Punishing : Gray Raven (Offic...

By KuroGames

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The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by Corrupted cybernetic enemies caused by the Punis... More

Chapter 1 : Turandot (Interlude)
Chapter 2: Divine Comedy (Interlude)
Chapter 3 : Faust (Interlude)
Chapter 4 : Tempest (Interlude)
Chapter 5 : Epilogue (Interlude)
Chapter 6 : Auguries of Innocence (Interlude)
Chapter 7 : Colors (Interlude)
Chapter 9 : Friends (Interlude)
Chapter 10 : The Letter (Interlude)
Chapter 11 : A Gift (Interlude)
Chapter 12 : Farewell (Interlude Finale)
Chapter 13 : Gray Raven (Prologue 0-1)
Chapter 14 : Reunion (Prologue 2-3)
Chapter 15 : Escape to Somewhere (Interlude 0-1)
Chapter 16 : Farewell (Interlude 2-3)
01 Graffiti Art (Chapter 01)
01 Graffiti Art (Chapter 02)

Chapter 8 : The Beginning (Interlude)

41 1 0
By KuroGames

EX04 : Echo Aria - Curtains and Canvases

Chapter 8 : The Beginning (Interlude)

Meka : "Okay, everybody, time to go! Today, we are going to-"

Children : "Virtual Center! Virtual Center!..."

Meka : "Alright, alright. Who leaked the information...? It's Virtual Center!"

Children: "Oh yeah!!"

Ayla : "...Oh, so it's true."

"I don't want to play those boys' games. There should be something else, right?"


Meka : "Hmm... It takes about 10 minutes to drive from the Education Center to the city. Don't fall asleep!"


Ayla : "So many people here... Let me find an empty corner first."

Excited Voice : "...Look! It's the latest "Avengers 2"! I wanna play it!"

Arrogant Voice : "No no! Of course this one is better! "Mailman Simulator"!"

Excited Voice : "Huh-? How can you actually like this kind of stuff? I was wrong about you. We don't have the same taste after all!"

Arrogant Voice: "...I never said I had the same taste as you. This is a real masterpiece. Do you even understand art?"

Excited Voice : "Art? Art is all about being cool! The popularity is what really matters. You're just playing a game, nothing more! Are you out of your mind?"

Arrogant Voice: "I don't want to waste time arguing with you!"

Ayla : "Game? Art? They're not the same thing at all. How upsetting."

Meka : "Ayla? Why are you here alone?"

Ayla : "Oh, ma'am, there are too many people around. I wanted to take a break."

Meka : "You haven't found anything that interests you, have you?"

"Many came here for the virtual games, but there are other hidden gems around."

"A few years ago, when I last came, I watched a virtual theater play."

Ayla : "Theater play? Do those still exist?"

Meka : "It was done in a very interesting way. I remember it was a story about Emperor Nero."

Ayla : "I know! One of the books you brought me mentioned him. Emperor Nero loved arts!"

Meka : "Wow, you even know that... Virtual reality can be used in a lot more places, not just games."

"So, what do you think? Do you want to continue exploring these hidden gems?"

Ayla : "I got it! Thanks, ma'am!"

Meka : "Sure. Just don't get lost, okay?"


Ayla : "Hidden gems, huh... I saw virtual aircraft piloting, virtual science experiments... But none of them is what I wanted."

Sarcastic Voice : "...Hey, what's wrong with that one? There's no one there at all."

Complaining Voice : "I just took a glance. It was a super boring and old-fashioned story-telling machine. Who's gonna listen to those stories nowadays?"

"We should go. I want to find those exciting virtual weapons!"

Ayla : "...Wait, a story-telling machine?"

"Is this the one...? Tempest: Prince & Maiden...?"

"Is this Selena the author? Looks quite interesting. Anyway, let me try it first!"

... (Electronic sounds)

Gentle Female Voice: "-Welcome, to this fantastic and beautiful world, but at the same time, twisted and filthy-"

"The story took place in a brilliant era."

"There was a peaceful and prosperous kingdom. Like in a fairy tale, people lived in harmony with ample resources."

"The king promised his people that all persons living on the land were equal, and had the right to pursue a good life."

"Deeply believing in his promises, the people cheered for their king all the time."

"But they seemed to forget that the wise king had an inglorious past."

"It all started two years ago, on a lonely island-"

Ferdinand : "Ah, what a desolate place this is? I, the proudest son of the King of Naples, find myself upon this foreign field!"

"That damned and sudden tempest, frightening to behold, overturned a mighty galleon thirty decks in height!"

"It uprooted the stout mast and shredded a hundred sturdy sails. I don't even know if my brilliant father, the blessed King of Naples, is still alive!"

"What sin has been committed for beloved father and son to be so cruelly torn apart?"

Servant 1 : "Your Majesty, I am sure your father will be safe."

Servant 2 : "Majesty, I fear the King has been shipwrecked on another island just as we have."

Ferdinand : "Then what are we waiting for? Naples cannot last one day without its King, nor can I last one day without my beloved father!"

"Pass me my sword! No treacherous wood nor wild beast can stand in my way!"

Servants : "Yes, Your Majesty. We will lay down our lives for you!"

Ferdinand : "An island after the storm, a forlorn Prince, a song heard from afar."

"Welcome to my tale-the tale of Prince Ferdinand "

"Ah, what a desolate place this is? I, the proudest son of the King of Naples, find myself upon this foreign field!"

"That damned and sudden tempest, frightening to behold, overturned a mighty galleon thirty decks in height!"

"Uprooting the stout mast and shredding a hundred sturdy sails"

"I don't even know if my brilliant father, the blessed King of Naples, is alive or dead!"

"What sin has been committed for beloved father and son to be so cruelly torn apart?"

Servant : "Your Majesty, I am sure your father will be safe."

"Majesty, I fear the King has been shipwrecked on another island just as we have."

Ferdinand: "Then what are we waiting for? Naples cannot last one day without its King, nor can I last one day without my beloved father!"

"Pass me my sword! No treacherous wood nor wild beast can stand in my way!"

Servants : "Yes, Your Majesty. We will lay down our lives for you"

Caliban : "Swine! This is a province of gods and fairies, not a place for worthless bags of skin like you!"

Ferdinand: "Am I imagining things? Don't tell me, my ears were drowned by the sea?"

Servant : "Majesty! This creature called you a swine!"

"Majesty! This creature called you a worthless bag of skin!"

Ferdinand : "Ingrates! Do I not treat you with kindness every day? How dare you insult me and blame it on someone else"

Servants : "Mercy, Majesty!"

Caliban : "Look at these ugly mortals, covered in fair skin, but filled with dirty secrets!"

"Alas... Only the magician's daughter can be said to be truly beautiful!"

Ferdinand : "Shallow monster! Not even fair maids are safe from your predation!"

"Hahahaha, the battle has only served to stir my blood! Now to rid the world of another evil!"

Caliban : "RODARR-!!! I shall smash you into pulp, pipsqueak!"

Ayla : "Aha... Robots playing characters. So weird, but so interesting!"

"like their lines. Feels like ancient characters who have revived in modern times."

"...Ahh, I wonder what's going to happen next!"

??? : "Sorry, that's all I've made so far."

Ayla : "Who's there?"

??? : "Did I scare you? My name's Selena. I'm the author."

Selena : "Pardon me, but I was really glad to hear your feedback."

Ayla : "Huh? You made this theater play?"

Selena : "It's a bit embarrassing... And still not good enough."

"But this is indeed my work. I created it, so I must take own up to it!"

Ayla : "But you don't look much older than me... Very impressive."

Selena : "How kind of you. No need to keep flattering me."

"Come on, let's talk about the play!"

"It's an adaptation of the early human theater play "The Tempest" in the database. Due to the lack of data, I could only restore part of it..."

Ayla : "Oh! I searched up that play in the database! Even the brief introduction already got me..."

They keep talking as if nothing mattered anymore.

Ayla : "Just come to me whenever you need an illustration, Selena."

Selena : "That's great! I was so worried about my theater scenery. I don't know how to create the setup I want."

"With your illustrations, I can design my stage properly!"

Ayla : "Yep, glad I can help!"

Broadcast : "-Attention to all guests. This center will be closing soon. Please head toward the exit-"

Selena : "It's already so late..."

Ayla : "Oh? I didn't notice at all."

Selena : "That means we have a great vibe. We've talked about so much stuff! I learned a lot today."

Ayla : "I've got to go. In the end, your theater play was the only thing I experienced today, haha."

Selena : "Sorry... I was just too happy."

"But you too, you were so focused and forget the time, Ayla!"

Ayla : "Well, let's keep in touch, shall we?"

Selena : "Of course!"

Many days passed. And Ayla lost count.
But she enjoyed every single day because she found her soul mate of similar age.

Ayla wanted to share everything with Selena immediately: knowledge of art, creativity, or simply anything they both were interested in.

But she has her own melancholy too.

Meka : "Ayla, it's mail from her again!"

Ayla : "Ma'am? Oh, I'll be right there!"

... (Footsteps)

Ayla : "Aha, I knew it. Selena always draws a little bear in the beginning."

Meka : "Ayla, I looked up your new friend and she's really good."

Ayla : "Of course Selena is good!"

"... What did you find though, ma'am?"

Meka : "I saw her name earlier in the city exhibition hall. Out of curiosity, I asked a friend about her."

"My friend was the manager of the art show. She told me Selena was their most promising prospect."

Ayla : "What? What does she mean by... prospect?"

Meka : "Hmm... Renowned, maybe.."

"She has great potentials, and her skills are developing fast."

"I saw her works... It's hard to imagine they were created by a teenager."

Ayla : "... Yeah. But she's Selena so I'm not surprised at all..."

Meka : "I see. You probably haven't realized, because you two are good friends."

"But to us, she'll probably shine like a star in the future."

Ayla : "... Of course. Selena will become famous, without a doubt..."

Meka : "Hopefully. If that's the case, I'll be witnessing the growth of a great artist."

"Oh, sorry, Ayla. I hope I haven't wasted too much of your time."

"I'll get going. Not all the students are like you, Ayla. They need to be disciplined..."


Mail Content : "Sorry I couldn't talk to you in person, Ayla. I've just been too busy recently!"

"Remember what I told you before? My theater play will be displayed in the exhibition!"

"I thought I just needed to give them the scripts. Turned out there was more work to do. Supervising, checking... Such a hassle."

"Oh, right. By saying "them", I mean the World Government Association of Art of Babylonia. They're professionals!"

"By the way, I met many Constructs as well!"

"They were no different from humans! I couldn't imagine their bodies were made of machines."

"Without your help, I couldn't have done this."

"I've always been very thankful. But I just couldn't tell you in person..."

"Do you want to display your artwork, Ayla?"

"I saw the works of many adults. Yours are as good as theirs, if not better."

"Seriously, would you consider it? It'll probably benefit you too!"

Ayla : "I see. She's been busy indeed."

"World Government Association of Art, huh... There must be a lot of great creators. If I can learn from them..."

"Hmm, it's decided then!"

"Selena, I promise I'll catch up! I won't lose to you!"

-to be continued-

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