Itty bitty imps

By NottaPossum

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Classification AU: Blitzø didn't have a great childhood, he had to grow up really fast and take on a lot of r... More

1. Blitzø's little secret
2. 💙Fizzarolli's Secret Caregiver 💚
3. ❤️Results ❤️
4. 💚Home away from home 💚
5. ❤️Stuck❤️
6.💚Never enough💚
Chapter 7: ❤️❤️🩹Stoles the caregiver Pt 1
Chapter 8: Solutions Pt 1 💚
Chapter 9: Stolas the caregiver Pt 2
Chapter 11: I don't love you.
12. My way home is through you 💚💙💚💙
13: Blitzø the brat: 😈❤️💜❤️💜
14. Comfort items and comfort people 🧸💚❤️💜💙
15. A new Friend and a new Foe
16: Lost again
17. Two Anxious babies
18. I'll be there
19: Fizzarolli the strong and Blitzø the brave! ❤️🦒🐒🐊💚
20: Birdie the Horse 🐴💛
21 Resolutions💚💙❤️💜
22. We all fall down💔 🏥❤️‍🩹

Chapter 10: Solutions Pt 2 💙💚💙💚

585 16 5
By NottaPossum


TW: Forced adoption, Forcing someone to take a test, implied pimping one's son off, implied abuse, no love for Fizz, bad boss- isn't shown much at all here. Lots of crying!

Lmk if I should add.

~~~Past, Fizzarolli, Age 17:~~~

Barbie and Fizz finished the circus pretty late. Blitzø was supposed to be here, but he hadn't seen him all day.

"Where's Blitzø?" Fizz asked.

Barbie shrugs. "I think dad sent him to another 'private show'." She says.

"He's been getting those every few days now...I'm kinda worried about him." He admits.

Barbie nods. " too. But, what can we do?" She asks. "We can't stop Cash from doing whatever he wants."

Fizzarolli sighs. "Yeah..."

"Maybe he could use extra support?" Barbie suggests. "Especially from his boyfriend?"

Fizz nods. "Yeah, maybe."


He found Blitzo an hour later, it was really late, where could he have possibly been?

Blitzo was watching the horses, sitting on the fence to their pen.

"Hey." Fizz says.

"Hey." Blitzo said back.

Fizz climbed the small fence to sit next to Blitzo. "Where have you been all day?"

"Was sent to do a few 'special jobs' for Cash." Blitzo explains. "How'd the circus go?"

"It was fine" Fizz says. "You look like a wreck, what the hell happened to you?"

"I don't really want to talk about it." Blitzo says.

"Cash send you to be another rich asshole's playmate?" Fizz asks.

"Something like that." Blitzo says. "Our lives are a fucking joke." He mumbles.

"Kinda the point of being a clown." Fizzarolli jokes.

Blitzo sighs. "I fucking suck, no wonder he loans me out for other people."

"You don't suck, Blitzo." Fizz says. "Your humor is just...different. That's all."

Blitzo shakes his head. "I can't keep fucking doing this."

Fizz places a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, It's gonna be fine, I really do think so." Fizzarolli says. "You may not be the best clown ever, but, one day you'll be the ring leader, and you'll be great at that."

"You think so?" Blitzø asks.

"Undoubtedly. No matter what happens, we'll be okay." Fizz says.

Blitzo smiles at Fizz. "Yeah, I mean, we have each other. Right?"

"We do." Fizzarolli smiles and wraps his tail around his boyfriends'. I love you, Blitzo."

Blitzo frowned for a moment, then smiled. "Thanks." He says. "We should maybe, get some rest."

"Oh...sure." Fizz agrees and follows Blitzo to bed.


Asmodeus woke up the next day with the sound of his phone ringing.

He tried to ignore it at first, but the phone started ringing again every time it stopped; it must've been important. So, he got up and answered it. "Hello?"


"Fizz, are you alright, what's wrong?" He could hear the fear in Fizz's voice, something definitely happened. Something bad.

"Mammon is having me reclassified. I had a panic attack so, they let me take a break to call you." Fizz explains.

"Who did?" Asmodeus asks.

"The people at the center." Fizzarolli explains. "They say I can't take the test until I calmed down."

Fizz is slipping...

Well, shit. That's the last thing Fizz needed. "Okay, where are you?" Ozzie asks, getting up and dressed as fast as he can to get Fizz.

"Sloth, I'll ask the people here to for the address, they're actually nice to me." He says. "Asmodeus, what am I going to do?"

"Alright, bug. Take a deep breath, and just stay there. I'm on my way." Asmodeus says. He rushes to get ready to head out the door. "Stall for as long as possible."

"Okay." Fizz agrees. "Thanks."


Fizzarolli stalled as long as he could, but they still insisted he take the test, he only agreed on the condition that he could wait for his friend before he can leave, to which they agreed.

Fizzarolli waited on a chair in the nurse's office for the testing people to tally up his scores.

"Well, the results are in." The nurse says as she walks in. "You're a little."

Fizzarolli's breathing increased, it's not like he didn't expect it, but he was still feeling overwhelmed and scared about how this was going to play out. "How bad is it?" Fizzarolli asks.

She hands him the papers:

74% little.

26% Neutral type: Entertainer

Fizzarolli breathes even faster, he drops the paper and sits down, starting to feel light headed.

The nurse got closer, a look if worry crossed her face. "Woah, baby. Calm down. You're alright." The lady said. "Everything's gonna be okay, alright?"

"I- I can't!" Fizzarolli tries to get the words out- he's trying to calm down, but he can't! It's over! It's all over for him!

"Breathe, sweetie." The lady says. "It's okay."

Fizzarolli cries. "can' jus' wan-."

"Yes? What do you want, dear?" She asks kindly.

Fizzarolli sniffs. "I wan' daddy." He whines softly.

"Is that who came here with you, sweetie?" The first nurse asks.

Fizzarolli shakes his head. "Nu, that Mammon. Scary."

"He did call someone else after they arrived, he's probably daddy. We should just wait until he gets here, then we can talk to him." The other nurse in the room suggests, overhearing the conversation.

"Alright." The lady nods. "Fizz, can you maybe wait in the nursery for daddy?" The lady asks.


"Great, follow me please?" The nurse says, holding out her hand.

Fizz is hesitant until the other nurse gets closer. "We're going to wait for Asmodeus to show up, can you be good and follow nurse Juli to the nursery?"

Fizz nods, and takes nurse Juli's hand.


Asmodeus walks to the front desk immediately. "Is Fizzarolli here?" He asks them.

"Are you the one he called?" The lady asks. "Or did Mammon call you?"

"Fizz did. He said he was being reclassified and had an attack. Is he okay?"

"So you're his daddy?" She asks.

Asmodeus nods. He's betraying Fizz by admitting this, but he has to make sure he's okay, that Mammon can't get his hands on his little bug.

"He's been asking for you, poor thing is so scared." She says. "I'm Mrs Sbay." She says.

"It's nice to meet you." Ozzie says.

"Okay." She collects some paperwork and hands it to him. "If you sign this now, we can start the process of adoption." She says.

"The what?" Asmodeus asks, he can't just adopt Fizz, what was she talking about?

"It's my responsibility to get you through the adoption process. So, He'll be in your care for at least a few weeks but, we'll be assigning you a caseworker to make sure you and Fizz are a right fit. Though I have a feeling you will be." She smiles. "Do you know how old he is?" She asks.

Asmodeus didn't know what to do, Fizz didn't want this, he wants to live his life without someone else in constant control over him. What kind of partner would he be if he just ignored that? "I need to talk to him first." He says.

"He's in headspace right now, Mammon has been demanding we sign him over, but based on Fizz's reaction, we wanted to make sure he was actually taken care of." She says.

"Where is he now?" Asmodeus asks.

"He's in our nursery playing." She answers. "We're not supposed to keep him or get involved like this usually, but you two are boyfriends, right?" She asks.

"What?" Ozzie asks.

She hands him the newspaper with him and Fizz. "This is you and him, right?" She asks.

Asmodeus sighs, and nods. " is. We uh, we'd like to keep our relationship on the down-low if that's alright?" He asks quietly.

"We need it in our records, but it's all confidential." She says.

He nods.

"It's a good thing the nurse's trusted their instincts and waited. We usually contact spouses, family, and friends first... but Fizzarolli couldn't name anyone except you." She explains.

"I can't adopt him, he- he doesn't want that." Ozzie says.

"He's not able to take care of himself." She explains. "If you don't adopt him, Mammon will. And if not him, he'll be taken to an adoption center. And I really don't think that's his best option, do you?" She asks.

Asmodeus takes the papers and reads them over quickly. He doesn't want Fizzarolli to have no say in this, he wanted to see Fizz free and happy- but, what choice does he have?

Ozzie needs to make sure that Fizz won't be controlled by Mammon anymore. "Do you have a pen?" He asks.


Fizzarolli waited in the nursery for Asmodeus. The workers there promised his daddy would be here soon, so he just had to be patient. They were really nice though, they gave him crayons and a lollipop!

He sat at one of the small tables and colored a nice picture of him and Ozzie playing in his playroom. Fizz draws himself wearing the tutu he asked Asmodeus for earlier. He hoped Ozzie didn't forget about it, he'd hate to ask for it again.

Asmodeus finally walked in the room slowly, almost hesitantly. "Hey, Fizz."

"Ozzie!" Fizzarolli grabs the paper from the table and runs to him. "I made a picture!"

"Did you?" Asmodeus asks, taking it and smiling. "It is beautiful."

"I was really good." Fizz says. "And I listened."

Asmodeus smiles and hugs Fizz. "I'm so proud of you, Fizz. You're so good."

"They found out." Fizz whispers to Ozzie, a look of worry isn't painted on his face.

"I know." Asmodeus says, picking Fizz up and holding him in his arms.

"Big fizz is going to be very sad." Fizzarolli says. "He doesn't want them to know."

"Yes, I know, Fizz." Asmodeus frowns.

"What are we gonna do?" Fizz asks, the poor child was genuinely concerned about what was going to happen to him now.

Such a small imp shouldn't have to worry about what he was going to do, or where he was going to live. "It's alright, you have nothing to worry about anymore. I'm going to take care of you."

Fizzarolli nods.

"I'm adopting you, Fizz." He admits.

"Oh..." Fizz says, trying to wrap his mind around this.

"I know it's hard right now, Bug. But, everything's going to be okay. I promise." He says.

Fizzarolli nods, before squeezing Ozzie tighter around his neck, he couldn't stop, he was openly crying in Ozzie's arms.

It just wasn't fair! He didn't want to be adopted! He doesn't really know why! But he knew it was bad! He knew that he didn't want this! And that was enough.

Ozzie held onto Fizz tightly and petted him gently in attempt to soothe the little one. "I know. I know, sweetheart. I'm so sorry."

"I don't want it." Fizzarolli says.

"I know you don't. I wish there was another way, I really do." Ozzie says. "I had no choice."

Fizzarolli kept crying and holding onto the rooster. "Daddy..."

"I know, baby." Asmodeus kisses the top of his head. "Please, forgive me."

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