One-Shot: Angst & Fluff!!

By Seth189

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This is gonna be similar to Connected except this is one-shots, not mini stories. I'm taking recommendations... More

Tie so I'll do 3
A Romantic Dinner: A Jizzie Fluff
New Years Eve: A Scarian Fluff
Cooking: An Olix Fluff
Slow day!! What do you want??
A Day At The Park: A Scarian Fluff
Goodbye: An Ethdubs Angst
The End of The World: A Flower Husbands Angst
Water Park: a Scottyn Fluff
A/N what do you wantttttttt
The Challenge: A RenDoc Fluff
A Hogsmeade Trip in December: An Ethdubs Fluff
Grief: A Boat Boys Angst
Karaoke: An Ethdubs Fluff
Across The Bridge: A Flower Husbands Fluff
The Farmers Market: A Team Rancher Fluff
Stargazing: A Team Rancher Fluff
Proposal: A Boat Boys Fluff
The Death That Killed Me: Boat Boys Angst
Angst or Fluff
The Pride Fest: A Nature Wives Fluff
Wishing on Dandelions: A Flower Husbands Angst Ending in Fluff
A Nice Bike Ride: A Grumbo Fluff
Build-A-Bear: A Scarian & Flower Husbands Fluff
Lunch & Mini-Golf: A BDoc Fluff
The Ice Skating Queen: A Flower Husbands Fluff
Riding With You: A Flower Husbands Fluff
How We Met: A Scarian Fluff
Laser Tag
Fragile Flower: An Ethdubs Fluff
The Secret Deputy: An ESMP S2 One-Shot
Cuddle Up By The Fire: A Team Rancher Fluff
Zombie Apocalypse: Team Rancher Fluff
Just The Way You Are: A RenDoc Fluff
Go-Karting: A RenDoc Fluff
What I'm Entering Into My Towns Writing Contest :D
The Dungeon's Love: A Tangtho Fluff
Carving Pumpkins: A Mumscarian Fluff
The Time I Got: A Limited Life T.I.E.S Angst
Snow Day: A Mumscarian Fluff One-Shot
ClichΓ© Romance: A Mick Fluff One-Shot
A/N Requests
First Time For Everything: Skizz x Tango Fluff One-Shot
Undying Love: A Scarian Fluff One-Shot
The Red Winter: Flower Husbands Angst
Right Through The Heart: An Ethdubs Angst One-Shot
Say It Back: Scottyn Angst to Fluff One-Shot
Merry Christmas: A Seabling One-Shot
Is This A Sign? : Boat Boys Angst One-Shot
Stuck in A Different Time: An ESMP S1 One-Shot
The Afterlife With You: A Skizzpulse Fluff One-Shot
Superheroes: Skizz & Scar Brothers One-Shot
Roller Skating: An Olix One-Shot
A Camping Trip: A Boat Boys One-Shot

The Last Day of School: A Cross Over One-Shot

259 15 37
By Seth189

Woo!! My 8th grade year is finally over, and high school will be starting in mid-August.

This One-Shot was recommended by roweterpsichore who came up with the idea of doing a cross over with all the ships at a party or something. But instead, I'm doing some ships (no Nature Wives or Wither Husbands. Sorry, I couldn't come up with anything for them) and what they're going to do on the last day of school (the last day of their senior year).

Also, please listen to the song 'Butterfly Bossa' by Seycara Orchestra (they also wrote The Right Place, In The Wrong Time which some of you may have listened to in The Struggle Is Real. Their songs are amazing! I listen to them all of the time >:)



Ren's Perspective-

The final bell rang, and it was immediately drowned out as everyone ran out of their classrooms.

Some kids were blasting music from their phones, others were shouting, and some were just trying to find their friends.

Ren, on the other hand, was trying to get home as soon as possible.

He had a huge end of year party planned and almost everyone from his school was going to it.

"Ren! Wait up!"

Ren stopped and looked around.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and jumped.

"It's just me, pup. No need to be so scared." Doc said and Ren smiled up at his boyfriend.

"You need help setting up for your party?" Doc asked.

"Oh! Yeah, that'd really help, thanks!" Ren said and Doc scratched behind his ears.

"Of course! It's my job to help."

Ren smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.
"Come on, my car's this way."

Grian's Perspective (this one is inspired by Look Both Ways on page 97 ch. Title 'Five Things Easier To Do Than Simeon's And Kenzi's Secret Handshake. Go check it out!!! :)

Grian sat in his science classroom, waiting.

"Grian, dear, is everything alright? It's the last day of school, why don't you run out with the other students?" His teacher, Mrs. Frisk, asked.

"It's really crowded in the halls and since I'm so small, I normally get trampled." Grian explained.

Mrs. Frisk nodded, "Understandable."

Despite Grian being in his senior year, he was shorter than some of the sophomores. Most kids actually thought that Grian was in his freshman year.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Scar poked his head in and Grian smiled and blushed.

"Hey Gri!" Scar said, smiling as Grian ran over and hugged him, "You ready?"

Grian nodded and Scar took off his backpack.

Grian put the bag over his own and Scar crouched down.

Grian got onto Scar and held on.

Scar slowly stood up, holding Grian's legs in his arms and then they both smiled.

"Ready?" Scar asked and Grian nodded, he always loved these piggyback rides.

Scar walked out of the classroom, saying goodbye to their science teacher, and took off through the halls.

Grian giggled as people stared at them.

Most were used to it, but some still found it weird how they always did that.

Grian then spotted his other boyfriend, Mumbo, in the halls.

Mumbo was talking to someone else and didn't notice his boyfriends behind him.

"Okay, bye." Mumbo said to his friend and then yelped as Grian pat his head.

Mumbo turned around and rolled his eyes, a smile on his face, when he saw Grian and Scar.

"Hey Mumbo!" Scar smiled before kissing Mumbo's cheek.

"Hey guys. Excited for the summer?" Mumbo asked and Scar shrugged.

"I don't know, I'm gonna miss giving Grian piggyback rides."

Grian giggled and he kissed Scar's forehead.

"Same here." He said.

Mumbo smiled and kissed both of his boyfriends before they walked outside of their school.

Scott's Perspective-

Scott was walking and talking with his friend Katherine as they walked out of school.

Just then, a guy with dark brown hair appeared in front of them.

"Er- hello?" Scott said, confused.

The guy smirked and winked at Scott, "Heya cutie. I heard there's a party at Ren's place tonight, care to join me?"

"In your dreams." Scott spat.

"Yeah! Scott already has a boyfriend and it'd never be with you." Katherine said.

Scott shot Katherine a look for telling the guy about his boyfriend, and they tried to walk away.

"So who's the lucky guy?" The guy asked, stopping Scott and Katherine from leaving.

"None of your business." Scott said, brushing him off and speed walking away.

"Oh come on baby, I'm just wondering."

Scott abruptly stopped and turned around to face the guy.

"I'm not your baby. If you wanna get with someone, calling them pet names and getting up in their business is not a way to do it. Just fuck off."

Scott then turned around and saw Jimmy.

Jimmy smiled and ran over to him.

Scott tried to shake his head and show that Jimmy should leave, but Jimmy jogged up to him.

"Hey Petal! What's up? You were shaking your head, is everything alright?" Jimmy asked and Scott sighed.

"Petal?" The guy asked, "So this is the scrawny guy you're dating?"

"Er- who's this?" Jimmy asked.

"Some random bitch who's trying to hit on Scott." Katherine said.

Jimmy shot the guy a look.

"Uh- why?" Jimmy asked.

The guy smirked, "Because your boyfriends pretty sexy."

Jimmy looked disgusted and slapped the guy's face.

"Stop trying to get into people's pants, it's not cool." Jimmy spat, "You're making everyone uncomfortable. I'm sure Scott and Katherine asked you to leave, so do one thing right and fucking leave."

The guy looked shocked before rubbing his cheek, which was red from Jimmy slapping it, and walked away.

Jimmy watched as he walked over to a kid wearing a panda hat and making a nasty remark.

Jimmy rolled his eyes and turned to his boyfriend.

"Sorry, Petal, but it's going to be al- "

Jimmy cut himself off as Scott hugged him tightly.

"I fucking love you, Sunflower." Scott said, "You're amazing."

Jimmy blushed and Katherine patted Jimmy's back, smirking, before leaving.

Scott then broke apart from the hug and kissed Jimmy.

Jimmy put his hand on Scott's cheek and kissed back.

"I'm sorry for not standing up to him." Scott said when they broke apart.

Jimmy smiled softly and kissed Scott's forehead, "Don't worry about it. I'm just happy you're happy."

Scott smiled up at him and they held hands as they walked out of school.

Pix's Perspective-

"Nice hat dork."

Pix death stared the guy who was talking down his crush in the halls.

"Why thank you!" Oli said, bowing to the guy.

Pix chuckled.

The guy looked disgusted and rolled his eyes before walking away.

Pix walked up to his crush and waved awkwardly.

"Hey Pix!" Oli smiled, making Pix blush.

"It's the end of the year! Can you believe we made it?" Oli asked.

Pix shrugged as they started walking to their bus.

"So why do you wear a panda hat all the time?" Pix asked as he and Oli sat next to each other in the middle of the bus.

"Uh- well..." Oli sighed, "It- my mother gave it to me before she died. She made it."

Pix's eyes widened.

He had always known about Oli's mother passing away, but Oli never really talked about it.

"Oh...Oli I'm so- "

"It's fine." Oli said, tensing up his hands.

Oli took a deep breath and put on a smile, "It's fine, really."

"But it's not- "

"Don't worry about it." Oli snapped.

Pix flinched and looked shocked.

Oli sighed again, "I'm sorry Pix, I didn't mean to snap, I just...despite it happening over ten years ago, I just- I don't like to talk about it."

Pix put his hand on Oli's and smiled, "It's fine. I get it."

Oli chuckled and hugged Pix.

"Thank you." Oli whispered.

Pix blushed and hugged back.


Joel's Perspective-

"I'm gonna go to Bdubs's place now." Etho said, walking over to the car line.

Joel nodded and waved goodbye.

Poor guy. Joel thought. He's been bummed for the past couple days since Bdubs got sick.

Joel then gasped as he felt someone hug him from behind.

He then sighed.

"Lizzie, you can't scare me like that."

He heard his girlfriend giggle as she kissed his cheek.

"You would do the same to me if I got scared like you do." She said and Joel hummed.

"Yeah, that's true." He said, breaking apart from the hug and holding Lizzie's hand as they started walking.

The main shopping area was near the school and there was a really good, family owned, ice cream parlor.

Lizzie and Joel often went there on Friday's, and it would be a nice day to go there today as it was very warm out.


The woman at the counter handed Joel his superman flavored ice cream and Lizzie her s'mores.

Joel and Lizzie walked out, and Joel grabbed Lizzie's ice cream.

"HEY!" Lizzie shouted and Joel chuckled as he handed her his ice cream.

"You know how it works." He smirked and Lizzie grumbled.

Joel laughed as he tried some of Lizzie's ice cream and Lizzie tried Joel's.

"Ew." Joel said, disgusted as he handed Lizzie's ice cream back to her.

"Ha!" Lizzie said, sticking her tongue out at Joel.

Joel rolled his eyes as he grabbed his ice cream.

"I don't get why you like all those weird flavors." He said.

Lizzie shrugged, "And I don't get why you order the same thing every time we go there."

"I- look superman ice cream's been my childhood!"

"And it'll be your adulthood as well."

Joel shot her a look and Lizzie giggled before kissing Joel's cheek.

Etho's Perspective-

Etho knocked on the Clocker's front door and Bdubs's mother opened it.

"Hello Etho! Happy last day of school!" She smiled, "You here to see Bdubs?"

Etho nodded, "Is he feeling better?"

"He's recovering nicely, dear, there's no need to worry."

Etho smiled weakly as he walked into the house, Bdubs's mother closing the door behind him.

Etho walked over to Bdubs's room and knocked on the door.

There was a cough and hoarse voice said, "Come in."

Etho walked in and saw Bdubs laying on his bed, playing Pokémon on his switch.

"Catch anything?" Etho asked, laying down next to his boyfriend.

Bdubs nodded and showed Etho his team.

"Why'd you name the Flareon 'Etho'?" Etho asked.

Bdubs blushed and sniffed before saying, "Well because it's like you."

Etho raised an eyebrow.

"You know," Bdubs explained, "Because they're shy and sensitive but have a high respect for things that are weaker than it. And you're really nice and friendly until someone wrongs you or hurts one of your friends or me and then you'll go all out to defend yourself or others."

Etho blushed and kissed his boyfriend's forehead.

"Thanks Bubbles."

Bdubs blushed and snuggled up against his boyfriend as he continued to play.

Etho wrapped his arm around Bdubs and smiled.

This was the perfect way to end their school year.

I love you.

And my school year's done! If you guys are still at school...L /nm. I'm sure you'll survive. Now since it's summer, I'm sure a lot of you guys will be thinking that my posting schedule will be back to every day (5 days a week is what I'm hoping for. It'd prob only be 4 tho).

Anyway, you see, I'm gonna be traveling out of the country for about 3 weeks to visit family (leaving June 18 and will be back around July 5th). Meaning, I won't have my computer and won't be writing any stories. Posting will only be on the weekends (or maybe on slow days. Kind like now). Once I'm back home, I'm gonna be knocked down for a couple of days because of the time difference and that stuff.

I also have something 'fun' to look forward to on July 13 (11 days before my birthday), but I won't get into that (it's kinda personal. Hope you understand. (Don't worry tho, I'm fine).


I hope you understand and I'm sorry. But after traveling, I should be staying home which means more time to write! Yey!

I hope you guys have a fun summer (or school year), and I'll do my best to keep posting!

Remember, it might only be 4 or 5 days out of the week that I'll be posting and I'll be busy for basically all of June.

Much platonic love,

Seth ()*:・゚

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