
By KittyJ0

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By day Megan is the hottest rapper everyone wants to be or wants to be around. But by night she's a five year... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
CHAPTER5- aLittle


414 25 15
By KittyJ0


Here's the warning ArmoniLynn  lol



"So.....what happened? How was it?" Normani ask me as soon as I walk through the door

I blush slightly rolling my eyes at her. Trinity seen through the records that Megan was in emergency so she told me to stop by and see her...and that I did. Saying I was there to bring Trinity some food, knowing damn well I was there to see Megan and Kaution.

After a year of staying my distance I was ready to finally see Kaution, and she was cuter than I could imagine... the way she just melted in my arms. I wish she was mines.....but she's Megan's and Pardi's.

Why, why can he get blessed with two wonderful things especially Kaution and don't love her as she should be. Like why would you not want to be in every party of that little girl's life. I....I think I fell in love with that little girl.

I wish she was mines.....

"So are y'all gonna see each other again?"
"NO?? Why not!!!"
"Bitch I'mma need you to speak faster cause what the hell"
".........I- I don't know. Like she knows I'm going to be there for her and Kaution, but I think I should leave it the way it is.. it works for us"

"Really does it? Now that you seen the baby, how do you feel? Think you can stay away from her?"
"I can. Cause she's not mines, so I don't need to be there"
"Bish shut the hell all the way up.....you loved that baby before you even seen her.. just be honest with yourself. It's okay to want to be around her"

"Is it?....I think I need to stay the way it is. Maybe I should pull back more"

She just shakes her head not saying anything, letting me know what she really thinks.


I've kept my distance for a little bit from Megan and Kaution but I just couldn't. I want to be in their lives, and I had to be honest and face it, cause it's true. I couldn't survive but a month away from them and I quickly called Kellon telling him that I have something for Kaution.

But this time he said bring it yourself, like damn it!

Which has me here in front of the gate to her house....nervous. I press the button and her voice rings on the speaker.


I stare at the speaker not saying anything, just nerves.

Hello....whose there?
H-Hi Meg...it's me Beyoncé
I....I'm sorry to come without notice but I have something for Kaution....I'm sorry I've been MIA for-

Beyoncé, you do not have to apologize...I appreciate you for even being here. Come on in.

And instantly the gate opens up and I walk in, wishing I would've drove here being that the walk way is so long.

After what felt like a marathon, I finally see her holding a happy Kaution onto her hip leaning on the front door.

"Well hello stranger" she's says smirking at me

She looks me up and down then opens the door wider letting me in. I slowly put the bag filled with Kaution's toys in it down on the floor as she closes the door behind us.

"I'm sorry to come without telling you b-but I brought these for Kaution...and I hope you let her enjoy them because I thought she would love them since -w-well-"

"Beyoncé, you don't have to explain....calm down" she says chuckling as she cuts me off

She walks halfway passed me going into the living room putting Kaution into her walker. I watch as she sits on the couch then looks at me.

"I know you not just gonna stand there" she says giggling

I nervously chuckle as I grab the bag and take a seat next to her but not close to her on the couch. I open the bag and pull the first gift out; and Megan awes at it.
"Oh my gosh Bey!!! This is so cute" she semi shouts as she turns the pages of the custom book I made of both Kaution and her

I watch as she reads a bit to herself smiling. I pull the other gifts out but Megan is too invested into the book.

"B-Beyoncé......this....this is something we'll treasure forever. Thank you" she says looking at me

Before I can answer Kaution happily screams as she starts to run in her walker. I chuckle as I admire her. I watch as she walks back and forth laughing as she does. She comes running to me nearly hitting my toes with the wheels.

"Hi Kaution. Hi beautiful girl" I say as she giggles showing all her gums. I softly tickle her stomach as she smiles laughing even harder. She grabs my left hand as I continue to tickle her. Till I stop and just give both her cheeks kisses making her laugh again.

"You look at her as if she's yours" I hear Megan say making me stop to look at her

I slowly pull my hand back sitting up straight.
"I'm sorry"
"Nothing to be sorry for.....just that you treat her so sweet......as if she is yours..... the way I wish Pardi would" she says mumbling the last part

"You both deserve so much more....so much more. He doesn't see the precious jewels he has" I say then quickly look down when I realize what I just said

"So we're precious?"
"Okay this one here is a precious baby. Innocent" I say pointing to Kaution
"Now you! .....I don't know if you are" I continue to say looking at her

She laughs, "what? I am precious"
"Yeah....okay" I say rolling my eyes
"Why aren't I?......I've always been"

I turn to face her as I know I'm about to ask the most burning question I've ever had.....the question that stays in my mind
".....if you are then why was it so easy for you to sleep with Pardi again?"

She stares at me wide eyed not saying anything.
"I-I didn't mean to....."
"But you did...so why? Why go back to him?"

"I know people say it just happened...but this really did just happen. He told us about that whole thing with Alicia and Kasseem, and I was weak...we were in his room talking. Then he said he missed times like that where we would stay up all night and talk for hours. And- And-"

"And you opened your f- dang legs to him" I say feeling anger raise within me but then calm myself realizing that Kaution is in front of us

"W-Was I not good enough...." I mumble feeling tears come to me
"You was! You are!! It was me! I was taking you for granted and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Beyoncé... cause of me, I went and fucked it all up"

"Hey no cussing in front of her" I say nodding my head off to Kaution as she giggles making us both chuckle
"You think we could ever give us a try?....again?" She ask

Grabbing her left hand I look at her not knowing what to say.
"I don't know Megan... I don't know. I do know that we're all gonna be alright"
"I-I love you"
".........we're gonna be alright" I say avoiding even saying it back

In the corner of my eye I see her wiping her face. Knowing that it probably was a tear. I continue to hold her hand as I look forward at Kaution; she smiles at me again. And for some reason I lean forward to her whispering, I'll always be here for you.


If I knew sleeping with Pardi would bring me all this hell, I would've told myself no. I should've fought harder to not do it. Shoot I should've stayed in my hotel room!

Now I'm all alone. The thing I didn't want to be but here I am. Beyoncé doesn't love me anymore, and I have to face it. It's my own fault anyway, but damn do it hurt so bad.

After she left for the night I didn't know what to do, scream, throw things. I was on the verge of having a meltdown. I lost the best thing I could ever have....I just gave it all away. I lean on the front door crying as I fall down. I was hoping that we would come back together but clearly this is the end. I let out a scream that startled Kaution making her cry, but I can't tend to her my heart is broken....

A knock rings on the door, but I don't answer it I don't wanna see anyone.

"Megan....open the door"
I shake my head no as I feel myself slipping at the sound of her voice. Something I haven't done since we broke up...
"Open the door....let me in" she whispers softly now

I turn and slowly unlock the door and instantly the door opens wide and she walks in looking down at me.
"Meg....don't cry. Let me calm K down" She says referring to Kaution as she screams in the living room

I listen as Kaution cries die down and Beyoncé walks back to me. She kneels in front of me putting her hands on my waist as she picks me up. I cry a little harder in her arms as she carries me into the kitchen.

Sitting me on the kitchen counter my vision gets blurry from crying so much that I don't see her grab a paper towel till she's cleaning my face.

"Meg, why you crying? Just because we won't give us another try doesn't mean we can't be friends...I'mma always be here for you and Kaution, my love runs deep and will remain. Remember that" she says staring at me

I look at her in disbelief. "Why?"
"Why? Why still be here after all I've done to you? I hurt you so bad but here you still stay, why?"

"Because I made a promise. I said I'll always be here and I'm holding onto my promise. I don't ever want you to feel alone"
"I really don't deserve you"

"You right you don't. But you got me, so we're stuck......wanna watch a movie"
"Can we watch that new little mermaid movie, I think they put it on Disney plus"
"Of course" she says smiling as she picks me back up carrying me to the living room

I wake up in my bed, alone of course. I know Beyoncé left the minute I fell asleep, just to be nice. I look to my right not seeing my baby in her crib, what the hell.

I instantly jump up and look under my bed maybe she crawled out. Not finding her I look into my bathroom, nope not there. I rush out the door and into her room, and of course it's as empty as when I had it done for her. Because she never slept in it. I always need her near me.

With my heart nearly beating out of control in my ear drum. I feel tears come to my eyes, I lost my baby! My Kaution, my Klay; as I call her sometimes as a nickname.

I grab my chest as sadness and hurt feels me, then I hear laughing from two people I love coming from downstairs. I rush downstairs nearly falling on the second step, and follow the sound to the kitchen. Where I find Beyoncé dancing in one of my shirts that hangs just below her butt and some socks as she feeds Kaution.

First sighing in relief, I watch on for a bit laughing as she does some type of moon walk and Kaution laughs her head off.

"Oh that's funny, you think that's funny. Now watch this baby girl" Beyoncé says doing a quick spin and a two step and Kaution claps excitedly

Beyoncé bows as if she put on a show smiling. I start to clap to make my appearance known.
"About time you did something. Just stood there letting baby girl laugh at me" she says looking at me, making me shrug

" I didn't know you saw me"
"I did, I knew you would come down"
"Yeah from being scared that I lost my baby" I say rolling my eyes then giving Kaution a kiss on her forward whisper a love you

"Nah, cause you love to eat and wouldn't want to miss breakfast" she says opening the microwave pulling out a plate

"Eat" she then says sitting the plate down

Not having to tell me twice, I quickly sit down and eat. I love Beyoncé's cooking and wouldn't want to miss out on it at all! Even for this one chance.

"Since you're not going anywhere.....do you think we can always settle to have Saturday breakfast?"
I ask hopeful

"Um....yeah. Yeah we can do that" she says making me smile happily..... I still have a chance


I never rushed out that house so quick. Thankfully I got a call and had a class in the evening to teach. But first I gotta get my mind off of Megan. She offered to drive me home, but I said no thank you. Cause she couldn't know where I was going to.

Getting into my Uber I text the person letting them know I'm stopping by not even for what, they don't need to know.

We pull up to their building and I take a deep breath before I exit out the car. With a big smile on their face, they walk to me.
"I wouldn't have thought you would text me, Ms. Knowles...."
"....Trey I don't have time for all of this talking. I need you to fuck me, and fuck me like your life depends on it"

He smiles big at me, "Say less Ms. Knowles"


I make some breakfast for all of us girls as Normani and Trinity get ready for work. Which became a norm of us even though I have my own place. With some of the bacon done I yell for them to hurry downstairs.

"Look Nite, someone as that newly fucked limp going on" Normani semi whispers to Trinity making her laugh and me to roll my eyes

"Whatever! Not even" I say
"Yeah I guess all that I'm going to bring the gifts to Kaution did it. Megan reminded you of what y'all had" Trinity says laughing

I don't respond and I guess Normani catches on cause she ask Trinity to leave us to talk.

"Since you ain't fuck Megan, who did you fuck?"
"None of your business"
"Wow, none of my business. But I'm your best friend. So it is my business"
"Look, I just don't wanna drag you into my mess. Okay? Just let it be"

"Nah. I wanna know who. And I wanna know now"
"I don't think you should....I-It's better that way..." I say putting my head slightly down

"Damn...that bad?"
"It wasn't bad, but I've had better"
"Was Megan better?"
"....WAY better" I say making us both laugh

"So why the limp?"
"Bish the dick was big but he didn't know what to do with it"
"Damn so it was a guy... okay that cuts down all the choices I can think of....w-wait. Was it Trey!?!"
"You lucky guessing bitch" I say making us laugh

"Well he's been pushing up on you. But you tried it and now you can leave it alone. So that's good"
"Definitely! No more from anyone. I'm just going to stay alone"
"No. No you won't, that's not true. You'll always have me"

"......Always" Normani continues

I nod my head but I don't believe it, I don't have the one person I truly want. Just because I'm scared she'll hurt me again.

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