The Exposure

By BattyforDungeonBat

168K 4.5K 2.1K

In this POV story, you're a 19 year-old college student at Hogwarts University and Snape is your professor. (... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Nine

2.4K 61 39
By BattyforDungeonBat

          You steady yourself, clinging to the bottom of the chair. "P...Professor, perhaps we should––" he flicks his hand and ropes bind your wrists behind the chair, keeping you from moving. Your heart pounds as he steps close and straddles you on the chair, nearly sitting on your lap, "You know..." his dark eyes lift from your lips to your eyes, penetrating you. "I don't think I want to give you a choice in the matter..." He suddenly kisses you aggressively, his whole body pressing against yours, the force of his kiss making you dizzy with arousal.

          He runs his hand through your hair, pulling your head back from his lips, "Though I think I know what you would choose," his eyes drop to your lips and down to your neck. His lips gently kiss your neck, gliding over your skin. You whimper at his touch and he breathes roughly, his eyes closing with arousal. "Tell me, you want me to stop?" His hands glide up your sides to under your arms, his thumbs stroking your nipples through your shirt. "I...I..." You can't seem to speak. "Do you want..." he plants a trail of little kisses across your cheek, leading to your mouth, " stop?"

          He looks earnestly into your eyes. Your eyes squeeze shut for a moment, searching for any ounce of self-control that might linger within you.

          "No, Professor...I don't want you to stop..." You whimper softly. With that he smirks and his hand pulls your head back into his kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth passionately. Your wetness pools at your middle, making you feel warm and excited. His hand reaches up your skirt and aggressively yanks off your panties, leaving you bare. His fingers lightly draw between your thighs, making you shiver, your legs automatically opening to him. He chuckles at your enthusiasm. He comes within an inch of your wet quim before his fingers cease their movement, instead drawing little circles on your skin on your thigh. "Please...Professor..." you whimper at the nearness, the tease.

          "Does my greedy little girl want more?" he mutters lowly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "Y...yes," He chuckles, "Well then Darling, I'm afraid you're going to have to learn to ask..." You squirm in frustration, "Please!" "Please...what? I'm not sure I know what you're referring to," he smirks. "I want you to...please."

          He leans in, inches from your lips, "Please...what?" You inhale sharply, "Please touch me...please Professor...please take my body and do what you want with me!" You moan and he gives you a devilish smirk, "My...pleasure..."

          His finger slides softly into your aching, wet pussy, just barely stroking the inside, making you moan a bit louder. He places his finger over your lips gently, "Shhh..." You squirm against his touch, trying to send him deeper inside of you but your restraints do not allow it. You whimper desperately at the frustrating denial, your hips buckling for him. He chuckles softly at your desperation and slips his finger slowly and very lightly over your clit, sending the tiniest little wave of pleasure through your body.

          "Please...I want more Professor," you whine. He smirks at you, his eyes gleaming with mischief, his deep voice rumbles lowly in your ear, "Oh, but I'm having so much fun teasing you...I really do enjoy denying you pleasure until I decide you may experience it." He draws back and looks into your eyes, their hunger making your insides quake. Your lips part in response, and those black eyes immediately catch the movement.

          "But I think you enjoy that too, don't you?" He asks in a quiet, husky voice.

          You swallow hard and nod, your mind buzzing with anticipation. He smirks in smug cockiness. His finger continues its agonizing arousal and denial, your breath hitching in your throat. Suddenly there's a knock at the door.

          Snape's eyes flash up. He was so distracted he didn't even sense Professor McGonagall approaching. He quickly casts an invisibility charm over you, hiding your discarded panties in a flurry of his wand.

          "Yes?" He says in his deep voice, the huskiness still lingering a bit. "Enter."

           Professor McGonagall enters the room, scanning Severus's face as he leans back against his desk, crossing his arms casually. "Severus. I've just come to check on you. I'm wondering how you've been handling the distance between yourself and Miss Y/n?" He clears his throat, his cheeks turning a bit red. Your heart thuds in your chest as McGonagall steps closer. "Well...I won't deny it has been incredibly difficult. For both of us."

          You hope to Merlin she doesn't decide to stay and have a seat.

          She nods, her eyes sternly baring into his. "Yes. It is vital that you remind yourself exactly why you have made the decision to keep your distance. I know it is difficult, but it is in her best interest." Snape's eyes drop to the floor in silence. "You still believe that, don't you Severus?"

          His eyes slowly drift up to yours, locking eyes with you, so intently that you wonder if the spell has been broken and you've become visible again. "I'm not so sure of it anymore, Minerva...I have never seen her so...miserable." He replies softly, his eyes looking up at the Professor.

          "Go on," she urges. His voice is earnest, "She has suffered academically in all her classes, she nearly set a student on fire in defense against the dark arts, she isn't eating and she despondent. It would be remiss to say this hasn't impacted her negatively." Your eyes burn with tears at the tenderness in his voice when he speaks of your pain. The compassion in his eyes...the way he makes you feel seen.

          Professor McGonagall breathes deeply and is silent for a moment. "I suppose you are correct about that. However, I cannot allow this relationship to continue this way. It's unfair to the other students, and ultimately unfair to Miss Y/n herself. You see that, don't you Severus? Why this relationship cannot continue? The age gap alone is enough to raise a brow, but to add to that the power imbalance of student and professor...?" She shakes her head and sighs.

          He sighs and finally nods. "Yes," he says in a quiet voice. Your heart drops into your stomach. No! "I don't know what to do," He continues. "I would endure the distance in her best interest, but her pain is so...palpable. I long to comfort her and offer her some relief from it." He looks pleadingly into her eyes, "Don't you see how the separation will have an injurious effect on the very things you are trying to protect? Her focus on her academics, her young and inexperienced heart?"

          His gaze drops again, "If I truly was convinced that this was beneficial for her, I would set my desires aside without another thought––you know that, Minerva...but she is not well. She suffers because of this."

          Professor McGonagall says nothing for a while, thoughtfully considering the situation. It's clear that your best interests are difficult things to place. "Perhaps I can speak with her and explain why this would be best for her." She pauses and finally says, "Severus...I have thought a lot about this whole ordeal, and...surely you must also know that to continue this relationship, even after she not good for her. You do know that, don't you?"

          Snape's eyes soften and after a long silence, he eventually nods, his voice coming out soft and barely above a whisper, "Yes." Your heart drops into your stomach as a feeling of dread overcomes you.

          McGonagall's voice is gentle when she speaks, almost maternal. "She is so young, and to rob her of the chance to be with someone her own age, to experience life with someone at her own level, an equal...would not be fair. You are laying a foundation for her that is incredibly vital. She must be free to choose...but I feel she cannot make an informed choice with such an imbalance. You are her professor, and should remain nothing more."

          You can't believe what you're hearing when Severus agrees, "You're would not be fair to her."

          You suddenly feel your cheeks flushing hot in anger at this decision being made for you.

           Professor McGonagall turns to leave and says softly, "I will speak to her and try to make her see. I do not wish to see her in pain either." She closes the door behind her as she leaves.

          Severus stands and turns around to sit behind his desk, a flick of his wand releasing your binds. He doesn't look up at you as he sits, his eyes sad but contemplative.

          Your voice is strained when you speak, "Professor, please, I don't care what she says, I'm––" He lifts his hand to stop you, "Y/n, please..." His voice is gentle and calm, his brow knitting together, "Don't you see? We cannot go on like this. I have lost my self-control not once, but three times now. You must see how this is bad for you..."

          You shake your head at his words, "I am not a child! I can make these decisions for myself!" He gives you a sad but tender smile at your outburst, and it feels condescending. "I know, Y/n...but you are not in a place to make decisions that will impact you for the rest of your life. Not at the present time. Please...we must, MUST exercise self-control. It is for your own good..." his voice trails, his eyes looking away from yours.

          "You don't believe that," You respond, your heart pounding, breaking. "You said so yourself that this isn't what's best for me. That this is bad for me, I'm suffering academically, right?" Your voice sounds desperate and shaky as you speak, trying to change his mind. He stands and takes you in his arms, holding your body close to his. "No, you don't believe that..." You begin to cry softly, your body trembling. He puts his arms around you, his chin resting on the top of your head. His deep voice rumbles through your whole being, "You mean more to me than these fleeting desires. You are worth more than these little escapades can offer. More than I can offer. I deeply for you, Y/n. I cannot sabotage your life so selfishly, don't you see?"

          You begin sobbing in his arms and he holds you tightly to his chest, your tears spilling onto his shirt. He strokes your hair and lets you cry.

          "I...I can't, Professor. I won't!" You say, your sadness replaced by anger as you push roughly off his chest to look up into his eyes. "You...will not decide this for me." Your voice is harsh and firm and tears stream down your hot cheeks as you turn to leave, running up the stairs. You run out of the castle, across the hills and into the Forbidden Forest to get away from everyone and everything.

          You run until you feel far enough away to stop, your back against a tree as you sob again. You feel ridiculous for being so wrapped up in this...but it feels like your only water supply in a sweltering desert has been ripped away from you and held just beyond your reach, never to be tasted again.

          The Forest surrounds you, the trees swaying, the birds tweeting and creatures scurrying about. The sky grows dark with rain, starting slowly but eventually turning into a downpour, seeming to weep along with you. It's unseasonably warm for February in the Scottish hills, but still cold enough to chill you to the bone within a few minutes. 

          You let the rain soak into your skin, a strange part of you enjoying the sting of the cold, the iciness stabbing into you. You mull over everything for a long time, wondering if they're right––what if you aren't mature enough to make such decisions for yourself? The chill becomes painfully cold, and you lean into it, your anger seemingly quenched by the pain. You begin to notice the pain lessen, the chill becoming dull. You feel sleepy suddenly, and notice your arms and legs no longer hurt at all.

          You can't deny the positive impact Severus has had on you...he makes you want to be better, he teaches you something new every time you're together. You've learned more in these past few months than you had in years prior. And most importantly, you want to live again. He's good for're good for me, I know it.

          "You are worth more than I can offer..." What did you mean by that? Why don't you see that all I want is what you offer?

            You sit beneath the flurry for longer than you intended, but instead of pain, you now feel a buzzing sensation all over your skin. It feels like your limbs have fallen asleep. You feel a prickling of fear at the center of your chest, realizing your mistake. You feel too exhausted to run back, a sense of fatigue overtaking you. In spite of it, you try to stand, but you can no longer feel your feet. You look down at them to see that they're still attached. The fatigue grows and you feel like falling asleep. Something inside of you screams at you to stand up and go, but the heaviness of your lids wins the argument. Before you realize, you're fast asleep under a large oak.


           Severus sighs in defeat as you run from his office, his hands coming to his forehead in frustration. "What am I to do? She will not take no for an answer, and...I...I don't even want her to."

          He scolds himself, "Your only job is to protect and guide her. You should have never crossed that line with her in the first place..." His face softens, "But where would we be if I hadn't? We are both changed..."

         He sits behind his desk, sinking into it, his mind working to figure out a solution. He can't simply keep hiding from Minerva, or taking advantage of your youth and distraction with school. He can't help but feel guilty for denying you. It is after all, your decision what happens in your own life, he just...doesn't know for certain that you can make an unbiased decision for yourself, and after what Minerva said...he realizes she's right. It would be selfish of him to rob you of so much life and experience you could have with someone your own age. Someone who could offer you more than he can.

          He ponders everything in his office, hearing thunder booming distantly outside. "Yes, she's heartbroken and perhaps falling a bit behind in her classes, but the consequences of just jumping into such a thing and taking away her precious life are worse than those side-effects. And what if she is leaning on me for support, but she thinks it is love? I don't want to entrap her in such a thing until she knows herself." He rubs the bridge of his nose with his index and thumb.

          "First thing, I need to find her and see that she's alright. I didn't mean to upset her...perhaps we can talk this out and I can make her see."

           Snape leaves his office, searching the corridors for you. The rain is coming down heavily now, matching the storm brewing in his heart. He sees your little group of friends, chatting just outside the Great Hall. He overhears their conversation from an inconspicuous distance, "I don't know, she just, took off running." Says one girl. "She looked so upset. I'm not sure what's gotten into her lately, but she's been acting crazy..." a little blonde know-it-all was saying condescendingly. "Surely she knows it's dangerous out there...?" "What, in the forest? Yeah, well, I've got a feeling she doesn't think before acting on dangerous impulses," the blonde replies.

          Another girl chimes in, "Come on, you know she's had a rough life. She's only had herself to rely on. Should we tell a teacher?" The blonde girl replies shaking her head, "That's no excuse for acting like a total lunatic. Besides, how much of that do you think is actually true? She just wants attention," The other girls say nothing, complicit in her slander of you.

          Snape's fists clench at their disregard for your feelings and safety. "Y/n, you have some shitty friends. I'll deal with them later...first I have to find you. Did she say the forest?" The realization spreads across his face. "Oh, Y/n what are you doing out there? In the rain?" He turns around in a flurry of cape and angst, quickly making his way toward the woods, his heart pounding with worry.

          He enters the Forbidden Forest, the rain pounding down on him, his black locks dripping with the icy cold deluge. The storm obscures his vision. Everything is cold and wet as his eyes struggle to pierce through the torrents. He casts a bubble clearing the rain in front of him enough to see. He finally finds your pale body slumped against a tree. His heart drops in his stomach as he runs to you. 

          His eyes are filled with fear and desperation. He checks for a pulse and waits...every second is agony. "Please, Y/n...please..." He begs in alarm, the amount of trepidation in his voice surprising him. He finally feels your pulse and sighs in relief. "How long have you been out here?" It's been well over an hour since your conversation in his dungeon.

          He lifts you in his arms, quickly carrying you bridal style back to the castle. He doesn't even care who sees, his only focus is getting you safe. He rushes through the corridors, students and staff turning their heads at the sight. "What happened?" "Is that Y/n?" "Is she alright?" "I knew she was depressed, but now she's gone and tried to..." some boys were snickering to each other, making light of your pain.

          He brings you to the hospital wing calling urgently for Madam Pomfrey. He gingerly lays you down on a bed, pulling out his wand and casting a drying spell, absorbing the icy water from your hair, clothes, and skin. Madam Pomfrey fusses, "Oh, dear Merlin, child! What have you done with yourself this time...!" She rushes around grabbing various medical instruments. "I'll need your help, Severus," she says, swallowing her panic. You remain unconscious as Snape casts a warming spell at lukewarm temperature, attempting to bring your body slowly back up from its chill.

          His eyes are intense with worry, focusing on your body as it begins trembling. A good sign, you're slowly waking back up. He exhales in relief as Madam Pomfrey opens your mouth and drops some kind of clear liquid in it.

          Snape grabs your cold hand, warming it in his own. He tenderly rubs the skin to encourage circulation to your extremities.

          Professor McGonagall comes swiftly into the wing, her eyes intense with worry. "Oh, dear child..." Her eyes snap to Severus, "What has happened?" Snape glances up at Madam Pomfrey who was rushing to the back room to prepare hot irons wrapped in quilts to surround your body with. The worry laces his quiet voice, "I...spoke with her and––I suppose it was very upsetting to her and she took off into the forest. I don't know how long she was out there, but from the looks of it, at least an hour, most likely more."

          McGonagall's brow knits together in concern, her eyes scanning your limp but occasionally trembling body. "I see..." she exhales suddenly. "Perhaps this situation is more serious than I thought..." Her voice trails, Severus's eyes fall on your face tenderly. He strokes your brow with the back of his hand, hoping to feel the warmth returning there. Minerva watches his gentle movements with you, her heart softening at the sight.

           "You must exercise discretion, Severus, may stay here at her bedside as long as you wish." She says gently, her hand on his shoulder. He sighs in relief, a look of gratitude crossing his face. She leaves the two of you, and Snape focuses on you again, his hand squeezing yours. He sits there with you for hours, helping Madam Pomfrey surround you with hot irons and monitoring your pulse. He sits and watches you as the rest of the caste quiets, the storm continuing in a low rumble outside.

          He has a sudden thought, a look of intrigue flashing over his face. He enters the hall of your mind, the light very dim and the doors open, swinging loosely in the chilly breeze. The windows in the rooms are left open, rain blowing inside. He searches for you and speaks softly, "Y/n...where are you?"

          I'm here.

          His eyes strain to see you in the dark hall. He pulls out his wand and lights the hall, following your voice. He finds you in the first room, sitting with your head down and your legs drawn into your body, in the furthest corner. You shiver, unable to move to get away from the windows. It's just so...cold.

          He steps slowly toward you, and you feel warmth enveloping you the closer he steps. You look up at him, his eyes gently gazing into yours, a look of fear in them.

          "Why did you leave?"

           I would rather leave than be left. His eyes look sad and compassionate at your response.

           You look up and around the room you're in. It's an old room, the wood on the floors, walls and ceilings decaying. The curtains on the windows are shredded and worn, barely displaying a shadow of what once was a pattern of dandelions and clouds. His eyes follow yours, taking in the scene, his brows knitting together in concern and confusion.

           In the opposite corner of the room is a crib and a rocking chair with a worn quilt draped over it. The chair had not been sat in for a long, long time, the dust and decay telling their own tale of years of neglect.

          "Where are we?"

           Welcome to me.

           His eyes seem more confused, a question shadowing his face. "I...don't understand," his gaze softens. "Y/n, what is this place?"

          You're standing at the center of me. Where every decision, every fear, every desire comes from. It all stems from this place.

          Severus glances at the open windows, the cold rushing in. He has an overwhelming urge to close them but there's no glass in the panes. You walk to the crib, your hand resting gingerly on its railing. A baby lies inside, sleeping. The baby shivers in the cold and wakes up, looking for warmth, for comfort. None is found and the baby cries. Severus feels his heart breaking and wonders where this baby's caretakers are, but your face and your eyes are cold and expressionless. Eventually the little voice becomes hoarse and tired, and the baby falls asleep in exhaustion.

          You walk to the next room, and Severus follows close behind. This room is dirty and the light is left on, and a little girl lies on a pallet on the dirty floor. The silence is so deafening you can hear the buzzing of electricity as it fills the space. It's late at night and she is unable to sleep, long after the rest of the house has fallen silent. 

          Tears burn her eyes as she trembles in fear. She can find no rest because of her nightmares, the sleep terrors that never fail to make their appearance. She runs to her mother and father's room, desperate for relief from her fears, for the warmth of love. The door is slammed in her face and she is scolded. She returns to her room and clings onto any comfort she can find.

          You lead him to another room, and this one is musty and dim, and filled with pews. A young girl sits on one of the benches, her hands clutching a little black book. She believes that if she can follow all the rules, she'll be safe. She does her best to be good, but it's never quite enough...and she never feels safe. She runs to her mother and father for help, but none is given. She is desperate to prove she is worth being loved, but they say she is not good enough.

          The next room is sky blue with books and CDs on the shelves and glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. The girl in this room is older, a teen, and Severus suddenly recognizes you, his eyes softening a bit at the realization, then his brow knits in alarm. The girl is pressed against the wall in terror, hiding in the room with the door locked. A man tries to get inside and pounds on the door but she doesn't let him in. Eventually, he breaks the door down and attacks her. Severus jumps to stop the man but there is nothing there but vapor. It's merely a memory of a life lived. His eyes grow sad and helpless, and his voice is tight, "Y/n...I..."

          After the man takes what he came for and leaves, you both follow the girl down the stairs as she runs to her mother and father for the last time. She leaves their room with tears in her eyes, the sting of betrayal written on her face. They let him in, they brought him here, doesn't matter. She is not good enough to protect. Not good enough to love.

          I am not enough.

          Severus stands there stunned, his face pale and mortified. There's a long moment of silence before he speaks, "I...I'm so sorry." His eyes are tender and compassionate. He steps toward you, approaching you like a wounded animal. He looks earnestly into your eyes, "Y/ feel I'm abandoning you. Is that it?" 

          Your eyes fill with tears and he steps closer. You feel the cold leaving your bones the closer he comes to you. The numbness makes way for tingling and burning. He steps closer still, gently lifting your chin with his finger and thumb. His eyes are earnest and intense, "I...will never...leave you."

          He pulls you into him and holds you there. You want to sob but your body feels almost dead. Your eyes squeeze shut and it's all you can do to speak. Severus...Severus..."Severus...Severus..."

          "Y/n?" "S...Severus?" He sits at your side as you lay on the hospital bed, suddenly sitting forward when you speak, a look of relief washing across his face. Your head is pounding and your body aches all over as your eyes blink open slowly. "Wh...what happened?" You feel yourself shivering. Snape's eyes are filled with concern as he speaks, "You...nearly died of hypothermia, Y/n...why did you go out into the forest like that?" The desperation in his voice warms your heart. He was concerned...for me. "I...I don't know. I was just upset and wanted to get away from everyone, and then...I just got so cold and drenched and I couldn't stay awake."

          Madam Pomfrey rushes to your bedside, immediately fussing around you, fluffing your pillow and making you sit up to take a drop of strengthening solution that Professor Snape had brewed for you. "How long was I asleep?" "Nearly ten hours, I reckon," Madam Pomfrey replies. You glance at the window and realize it's dark out. The castle is quiet now. Everyone else must be in bed...yet Severus is here with you. You look down and see you've been changed out of your wet clothes into a sleeveless white nightgown.

          "Such a senseless thing! This will be the last time Professor Snape carries you in here like this, you hear me, Miss Y/n?" Madam Pomfrey was saying strictly. "You're gonna give the poor man a heart attack with all these situations he's rescued you from," Severus's eyes find yours and give you a playful look, "Such a clumsy girl..." he says softly. You smile weakly at him, a warmth filling you despite your freezing body.

          He rescued you...he came for you when no one else would have even known to look. "Professor, how did you know where to find me?" "Your, uh...friends. I overheard them talking about you and one mentioned you'd run off to the forest." His eyes fall and his brow slightly pulls together, a look of concern in his eye. He glances over at Madam Pomfrey, who, after giving you three different elixirs and potions and surrounding your body with fresh hot irons, seems satisfied. She exhales in a huff and says, "Severus, I'm sorry to ask this but would you mind keeping an eye on her for a wee bit? I'm afraid I can't keep my eyes open much longer."

          Snape nods curtly, no doubt to conceal his eagerness to oblige. Madam Pomfrey leaves to her quarters down the hall for a few hours of rest.

          His eyes gently find yours again and he takes your cold hand in his. "Y/n...I need you to know something." You can hear the emotion in his voice as he speaks softly...a mixture of kindness and soberness. "I will always be a safe place for you to come...for love, for help, for comfort. For whatever you need. You will always find those things in me."

          Your eyes suddenly burn with tears, surprising you. "You don't have to go these next few months without my love. I...I didn't realize. We made a decision without you. A decision that deeply impacts you, and as an adult, you have every right to decide for yourself what you want and what is best for you. I'm sorry for taking your choices away." His gaze drops to your hand.

          "Severus," Your voice is clear and kind as his eyes dart back up to yours. "You don't need to apologize. Thank you for choosing my best interest, in spite of what you wanted...and what I wanted." You sigh softly, absolutely loving this man. "I know I can trust you."

          A soft smile spreads across his face as he takes in your features. "Absolutely...remarkable," he says softly, his eyes admiring you.

          You smile and your cheeks turn pink as you continue, "I also want to choose my best interest...and I know it's good for me to love you, and to be loved by you. I have wanted to experience this kind of love my entire life. You're like an oasis in the desert...I have never felt so alive. Please don't take that away from me," Your eyes look pleadingly into his, and he holds your gaze.

           He shakes his head gently, "Never again." He cocks his brow playfully, "Though perhaps next time a simple conversation would suffice, without you running off and nearly getting yourself killed," You throw your head back and laugh, "I suppose it was a bit dramatic of me. I promise I didn't do it for your attention," You say as he gives you a gaze of mock suspicion. "Uh-huh, right," He chuckles softly and your heart melts at the sound.

          "How long will I be laid up, you think?" "At least another day. We've got to keep an eye on're incredibly fragile right now while your nerves regain their feeling." You give him a coy smile, "You know...I wonder if there are any nerves in my body that are functioning properly in spite of my injuries..."

           He arches his brow in surprise, a devilish grin spreading across his face, "Well...I suppose it would be good to find out. For research purposes, of course..." His hand holding yours gently turns your arm over, exposing your sensitive forearm. He gently traces his fingertips up from your wrist to the inside of your elbow, his eyes flitting up to yours when you gasp softly, almost inaudibly. He's so attentive he notices every detail and every little sound...your heart begins thumping at the intensity in his eyes.

            His fingers drag further up your arm, over your bicep and to your shoulder. Goosebumps follow his touch up to your neck and under your jaw, where his finger traces to your chin, taking it in his hand. "You seem quite...responsive, to me." His eyes glaze over with desire as he looks into yours. Your breathing quickens as his eyes drop to your mouth and back up to your stare. He leans forward, coming close to you. 

          Your heart thuds, his robes surrounding you and engulfing you in his rich scent. He gently lifts your chin and his face comes close, his forehead gently resting against yours. "I love you, Y/n..." he says softly. He presses his lips so softly, so delicately to yours that you feel like you could melt into the bed.

          Time seems to stand still as he pours his love into you in this one simple kiss. When he breaks the kiss, you're nearly breathless and he smirks at you, "Oh, yes...I'd say you're responsive." He smiles at your blushing cheeks. "Although...there are other areas I do wonder about..." He pulls his chair closer to the side of your bed and scans the doorway again before sitting again.

          His hand gently traces from your chin, down your neck, to the center of your chest, your skin barely visible through the fabric of the nightgown. He notices the swelling of your nipples through the gown. His eyes hood at the sight, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. His thumb gently brushes your swollen nipple, sending a wave of pleasure through your body and making you moan softly. He looks back at your eyes, watching you so intently and taking in every movement and every sound. "Feel that?" he asks in a soft but sultry voice. You nod, your eyes wide with anticipation. His fingers make their way further down your stomach, and lower....his middle finger slips down, down, down...finally to right above your sensitive spot where he touches so lightly, the fabric brushing against you and sending tiny jolts of delight through your body.

          "Feel...that?" He asks again, his voice lower. You breathe heavily and nod. His hand slides over to your hip and down your thigh slowly, stopping just below the seam of your nightgown. He slips his fingers beneath the seam, lifting up and sliding beneath it. The feeling of his hand touching you so intimately makes you whimper softly, and his eyes dart up to yours at the sound, his lips parting and his breathing quickening. He slides up further, until he feels your bare hip and his brow arches at you, "No knickers...once again." You laugh softly and respond, "Don't look at me, I was unconscious!"

          He winks at you playfully and it sends a shiver down your spine. His hand explores a bit more, his pinkie finger making its way over to your center. "We must check that all areas...are responsive..." His deep voice utters. You nod softly, your legs automatically opening for him, eager for his touch. He laughs softly at your eagerness, his mouth turned up in a little smirk.

          His fingers creep down and finally come in contact with your lips, an exhale coming from him as he feels your wetness and slips down. His eyes become dark and hungry as he gently drags his finger up and over your clit, making your mouth drop open and your eyes squeeze shut. "Oh...Professor..." you say softly. He works his way downward, collecting your wetness before slowly, gently entering you with just his fingertip. You squirm slightly, your legs opening more widely to him. "It seems to me that everything is...working...properly," his voice is breathless but his eyes are sharply fixed on yours as he suddenly slides deeper in, your head tossing back in arousal at the sensation.

          You glance down his body and see his own arousal bulging beneath his trousers. He catches you looking and gives you a provocative smirk. "All in good time, little one..." he says softly, his finger sinking deeper inside you. You whimper quietly and cling to the sheets beneath you as his finger hooks and rubs the inside of your walls.

          You feel waves of pleasure coursing through your body as his deep voice says lowly, "You are such a beautiful girl...I love watching you get flustered over something so simple...your sensitivity is so...alluring."

          His thumb reaches up and begins gently rubbing circles over your clit, his finger still inside you. Your breathing quickens and your whimpers turn into soft moans as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. "For now, I'm going to give you a little gift...but when you're all better, I'm afraid I'm going to have to...punish you for your clumsiness..." He says assertively, making your hips quake and your voice get a bit louder.

          He quickly jumps up and covers your mouth with his other hand, silencing you with a playful but devious look in his eyes as he brings you closer and feel yourself approaching bliss as he leans in and says in a low voice in your ear, "Come for me, my good girl..." and you do, your body convulsing, your back arching and your moans muffled by his hand.

          His eyes are fascinated and fixed on you as you come, taking in the sight. You can tell how much it arouses him to see you in pleasure, and it makes you all the more excited. Your hands cling to his arms as they cover your mouth and bring you into euphoria.

          Finally he withdraws and the hunger in his eyes lingers before he settles back into his seat. "Yes, I'd say your nerves are quite healthy." He winks at you, drying his hand on a cloth, never breaking eye contact with you. Your cheeks are red and your body is spent, exhaustion filling you.

          "You don't have to stay with me, you know," You say, still trying to catch your breath. "I will be fine here if you'd like to go get some sleep." His eyes look surprised and confused, as if he can't believe you said such a thing. "I will be here. You need to be monitored...closely," he says with playfulness in his eyes. You smile and you feel warm inside.

          "Severus?" His eyes soften as he looks into yours, "Yes, Darling?" "I'd like to move in with you. I don't need to wait until the semester ends to give you an answer. I know what I want. I want you. And I haven't stopped thinking of our time together at the cabin...the thought that we could live like that is just...bliss." Your eyes sparkle at the thought.

          A warm smile spreads across his face and a touch of pink floods his cheeks. "You really think so, Y/n? You want to live with a miserable old dungeon bat?" he asks sarcastically. "More than anything," you say, your own cheeks growing red. "My friends might have some words for me over it, but I think they'll understand when I explain how much I love you," your eyes gaze softly into his. His brow knits together for a moment, a distant look of worry in his eye before he replaces it quickly with one of joy. "I...would love nothing more." He smiles sweetly at you.

          That night, Snape reads to you as you lie in your hospital bed, the sound of the rain outside pattering against the stained glass windows, his deep voice lulling you into a blissful sleep.

          "I...will never...leave you."

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