Slow Dance With The Devil [Bb...

By FriedBrain9

358K 17.2K 13.2K

Bitterness. Cold. Hotheaded. Are all things that Kim Minji, the young CEO, is familiar with. She's rich and s... More

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I Don't Want Her
Morning Coffee(s)
Predator Cat and Docile Dog
White Lie
Dine In Hell
Starting the Dive
The Night Shift
There's No Turning Back
Let Me Know You Better (1)
Let Me know You Better (2)
Bold Move
Flip The Switch
The Trap Went Well
Giraffe And Deer
Into Her Nest
All The Weird Feelings
Love You In The Dark
Hard Heart
To Break Down Your Walls
Her Darkest Scars
Already Damaged
Please Let Me In
Revenge Party [M]
After The Party
Genuine Desire [M]
A Blast from The Past
Broken Handcuffs
No One Can Refuse Her
The Perfect Pair (1) - M
The Perfect Pair (2) - M
The Perfect Pair (3)
Bloody Hands From The Past
The Lingering Stench of Carcasses
What We Have, What We Had
Her Decision
Immersion Of The Past
And Above All, It Is You
I Love You
The Last Note
The Vows and The Heirs (1): Devoted To You
The Vows and The Heirs (2): Treasure

Love, Affection, Lust

8K 376 313
By FriedBrain9

Danielle grasped the sheets tightly, she couldn't stop crying.

She hugged Haerin's pillow that was wet with her tears, sobbing.

Haerin finally slept in her guest room after kissing her forehead and saying goodnight.

The COO didn't touch her at all after her last words, she just handed her her nightgown, telling her to get dressed.

Danielle felt low, asking for sex even after she knew Haerin's purpose was only for her body.

In the other room Haerin lay staring at the ceiling.

She couldn'
When Danielle told her that her exes were more into physical contact she thought that the woman had already done it.

But it turned out that maybe the physical contact Danielle meant was just a kiss, a hug, or maybe more than that but not up to sex, Haerin did not understand.

But Haerin couldn't do it, this was unfair to Danielle. That woman loved her, but what about her?

Haerin liked her, but she didn't know if she had the same feelings as Danielle.

And she didn't want to hurt her any further.

She sighed, closing her eyes, trying to sleep.

Dani, you deserve better, and I'm not that person.


The sound of a knock on the door made Danielle's eyes slowly open, her eyes felt heavy, she closed them again.

The door opened slowly and a maid came in carrying a tray of breakfast.
"Good morning Miss." she greeted Danielle cheerfully.

Danielle opened her eyes again, she got up and sat on the bed, rubbing her eyes that were swollen from crying all night.

The maid placed the tray on the long bench near the end of the bed, "I brought you breakfast, and Miss Haerin asked you to get ready afterwards. She said she would be waiting in the living room."

She looked at Danielle with some concern, "Are you alright Miss? Is there anything you need?" she asked gently.
Danielle just smiled weakly, "I'm fine, thank you for bringing breakfast."
The maid bowed respectfully and left the room.

An hour later Danielle came down from upstairs, her eyes caught Haerin who was sitting on the sofa, typing something on her cell phone.

Hero immediately approached her when her feet landed on the floor, Danielle put down her bag and crouched down, "Hey." she greeted softly while rubbing the cat's head, Hero purred.

Haerin lifted her face, she looked at Danielle, her eyes shifted to the bag beside her feet, her brows furrowed.
"Where are you going?" she asked cautiously.

Danielle looked over, she stroked Hero's back and stood up, "I'm going home." she said, her eyes not looking at Haerin.

Haerin put down her cell phone and stood up, her face slightly surprised.

Danielle looked at Hero who was rolling by her feet, asking for attention.
"I'm sorry about what I said last night..I..." she didn't continue her words, holding back her tears.

Haerin walked a few steps closer to Danielle, "I brought you here, I...let me take you home."

Danielle hurriedly shook her head, being around Haerin any longer made her heart hurt, and made herself even more embarrassed.
She tucked her hair behind her ear, "I can take a taxi home."


"Allow me to do this as one of my acts of apology." Haerin added again.
Danielle still looked down, standing hesitantly.

"Dani..." Haerin pleaded with her.

Hero was now in a sitting position, he yawned widely exposing his four small fangs.

"Okay..." came Danielle's whisper.


Haerin parked her car in the parking lot of Danielle's apartment, she didn't turn off the engine. Danielle grabbed her seat belt, she then took a slow breath and opened it, "Thank you Miss Kang." she bowed her head and opened the door.

"Let me walk you to your door."
"No!" Danielle turned her head quickly towards Haerin, the cat-eye staring at her in surprise.
"It's fine up here Miss, no need to walk me..."

"If you're mad at me..."
"I'm not." Danielle cut Haerin off.
Haerin gripped the steering wheel tightly, she then turned off the engine, "I'll walk you." she said stubbornly.

Danielle jumped down frantically, wanting to avoid Haerin.


Hearing the scream followed by a rather loud fall, Haerin immediately slammed the car door and ran towards Danielle.

"Jesus, Dani." she squatted down beside Danielle who was trying to get up, "Is there anything hurt?" Haerin asked. Danielle moved to get away from Haerin but she cried out in pain as she moved her foot.

"Why didn't you wait for me? Why did you jump off like that?" Haerin grumbled, exhaling loudly and lifting Danielle bridal style.

"Miss Kang..."
"We have to go to the hospital."
"Your foot..."
"I'm fine!" Danielle exclaimed.

Some people in the parking lot looked at them.

"I just want to be in my room, I can treat it myself." Danielle said quietly.
"Do you have any medicine for the wound? Bandages? Bruise ointment?" Haerin glanced at Danielle's ankle which was bleeding slightly and starting to look blue.
Danielle nodded, "Please put me down." she whispered.

Haerin didn't care, she started to carry Danielle into the apartment building.

"Miss Kang!"


Minji put down her bag and raised her eyebrows, Hanni furrowed her brows, starting to feel insecure in her heart.

"You have bangs."

"What's wrong with that?"

"What are you trying to do? Making yourself look like a 17-year-old?"

Hanni turned her face away and pouted. Yesterday she cut her hair a little and decided to get bangs.

Her neighbors liked it, even a girl who passed her at the minimarket called her cute and pretty. Why would Minji say something like that.

She decided not to respond and carried Minji's bag into the bedroom.

Minj took off her coat after washing her hands, threw it on the sofa and walked towards the kitchen to get a glass.

"How was your trip?" Hanni came out of the room, she walked towards the sofa and took Minji's coat, hanging it on the standing hanger by the door.

"It was boring, nothing special." Minji replied, coming out of the kitchen and filling her glass with water from the dispenser.

"Did you eat and sleep well?"
"I did that even before I met you Pham." Minji downed her water and put her glass on the dining table, she then sat on the sofa.

Hanni sighed, if she didn't know Minji well she would have felt a little hurt, but still the woman's cold reply made her sad.

She walked over to the sofa and sat next to Minji, "What do you want for dinner?" the CEO asked.

"I've prepared the ingredients for cooking, you must be tired. Let's just eat here." said Hanni.
Minji just stared ahead, her face expressionless.

A few minutes had passed and Minji was sitting still, Hanni didn't want to disturb her, she just sat quietly beside her and watched TV, her left hand clasped Minji's hand, playing with her fingers.

Minji let her.

There was nothing she felt, nothing.

Just emptiness.


Hyein stood stunned while holding her bags when she saw Yoona sitting on the sofa in the lobby of her apartment.
The beautiful woman smiled widely when she saw her and immediately approached her.

"Miss Seol." she bowed her head.
"Hyein, my mood is great right now so I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you call me that."
"What are you doing here?"
"I was waiting for you to come, I also brought dinner for us." Yoona pointed at the package on the sofa where she had been sitting.

Hyein was awkwardly silent, she was still not used to having Yoona suddenly come into her solitude.

The doe-eyed one sometimes came to take her to lunch, or was in the parking lot in the morning to bring her breakfast and drive her to work, or called her to take her to dinner.

"You must be tired, come on." said Yoona as she took Hyein's hand, not forgetting to grab her food.


"This is too much for the two of us." Hyein stared at the assorted food items on the table.
"I wasn't sure what you'd like so I bought all the kinds they sell. But we can take some for our meals and give the rest to the security guards and the cleaning department." Yoona said.

Hyein nodded.

Yoona started to separate some of the portions for them, Hyein put the packages back into the plastic bag.

"Let's eat." Yoona sat on her chair.

"I'll give this to them first." Hyein said as she carried the packages out the door.

After dinner.

Yoona raised her legs and sat sideways leaning against the sofa, Hyein sat on the floor watching TV.

Yoona noticed Hyein's black hair, her hand moved to caress the younger's head, "You have nice hair." she said softly.
"Your hair is finer." Hyein replied nonchalantly.

The woman chuckled, "How do you know? Have you ever touched it?"
"No." Hyein would not dare.
"Do you want to?"
Yoona pouted, she then jumped down, next to Hyein.

"How about we play a game? The loser can touch any part of the opponent's body that she wants." she said with an mischievous smile.
Hyein immediately shook her head, what kind of game is that?
"How about paper rock scissors? The winner gets to touch her opponent's hair."
"What is it with you and the touching touching thing?" Hyein smiled and then laughed amusedly.

Yoona's eyes caught Haerin's dimples when she smiled, she touched it.

"I haven't agreed to play yet but you're already touching me, you cheat." Hyein was still laughing.

Yoona pulled her hand away in embarrassment, "I'm going home now." she said, standing up and flicking her hair.
Hyein furrowed her brows, "You're just here to dine with me? Don't tell me you're sulking because I refused to play games?" she smirked.

"I'm not that kind of woman Hyein." Yoona smiled with a smug face, "It's already late and you should rest." she picked up her coat on the back of the sofa.

Hyein glanced at the wall clock, "It's only 7 pm." she said, "But you still have to rest right, tomorrow is Monday." Yoona grinned.

Hyein stood up, "I'll walk you downstairs.", "No need." Yoona raised her hand.
The taller one raised her eyebrows, "Why?" she asked in wonder.

"Because I won't be able to do this in the lobby." Yoona approached Hyein and stood on tiptoe, kissing her on the cheek, "Thank you for the good time." she smiled and looked into Hyein's eyes gently.

She then put on her coat and walked towards the door, "We'll have lunch together tomorrow, see you then." Yoona walked out of the apartment, leaving Hyein dumbfounded.


Danielle tightened her grip on her mug of hot chocolate, feeling its warmth. She was sitting leaning against the headboard of her bed, staring at her bandaged right ankle.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in." Danielle answered. The door opened and Haerin appeared, walking towards her bed, she then took the blanket from the end of the bed and put it on Danielle's lower body.

"Is there anything else you need?" she asked, Danielle shook her head, "Do you want to watch something?" Danielle nodded, "What do you want?", "Enchanted."

Haerin turned on the TV and selected one of the channels, looking for the movie Danielle wanted. Her hand then stopped pressing the remote, she sighed and stared at Danielle.

"Dani..I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. I respect your feelings, you're an amazing person, but you deserve someone more..." Haerin ran a hand through her hair, "Someone better than me, who has genuine intentions for you." .

Danielle looked at Haerin, then she looked at the TV again, feeling hesitant to say what was on her mind.

So she decided to try saying it with her actions.

She believed Haerin was a good person, she knew that, because of her actions last night. She just needed to try to convince the Casanova to fall in love with her.

She would make the effort.

"Well..." she smiled, "Would you like to join me to watch?" she asked gently.
Haerin's face looked doubtful, the kind of romantic comedy movies were not her favorite. Danielle put her best effort to make puppy dog eyes.

Haerin gave up looking at those eyes.
"Alright, but don't blame me if I fall asleep." she said.

Danielle put her mug on the nightstand.
Haerin climbed onto the bed, she opened Danielle's blanket with care, "Can you move your body forward?" she asked, Danielle nodded and moved forward, "Be careful of your legs." Haerin said, she then sat behind Danielle, leaning her body against the head of the bed, careful with the position of her feet so as not to nudge Danielle's injured foot.

Danielle let out a small smile, she liked this position. She moved back and leaned her body against Haerin's chest, she could feel the woman's heartbeat.

"Miss Kang..are you going to spend the night here?"
"Yeah, I was thinking about it, but I haven't had a chance to say it yet. I want to help take care of your wound."
"That's what I mean, we should switch roles, I always take care of you at the office, now it's your turn." Danielle smiled widely.

Haerin chuckled, "Whatever you want Miss Marsh."

"And thank you Miss Kang..."
"Why?" Haerin pressed the button to start the movie.

Danielle touched Haerin's fingers gently, the cat-eye immediately grasped her hand and brought their arms over Danielle's stomach.

"For respecting my dignity."


Hanni moaned under Minji, her pajama top already lying on the floor. Minji's lips busy pampering her chest and shoulder area, the Korean rests her thigh on Hanni's womanhood and wiggles it.

"Minji..." Hanni gripped her shoulders, she was already very wet down below but she wasn't ready for this.

They weren't official yet. And sex was something she would do when she felt ready, and definitely not tonight.

They should have just been kissing, but Minji's touches were taking her breath away, she didn't even realize Minji had already unbuttoned her top pajama shirt and taken it off.


The taller one seemed oblivious to Hanni's voice, lost in the fragrance and smooth skin of the Vietnamese's body. Her member trembles violently, yearning to feel Hanni's pussy.

Her hands moved to Hanni's pajama pants, starting to pull them down.

Hanni starts to panic, she calls Minji's name but the woman doesn't budge. Her panties were already down to her crotch.


"MINJI!!!" a hard slap landed on the CEO's cheek.

Minji stopped, blinking her eyes a few times, her mouth half open in shock.

She only realized when Hanni moved away from her, covering her breasts.
Both of their faces were bright red, panting with their chests rising and falling rapidly.

"Please..." Hanni said weakly, cursing herself for getting carried away.

Minji was still gaping, but then she brushed her hair roughly, "Get dressed." she growled irritably, she got off the bed and walked into the bathroom, closing the door loudly.

Hanni sighed, she got off the bed and picked up her pajamas shakily.

Thank God... thank God she didn't force me....

Her eyes closed tightly as the memories of her past came back to her.

She put on her pajamas and tidied the sheets then climbed onto the bed, put on the blanket and lay down waiting for Minji who was probably finishing her 'business'.

The bathroom door opened ten minutes later, Minji stepped onto the bed and climbed in.
She lay down, her eyes wandering, still thinking about Hanni's body.

She exhaled loudly, her brow furrowing as Hanni's small hand rubbed her arm, the young woman lying on her side facing her.
"I'm sorry..."
"I want to do it when we're official, and when I'm ready..."

Minji pulled her into her embrace, Hanni gasped, "Stop apologizing for something that's not your fault Pham." she said irritably.

Hanni bowed her head, "Sorry..."
"What did I say??"
Hanni was silent, she then raised her head and kissed Minji's jaw, "Good night." she whispered.

Minji just mumbled something.

Hanni nuzzled her head in the crook of Minji's neck, relieved that Minji understood her.

Minji wasn't what people said and thought she was, Hanni was sure of that now.

She liked, it was more than just liking.

Hanni wants to love Minji.

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