By mary4561

564 61 1

April Jones life has not been perfect. Yes she had a happy childhood. Then she learnt she was adopted and th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Part 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapper 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22(23on word)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chappter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 10

24 2 0
By mary4561

"Before I forget I invited a friend and her husband for dinner while we are in London," says Ashton.

"What's he like?" Ask April.

"She, her name is Annalise and she's well you have to experience her for yourself."

"Why did that sentence sound scary."

"They are really nice people once you get to know them."

"We can't tell other people they're coming and when I see them on the street. I pretend I don't know them."

"Didn't you say my friends were no good Ashton."

"When they get here everything will be explained to you, I promise, and everything will make sense to you."

"If they are your friends your parents must know them."

"I'm afraid they don't and they're the reason I can't run my dad's company, will never run it."

"You are not making any sense Ashton." His phone rings he looks at the name on screen and laughs. "Man, she's a pip." He answers the call, "My fiancée wants to chill out and have lobster mac and cheese."

"Fine see you in a bit," says Annalise before abruptly ending the call.

"They are on their way over here now." He tells April then he calls the house staff into the living room and ask them to go to his other house.

When they were alone in the house the doorbell rings, Ashton opens it. "Man, that housekeeper of yours took her sweet time. Why she felt the need to stop off at Sainsbury's I'll never know. Wait did you ask her to buy something special from there?"

"Hello, Annalise, it's nice to see you again and you Derek. Please come in, sorry who's this man and no I didn't ask her to go shopping?" Ask Ashton looking at the dog collared black man behind him.

"Oh, that's Reverend Sampson. He is here to conduct your wedding ceremony Ashton."

"Annalise it's only our fourth day together! Wait did you know my grandmother approached her and ask her to marry me?"

Annalise says nothing and just smiles coyly at him.

"Look who I'm talking to, of course you did. Since you it was probably you who sent her to New York."

"Yes, Ashton I did. Never mind that only works with Derek. Move aside I want to meet your bride. Oh, one of you is dying that's why the good reverend is here and agreed to perform the ceremony."

"Annalise that's enough," says Derek in a commanding voice.

She pouts at her husband. "You're no fun Der. She turns back to Ashton, "The truth is Ashton he's here to perform your wedding ceremony. Never fear your bride will still have her grand wedding. It's a shame I don't know you and won't attend your wedding."

Ashton looks at the man in alarm, "He is one of ours you can relax."

April who was listening to the conversation wonders what the hell was going on. She walks to Ashton side, "Hi I am April."

"We know who you're silly it's a shame your father was such a tool. I hear his death wasn't quick," she smiles brightly.

"Stiles!" shouts Ashton.

"Sorry I got carried away. The tool was scum so please don't lose sleep over him, ok April."

Everyone takes a seat in the living room, "You knew my dad?" Ask April.

"No, he died when you were sixteen. I mean, never mind," answers Annalise.

"No offence but can you please say what you want to and leave," says April who was losing patient with the loudmouth 5'10, brown hair, brown eyed mix race woman.

"Ashton, I understand jet lag and I'm sure your wife just wants to rest."

"Derek we are not married yet," Ashton reminds him.

"And on that note April we need to get you and the hubby married before we can tell you what we need to."

"You're crazy you know that?" Says April

"Well, I'm a bit," agrees Annalise.

"Ashton who is she?" Ask April.

"You need to be a Misses before that question can be answered," answers Ashton.

"I'm sorry what?" Ask April.

"You need to be married before we can tell you April," explains Derek.

"I'm finding it hard to believe you're the same woman people speak so highly of April," says Stiles.

"I'm going up to bed call me when she leaves," says April as she stands.

"Sit!" April looks at Derek in horror, his green eyes never leaving hers. "How dare you disrespect my wife that way. If you don't want me to take away everything that you hold dear. I suggest you do as I say. I make sure your family gave you a second chance. I'm not a man to be played with April as you will come to find out. He stands and cross his arm so his 6'2 height would intimidate her.

"I don't know you Derek so you can threaten me as much as you want because I don't have to listen to you."

"April please this is important we are talking life and death here," pleads Ashton.

"Your grandmother isn't sick and dying, is she?"

Derek looks at his watch, "I need to be somewhere in an hour. Start the wedding sermon."

The reverend starts the ceremony and April glares at Ashton as she says I do.

"Now wait in the car for me," Derek tells the reverend.

"Let's move to another room and congratulations on your wedding. You will have whatever date you want for your church wedding," says Stiles in a normal tone of voice.

They move to the drawing room and Derek and Annalise tells Ashton and April about their organisation. "Right now, the world is crazy, and I need someone I can rely on. Ashton has already started his training and your son will be a standby for our child should the need arise. You need to know this and the true horrors of this world. We may never need your child, but he can learn from our son when the time comes. That way our son can take a break if he needs to and Annalise and I can take a break when we need to," explains Derek.

April doesn't say anything as she takes it all in. Did you kill my dad, I mean that man?"

"I'm not going to answer that question April. Just remember he isn't your dad. He just shares the same blood with you."

"I have his company Annalise."

"I know and you have done an amazing job with it. Now I know why my grandmother ask Ashton's grandmother to get you April. Just remember she doesn't know what we do, and it must remain that way. You heard what happened when people decide to brag about us."

"I understand completely ma'am and I'm sorry about before. Why me?"

"You have Grant's blood and Ashton is a distant relative of my family. You, April, have both Grant and Turner blood but don't worry your ancestors weren't related."

"That's good to know, wait my dad had Grant's blood as well."

"Yes, but it's only now we need you and I would've found out everything he did in researching him. You've done well in spite of what you've endured. You are fair and balanced and think about others before yourself April. That's why I choose you and no one else."

"There was other choices Stiles, I mean Annalise."

"In my normal everyday life I'm Annalise but to my family I'm Stiles and yes there were other choices. I looked through their histories and spoke with their friends. You stood out."

"You spoke to Mindy?"

"I did and she was very amusing. She knew where everything I was wearing was from. I saw her on her phone pricing up my outfit. She invited me to a party straight away. She's not with you because she's your friend and she like you."

"I figured that out Stiles and Ashton his getting me a new phone. I have cut all ties with her and my other friends."

"That reminds me," Derek gives her the latest iPhone. "It has some tricks, let me show you how they work."

When it was the just Ashton and April he turns to her, "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you."

"Did you already know what he told me?"

"Not all of it since only a married couple can be told the truth of who they are."

"Ashton we are married! Wait was it a real ceremony?"

And yes Annalise is like that in her book finding myself

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