Amaranthine - Emily Prentiss


71.6K 2K 719

Agent Roy is stubborn, but has many good reasons. She doesn't trust a lot of people and hides many secrets... More

The interview
The hand
The interrogation
Meet the team
On the run
What is love, really?
A real psychopath
Under cover
A daydream
Death: Dying and killing
Perfume of sweat
I want the truth
Council with the con
Time flies

The scent of flowers

1.8K 53 15

Emily didn't know when she fell asleep, or fell unconscious.

She only remembered faintly the sounds of Katherine's voice from the night they spent together. Like a small whisper to her ear.
"You're so good.."

With a twitch of a finger she started blind searching with her touch, for the body of heat supposedly next to her. But when opening her eyes, she was alone in the bed. Naked under the covers she sat up looking around for Katherine.
Like clockwork, she appeared at the door.
Two cups in hand.

Emily watched as she saw Katherine wearing her clothes. She must have gone into her wardrobe. Picking a suit but tucking it in by her waist. Surprisingly, it fit her well.

She handed her a cup as she sat next to her on the bed.

"Here" she said as Emily took the cup and smelled the aroma.

"It's hot chocolate" Katherine said with a smile and took a sip of her own cup.

Emily didn't know where Katherine had found the chocolate, actually she didn't know what she had in her kitchen, she never cooked, or barely.
She took a sip and enjoyed the taste of chocolate.
"Hmm" she savoured with a smile.

"So,..." Katherine said as she took another sip and put her cup on the nightstand. "I borrowed some clothes, mine are....well" she pointed towards the still soaked pile of clothes on the floor.

Emily smirked as she looked at it and thought back to last night.

"That's fine" Emily said as she took another sip of her sugary drink.

As she drank, Katherine's hands tried to sneak in under the covers. Naked, Emily felt a bit underdressed, the lights were back on and the sky was blue. Katherine could see the top half of her naked body without difficulty, no effort.

She slapped her hands away as she took her covers with her as she stood up to go get some clothes to put on. Katherine laughed.

"Ahah, are you serious?! I already saw you naked" she said as she tried to follow her.

"It was dark" Emily said as she picked out some closed and still grasping unto her bed sheets to cover her up.

Katherine smirked and put a kiss unto Emily's shoulder. "Not that dark" she said as she went to pick up her cup and walk out of the bedroom. She almost shouted as she went away.

"No time to waste, it's 7:10 AM! We have to go soon if you still want to be on time!"


"Ok" Emily said as she walked out of her room, now dressed in a red wine coloured blouse.

Katherine's face light up as she saw the beauty in red. She knew she was right. Emily was breathtaking.

She was walking towards her kitchen where Katherine sat waiting for her. After adjusting her earrings she tried to bent down and give Katherine a kiss.

-Knock Knock-

Emily froze, interrupted she rolled her eyes as she went towards her door.

She opened it.

A young man.
She looked around, no one else was there. Cars passed by like normal, no one walking around in the street.

"Oh I have a package delivery for you" the young boy said as he handed her a box and Emily took it in her hands as he reached the packages towards her and left in his truck.

It gave her goosebumps.

Decorated by a silver lining and patterned with colours of green and purple, the big rectangular box was closed with a white ribbon.
She looked to see the tag.

Hand written, she read her own name
Emily Prentiss

It gave Emily flashbacks.
Years ago, she had found a similar box to her doorstep. Enough to already know what would be inside. She tucked the ribbon to open the box and to her desperation, she had been right.

But now, instead of a Lilac Freesia, a single Violet sat in the deep purple velvet inside.

With it, came a card with something written
She took the flower in her hands and as she couldn't contain her curiosity, she smelled the sweet floral aroma.

It was sweet, subtle, comforting.

"Is everything ok?"
She heard Katherine say inside.

Fast as she could, without thinking about it, she put the flower back into the box, closed it and scrambled to try and find a place to put it, to hide it.
Emily knew what this meant.

Elizabeth was making a move.

Had she known Katherine was here with her?

"Coming!" She said as she found an empty box on the side and put it in.

She went back again as she tried to put in her best lie.

"Some package that got the wrong address, it was for the neighbour" she said as she grabbed her go bag, avoiding eye contact. She hoped Katherine hadn't noticed.

Katherine watched her carefully as she wondered what was wrong with Emily.

"Are you still nervous around me?" She asked as she stood up to meet Emily and leave together.
Emily sighed as she turned around.

If she had to lie about being nervous to protect Katherine, that was the most easiest thing to do.

She took the time to kiss Katherine.
"Maybe" she said as she gave her the car keys.
"I don't want to be late, lets go, door locks automatically" she said as she got her door keys and opened to door.

She walked fast, looking around to see where she had hid the box hoping Katherine wouldn't see. She looked back as Katherine stood still for a second on the front door, looking at her.

It made her nervous but she smiled as Katherine walked up to her as she played with the car keys. She passed by opening the passagers seat for Emily to sit.

"M'lady" she said as she showed her her seat.

Emily was secretly glad she hadn't noticed.

"Thank you" Emily smirked as she sat and Katherine closed the door and made her way to the drivers seat.

"So," she said as she backed away front the parking space "How fast do you want to be there?" She asked Emily with a grinning smile.

Her devious smile made Emily seek a serious tone
"Katherine......." She warned

But it was too late.
With the sound of the engine, Katherine was speeding down the street, heading towards work.
But I guess a bit of fun can't hurt.

Whatever happens today couldn't possibly ruined what they had right now.

Though a worry was on Emily's mind
She didn't get to read what the note said



The doors of the elevator opened and both women stepped out on the 6th floor. 

Passing through the glass doors and into the conference room, Katherine took the immediate attention

"OMG!" Garcia gasped as she saw Katherine. She got up in a flash as she walked up to her, giving her a big hug that Katherine accepted.
"Thank the heavens and spirits for bringing Katherine back" she thanked

All the team members were present. All of them grew smiles at her sight.
She hugged each and everyone as they welcomed back.

"Glad to see you've come back Katherine"Morgan said
"We're so glad you're here" JJ added as she looked between her and Emily. She had noticed the clothes, she gave Emily a wink.

Katherine embraced Spencer as he gave her a hug. She asked him a question. "I guess my leave was short, but still, have you been well?" She asked with a worried look.

He didn't move, just hugging tightly to feel the warmth of her body, her presence.

"Yes, I knew you'd come back and besides, you were in a coma that lasted longer" he said as she finally let go.

She smiled at him. "I guess that's true"

She looked around as she watched them all. Her friends, her family, her team.
Something caught her eye, a picture.

Of herself.

On the screen, where she would usually see the bodies of victims, stood her own.
They had multiple photos of her apartment building, her car, the camera files and multiples leads to try to find her.
She took a moment.

They had been trying to find her yesterday, not knowing after her impulsive actions where she had gone, if she was safe.

"I'm sorry" she said as Emily put her hand in her shoulder

"Everything's alright, you're here" she told her.

They all sat back down before starting.

"Well, now that Katherine's back with us" she said as she gave her a wink. "Shall we?" Emily said as she stood up to start a presentation. Everyone sat down in their sits.

"Now, th-"

-Knock Knock-

She was interrupted again. She sighed but regain her professional stance as she saw who it was at the door.

Everyone stood up as the Head of Chief stood there at the door, along side with Agent. Veck.
Emily coughed

"Agents, what can I do for you?" She asked

"The representatives are here" the HC said.

Of course,

Katherine still had to have her council.

She hesitated for a second. "Yes of course,.... im sorry you said representatives? " 

Had she hallucinated? She thought it would be one person. Did it have to do with the boxe she received this morning? Taunting her? Warning her? How did she get her address?

Never had she read that Elizabeth could be a representative of the CSIS Secrets information.

"Yes, we have Agents Brooks and Petras here." Agent. Veck clarified.

Emily had a sigh of relief, thought she didn't show it. After all, Agent. Veck wouldn't of allowed Agent. Prester to come.

Certainly because of his jealousy but maybe because it would make things more difficult.

The team went back towards the bullpen to meet with the CSIS agents.
Mostly Emily. To supervise and meet those who might want to pressure Katherine. Following their every move.

The rest watched as she made conversation and small talk with each other and the agents.

Katherine watched as Emily seemed quite serious about her conversation with the group. She spoke with great energy while listening to the speeches of her Head of Chief, Agents Veck, Brooks and Petras.
Sometimes glancing back at her.

She admired Emily in her element, wearing such a provocative colour. Her silver hair perfectly neat unlike last night when she ran her hand through it.
She watched from afar, like a child watching the adults talking.

She felt content.
Everything was great.

She would keep her job, have her council with the CSIS, move on and be with Emily

She stood there with a smile before her eyes wondered around as she smelled something.

She had had a whiff of it this morning leaving Emily's front door, having thought she had imagined it.

But it was real

The scent of flowers, sweet and fragile.

But not any flower. A distinctive scent she knew by heart. One she used to smell everyday for 4 years.


She turned around as she searched for the source of the scent.

Terror stricken, her eyes grew bigger as her heart beats grew faster. She felt a cold sweat on her back

Stood there in front of her.
With a bouquet of Violets gently wrapped in a purple silk ribbon.
The woman in front of her gave a smile as she spoke to her after 5 years of silence.

"You've changed so much"

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