Only you (Book 4)

By Some1isReading

16.9K 1.3K 147

Things don't seem to settle for Nora. She is back but it doesn't feel the same, it never did. But she needs t... More

Shitty night
A glimpse of us
Back home
Tears and rain
Spiraling mind
Lawyer stuff
Memory linen's
Lots of arguing
From mother to mother
Kitchen talk
Clear amd clean
She will always be your mama!
Mom's lesson
This bitch
I really thought i lost you
F you
Wake up slap
In the car
You and I
Good night
She is here !
She did it to keep you safe
Shower and waffles
Pinky promise
Phone call
The trial pt. 1
The trial pt.2
The trial pt.3
Justice lays in the eye of the beholder
Police station
Goodbye but the „good" is missing
672 hours later
Back home
After all this time


344 27 1
By Some1isReading

Lizzie POV

„Mom? Your phone was ringing a lot. Psst. Mom?"
I felt how Nora jolted up from her deep sleep.
I was still half asleep and way to tired to pull myself up from the deep conversation I had with the woman laying next to me. This conversation made me even realize more how I missed talking to her and how I have so many unresolved questions.

But I don't wanna bombard her with questions yet because I have a feeling that this might pull her back to panicking. I don't wanna paint the devil on the wall but I really want her to get professional help as well since she's been going through so many traumatic things. Let alone she pulled herself out of those dark holes every damn time and if I were her I wouldn't be able to do so.

„Honey shouldn't you be asleep? What time is it?" Nora asked Chase half asleep while turning under her sheet.

„It is 10 am mom. This woman told me it is urgent." my curiosity grew and I had no idea who Chase was referring to. Because if she says woman she means someone she doesn't know. Someone that is a stranger to her because Chase knows every close women around her mother by their name.

„Okay. I'll call her back when I wake up. Properly."
I heard her mumble and she let herself fall back into bed.

I didn't hear any tiny steps moving away from our bed which means that Chase was still standing at Nora's bedside probably waiting for something.

„I know this move of yours. You will stand next to my bed until I get up to make you some breakfast right." Chase didn't reply but I could tell that she either had a slight grin on her face showing her toothless mouth or nodding her head in agreement on what Nora just said.

„Pleaaaaassssseeee." she replied now a bit more vocal then before.

„Shhh okay okay. Give me a couple of minutes honey. Please be quiet Liz is still asleep and you don't wanna meet grumpy Liz."

„Uh I never saw mama grumpy. Should I poke her?"
Chase asked I felt how Nora got up out of bed quick to let me sleep which I find really sweet.

„No. You don't wanna meet her when she's grumpy.
Now come on. Let's go downstairs so we can let your mama rest. She needs her sleep."

„Like you need your beautiful sleep?" she asked quietly.

„No she doesn't need a beauty sleep because she's already beautiful and she stays that way." she complimented me and my heart melts at this cheeky comment.

„That's cool. I wanna stay beautiful too."
Chase cheered a bit.

„Oh both of you will always stay beautiful. No matter what." Nora told her with joy in her voice.

„and you mommy?" she asked back.

„nah not me. But that's fine." I heard the bedroom door open as I heard Nora's steps get fainter.

„Is it because of your scars?" I heard Chase ask her mom and my heart breaks having a feeling that I know what the answer will be.

„Hmm. Yeah. Mostly that. But that's alright I guess."
Her voice became fainter until I stopped hearing their conversation. Only the steps down to the living room.

Nora POV

„What do you want for breakfast?" I asked as I put my kid down on the kitchen island. She likes sitting on top of it while I work in the kitchen.

„Waffles." she answered and that was odd for Chase. She doesn't like waffles as much as she likes pancakes.

„Are you sure? Don't you want any pancakes? Those are your favorite." I asked as I was getting the flour out of the shelve.

„I know. But I want waffles today!" she demanded and I chuckled at her because the „s" she pronounced sounded so funny since she lost a front tooth.

„Okay, okay. I'll make you waffles then." I answered and she grinned in satisfaction.

„Is Quinn still asleep honey?" I asked while preparing the dough.

„He's in the backyard with Chestnut." she answered and I listened carefully hearing barks and playfully noises outside.

„how is school by the way? Does it bring you joy again?" I asked carefully because I want to know if she is being left alone by now.

„It's awesome. I like it again." she answered with joy in her voice and that sounded convincing this time. I hope she is being honest this time.

„Great that's good."

„oh and all the kids got a homework so I have questions." she announced.

„What is it?" I asked curiously.

„We need to decorate a family tree. Can you tell me who my grandma and grandpa are? Oh and do you have siblings? What about cousins? And what about dad's family? And should I bring Lizzie's family in too?" she questioned fast and I stopped the working on the waffles. As if I froze.

„Mom?" she pulled on the back part of my shirt because of was turning my back on her.

„How about you put in me, your brother, Chestnut and Lizzie? We are your family you don't need anyone else." I told her as I turned around and she looked sad.

„But everyone has such a big tree and when I only put you guys in it will be small. That's shit."

„Hey! No cursing under my roof."

„But you do it too."

„I am an adult and adults can use them. You still have to grow up." I told her and she crossed her arms in a pissed way. She got up and walked out to the backyard. In a provocative way she stood there now watching me closely and opening her mouth to yell „SHIT!"

„I said no cursing under my roof!!" I warmed her and she yelled „I AM NOT UNDER YOUR ROOF ANYMORE. I AM OUTSIDE!!" she yelled and this little kid of mine just tricked me.


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