Me or that B!tch? Choose one...


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It's a love between two guy who thought they were straight.. But turn out they are homosexual. The worst part... More

Me or that Bitch? Choose one will you?! (BxB)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Epilogue)

Chapter 20

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So here it is^^ I finished this story after 5 more chapters*I hope* ^^ Don't be sad^^ I am preparing another bxb story^^ *YAY*

Me or that Bitch? Choose One Will You?! (Chapter 20)

            Troy's POV         

                     As the wave crashed against the shore, the sun was gleaming brightly on top and we were bathing in it. The smell of the salty ocean swirled around us.

                     Us, I meant me, Angela, Ted, the twins, Tamantha and last but not least, the cool and still ignoring me,Jessie and his friend, Ashley.

                     We were at the 'Mayor Beach' where I had promised to bring them. I was sitting on the shaddy soft white sand under the big umbrella that Angela brought. I was shirtless and wearing a swimming trunk just in case I was going to swin, or save anyone that didn't know how to swin.

                     Girls or beach babes passed by would always land their eyes on me. Hey, you couldn't blame me! I was hot and I had great body. I smiled at those girls and winked at them as they giggled away. Oh how I love girls who fainted for me. I smiled at this thought and went back to read my book.

                     I was reading 'Beautiful Liar'. No, it's not Beyonce feat Shakira's song. This book was amazing. It's about a girl who...

                    "Watch out!" The voice shouted but it was too late for me to react as the ball smashed on my face. The book flied out from my hand. I fell back onto the sand and my back head met contact with it. I groned of pain and sat back up. I saw a white vollley ball beside me and a broken sunglasses. My sunglasses! God!

                    "Sorry!" The twins apologized at the same time. Ted was just standing there watching me with concern. Jerks!  

                    "What the hell!" I exclaimed and stood up. I rubbed my face carefully because it's burning! I threw the ball back to them and sent death glares. The twins was laughing with Ted and went back to their game. Damn them.

                     I brushed off the sand in my hair. I kept on brushing it and sand was falling off. But it was falling non-stop! Shit! If I had a mirror.

                    Abruptly, I felt someone sat behind me as the warmness of this person was so strong to bear it. I tried to turn back to see who it was but he locked my head dead on towards front. He brushed off my hair for me. Since he already locked me, why should I bother to turn to see him.

                   I felt the figure walked away as the breeze hit my back again. I touched my hair and it was free of sand. Now I could see who was helping me... You got to be kidding to me.

                  Jessie was walking away towards Angela where she was enjoying herself tanning her whole body under the hot sun. He sat back on his seat next to her and Angela put her head on his wide, muscle shoulder. He shifted away Angela but she held his arms, hard and whispered something into his ears. The shifting had instantly stopped. He still had his blank face on. So much of a best friend. I needed company too! Note to self: Never bring couple to a trip.

                  I rolled my eyes and tried to find my book around me. Stupid volleyball made me threw my book away. I tried everywhere but I didn't see anything but sand! I threw my hands up for defeat and turned to watch volleyball game. Ted was actually not bad after all. But he was competiting with the twins. No way he would win, those twins were unstoppable together. Believe me, I knew.

                  After a few minutes, I got bored and I turned my attention away. I wondered where's the lean boy and Tamantha went. I didn't see them after we arrived. I looked around for them and landed my eyes on Jessie. He was reading a book with his sunglasses on. Weird... He wore a big baggy shirt and a tight short. I didn't know why but I was hoping he didn't wear the shirt. Shit, what happened to me? Wait a minute...

                   "What the hell!?" I stood up and walked towards Jessie's spot. When I reached there, I snatched away the book in his hands. He took away his sunglasses and his piercing grey eyes met mine. It really sent shiver down to my spines. But I shrugged it off. Angela was watching me behind those insanely huge sunglassed of hers.

                    "Can you exactly tell me why on Earth you have my book?" I asked him.

                    "How are you sure that's your book?" He asked in his cold monotone. Now, I was really shivering. I think I had butterflies in my stomach.

                    "Because it got my name genius." I shoved the book onto his face and drew back a little for him to see my name. He saw it and gazed away.

                    "Whatever." This was what he said and put back his sunglasses.

                    "Jerk... You are so unlucky Angela" I threw those words at them and stomped away.

                    I was being nice and this was what I got!? I genuinely hoped they broke up and I could never see his face again!

                    I lost my mood to read. I put 'Beautiful Liar back into my bag. I decided to go for a swim. I ran past the twins and Ted towards the sea. The pristine turqoise sea was breathtaking. Why I took so long to decide to come swin here. I saw the lean boy sat on the spot between the sand and the water. Where the hell was Tamantha? I walked towards him to talk to him when he said.

                   "If you are trying to be nice and talk to me. Forget about it. I want peace and the last thing I want is a boy tries to talk with me. Thank you but no thank." He said and locked his eyes on the ocean. His bang fell all over his forehead. Weird boy. 

                   I decided to leave him and went towards the sea to take a swim.

                   "Kindly advice, go have a warm-up before going in. You might have a cramp if you didn't do it." He said.

                   "I thought you didn't want to talk to me. Thank you but I am a professional swimmer. I know what I am doing." I replied and dived into the water.

                   Cool water covered all my skin and I felt great. I wished I didn't lose my ability to swim like a fish.

                   I did a lot of styles in the water that I had learnt. Nope, I didn't lose it. I was still awesome! I smiled at this thought when a sudden pain rose inside my body. Shit! Cramp!

                  I was under water because I was doing 'The Predator' (A/N: I made that one up)

                  I tried to swim back to surface but the cramp was too strong for me to endure it. I did not panic. I moved my hands up and down, tried to swin up. My legs were too heavy and even my hands couldn't support my whole body up. I should've listen to Ashley!

                  My coach would be mad to find out about this.

                 I couldn't hold on to my breath any longer. I opened my mouth since they're no oxygen, you did that as common sense. I craved for oxygen but I got nothing but water. My chest was hurt and I was screaming for air. I finally panicked. I never had this experience before. I never knew it would be this bad. The water was sucking the life out of me. I couldn't breathe... I stopped movely and let my heavy body sinked down. My eyeslids were slowly closing... I saw a figure swam towards me. He circled around my waist and brought me up. Suddenly, the warmness made me remembered something...

               I love you Troy.

              Don't leave me Troy!

             I am sorry!


             You are so adorable

             Are you hurt!

            Troy babe! Please wake up!

           I will always love you

                   I gasped and kept on grasping for air as I finally came out from the water. I was crying and I finally knew the reason why. I had finally remembered everything that had happened before the summer and during the summer. Jessie was holding me and his face was filled with horror and worry. I kissed him on the lips and got him off guard. His face was replaced by shockness.

                  "I remember. Jess, I finally remember!" I kissed him on the lips again, hard. I invaded his mouth and my tongue was naughtily fighting with his tongue. We shared a very passionate kiss each other at that very moment and I felt firework bursted out in my heart.

                 "Really?" He asked as we aparted. He was still afraid that I was playing him. I laughed and pecked on his cheek.

                "Of course babe, I was totally Jessexual again." I smiled and our gaze melted together. After one long kiss, we went back to shore. We didn't hold hand because we didn't want to get attention and I knew Angela was watching us. Jess had told me everything what Angela had said and done. I was furious but Jess told me to stay put and pretend to be not remember by anything. I nodded for agreement. Thank God we were far away from the shore and no one was able to see us.

                "Are you okay Troy!?" Angela was running towards me and hugging me tightly in her arms. Although I had hatred for her but I stil replied it. After she hugged me, another person hugged me. It was Tamantha. She was in tears but relieved to see me safe.

                “Don't you dare to scare me like that!" She smacked my head. Then she finally realized I didn't 'know' her. She apologized to me. I just laughed and went to her ears. I explained to her that I had remembered but told her to keep quiet. She was astonished to hear that she was running down tears of joy.

                "See? This is what happened when you are not listening to me." Ashley said and walked away. I needed to thank him after that. I landed my gaze on Jess. He was smirking at me and secretly blew me a kiss when nobody was watching us. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I guessed his face was really priceless right now.


You all happy now? LOL! I already planned on doing that in this chapter! ^^ Vote for me! Comment and tell me what you think^^ Does this satifies you? Or you are hoping something more epic!? Well sorry guys, I planned on doing something simple. LOL... Thanks for all fans who read this story^^


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