Shadows of Slytherin Book 1

Bởi Slytherin412

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Danielle Potter has always been different from her twin brother, Harry Potter. She was sorted into Slytherin... Xem Thêm

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Bởi Slytherin412

I wake up with the first rays of sunlight streaming through my window. I get dressed and make my way towards Harry's room, our designated meeting point before making our way towards the docks. As I approach the door, I raise my hand and give it a gentle knock, waiting for Harry's response.

"Come in!" his voice echoes from the other side, laced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I twist the door knob and push open the door, revealing Harry sitting on the edge of his bed. He glances up at me, offering a small but genuine smile. "Good morning," he greets me, his voice carrying a hint of uneasiness.

Returning his smile, I walk over to him. "Good morning," I reply warmly. "Did you manage to get any sleep?"

Harry shakes his head, his expression reflecting the restless night he endured. "No, not really."

Understanding his restless state, I nod sympathetically. "I couldn't sleep either," I admit, my voice conveying empathy. Kneeling down in front of him, I tilt my head upward, meeting his gaze. "Everything is going to be okay today."

"I know," he responds. "I just can't wait for this stupid tournament to be over."

Chuckling softly, I share in his sentiment. "Believe me, you and me both."

Harry's eyes dart towards the closed door, "Did you happen to see Ron and Hermione on your way here? They mentioned meeting us and walking down to the docks together."

I shake my head,"No, I didn't come across them. The corridors seemed unusually quiet. Perhaps they've already made their way to the docks?"

Harry nods, his gaze focused on the impending task at hand. "Alright then. Shall we make our way down there?"

Affirming his suggestion, I return the nod. Rising to my feet, I extend my hand toward him, "Let's get this over with."

We made our way through the bustling docks, the air buzzing with excitement and anticipation. A crowd had gathered, their cheers filling the atmosphere as Harry and I walked by, heading towards the small boat that would take us to the main dock. 

As we reached the main dock, Cedric extended his hand towards me. I glanced up and met his gaze, offering a warm smile as I gratefully accepted his help. With his support, I gracefully stepped from the boat and onto the sturdy platform. "Thank you," I expressed sincerely, appreciating his assistance.

A soft, charming smile played on Cedric's lips, and a faint pink tinge colored his cheeks. "You're welcome," he responded, his voice gentle and kind. I straightened myself upright, adjusting to the solid ground beneath my feet. Cedric leaned closer and whispered, his words intended only for my ears, "Watch out for Krum. He's not here for companionship; he's here for victory, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve it."

Cedric withdrew, and I held his gaze, understanding the seriousness of his warning. A silent nod conveyed my acknowledgment, and he responded with a playful wink before walking away. Harry, confused by the exchange, questioned, "What was that all about?"

My attention remained focused on Krum, who was engrossed in conversation with his headmaster. "Watch yourself today, Harry," I cautioned, my voice carrying a sense of urgency. "We're no longer competing in this round alone, like the first one. We're up against the other champions now."

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Harry's understanding nod, but my gaze lingered on Krum. His eyes flickered in my direction, meeting my gaze, and for a brief moment, a devilish smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. An unsettling shiver ran down my spine, but I quickly redirected my attention back to Harry. With a reassuring smile, I encouraged him, "Let's go."

We reached the edge of the dock, and as I glanced upwards, my eyes absorbed the sight of a multitude of  faces, cheering and reveling in the atmosphere. I searched for Pansy, and there she was, her exuberant expression shining through the crowd. My gaze wandered further, and I spotted Draco, Theo, and Enzo standing beside her. However, one person was conspicuously absent—Mattheo. Pansy, perceiving my confusion, noticed my questioning look and responded with a shake of her head and shrugged.

In the midst of our exchange, Harry's voice broke the air, voicing the very thought on my mind. "I don't see Hermione or Ron," he mentioned, his tone filled with concern. I turned my attention back to him, furrowing my brow. "Where could they be...?"

As we pondered the absence of our friends, the resounding voice of Dumbledore echoed through the speakers, commanding our attention. "Welcome to the second task!" his voice boomed. "Last night, a treasure was stolen from each of our champions—a treasure of great significance."

Meanwhile, I began to shed my sweatshirt and sweatpants, preparing for what awaited us. Dressed only in a dark green bathing suit, I felt the cold wind pierce my skin, causing a shiver to run down my spine. The apprehension grew within me, wondering just how cold the water would be.

Dumbledore's voice continued, relaying the rules and challenges that lay ahead. "Each champion's treasure now rests at the bottom of the lake," he explained. "To emerge victorious, each of you must dive down, retrieve your treasure, and resurface before the hour expires. Simple enough. However, once the hour is up, you will be on your own, without the aid of magic to save you."

My gaze shifted towards Harry, who suddenly shoved something into his mouth. Within seconds, he began to choke, his face contorted in distress. Worry washed over me, and I leaned towards him, asking with genuine concern, "Harry? Are you alright?"

He managed to nod through his coughing fit, indicating that he would be fine. "You may begin at the sound of the cannon," Dumbledore's voice proclaimed.

With the resounding boom of the cannon, marking the official start, I cast one final glance at Harry, a silent exchange of determination and encouragement passing between us, before plunging into the water, diving headfirst into the unknown depths.

With a quick motion, I activate the bubble-head charm, creating a protective bubble around my head that allows me to breathe comfortably underwater. Once I secure my wand back in its holder, I venture further into the depths.

As I glide through the water, my gaze sweeps the surroundings, taking in the enchanting underwater scenery. To my right, I spot Fleur gracefully swimming about 15 feet away from me. I follow her lead but maintain a cautious distance as we swim into a wall of kelp. My eyes remain alert, scanning the underwater terrain for any sign of Viktor Krum or the other competitors.

Suddenly, a screech pierces the tranquil underwater atmosphere, jolting me out of my reverie. I turn to the right in alarm, only to discover that Fleur has vanished. A moment of concern washes over me, causing me to pause and scan the surroundings before resuming my journey. Gradually, I maneuver my way out of the dense kelp forest, and as I do, the expanse of the open water unfolds before me.

In the distance, a chilling sight greets my eyes. Five floating figures emerge from the depths, their presence sending shockwaves through my being. A wave of realization crashes over me as I comprehend the unthinkable—Dumbledore has taken captive the ones we hold most dear, our beloved treasures. "Oh my god..." I mutter silently, the weight of the situation pressing upon me.

Driven by determination, I swim quickly towards the floating figures. However, my progress is abruptly halted as something wraps around my leg, tugging me backward. Startled, I cast a glance over my shoulder and see Krum, his face now transformed into that of a shark. Panic fuels my actions as I desperately kick and struggle against his unyielding grip. With a surge of adrenaline, I manage to kick his wand out of his hand, watching it plummet to the lake's bottom.

As Krum begins to loosen his hold, I deliver a forceful blow to his head with my foot, forcing a pained response before he swims off in search of his fallen wand. Aware that time is of the essence, I redirect my attention to the floating figures in the distance—Hermione, Ron, and Mattheo. 

I swim urgently towards Mattheo, locating the knot that binds him to the depths and proceeding to untie it. A glance towards Fleur's sister, however, fills me with a sense of despair. Fleur's disappearance means she won't be able to rescue her own sibling. I curse under my breath. 

Without hesitation, I turn my focus back to Mattheo, urgency driving my actions. With a determined push, I guide his body upward, only to find Cedric at my side, swooping in to retrieve Cho. Our eyes meet briefly, his nod offering reassurance as he begins his ascent. Krum reemerges, but this time, he shows no interest in me. Shaking his head in apparent disapproval, he seizes Hermione and sets off towards the surface.

Soon, Harry emerges from the depths, grasping Ron firmly. However, he diverts his gaze towards me, confusion etched on his face as he questions my motives. "What are you doing?" he calls out, concern evident in his voice.

His gaze shifted between me and Fleur's sister, "Dani, the hour is almost up!"

I shook my head, determination etched on my face. "Make your way to the surface. I'll be right behind you."

"Dani!" Harry's voice echoed through the water as I swam towards Fleur's sister.

"Get out of here!" I shouted at him, my voice filled with a mixture of desperation and determination. "Fleur's not coming! I'm not letting her sister die! Now go!"

After a brief moment of hesitation, Harry shook his head and joined Ron in swimming upward. As I reached out to grab the rope securing the young girl, I swiftly untied it. However, the instant she was freed, a horde of selkies surrounded me, beginning to attack me.


As my eyes flutter open, I'm engulfed in a sudden surge of panic, desperately gasping for precious air. My surroundings gradually come into focus, revealing that I'm submerged in the chilling waters of the lake. The urgency in my heart intensifies as a familiar voice slices through the commotion. "Mattheo!" it calls out, echoing in the air. My eyes dart around, scanning the crowd that has gathered nearby. "Mattheo!" the voice persists, slicing through the chaos once again.

In the midst of my disorientation, my gaze falls upon Pansy, her face etched with deep concern. With a mixture of dread and determination, she yells out, "Where's Dani?" I frantically survey my surroundings, but there is no trace of her presence.

Resolute, I decide to remain in the water, observing with bated breath as the other champions and students begin resurfacing. Among them, Harry emerges, his face reflecting the weight of worry. I turn to him, my voice trembling, "Where is she?"

Harry's response comes amidst gasps for air, his head shaking in disbelief. "She's gone to retrieve Fleur's sister," he manages to say. "She should be right behind me."

Nodding, I fix my gaze on the distance, watching as Harry and the others swim towards the safety of the dock. Suddenly, breaking the surface, a young girl with blonde hair appears. She couldn't be older than twelve, her bewildered eyes searching for answers. Reacting swiftly, I swim towards her, extending a helping hand to keep her afloat. "Hey, it's alright," I offer reassuringly. "Where's the girl who helped you?"

The young girl shakes her head weakly, coughing up remnants of water as she tries to regain her composure. "I... I don't know," she manages to stammer, her voice strained. Sensing her vulnerability, I try to calm her. "It's okay. Let's get you to the dock," I assure her, gently guiding her towards the safety of a nearby ladder. As she ascends, Fleur rushes forward, her eyes brimming with tears, enveloping the girl in a protective embrace.

I climb up the ladder and Theo is there handing me a blanket. Turning my attention back to the water, my heart clenches with an agonizing mixture of fear and frustration. Dani is still nowhere to be found. The weight of worry settles deep within me as I whisper, "Dammit, Dani... Where are you?"


With my wand firmly in my grip, I unleashed a powerful spell that sent a surge of energy pulsating through the water, compelling the startled creatures to retreat and swim away. As their presence diminished, a sense of relief washed over me, but it was short-lived. The protective bubble charm that had shielded me from the drowning depths began to fade, leaving me gasping for precious air. Panic seized my chest as the oxygen in my body dwindled rapidly.

Summoning every ounce of determination within me, I refused to succumb to the suffocating grip of the water. "Fight... come on. This is not how you're going to die," I whispered urgently to myself, my voice echoing in my head. Clutching my wand tightly, I directed it skyward, uttering the incantation, "Ascendio."

In an instant, an indescribable force propelled my body upwards with a breathtaking speed. Bursting out of the water's surface, I soared through the air, defying gravity's hold, until I landed harshly on a nearby platform. My lungs burned with the need for air, and as I coughed violently, I expelled the unwelcome water that had invaded my system.

As the remnants of my coughing fit subsided, a comforting hand settled on my back, providing solace and support, "Dani, are you okay? Look at me. Where are your hurt?". Turning my head, I met the concerned gaze of Mattheo, his eyes filled with worry and relief. With a nod, I assured him, "I'm okay... I'm okay. Are you alright?"

His response was a solemn nod, accompanied by a flicker of anxiety lingering in his eyes. For a fleeting moment, his guard dropped, and his head lowered, overwhelmed by the possibility of my demise. Yet, he mustered the strength to meet my gaze once more, his voice laced with emotion, "I thought you weren't coming back up... I thought something-"

Cutting him off gently, I shook my head, dispelling his fears. "I'm alright," I reassured him,  a small smile to convey my resilience. "I'm alright, Mattheo."

Our eyes locked, creating an unspoken connection that seemed to transcend words. In that fleeting moment, amidst the chaos and danger that surrounded us, the depth of our connection was magnified. 

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