Crescent Moon Markings (MDZS...

Autorstwa Lucicelo

890 38 20

Regaining her bearings, Cangse Sanren sat up, immediately looking around the area. The devastation of the yao... Więcej



194 9 1
Autorstwa Lucicelo

I had this idea where Cangse Sanren and Wei Ying are Rin's descendants and Sesshomaru semi adopted Rin through blood pact rites. He placed a mark on her to track her blood for protection purposes. Hence, the crescent mark on their wrists which indicate they're related to Rin.

Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze being brought back to life by Sesshomaru. This way Wei Ying gets his parents and Cangse Sanren gets a glimpse of who she descends from. Wei Ying never goes to Lotus Pier as a disciple, he is a rogue cultivator alongside his parents.

Thanks for reading!



Gasps of air and a sequence of coughing disturbed the serene darkness of the night.

Golden eyes glowed bright as he stared down at the once dead bodies. His sword gleamed under the moonlight, unstained by blood for it could not cut. It had never cut a single person since its creation centuries ago. A sword once dismissed due to the lack of usability. Yet, it became no less cherished once he knew how to use it.

The pulsations lessened enough for the sword to settle down. The stranger lowered down his sword and peered down at the left wrist of the male to rule out his importance. As expected, his skin was blank. There was nothing to note from the man other than high cultivation prowess. His golden core was not weak or laughably miniscule to keep up with a descendant of his ward.

Turning to the woman, whose appearance resembled his cherished one, he stepped closer to her. Her left wrist was obscured by wrist guards, keeping what was his ward's mark away from his view.

Taking in air, he smelled the underlying demonic smell that many of his ward's descendants exuded. So minute of a scent where only demons of his caliber tracked it down. Of course, humans could never be a demon unless their parents copulated with a demon. They merely had the ability to manifest demonic energy without losing themselves. Too much.

At least, this was the consensus between various males of Rin's line. Males always wanted a chance to prove themselves worthy of power. Foolhardy in wanting to achieve power and notoriety.

The women navigated through hiding in plain sight. Fighting back when necessary, defending their children, and making sure to survive the landscape of everyday life. Their foresight helped to prolong their families in some capacity.

As the pair before him regained their consciousness, he sheathed his sword. He was a tad amused when the male immediately picked up his sword and pointed it at him. This defense was far too late, for they were already killed, but the male instinctively chose to defend his partner.


Partners of his daughter's bloodline tended to be protective or selfless. A trait which tended to repeat throughout the generations. Sure, there were a few duds, but those were taken care of by nature itself. Ones who became unprotected under his sword and disappeared .

Once the woman regained consciousness, he saw the physical aspects of his daughter. The lingering scent of demon was carried through the air and tickled his nose. He had the right person.

Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands would not let his daughter's line die out if he could prevent it.


"You are my daughter. Do not bow to those inferior to you,"

Rin's eyes formed crescent moons as she smiled. Her hands grasped Sesshomaru's claws, there was no fear in her eyes. Throughout her life alongside Sesshomaru, her faultless trust in him was incredulous to behold.

Throughout their cohabitation, Sesshomaru didn't think much of who would become his daughter. A mere human. One who would die by disease or human slash demon hands. She was small, weak, but she was also brave and courageous.

A human girl who wiggled through his defenses and stayed there. Her constant presence wedged itself into the recesses of his soul.

She grew up into a lovely young woman who left Sesshomaru's side to get married. A choice she made after learning healing beside Priestess Kaede and soon desired to have her own children. A usual want expressed by young women on the cusp of adulthood.

A pretty girl wasn't left alone for long. As mentioned by the priestess, demon slayer, and priestess Kaede. Inuyasha's priestess voiced her approval in Rin dating. A reckless notion. Rin would only settle for a husband who would protect her just as well as he had. A fruitless endeavor, but riches might possibly smooth over obstacles in Rin's life.

To his satisfaction, Rin didn't continue courtships without his approval. He was her father in all but blood. She respected his position and place in life. Although Rin did as she wished, she wanted Sesshomaru to help navigate her prospects just as her late father would have done for her.

She ignored the priestess' encouragement to spend time with whoever caught her eye. Rin wanted security and safety, not flighty commitment. Her youthful traveling fulfilled a sense of adventure which might have popped up as a young adult.

Rin was ready to plant her roots and begin a family.




Rin's future husband, a nobleman Sesshomaru vetted through rigorous tests, somewhat won his approval before he was able to ask for Rin's hand in marriage. He was nothing more than Rin's husband. A man Rin found suitable for the father of her children.

Sesshomaru made certain to hammer into the human male's head that Rin's happiness was far more important than anything else in his insignificant life. Rumor of infidelity, word of Rin's sadness, or even talk of abuse, and he would end up buried before the sun set in the sky.

Rin laughed in amusement, thinking Sesshomaru was joking.

Her husband, on the other hand, knew Sesshomaru was serious . The glowing golden eyes he looked into were not jesting. He knew of Sesshomaru's power and prestige. Sesshomaru could get away with murder if he wanted to.

When Rin left to be measured for her wedding attire, Sesshomaru pulled the human male aside. To reiterate the truth in his words.

"Lord Sesshomaru." The human male bowed low enough for his forehead to face the ground.

Sesshomaru sneered. "Cause her misery and you will die a most painful death. Am I clear?"

"Yes, my Lord." The human male's proud noble voice quivered.




On her wedding day, Sesshomaru entered her dressing room, after approval from the priestess and the demon slayer. Both of the women helped throughout Rin's preparations, the few women in her life whom Rin considered family.

Before him stood his daughter, dressed in a white kimono, makeup applied just right to accentuate her beauty. Sesshomaru ignored the twist of his heart, realizing of her imminent joining into another family.

The maids dispatched by Rin's soon to be husband, bowed deeply before leaving the room. As quick as they could run before they bordered on rudeness.

Rin exclaimed with pure happiness. "My Lord Father!"


Rin reached out her hands to hold onto his claws. An action many would claim was ignorant and dangerous. Which it was. One swipe of his hands and the reciprocating party perished. Yet, Rin always grabbed his hands to signify her immense trust in him. Despite the dangers, Rin never once lost her faith in him.

Sesshomaru looked down at her, taking in the physical changes of her face and body. She wasn't a child anymore. She was a grown woman. And she was to be married to a man he somewhat approved of.

Rin continued to smile. "My Lord Father, will you continue to visit me in my new home? I promise to receive you with open arms and brew that tea you like so much."

Sesshomaru hummed. "This one was under the assumption you would cease to have time to entertain those outside your husband's circles. I would not be upset if you cannot spare time."

When his mother was first married, she occupied her time through socializing with various women in their circles. Making sure to cement her place as a prominent figure in the noble demon world. By the time he was born, she wasn't stretched thin in her ambitions, managing a balance between herself and her family.

Rin didn't grow up in such an environment. She learned through wandering through his castle, taking lessons in etiquette and how to manage her household. Rin thought she wouldn't marry someone wealthy, but her association with him boosted up her prospects. The lessons came in handy once she received approval to continue on with her soon to be husband.

Sesshomaru readied himself for this new aspect in Rin's life, but found himself feeling nostalgic for the years she stuck beside him.

Face morphing in despair, Rin snapped, insisting with all her heart. "I won't chase you away from my home. I never will and I will stop anyone who tries. My Lord Father has no need to be polite."

Sesshomaru let her run her thumbs on the skin of his hand. "Hm."

Rin pulled his left arm to her chest, seemingly cradling the new limb against herself. "I cannot calculate how much this daughter loves her lord father. How grateful she is that he protected her and raised her. How could you think I would ever reject your presence?"

Sesshomaru attempted to soothe her before she cried. The priestess and the demon slayer would complain if Rin ruined her wedding makeup. "It is of no consequence. Many noblewomen are busy with their duties to spare time for family."

"Not me." Rin shook her head. "I wouldn't."

Sesshomaru used his right hand to pat the top of her head. She had yet to wear the hat used for the ceremony, making it easier for him to touch her hair.

A thought entered his mind.

He could align his blood with his daughter's. She was a pure human, but with his essence shielding her. Permeating from her pores as one of his most protected people. A rarely done practice on account of the lack of transformation into a version of the initiator. There was a different ritual, but it promoted a true transformation into a demon and an actual adoption.

Sesshomaru didn't want to change Rin. What made her special was her humanity, her ability to express compassion in the face of evil. Add on the fact that she never mentioned feeling envy of not being a demon like her father. Even if Sesshomaru wished to make her into his heir, Rin made her own decisions.

She wouldn't want to give up her newfound stability for a role she would continue to fight for.

Sesshomaru inquired. "Shall this Sesshomaru ask you a question?"

Rin smiled, always smiling. "Of course!"

"May I cement my protection into your blood?"

"My blood?"

Sesshomaru opened his mouth to present his fangs. "Demons can imprint humans they find favorable to cement continuous protection. Any demons who smell you will know of your association with this one."

Rin didn't hesitate in agreeing. "Yes! I would love to have this extra protection, Lord Father."

Sesshomaru put out his hand, "I will need your wrist, Rin."

Placing her hand into Sesshomaru's, Rin watched in fascination as her hand was lifted up to Sesshomaru's face. Fully trusting.

Biting into her wrist, Sesshomaru infused his essence into her blood, transforming her once human form to a different version of itself. On the outside, she appeared human, but to those with sensitive noses like himself, they would know of her association with him.

She was untouchable.

Removing his mouth from her skin, he saw the formation of a crescent moon onto her once flawless skin. He wiped away excess poison and other fluids from her skin so as to not stain her white wedding kimono.

Letting go of her wrist, Rin softly cried and he wiped away her tears.

He imagined the headache he would receive after the priestess yelled at him for having ruined Rin's makeup. The priestess never truly feared him, understanding his prowess and ability to actually kill her. But, she knew not to push past a level of disrespect to keep her life.

She muttered, "Lord Father, thank you. With this, I will never lose your protection that was given to me."

She was correct in her words. Sesshomaru would continue to shield her for as long as she lived.




Standing at the entrance of Rin's new married home, Sesshomaru ignored the sweating human guards left to protect Rin and the household. The discreet demon guards, ones loyal to Sesshomaru, lingered in the shadows to further protect Rin.

"My lord father! Welcome back!" Rin rushed out of one of the adjacent rooms, a maid ran beside her to place a shawl over her shoulders.

Sesshomaru nodded his head. "Rin. I hope you are well." He looked down at her swollen belly. "The child?"

Rin placed a hand on her stomach, her smile stretching from ear to ear. "Kaede and Midori-sensei have checked me every passing moon cycle for changes. Everything is perfectly fine."

"As it should be."




Standing beside Rin's bedside, Sesshomaru looked down at her fifth child, a daughter after a sequence of sons. Rin appeared no less happy than the other children she brought into this world. Like the older children, the new baby was born with the crescent moon mark on her left wrist.

Sesshomaru reached out, touching the area with his fingernail.

Rin's husband remained outside, unable to stand being around Sesshomaru for long periods of time. An example which stunned the children. They clung onto Sesshomaru just fine. Rin's husband's distance somewhat caused his sons to lose respect for him. Sesshomaru didn't amplify the claims of weakness, he stayed silent. Never answering the boys questions on why their father couldn't handle being in the same room as him.

Under Rin's steady guidance, her sons didn't embody the previous arrogance of their father. Instead, they learned lessons Sesshomaru bestowed onto Rin and Inuyasha's children. Inuyasha's children were technically not in the line of succession, but they learned courtesies and manners. Unlike their father who ran rampant alongside his free spirited wife. At least, his half brother's children were well educated under his wife's meticulous hand.

"What shall you name this one?" Sesshomaru inquired.

"Hmm...Kasumi." Rin beamed. "That was a name I always wanted to name my daughter."

"Good name." Sesshomaru retracted his hand back to pat the top of Rin's head. "Shall I bring in your sons to meet their sister?"

Rin nodded her head. "Yes. Thank you, Lord Father."





"I will look after your children and your children's children." Sesshomaru vowed to Rin as he sat beside her bed. "Do not worry. They will not die other than natural death or irreparable illness."

Laying on her deathbed, Rin appeared younger than her centennial age. Her once black hair was streaked silver, skin wrinkled to show age but not much, and her hands appeared weathered by work. Although she lived the life of a noble, Rin couldn't help but step in to help anyone in her household. Her contributions made her a well beloved matriarch, who would be missed by many.

"I trust in my Lord Father!" Rin blinked back her incoming tears, but they trickled down the sides of her face. "But, what if my lineage grows beyond what you may handle?"

Sesshomaru patted the top of her head. "Let me worry about the future. You may rest, Rin."

Rin softly chuckled. " it my time to go?"


Rin grasped Sesshomaru's hands one last time, "Thank you...."

She didn't need to say more.

Sesshomaru knew of her gratefulness and filial piety. Throughout these years of companionship, Rin never failed to voice her emotions, never faltering in her trust in him. Her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren expressed the same respect.

None of them feared demons. A foolish endeavor to the average human, but they stuck to their values. Knowing full well that cohabitation was possible through respect and fear of angering their benefactor.

Rin closed her eyes, with a happy go lucky smile on her face. Then, her heart slowed down.

This would be the last time Sesshomaru would see her alive, but she remained youthful and energetic in his memories.


Regaining her bearings, Cangse Sanren sat up, immediately looking around the area. The devastation of the yao showed in the broken trees and disturbed ground. Blood splatters of her injuries painted the surrounding bushes, trees, and destroyed talismans. She thought the dark patches were her blood, the yao pierced her side quite deeply, letting her blood run free.

Turning her gaze toward the front of her body, Cangse Sanren blinked rapidly. In front of her stood a silver haired man with pure white clothing and a white boa on his right shoulder. His golden eyes pierced through her, seemingly dissecting her from within.

She rubbed her eyes, assuming she hallucinated the ethereal and disturbingly handsome man standing before her. Had she not held back her tongue, she would have thought one of the Lans somehow intercepted their path. Jumping in to help them in their time of need. The almost white robes stood out in the dark, but the patches of red clashed with the soft blues the Lans sometimes wore.

Peering toward Wei Changze, whose hand hovered over the hilt of his sword, glaring at the man before them. Cangse Sanren immediately sat up, her hand moved around to grab her sword, but she realized it was thrown a far distance away during the fight. She cursed inside of her mind as she grasped talismans from her qiankun bag.

Instead of attacking them, the man remained still. Merely watching them with his piercing golden eyes, subtly showing off the two swords on his waist. Warning them of retaliation if they behaved in a manner he didn't like. Not that Cangse Sanren would know would trigger this man to attack. He was possibly their savior, the one who helped them in their time of need. If not their savior, then a miscreant who thought to rob them but was thwarted by them waking up.

Getting into a crouching position, she realized her body didn't hurt. The supposed tear on the side of her body was healed. She quickly patted down her side while not tearing her eyes off of this man. There was no wound.

All of a sudden, the stranger looked to Cangse Sanren to command. "Reveal your left wrist."

Stunned at the sound of his voice, Cangse Sanren pointed at herself. "Me?"

The man narrowed his eyes, his eyes moved onto her wrist, saying nothing.

Taking off her wrist guard, Cangse Sanren put up her healed left arm, exposing the odd crescent moon birthmark she was born with. Looking up at the man, she saw his icy stare melting into a more warm one. He knelt down before her, bringing his flawless face closer for her own inspection. Another point to the assumption the man was a Lan.

Had Lan Qiren shaved off that abhorrent beard, he would be as handsome as this gentleman standing before her. Not that this guy looked like him, but Lans tended to be prettier than most cultivators.

Cangse Sanren felt shy at the sight of his flawlessness. There was no lust in this feeling, more so fascination that someone like him existed. This stranger's beauty surpassed anyone Cangse Sanren encountered in her lifetime.

Bracing herself, she asked. "Who are you? Why did you help us?"

"You're my daughter's descendant." Returning into an upright position, he answered. "Had I not paid attention, you would have died ."

Taken back by his comment, Cangse Sanren chuckled. "I mean...that is to be expected. Cultivators fight dangerous creatures all the time!" She grinned big enough to show her dimples, causing a slight movement of the stranger's lips. "Am I supposed to be locked behind a door? Waiting for my husband to come back home from an adventure?"

"No." The man moved his silky silver hair over his shoulder. Cangse Sanren was slightly envious of this man's soft hair. "Your husband should be more aware of his surroundings and powerful enough to shield you."

Wei Changze let out a sound of indignation but remained silent. Leftover mannerisms from his servitude to the Jiang's kept him from commenting. Although he became a disciple and elevated to head disciple, Wei Changze couldn't shake off the teachings of his childhood.

No matter how much Cangse Sanren showed off her willingness to rebel, her husband remained the solid pillar to rear her back into acceptable behavior.

"Does he not speak?" The man commented.

Cangse Sanren nudged her husband's side with a grin. "A-Ze, you're about to let the man claim you're weak, are you?"

Wei Changze let out a sigh. "He is not wrong. We were caught off guard."

Cangse Sanren pouted. "But we survived!"

"Through my intervention." The stranger interjected. "This one is Lord Sesshomaru of the Western Lands." He motioned to a fallen log on a cleared section of the forest. "Let us speak near an open flame. Conversations are best held in the light."

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