Serendipity / A.Lightwood

By sebs_loves

28.1K 1.2K 191

(n.) finding something good without looking for it Charlie Fairchild was the older brother of Clarissa, somet... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter One

3.1K 102 27
By sebs_loves

(please comment and vote)

quick a/n : okk so i decided to make this story because a) i felt guilty about making alec straight and decided our boy needed a boy to love although i do love malec and b) because i fell out of love with verena's plot and how quick i had developed her story so i'm trying to make this one a bit slower xx

+ + +

Staring at his ceiling had never felt so boring. The twenty-two year old boy with sandy blonde hair, perfectly sculpted brows and some of the bluest eyes imaginable laid on his bed. His hair, of which was not short or long, was disheveled as the sinking feeling of guilt wrapped around his insides inexplicably.

"Char?" The soft voice of his mother called out. It was stange, indeed, that the boy lived with his mother still but it was to aid his mission on protecting his younger sister. It was her eighteenth birthday today, and she was on her way to the Brooklyn Academy of Arts so he was stuck at home.

Although the boy held a small form of hatred for how he had allowed his life to turn out, he was glad that he could be a protective pillar in his sister's life. It gave him a peace of mind that he knew his younger sister could count on him to help her and save her if need be.

"Charlie..." the boy's mother sighed as she enterred the room, a wistful look in her eyes as she looked at the boy's appearance. "Have you not gotten out of bed at all?"

"Nope." The boy popped the 'p' and slowly glanced towards his mother, her brunette hair hanging in loose waves as it sat on her shoulders and flowed down her back. Her own blue eyes stared at him, her brows pinched together in sympathy.

"Are you worried about Clary?"

"She'll be fine." He replied, looking back towards his plain white ceiling. It was true, he had faith that his sister would manage to get into the Academy as she was a fabulous artist, he just worried about Simon Lewis.

"Why don't you meet Simon in the cafe? Bring Clary back afterwards?" His mother offered, slowly lowering herself to sit on the edge of the Charlie's king-sized bed.

"And listen to that twerp ask whether or not i knew if Clary loves him?" He asked, his eyes widening a little before his facial expression turned into a scowl. "I'll pass."

"They're just teenagers-"

"That's their problem." Charlie now sat upright, running a hand down his face as he felt the duvet cover fall from his bare yet toned chest. He sighed, of which turned into a yawn, before he groaned. "Fine. I'll go."

"I knew you would." His mother beamed at him as she placed a comforting yet assuring hand on his shoulder, rubbing circles into his skin with her thumb. "Oh, but i have a late birthday present for you."

"Late?" Charlie questioned as he carefully took the duvet covers off of his body. He then stood, his joggers slightly falling down as he stretched. He then scowled to himself as he dropped his arms to his legs and stuffed his hands into his pockets, his eyes staring at his mother. "Mom, my birthday was practically four months ago."

"I know, i know, i just-" his mother seemed to stumbled over her words before sighed, giving in to the fact she couldn't give a proper explanation. "I'll give it to you once you're ready." She settled on saying instead as she stood and left the room swiftly, leaving the wooden door open ajar.

"Late birthday present...seriously?" Charlie couldn't help but mumble to himself as he glanced around his room for a moment before making his way towards his drawers. They were pushed against his dark grey and almost black coloured walls whilst different decorations hung in silver picture frames.

Pictures of him, Clary, Simon were there; although Charlie wasn't sure why. He wasn't particularly fond of the nerdy boy, but he could get along with him for Clary's sake. There was also a picture of his mom, him and Luke there which did make Charlie smile a bit.

Luke was one of the best father-figures Charlie could ever ask for.

With a sigh, Charlie opened his drawers and searched for something nice to wear. He decided on a pair of ripped black jeans - that were only ripped at the knees - a dark red hoodie and a zip up jacket that he could stuff his hands into. It would have to do.

With a raised brow, Charlie made sure he had everything he'd need before he spritzed himself with deordorant and ran a brush through his hair before he ruffled it, letting it become slightly less messy.

When he was sure he had everything, he quickly slipped on a pair of white ankle socks and left the room after grabbing his phone. He shut his door completely, the sign "Charlie's cave, do NOT enter" being the thing he saw for a moment before he wandered into the living room with a tired expression.

"So, what's this..."late birthday present"?" He asked, using air quotes to show he was slightly in disbelief that his mother had such a thing. She was never late with presents.

"A, heirloom of sorts." His mother answered, to which made the boy scoff and let out a loud yet fake laugh.

"What family?" He retorted before he pursed his lips into a thin line and gave in, playing along with his mother's game. "Okay, what does this heirloom look like?" A velvet black box was shoved into his hands and he raised a brow before looking at the box. It wasn't massively big, about the length of a brand new pencil, maybe a bit longer, and it was only about two to three inches big in depth.

It was a little odd; it resembled a glasses case.

Charlie slowly opened the box and tried to cover up his confusion as he looked at what seemed to be a useless object. It was a dark silver in the material and it was twisted like a vine. There were symbols that felt familiar to Charlie but he couldn't place his hand on it whilst there was a clear crystal on one end of the heirloom.

"This is...pretty cool." He said, nodding his head a little before he cleared his throat and placed the box down on the kitchen counter. "Thanks for the present, Mom, but i should head for the cafe."

"Oh, um, yeah." His mother nodded her head, her eyes glancing towards the discarded box as she let out a soft puff of air. "I'll see you later, Char." His mom waved at him at the twenty-two year old left the apartment, his hands immediately being placed into his pockets as he walked along the streets of Brooklyn. The cafe wasn't too far, maybe a twenty odd minute walk or so from where he lived.

Charlie would love to prolong the inevitable as much as he could, but he realised that if Simon was at the cafe then he was there on his own, being the awkward little bean he was. 


The walk to the cafe wasn't the worst. It could've been better, but Charlie's 6ft2 frame was nothing for those that kept bumping into him without apologising; he could withstand the force of it.

What Charlie couldn't stand, however, was the sight of the nerdy boy. He was sat at the table, large headphone on his head to cover his ears whilst he drummed his fingers on the edge of the table, obviously doing it to some form of beat.

"Lewis." He called, slumping down onto one of the chairs opposed to him. When he got no response, Charlie rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the headphone bits, pulling it away from the boy's ears.

"Gha-Wha-Charles?!" Simon spluttered, his heart almost giving out at the scare of the boy's sudden appearance. He breahted out deeply, his eyes glancing at the unimpressed adult. "Charlie, what're you doing here?"

"Apparently i'm saving you from embarrassment." Charlie mumbled, glancing around at all the eyes that were gathering on himself and Simon. The latter was a sweet boy, don't get Charlie wrong, but there was something about the dark haired boy thar irked him.

Whether it be the lack of care and thought Simon had for Charlie or whether it was the fact the boy was afraid of Clary's older brother, he did not know. All he knew, was that it was something.

"When's Clary getting here?" Charlie questioned, his tone dull as he yawned a little. The atmosphere of the cafe was simply miserable. Everyone was on their phones or not engaging in much conversation.

"Now." Simon said as he noticed a certain redhead making her way towards him and her brother, a sad and dejected look on her face as her hands clutched her art portfolio and a small white letter. "Give me the professor's names and i...i will end them."

Clary, the redheaded girl that had now approached the duo in the cafe, sent her best friend a "what the fuck" look.

"You know, with-with a scathing e-mail to the dean."

"Lame." Charlie whispered under his breath, to which earned him to almost be choked as Clary threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Hey, Char!" She beamed. Clary grew up with her brother being her protector, someone she could always count on. She could never be angry at him because he had done so much for her. When she was pushed and her knee was scraped when she was only five, the ten year old Charlie grabbed the bullies' arm and shoved him into a wall, causing the boy's nose to bleed.

She loved her older brother dearly.

"Don't bother." She then said, unwrapping her arms from her brother's neck and placing her shoulder bag onto the floor, slipping into the chair next to Charlie. She placed the white piece of paper onto the table and tried not to let the smile crack through her sad expression.

Simon was slightly hesitant to grab the paper, but he did so anyways and when his eyes scanned the paper he scowled at his best friend.

"What?" He exclaimed a little before smiling as he realised what Clary had pulled off. "The sad face? Really?" Clary's laughter pulled Charlie out of his zoned out world and brought his attention to what mattered. He snatched the paper into his grasp and smiled, his eyes reading the big bold red letters that spelled out "CONGRATULATIONS". "Well played, well played." Simon and Clary gave each other a fist bump, smiled on their faces.

Charlie wanted to gag.

"Straight people." He mumbled, sitting up a little straighter.

"Thank you." She said, before her brows pinched together. "You know, it's weird. They kind of liked my assigned work," Charlie listened intently to the words his sister spoke, "but they flipped out over the drawings for our graphic novel."

"You're welcome." The best friends chuckled and Charlie grimaced, wondering how long he had to endure this for.

"This day will go down in history as the greatest eighteenth birthday i ever had."

"Sorry to burst your bubble, dummy, it's the only one you'll have."

"Which is why," Simon said, shooting Charlie a pointed look whilst a waitress brought over their drinks, "we are celebrating tonight. Yes, with Maureen, after our show."

"Absolutely." Clary agreed, sorting out her coffee from the little cake they were given. "So...what's the deal with you and Maureen?"

"What deal?" Simon asked, slightly loweing his coffee cup away from his lips, "no deal. We sing together."

"You seriously don't know she's been crushing on you this whole time?" Clary questioned, her eyes wide as she stared at her best friend. Charlie simply sat there, wanting the earth to swallow him whole. It was lucky for Clary that he had no friends otherwise he'd probably be there right now.

Or he could have a job but his mother always said he didn't need one.

"What? No, no." Simon denied, his face contorting into one of slight disgust as he thought to the face that he loved Clary and not Maureen.

"Simon," Clary sighed a little wih a small smile on her face, "how can someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize that the person sitting right there is in love with you?"

"Oh, the irony." Charlie said, earning himself a confused and angry look from the eighteen year olds.

"I guarantee you i'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake." A moment of silence enveloped the trio, to which made Charlie want to strangle his vocal cords to try and get them to work through intimidation. "That's a latte."

"But i could've sworn i had a biscotti."

"Maybe you ate it really fast and didn't even notice." Simon offered, trying his best to console his friend. "Happens to me all the time. When i'm happy...when i'm sad." Clary simply laughed and Charlie pulled a face of despair. Why did he agree to do this? "But i will replace your mythical biscotti with an actual one."

"Thank you."

"You know what?" The boy quickly said as he held up his cup of coffee. "Here's to you. L'chaim."

"L'chaim." Clary repeated as they clinked their cups against each other, chuckling. This is what Charlie called a waste of his time.



heyyy how was it? How do you guys like Charlie in this chapter?

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