672 hours later

338 32 3

Lizzie POV

Four weeks passed by and they felt torturous.
I haven't heard anything from Nora. Not Ruby kept me updated and she never called back because she's probably way to busy.

The kids take in the new situation better than I do.
They had a rough start and we slept all together in one bed for the first couple of days until they decided to go back to their rooms.

I didn't mind them next to me because ever since I am back in this huge bed alone it feels so empty again. So cold and hollow. It tears me down that I don't feel Nora's presence next to me.

Sometimes I feel how Chestnut crawls in and sleeps on Nora's side. I hear her whine sometimes because she's missing her too. Everyone in this house does.

I drove the kids to school and now that I am home alone I began to prepare everything for lunch when I pick them up again. It was quiet around me and the only things I could hear were Chestnut zooming around outside and the leafs of the trees moving from the light wind. The huge window in the kitchen gave me a great view to the front part of the garden. I could see the cars stand there and Chestnut as well.

I pulled my attention back to chopping the vegetables until I heard a car outside. I didn't expect anyone and I don't know who's car this is which is making worry a bit.

„Ouch. Fuck." I looked down at my hand and noticed that I cut myself while I was so distracted by the car that is driving closer.

„God damn it." I mumbled to myself and grabbed a dish towel to squeeze my finger so that I would slow down the bleeding. I looked for a bandaid and pulled it around quick after I washed the blood of off my finger. I didn't look out the window to see who was exiting the car so I had no idea who I'd expect when I'd open the door.

I grabbed Nora's sweatshirt jacket and pulled it over myself because I was just wearing a top and it was windy. I opened the door and I immediately froze when I noticed who was standing in front of my porch.

„George?? What are you doing here?" I asked irritated because I knew that he was never here and he didn't know where Nora lived. Someone must've told him and the only one who can and would is probably Robbie. I know he'd say where Nora would live. Because I know that scar wouldn't tell him.

„I just wanted to bring someone home." he has a wide body structure so he can easily cover up a person behind him. So he stepped aside revealing Nora.

„Oh my god... Nora..." I whispered as I stepped down the stairs with tears rolling down my face already. She dropped the bag she held in her hand and opened her arms lightly so I'd be able to hug her tight.

She whines in pain and I pulled back immediately only realizing now that she has bruises on her face and probably the rest of her body too.

„W-what happened? Who did this to her?" I asked George mad while I was cupping her face lightly.

„Some women in prison. It happened last week."

„Last week?? Why didn't you tell me?"

„She was out of consciousness for a couple of days. I didn't want you to worry even more." George replied and it's honestly hard to believe.

„And what would you have told me when she didn't wake up after that?" I added sounding even angrier and more protective over Nora.

„Hey. Dear it's okay. I am here now."
She slid her hand to the back of my neck to stroke it lightly so I'd calm down. And I did calm down since I can feel her touching me.

„I am tired can we go in?" she asked me and I nod while coming down from giving George a death stare and he knows exactly why.

„Of course hun. Go inside and change into some more comfortable clothes. I'll be right behind you."
I told her as I stroked her face with my thumb. She nod and walked between me and George. She stroked his back lightly and he gave her a nod before pulling his attention back to me.

We both waited until Nora was out of sight before we started arguing.
„You knew how much I was relying on you during that trial day. I told you to show up but you didn't. How come you show your face now?"
I fired at him immediately not caring that he is my boss and Nora's father. We are long way past that authority type of relationship.

„I couldn't see her that day. This was the last place I wanted her to land in... and I couldn't bare the fact that I used to defend her ex over her."

„So guilt made you not show up? In fact guilt should make you even wanna show up more. Especially if you intend to redeem yourself.
You left her alone yet again after all those years."

„But I was the one who got her out of prison in the first place. So why don't you thank me for that?"

„Thank you?" I chuckled.

„You really have the audacity to expect me to thank you for bringing Nora out of prison?
She wouldn't even be in there if you would have paid the bail out money for her. Because this option was given. This was why I called you in the first place on that day."

„Wow so I was just the money source?"

„What else do you expect yourself to be? You weren't really a dad to her. So this was the least you could do to build up the relationship a bit."

„Well. I did get her out now. Why don't we go in and look-." he tried to walk past me but I stepped In front of him to stop him.

„I appreciate what you did. It was the least you could do. But still. It's appreciated from the both of us. But I don't think it's a great idea to come in.
Give her the time she needs. She will eventually make the step and talk to you when and if she feels ready. Besides. She needs to rest more than ever now." I explained and he only nod silently.

„Okay then. You both know where to find me."
He added and walked off to his car to drive away.

So much weight has left my shoulders since I realize that Nora is actually back in her house. I turned around and looked up to where we spend our nights together. I held in my breath before releasing it and it felt like the mot freeing breath I took in a while.

A tear rolled down my face and I wiped it away as I started to walk back in. I closed the door behind me and started to walk upstairs so I can finally check on my dearest Nora that I have missed so deeply.


Only you (Book 4) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz