Love is blind

By jjapp13

40K 1.4K 29

Julia Brown is thirty years old and mother of Sem. She hasn't had the best years. She feels like it's finally... More



899 30 0
By jjapp13

The movie is on for an hour. I'm really enjoying it. I look at the film differently now than I normally would. I'm mainly focusing on one character right now. What I especially enjoy is lying here in Kimberly's arms. In the meantime she has placed her hands, under my shirt, on my stomach. She only occasionally has trouble keeping her hands still. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with that, but since Silvia is there I don't think it's that smart. Although I don't really care if Silvia knows or not, but if Kimberly still wants to keep it quiet, she really has to pay attention to what she's doing. I've lost count of the number of times her lips have touched my head or shoulder somewhere, but you won't hear me complaining about that. I also wonder if Silvia hasn't figured it out by now. She knows that something is going on anyway. In the beginning of the movie she was watching Kimberly and me with a smile on her face the whole time. Now it seems she leaves us alone as much as possible. "What's so funny? " asks Kimberly when I burst out laughing. I look at her. "I had to think about something. Was that a happy dance? ". Referring to a part in the film. I have to say that Kimberly has some decent dance moves. She shakes her head laughing. "You couldn't really call that a dance. That was more running and jumping around". How must I restrain myself from giving her a kiss, when she says so with a sparkle in her eye. "Happy dance?" Silvia asks. "Um yeah, that is a uhm, joke between Julia and me". That sounds almost believable, is what I can see Silvia thinking. Kimberly and I stare at each other for a moment. I see her biting her lip. "You're missing a part of the movie," she says softly. I suspect she has trouble holding back too. I quickly turn my face away from her.

We've just watching the movie in silence when Kimberly grabs me tighter. "What is?" she asks softly. It is also inevitable that Kimberly immediately realizes that my mood has changed somewhat. I break free from her arms to get up. I walk towards the window. There Kimberly has had the window sill made into a wonderful sitting place. I sit there and stare outside. "Julia what is it?". Kimberly sat down with me. I turn my face to her. "Sorry, my mind wandered for a moment. I was thinking about how to tell Sem this weekend. I may think he's okay with it, but what if he's not?" Kimberly grabs my face with both hands. She looks into my eyes. "However difficult I find it, but if Sem would not support a relationship between us, then we have to accept it. I don't know how things will go between us then. I tell you now very honestly if I don't know if I can continue to see you. Now that I know that you feel the same way, it becomes even more difficult to put aside my feelings for you". I nod in understanding as my tears begin to flow. "I don't think I can handle seeing you then either. Do you think he would disapprove?" As I say it, my phone rings. "I think someone hears that we're talking about him," I say with a small smile when I show Kimberly that it's Sem calling. I wipe my tears away as best I can, since it's an facetime call. "Hey sweetie, how are you there?". Sem had a big smile on his face, but it disappears a bit. "It's really nice here. Did you cry mom?" I really have to try really hard not to cry again. I really hoped he hadn't noticed. I don't want him to see me like this. "Yeah, but it's nothing bad. Kimberly and I talked for a while. You know what women are like," I say with a smile. I cry very easily during movies. In the beginning Sem was always shocked by that. After I tell him that women can cry over the smallest things, he always makes fun of me. "You didn't argue, did you?" Kimberly moves closer to me and puts an arm over my shoulders. "No buddy, we didn't argue. Your mother and I just had a good talk." I look at Kimberly with a smile. "Kim I thought you'd be gone. Will you still be there tomorrow when I get home? I didn't think you would be such a woman too, by the way." he says laughing. "Shhh. Just pretend you didn't see that. I'm just relieved that your mom and I finally worked things out. I'll definitely be home tomorrow to hear how you've been this week. I'm not going anywhere for now." I really have to control myself. I want to give Kimberly a kiss right now. Through her I see Sem's whole face light up again. "Okay then. Have you finally told each other that you like each other?". Startled, Kimberly and I look at my phone. "W-What?". Sem starts laughing when Kimberly and I say that at the same time. Kimberly rests her head on my shoulder. She grabs my free hand with both hands, out of Sem's sight. Nervous she starts to play with my fingers. "Suppose I really liked your mother very much. Would you mind that?" To my great relief I see Sem shake his head hard. This isn't really the way I wanted to have this conversation with Sem, but it's a weight lifted off my shoulders. "Have you kissed too?". "Sem!" I say laughing. "That's none of your business." When I say that, Kimberly kisses me on the temple. I can feel that she has a big smile on her face just like me. "So that is a yes. Are you dating now?" I shake my head with a smile. "Sweetie, I didn't mean for you to find out over the phone. I wanted to talk to you about it this weekend. Shall we agree that you can ask me anything then?" I see Sem nod. "Kim, can I ask you something now?".

Kimberly takes the phone from me. "Of course buddy. What do you want to ask me?" The smile on Sem's face disappears. "Can you promise me something?" Kimberly nods when Sem asks. "Promise to never hurt mommy". As soon as I hear that my tears are unstoppable. I get up quickly so Sem can't see. I always thought he never realized what Twan was doing, but when I hear Sem say this, he did. "Sem I promise I will never hurt you or your mother. All that matters to me is that you are happy. I will do everything I can to ensure that". When I hear Kimberly say that I look at her. I also see tears streaming down her cheeks. We keep staring at each other. "Okay I'm going to hang up. Give mommy a kiss for me. I think she could use one of yours too." With a smile I see Kimberly turn her gaze back to the phone. "I certainly will, buddy. See you tomorrow. I can't wait for your week's stories." Kimberly puts the phone down next to her and stands up. She walked over to me with a beautiful smile on her face. "That son of yours is already much too smart." I nod with a smile on my face. As soon as Kimberly is in front of me I put my hands on her neck and put my lips on hers. Kimberly grabbed my hips. Not much later my back is against the wall and Kimberly can't get any closer to me. After a very long time I put my forehead against hers. I look her in the eye. "You not only make me very happy, but more importantly, I think you just made Sem very happy". Kimberly moves her lips closer to mine again. "That's good, because you make me very happy," she says softly just before she puts her lips against mine. In this kiss the emotion of both is sensible. After a long kiss we grab each other in a tight hug. We look at each other and wipe away the other's tears. "I think we have to continue watching the film," I say laughing. As much as I would like to stay with Kimberly, I could use some distraction. "You better find your place in bed. I'll pick up Silvia." Kimberly kisses me before letting go. "Where did she go anyway? " I ask as I fall on the bed. "She is downstairs. I had asked her if she could leave us alone for a while." I nod understandingly. Kimberly walks over to me. "One more to get through the next few hours," she says just before giving me a quick kiss. I can really get used to this. "Go get Silvia now. Otherwise, watching a movie won't happening anymore. I was enjoying it just as much." Kimberly shakes her head with a smile. "Okay I'm already gone". With that said, she leaves the bedroom.

It takes at least ten minutes before Kimberly and Silvia are back in the bedroom. "Is everything all right? ". I nod when Silvia asks worriedly, as she gets into bed. Kimberly snuggles close to me. "Then why those tears? ". Kimberly asks as she wipes away my tears. "Do not be afraid. They are good tears. Shall we now ," I say with a smile. Which also puts a smile on Kimberly's face. In my alone time, I was thinking how happy I am that Kimberly came into my life. Not only does she make me very happy, but perhaps more importantly, I've never seen Sem like this before. Since the bond between Sem and Kimberly got better and better, I've seen him so happy. The way he responded on the phone makes me so much happier. Somehow I knew he wouldn't mind, but I couldn't be completely sure". Kimberly suddenly stands up again. "Be right back. I forgot something," she says before running out of the room. I look at Silvia questioningly. "What's the matter with her? ". Silvia starts laughing. "I've been wondering that all night. I have no idea what she is doing now". I also burst out laughing. "She is indeed a bit hyper". And I know why, but I won't say that. Not much later Kimberly comes back into the bedroom. I get an even bigger smile on my face. "I knew I could make you happy with this," she says when she hands me a large bowl of strawberries. She snuggles close to me again, grabs a strawberry from the bowl and pops it into my mouth. "MMM that taste good ". I see Kimberly about to say something, but she stops herself just in time. She quickly rests her head on my chest.

We are already a few films further and have taken the board with snacks from the bed. To lie down even more comfortably. I'm lying on my back and Kimberly is half over me. "Sorry," she says softly when she looks at me, after I have pushed her leg to the side a little. Her leg lie not exactly still, which made me feel rather warm. "You don't have to say sorry, but there's another one here," I say with a smile, referring to Silvia, who has been lying with her eyes closed for a while. "She's asleep anyway." I shake my head with a smile. "She's still there." Kimberly gets on top of me. "Was just a joke. I didn't realize I wasn't lying still. Can I make it up with a kiss? ". I can just nod before her lips are on mine. "Then you probably didn't notice that your hands haven't been still all evening either." Kimberly looks at me as innocently as possible. "What have I done? They just lay on your stomach. By the way, do you have to hear who says it". I smile. " I'm not complaining an I dare to admit that I can't keep my hands off you." Which brings me another kiss. "Okay good. If you do have something to complain about, just say so." I nod. "I will certainly do that. Do you want to put on another movie or is it time for us to go to sleep too? ". Kimberly takes the remote control and turns off the television. "It has been enough for today". We share the necessary kisses before I fall asleep.

I wake up feeling Kimberly's lips on mine. I get a smile on my face. "Good morning beautiful. I have coffee for you". I open my eyes and give her a kiss. "Good Morning Sunshine". I sit up a little straighter so I can grab the cup of coffee. "Thank you ". Kimberly lays her head on my lap and looks at me. "Slept good? ". I nod and meanwhile play with her hair. "I slept great and I can get used to waking up like this. You? I thought there was someone else in bed too". Kimberly gets a sweet smile on her tired face. "She just went down. So you like the coffee? ". Smiling, I shake my head. "I can get used to this without that coffee. But how did you sleep? ". She shrugs. She gets up and sits down next to me. I put my cup on the bedside table. Then I put an arm around Kimberly. "Did you sleep? ". She nods and sits as close to me as possible. "I slept quickly, but after an hour or two I woke up. After that I couldn't sleep anymore". She looks at me with a smile. "Yesterday just kept going through my head. I can't quite realize it all yet. I'm still afraid I dreamed everything". I pull some hair from her face and kiss her. "You are wide awake Sunshine. Luckily it's all real," I say as I look into her eyes. We continue to give each other the necessary kisses for a while. "I'm going to take a shower". Kimberly says it after a while. She looks at me and bites her lip. "Are you coming? ". I think for a moment. Finally I shake my head. "Okay ". Kimberly gives me a quick kiss. After that she doesn't know how fast to turn away from me. I could just see the uncertainty in her eyes. "Kimberly wait". I can just grab her and pull her back. As a result, she is now back in bed. I sit on top of her. She doesn't look at me. "Believe me when I say it's not because I don't want to". She rises a little and leans on her forearms. She looks at me. "But? ". I give her a small smile. "But I want the first time to happen spontaneously. I'm sure if I get in the shower with you now, the nerves will take over. It's not going to get any better then." I see a smile on Kimberly's face. She nods in understanding. She sits up straight. "You have a good point there." I put my arms around her neck and kiss her. "And if that happens, I don't want you holding back either," I whisper in her ear. I see her blush a little. "Don't be afraid of that". Kimberly has put her hands on my back and holds me close to her. Then we meet each other's lips again. "Are you really not going to shower with me? Nothing needs to be done there". I shake my head with a smile. "I don't think I can handle it now, just to take a shower". I give her a wink. "Then I'll go alone." She tries to say pathetic, but I can see the smile on her face. I give her another kiss before I climb off her. Kimberly gets up and goes to the bathroom. "Kimberly hurry up now that you are going into that bathroom". Kimberly turns her face towards me and smiles. "What? I'm already on my way anyway". Smiling, I shake my head. I'm glad Kimberly steps into the bathroom and closes the door. She had already taken off her shirt on the way to the bathroom and she had nothing to wear underneath.

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