If you let me

By yagirlllay11

112K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven

Forty three

1K 38 1
By yagirlllay11

same day
6:33 p.m.

I dried my hair with the towel before throwing it in the bin. Walking into the bedroom I seen India watching the game.

"You're not watching the game?." I asked getting under the sheets and cover

"It's just a celebrity basketball game."

"Are you having a change of heart with basketball?"

She glanced down at me "Maybe a little."

I gave her a small smile "Well that's good. I'm not going to lie, I kind of always knew you would eventually love it again."

"I never hated it, I just never felt ready to play for a team after I graduated. It could be the biggest team wanting me and I just would turn them down simply because I just didn't felt good or a hundred percent."

"And how do you feel now?"

"Still not ready but I'm excited about playing at the charity game. I guess that's a good thing or a start right?"

I rubbed her arm "Of course it is. I can't wait to see you play."

She smirked when a knock on the room door was made.

"Come in!" I called out and Jordyn walked in

"Aww if it isn't the two love birds." She playfully gushed

I playfully rolled my eyes and she laughed

"While y'all up her boo'd up, everybody's downstairs. We're about to play games and eat some food."

"Who cooked?" India asked

"We just made some tacos and brought them over here because we know y'all lazy asses did not cook."

"Well if you must know we went hiking and swimming earlier. That shit makes you tired by the end of the night."

"Right but we'll come down just give us a minute to get up." I said

"Alrighty, hurry up before the food be gone." She said walking out closing the door behind her

India groaned "Soon as we get comfortable."

I chuckled "I know."

"Their lucky I could eat some food right now." She said getting out the bed

She has sweats on and a crop top. I had the same thing on but instead a big tee.

I wasn't worried about getting all dressed up since I'm sure everybody else was in either sweats & basketball shorts downstairs.

Going down the stairs and into the kitchen we seen everybody in there talking.

"Look who came down!" Tyrell said

India playfully rolled her eyes washing her hands.

"Boy bye. Look who finally took their face out some pussy since we got here?" She said

My eyes got wide and I gave her a look saying why the hell would you say that.

"Language India." Morgan said sternly

India put her hands up

The guys was laughing while Tyrell sucked his teeth. Thankfully Lindsey was in the bathroom so she didn't hear India "joke".

"You play too much." He mushed her head

She snickered fixing a taco

Tre laughed "Yo, it's cool to get it in bro. We only been here for twenty four hours but it's cool."

Morgan chuckled "Aye y'all going to leave T alone."

"Nah real talk. Don't make fun of him Tre, just cause you ain't getting any pussy."

I shook my head at their bluntness right now. I couldn't speak though nor can india cause we both wasn't getting anything out of each other but kisses, ass grabs, and cuddling.

"Man whatever." Tre waved Kevin off

I walked over at India while she ate "So that's how you be talking when I'm not around?"

"What do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow

"You know what I mean." I raised my eyebrow back

She chuckled "It slipped out. We usually joke like that on our own but everybody is just here at the moment."

"Mhm." I hummed crossing my arms "You know you can't speak much or hate on him if you ain't getting none either." I spoke loud enough only for her to hear

"Well we both agreed to wait for a better moment to do it again. But don't let this wait fool you, I ALMOST had them legs in the air twice this week. Plus, if you wanted some all you have to do is say the word, Jade. I'm willing to taste it again and letting you get a taste." She said closer as we stood side by side

My knees buckled. She's such a tease.

"You're such a tease."

I watched as she threw her plate away and grabbed a lemonade.

"Oh yeah? If I'm such a tease then why do you fall for it?"

"I don't." I mumbled looking around as the kitchen was gathered with everyone being loud in their own separate conversations

Lord knows I was happy they were because this conversation with her wasn't family friendly.

"You did earlier today and yesterday.I think you're scared." She smirked

"I'm twenty six, I'm not scared of shit."

"Really? Show me." She whispered in my ear

"Jade!" Jordyn called my name making me looking up

"If you walk away then you're just going to prove my point ya know."

Jordyn motioned for me to come over by her.

"I thought sooo." She sung being petty before walking off making sure to grab Tyrell and left out the kitchen

"You okay?" Jordyn asked me once I made my over by her and Kendra

Kendra laughed "She got that look on her face."

"What look?" I asked

"That my partner just told me the most freakiest shit and now I want to get Trina nasty." Kendra said

Jordyn laughed "Wait really?"

I rolled my eyes walking out to the living room with them behind me. We all took a seat on the couch.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh yes you do and you're about to spill it. Y'all aren't doing anything in the bed?"

"Not since before we got back together."

"Are you not attracted to her sexually anymore?" Kendra asked

"I am still attracted to her. I never stopped." I sighed, "We just both agreed to wait until the time is right instead of just rushing things and our relationship with sex. I understood then but now I'm just-

"Ready to ride her face?" Jordyn finished

I sucked my teeth pushing her

She laughed "Talk to her. You said you two seem to have gotten better at communicating."

"Yeah but not about sex."

"Well it's either that or keep waiting."

"Let your horny-ness build up."

I laughed at them.

"Alright let's play never have I ever questions." Tre said as everybody came into the living room

India was on the other side laying on a bean bag. She nod for me to come over. I happily listened and sat down in between her legs.

"How deep we going into these questions?" Tyrell asked

"I'll make it a little spicy."

"I'm not drinking. I'll eat some chocolate or something." India said

"Same." I agreed

"Okay that's cool."

"First question.... Never have I ever got caught having sex."

India, Morgan, Jordyn, Brandon, and I stayed still while everyone else took a shot.

"Really? I mean not even a peak of skin got caught?"

I shook my head "If you're at your home, you shouldn't have to worry about getting caught."

"And that leads to the next question, never have I ever had sex in public?"

Tre, Kevin, Brandon, Bryson, and Morgan took a shot.

"I was young." Morgan defended her truth making everyone laugh

"Mhm." Jordyn said side eyeing her

Morgan waved her off before wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

I'm so happy for them working things out. I just love seeing them happy and bring them.

"Never have I ever got beaten up?"

Nobody took a shot which made us all laugh

"The hell kind of question is that?" India mumbled laughed

I grabbed India's hand locking mine into hers

"Oh let's add twenty questions mixed with this or something." Tyrell offered

"Bet. Want kids before or after thirty?" Tre asked

"I'm guessing this doesn't come concern Jordyn and I?" Morgan asked

Kendra laughed with Bryson "I'm guessing not us either."

"No not y'all."

"I'll rather kids after college and in my thirties. I'm trying to have fun and live life in my twenties without kids." Tyrell said

"What about you, India?"

"I'll rather have them in my twenties."

"Them? How many kids do you want?" Morgan asked

"Hopefully two. I don't know, I haven't thought much about how many. I'll be happy with whatever I'm blessed with but I'm still young but I don't want to be older having a baby. I want by the time I'm in my thirties that my kids would be a few years old and we can take trips and be a family I guess." She shrugged

"That's kind of smart." Brandon said

"But I'm just hopefully talking. That may never go as planned and I might have kids when I'm forty."

Tyrell laughed "Facts."

"Jade looking and trying to figure out who carrying those two babies who India lowkey hoping for." Tre chuckled

But honestly my mind been drifted off once babies were brought up. My thoughts started to get to me and I could tell Jordyn knew.

I locked eyes with hers and she mouthed if I was okay.

I gave her a small smile and nodded. I feel India moved closer up on me. She caressed her thumb over mines.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, why'd you ask?"

"You seemed like you had spaced out for a second."

"Just a little tired." I lied

"You want to call it a night and go lay down?"

I started to say no but I actually knew my vibe would be off now and going to sleep didn't sound too bad.

"I think I am but you stay down here and continue playing with everyone."


I cut her off "I'm fine. I'm sure."

She eyed me but nodded "Okay."

India gave me kiss on my cheek before I got up from her lap and I told everyone goodnight and walked off upstairs to our room.


The next day
1:23 p.m.

"You sure you're ready?" I asked Jade

We all were currently out going ATV- mud riding.

Honestly we planned on going to the beach but everybody wanted to do this so we agreed and then later or tomorrow we'll go to the beach depending on how tired we get after this.

"Yeah." She said putting her glasses on

I glanced at her.

I was about to open my mouth to ask what was up but Tyrell came over.

"You okay?"

"Yeah why?"

He glanced up at Jade who was all in her phone.

"We'll talk later." He pat my shoulder

I nod my head "Definitely."

He left and went to his ATV where Lindsey was waiting on him.

Mud riding was fun on my part. Jade on the other hand was there but she really wasn't there. It was bothering me and I couldn't wait to get back to the house to talk privately.

After returning the ATV, I walked with Tyrell since Jade was walking far behind us talking to Kendra.

"So now that you're by yourself, what's up with you and Jade? Y'all seem a little off every since this morning."

"Since last night." I corrected him

"Damn what happened last night?"

"I don't know. We were playing the games last night and then she started to act weird as hell. She didn't want to be near me, she slept at the bottom of the bed. I don't think I did or said anything to make her act this way."

"Okay that's kind of weird but let's slow down and think about it. Was she acting like this before or after the questions started?"

"After the questions started. It was right after Tre asked who wants kids before or after thirty-

I paused mid sentence and stopped in my tracks turning around looking back taking a quick glance at Jade.

I went back to walking with Tyrell

"I think I know what the problem is... she don't want kids with me?"

Tyrell laughed "I doubt that. Have y'all talk about kids before?"

"Together? No. Last night was probably the most I ever spoke about kids in front of her. I don't want kids right at this moment, I still got a few years before I want to actually get to that."

"I don't know. I don't think it's that but I could be wrong. Just talk to her and see what's up. You know women are weird, they expect you to be a mind reader." He laughed

I did the same but agreed with him.

"Yeah you right. I'll see what's up later on back at the house."


"I finally got all the mud out of my hair." I chuckled walking into the bedroom

Jade glanced at me and nodded before bringing her attention back to the tv.

I sucked my teeth and grabbed the remote from by the nightstand.

I paused the show and looked at her

"Alright, I had let you be with your weird distance with me all day. What's up? What's wrong? Did I do something? Did I say something? Let me know because I'm tired of trying to figure out and playing the quiet game with you."

"India, you didn't do anything. I'm fine."

"Bullshit, You're not. And you lying right now is kind of testing my patience. I'm not a mind reader. What is going on?"

"India I don't want to argue."

I sucked my teeth "Communication. Ain't that what we was supposedly getting better at? It's like I'm going ten steps back with you, Jade."

I grabbed phone and a pillow from the bed

"Where are you going?"

"Downstairs to sleep on the couch. I'm not trying to argue, I just wanted to talk but it's obvious that you don't want to at least do that."


"Goodnight." I said leaving out the door before she could say anything else

I came on this trip to have fun not kiss ass.

Laying on the couch I decided to watch tv until I fell asleep but that didn't work. I turned the tv off which led to me twisting and turning.

The light flickered on

"What you doing down here?" Tyrell asked

"Jade and I had a disagreement I guess you can say. I refuse to lay next to her if she ain't even going to speak to me as if I'm invisible. What I'm kissing ass for if I ain't do shit?"

"India stop being like that and talk to her."

"I tried! I'm not going to keep trying it force it out of her bro. If she ain't going to talk then so be it." I fluffed the pillow

"I know yo ass uncomfortable on that couch."

"I'll deal with it for a few hours." I mumbled

I don't know how but I'll try. Deep down I actually felt a little bad.

He chuckled "Goodnight."

He walked out and when he did I sat up. I debated on going upstairs to try and talk again but I still doubt I was going to get an answer out her ass. So I did the last thing I thought I would do.

I grabbed my phone from beside me and made a FaceTime call.

The phone rung three times before Jamie face connected.

She was in a bonnet with face cream on

"What?" She asked

"Rude." I scrunched my face up

"I'm watching my shows." She rolled her eyes

"Well can you pause it right quick? I need to talk to you about something important."

She paused the tv "How's the trip? Y'all miss the life of the party yet?"

"If you're referring to you then the answer is no."

Jamie sucked her teeth "Hater."

I laughed

"What do you need to talk about?"

"Your sister."

"Everything okay? What happened?" She sat up

"Slow down. She's okay- I think? I really don't know at this point Jamie."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the trip was going good until last night. We were all playing never have I ever & Tre mixed in some regular questions in the mix. One of the questions was if we wanted kids before or after thirty and like ten minutes after we all responded she told me she was tired which I could tell was bullshit but I had let it be. But today I've been getting the cold shoulder from her. She won't lay next to me, talk to me like nothing. I don't think I've done anything."

"What did you say when tre asked all of y'all about wanting or having kids?"

"I said would prefer to have kids in my twenties."

I watched as Jamie made a face

"What? Why are you looking like that?"

She shook her head "Nothing "

I sucked my teeth "I knew it! I told Tyrell she ain't want kids with my ass. I mean I know I fucked up but am I that bad? I thought I was getting better as a girlfriend and-

"It's not that India."

"Well why would she start acting distant about when kids get brought into the conversation? I'm sorry that I want kids in my twenties, I didn't think it would be that big of a deal."

"Pause and just think India. You're thinking too deep when the answer is right in front of your face."

I looked at her blankly

She exaggerated a groan "I truly hope you don't throw me under the bus for this. She's finally talking to me again after lying to her about us."

"I won't" I put my hands up

"She doesn't want kids at all, India. It's nothing to deal with you,"

"Why though?"

"Well when you have a very traumatic experience with pregnancy, you can choose to not go down that road again."

"Traumatic experience with preg-

My face immediately dropped

Jamie nodded "Just talk to her. I'm sure she doesn't mean it to be distancing herself but knowing that you want kids & she doesn't anymore after feeling like she "failed" is just making her feel like shit."

"Well I feel like an asshole. I tried to get her to talk and she didn't want to so I left her upstairs and came down here."

"How long ago was that?"

I checked the time "Probably forty five minutes ago."

"I'm sure she's still up which means you still got time to make up, because if I call her tomorrow and hear y'all not talking I will be in my car on my way there in the morning like Sheila from why did I get married."

I shook my head "You won't even get the chance to grab your keys."

"That's what I like to hear." She smirked

"Thank you Jamie. I owe you one."

"Some food would be nice."

I side eyed her

"I'm just playing. You don't owe me anything, India but continuing to make my sister happy. I know there's things you have yet to know about her and things that will come out another day but she's been through a lot and I've never seen her so comfortable and this googly eyed over someone she dated."

I nodded "I got you."

A yawn escaped from her mouth "Well I guess that's my que, goodnight."

"Goodnight." I hung up the phone

I grabbed my pillow and made my way back to the bedroom. Walking in I heard light sniffles.

I frowned

Oh I'm a selfish bitch for real

I got into the bed and slid in next to her.

"Jade..." I spoke softly

"I-India please, I don't want to argue-

"We aren't going to argue or fight. We don't have to talk about anything right now, just let me hold you." I said pulling her body closer and wrapped my arms around her

"I'm sorry." She wiped her face

"No, I should be apologizing. I've been trying to figure out what's wrong and the answer was right in front of my face."

Jade shook her head "India, you can't blame yourself because I over think and get this way."

I wanted to ask more questions but I knew it would be best for her to tell when she was ready. We laid there for about ten minutes before she decided to speak.

"I don't even know why I'm acting like this. It's your choice to have kids whenever you want. Like we spoke about the other day, we might not even be together in a year or so. And I hate to say that but we don't know what the future holds."

"We don't but why be so negative about it?"

"I'm not being negative India. I'm just being honest."

I sighed "Well I'm not letting up off of you no time soon."

"That's fine but what are you going to do in a few years from now and you want kids & I still don't want any?"

"So you're mind is totally made up on not having kids at all?"

She paused but eventually responded "Yeah."

"Four years ago I was in a relationship with my boyfriend at the time. We were together for three years but we knew each since little. I found out I was pregnant and I remember just being so excited, nervous but still just very excited. We thought we was having a girl. I don't know why but I just felt I was. Sadly I didn't get a chance to figure that out. Around my tenth week, I was having really bad backaches but I didn't think much of it because I was told that it was just a symptom of pregnancy."

"The pain was so bad one night before I went to bed. I remember having to use the bathroom, i didn't even get to make it in there. I fell down against the wall on my bedroom floor and blood was coming down my legs and just out of me. Once I saw I pretty much knew what was happening. Afterwards, we tried to pick ourselves back up but we just would always argue and never see eye to eye. I'm not trying to blame our baby but I think losing it made us fall out of love. He would never blame me for the miscarriage but I felt like I let him down. We decided to go our separate ways. It was hard but I knew us staying together just wouldn't be the same or wouldn't work out."

"Sometimes do I think about having a family in the future? Of course but I gave up on wanting kid or getting pregnant again. I lost a child once and I don't want to lose one again. It may sound selfish but that's just how my mindset been since four years ago. And let's say I get a pregnant again and everything goes smooth. I would feel sick. What did I do wrong the first time? Why is this baby able to live and not my first one? Those would be the type of questions that would eat me alive."

"Or maybe it was a way of saying it wasn't your time. It was a heartbreaking way but babe you can't-

"Beat myself up over this my whole life. I know I can't and it's something I try and not to do everyday." She sighed

"I'm sorry, I know this is not the trip we planned."

"No don't apologize. We got three more days here which means more days to do whatever you want even that means cuddling in bed all day."

She chuckled snuggling more into my chest. I kissed her forehead.

"You know if we don't work out which I hope don't happen at least not any time soon... I don't want to end on bad terms. I want to still be friends not just because you're my sisters wife best friend but because I love our relationship and I want to be there for you even when shit go left."

"I feel the same way. You can be childish but mature at the same time. And very caring."

"I've been told" I chuckled closing my eyes

"Are you going to sleep?" She asked

"Do you want to continue talking? I can stay up."

"No it's okay. I'm getting tired also." She replied

Only thing I remember being heard was the fan blowing and the tv on playing Martin reruns. And the last thing I sleepily remember saying was...

"I love you."


Wait cause I'm making their story too cute lmaoo. I might have to use somebody suggestion and make a part two book about them. Idk yet.

But thoughts on India & Jade?


Comment and let me know y'all 🤝🏾

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