were presented to us. The three of us shared a look, before we dove for it. Each of us scrambled to get something. I managed to wrap my hands around what looked to be red jelly sticks. I ripped one with my teeth, and my eyes widened at the strawberry flavour.

"Oh, these." Carlos started, hitting me on the arm. "They're salty like nuts but it's sweet like I don't know what."

"Show me." I ordered. Carlos opened his mouth, showing me the chewed-up piece in his mouth. "Eww!" I complained, shoving Carlos' face away and snatching the half-eaten candy out of his hand. I broke a piece off, handing it to Jay before shoving mine in my mouth. Jay and I shared a look, it was delicious.

"Look!" Evie exclaimed. I turned to where Evie was looking, and saw us heading straight for the magic barrier.

"It's a trap!" Carlos yelped. We all huddled together, fearing the worst. I felt Jay's arm wrap around me as I latched onto Carlos. We all let out screams of terror as we held onto each other for dear life. When nothing happened, we sat up, "What just happened?" Carlos asked. I looked out the driver's windshield window. A bridge, made out of yellow bricks was spread out before us.

"It must be magic!" Evie exclaimed, bouncing in her seat. Mal turned to the driver and taped a remote she was holding.

"Hey, did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" Mal asked.

"No, this one opens the magic barrier." The limo driver said, holding up a gold button, "That one opens my garage, and this one..." He pushed a button on the dashboard that closed the partition.

"Ok," Mal started, turning back around. "Nasty...I like that guy." She stated, tapping the garage remote against her thigh. We drove until we reached a driveway to a school that looked like a castle. The sign at the front of the school driveway said 'Welcome To Auradon Prep - Goodness Doesn't Get Any Better'. I fake-gagged, this place was already the worst. I was just about to get out of the limo when I felt a pressure on my back and I was flung to the ground. I groaned as Carlos landed on top of me.

"You got everything else, why do you want whatever-this-is!" Carlos screeched as he presumably fought with Jay.

"Because you want it!" Jay replied, still pulling.

"Get off me!" I shouted. "I already have one leg, I don't need a broken back!"

"Guys, guys, we have an audience!" Mal said through gritted teeth. Jay spit out a candy he was holding in his teeth.

"Just cleaning up!" Jay said, looking at the people as he pulled Carlos to his feet. I slowly got to my feet, using the limo as a crutch. I hopped on my good leg to get my balance before resting my peg on the ground again. I looked around and noticed that we had a welcoming committee, great. There was what I assume to be the school band, an old lady, and two students. The old lady had brown hair styled neatly wearing a blue dress with a pink bow. The students walked arm in arm, the boy had honey-blonde hair and hazel eyes, and was dressed in a blazer that had the Auradonian crest stitched into the pocket. The girl gave me pause, she had caramel skin and brown eyes, her hair styled neatly. She was gorgeous, dressed in a pink dress and blue cardigan. I had to shake my head to focus on what the woman was saying.

"Leave it like you found it~!" She sang. "And by that I mean just leave it." She said seriously. Jay grabbed everything from the limo and threw it back in. Jay then saw the girl with the caramel skin, he walked up to her.

"Hello foxy," He said flirtatiously, causing me to glare at him. "The name's, Jay." She laughed for a second then stopped.

"Welcome to Auradon prep." The lady said, putting her head between the two of them. "I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress." She gave a little curtsy.

"The Fairy Godmother!" Mal faked surprise, "As in, Bibbidy-Bobbidy-Boo?" She asked, waving her hand around like she was waving a wand.

"Bibbidi-Bobbidi-you-know-it." She said with a smile.

"Yeah you know, I've always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you appeared, out of nowhere with the sparkly wand, and warm smile." Mal forced a smile and acted like a good little girl, "And that sparkly wand!" Mal repeated. Gods Mal, don't make it obvious.

"That was a long time ago, and as I always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" She waved her hands in front of her face. The boy stepped forward.

"It's so good to finally meet you all." He said with a smile. "I'm Ben-"

"Prince Benjamin." The girl with caramel skin interrupted. "Soon to be king!" She gushed,

"You had me at 'Prince'." Evie sighed. "My mum's a Queen, which makes me a Princess." She stepped up and curtsied.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here." She said. "And neither do you." Evie stood up straight and glared daggers at her, backing away. Great, the cute one is a mean girl, why is it always like that?

"This is Audrey..." Ben said awkwardly.

"Princess Audrey." She corrected, "His girlfriend." Audrey grabbed his hand possessively, tucked her chin and gave a smile. "Right Bennyboo?" Ben gave a short laugh. I tried my hardest not to snort and ignore the weird pang in my chest. The headmistress held both of their hands.

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you all tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut!" She threw open Ben and Audrey's hands, and I jumped. "But the library hours are from eight to eleven and we do have a little thing about curfews." She explained, and then she left with the band in toe. Great. Curfew. Why couldn't Auradon be at least a little lenient with bedtimes? There was a second of silence before Ben spoke again.

"It is so so-" Ben went to shake hands with Jay but he punched Ben in the arm. "Good to finally meet you all." Ben reached for mine, and I gave it a firm shake with a little squeeze. Ben winced, and I smirked. He then moved on to Mal, holding onto her hand for a little too long. Audrey moved in front of me. She seemed reluctant to give me her hand, but I took it gently, bowing down slightly and giving the back of her hand a gentle kiss. Audrey flushed red before taking her hand back and scurrying after Ben. "This is a momentous occasion, and one I hope will go down in history. Chocolate?" Ben asked as he shook Carlos' hand. "As the day our two people's began to heal." He continued.

"Or the day you showed five people where the bathrooms are!" Mal said, imitating his tone. Audrey reached for Ben and snatched his arm away from Evie.

"A little bit over the top?"

"A little more than a little."

"Well, so much for my first impression." The two locked eyes before looking away again.

"Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?" Audrey asked, looking at Mal, who rolled her eyes. "You know what I totally don't blame your Mother trying to kill my parents and stuff." She looked around at all of us, "Oh, my mum's Aurora. Sleeping-"

"Beauty." Mal interjected, "Yeah I've heard the name. And I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world except my mother, to their stupid christening."

"Water under the bridge!"

"Totes!" Mal plastered on a giant fake smile. They both laughed and dropped out at the same time.

"Ok! So how bout a tour?" Ben asked, trying to divert the conversation. Audrey linked her arm with Ben's as he turned. As we started the tour, Jay leaned down to me.

"What was with that with the Princess?" He asked.

"You need to be charming, Jay." I told him, smirking up at him. "Not boisterous."

"Auradon Prep, originally built over three hundred years ago and was converted into a high school by my father, when he became King." Ben explained as we approached a statue of King Beast. Ben clapped his hands twice and the statue started to change shape until it was a beast. Carlos yelped and jumped into Jay's arms. I snickered. Ben looked over at him. "Carlos, It's OK, my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man, to show that anything is possible."

"Does he shed much?" Mal asked,

"Yeah, Mum won't let him on the couch." Ben said seriously. He and Mal shared a soft smile before continuing into the school.

"So do you have magic here in Auradon? Like wands and things like that?" Mal asked.

"Yeah, it exists, but it's pretty much retired." Ben explained, "All of us here are just ordinary mortals."

"Who happen to be Kings and Queens." Mal rolled her eyes.

"That's true!" Audrey piped up as she moved Ben's arm to wrap around her shoulder, "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years!" She bragged, trying to make us jealous. Ben gave an awkward chuckle and looked as if he wanted to get his arm off Audrey.

"Doug! Doug come down here!" Ben called, moving over towards a boy with glasses and a band uniform. Audrey gave us a small smile and fixed her jacket, trying to seem like she wasn't fazed that her boyfriend technically left her with spawns of Villains. Ben wrapped his arm around Doug's shoulders, "Guys, this is Doug, he'll show you around and help with your schedule." Ben walked back over to us, "I'll see you later ok?" He said, looking mostly at Mal. "And if you need anything, feel free to-"

"Ask Doug!" Audrey interrupted, she and Mal shared a laugh again before Audrey took hold of Ben's hand and led (read dragged) him away.

"Hey guys, I'm Dopey's son." Doug introduced, "As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and..." He trailed off after seeing Evie, "Hi-ho." Evie sashayed over to him.

"Evie, Evil Queen's daughter." She said flirtatiously, Doug snapped out of his daze.

"So yeah, about your classes I put in the requirements already." I stepped behind him and looked over his shoulder, "History of Woodsman and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet and," He cleared his throat, glancing at me. "Remedial Goodness 101." He finished sheepishly.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that that class is brand new?" I asked him. Doug nodded shakily.

"Come on guys, let's go find our dorms." Mal said before starting up the nearest staircase,

"Uh, your dorms are that way guys." Doug pointed to the staircase on the other side. We turned around and walked over to the staircase he was pointing at. "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy and...." Doug trailed off, trying to remember his other uncle. Apparently, I wasn't rooming with Mal or Evie. I strolled into a single-person room, and the best word to describe the whole thing was pink. I scowled at the goody-ness of it all. A pink four-poster bed with white curtains, a white dresser, a vanity shoved into one corner and a desk in the other, and the walls were plastered with girls who had I assume, lived in this dorm before me. I groaned, limping over to the large window and yanking the curtains closed, there we go, that was much, much better. Now...I turned to look at the room. What to do with all

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