This bitch

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Nora POV

„Y'know rumors fly and pass us by but couldn't help but wonder. Is It right that you've been abused? We don't want your kids to be abused from you. Some parents might adapt their, how should I phrase it. Traumatic experience onto them." she asked and I tore my arm away from scar because I've had enough of her bullshit.

May anger really for a hold on me and I smacked the door open to make it collide with this fake as bitch. She stumbled back and looked at me shocked. As I hobbled closer to her she reached out and slapped me. I placed my hand on my face and felt how red it was turning.

„I don't know who gives you these informations. But you've been pissing me off ever since I brought my kids to school and we've had that first encounter. Your kids are spoiled as fuck because they probably get everything shoved up their asses just like their mom does." I told her as I looked towards her.

She opened her mouth trying to say something but I dominated this conversation now because she was really getting on my nerves.
„Y'know what? Why don't I shove something into your face." I asked as I bawled my fist up to punch her so hard with all my anger that she falls back to the concrete beneath us.

„You crazy bitch! I knew you were crazy just as crazy as this blond bitch was who took care of your kids. She came into the school and was yelling as if it was her place." I knelled down and grabbed her by her hair making her while a bit.

„Don't you ever! And I mean ever call her a bitch again! Call me what you want I don't give a single fuck about that. But if you try to drag her name through mud I swear so help me god I will make your life a living hell."

„MISSES LEWIS!!! Stop it now!"
I let go of the peroxide blond bitch and got up shaky from not having my crutches with me.
I looked to my right and saw the principal jog into our direction.

„What on earth is going on?"

„Please principal Smith call the police and an ambulance. She needs to be arrested for this behavior. She just jumped me." she whined as she was laying on the ground acting as if I was about to kill her.

„Oh please. That broken nose of yours is nothing that your raisin looking husband can't fix."
I told her as I rolled my eyes. I saw how the corner of the principals lip lifted a bit but he knew he wasn't allowed to laugh about that.

„You see? She's been humiliating me the whole time." she started to get up and I started to feel tired but I felt scar walk up beside me to give me my crutches.

„I am proud of you." she whispered so low that only I was able to hear it and now I was the one who had to hide a smirk in this serious situation.

„I think we should lead this conversation into my office. Now! I don't want to draw any attention onto us." he interfered and we both nod silently.

„I'll be one call away if you need me as a witness."
Scar added as she stroked my back.

„I'll crush her. But thanks." I told her and walked into the school to follow them.

„Okay. Now from the start. What happened and how did it escalate so quickly."

„Sir with all due respect. We've had a conversation that was a bit physically in the end. I think we've handled it like adults. Right?" I spoke with a hint of confidence as I looked to my left seeing how Sabrina was covering her nose with a blood smeared tissue.

„Sir! This is inexcusable behavior. She's jumped me like a beast and my clothes are dirty now. My nose is probably broken too."

„I wouldn't worry about the nose. It wasn't your first nose job anyway. So another on top won't be a problem. The problem here is that she's been insulting me from the start and that outrageously may I add." the principal looked back and forth between us as he leaned back while rubbing his eyes.

„You wanna know why I chose to be a principal for a preschool? I though I'd escape all the fighting from the students. But looks like the parents are worse in a preschool. God damn."

„I am sure that you've witnessed less fights here than in your private life or in other schools."
My face frowns just as much as smiths face did.

„Hold the fuck up. Did you just dropped that comment because he's black? What the fuck is wrong-."

„Misses Lewis. Do I need to remind you of our internal school rules?" he asked as he pointed behind him. There was a white poster and on the corner were little colorful finger prints form all the students. In the middle there are certain „house rules" noted. One of them says „We do not use cuss words or insult anyone. We can solve problems with nice words."

„Well sir some rules are meant to be broken. No kid will hear us. So what the f-."

„Misses Lewis." he hissed at me before pulling his attention back to Sabrina.

„Misses Keith. This was really disrespectful and racist if you haven't noticed that by now. I hate to brake it to you but you've been the worst parent I've met in my whole career as a principal." he told her calmly yet stern.

„Besides. Your kids are extremely spoiled you should get a hold on that one. Oh and I hate, really really hate your gluten free Christmas cookies with raisins in them. I need gag when I even think of them and you make us all eat them every year."
He added furiously and I have never heard a silence quite so loud. He really did silence her. Period.

„Okay then... I'll see myself out."

„Wait. Principal Smith. Have you heard from any teachers of my daughter that she's being bullied here? Because I've noticed some changes in her behavior and I am really worried and this was actually why I wanted to stop by in the first place."
I asked and he glanced shortly at me and then at Sabrina.


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