My Twinnies

Por Crystal_Roses30

237K 10.7K 3.8K

One girl. Raven Wilson. Two Boys. Ryder Denmark. Ryan Denmark. She loves peace. They loves parties. She is i... Más

We met again ;)
Prologue : 1
Prologue : 2
Characters and Introductions
Some little things about Story...
Chapter 1 : Leaving
Chapter 2 : Cameron University
Chapter 3 : Ryder Denmark
Chapter 4 : Roommates
Chapter 5 : Ryan Denmark
Chapter 6 : Punishment
Chapter 7 : 'Their' Group
Chapter 8 : Messing around
Chapter 9 : Insecurities
Chapter 10 : Panic Attack
Chapter 11 : Panic Attack - Part 2
Chapter 12 : U-Uncle ?
Chapter 13 : The Untold Truth
Chapter 14 : My Twins are a-alive !?
Chapter 15 : Realization
Chapter 16 : Promises
Chapter 17 : New Girl
Chapter 18 : The Past !!!
Chapter 19 : Abusing
Chapter 20 : Mr. Rodriguez
Chapter 21 : Camera Footage
Chapter 22 : Spiders
Chapter 23 : Miss Nancy
Chapter 24 : Broken
Chapter 25 : Miss Me, Princess ?
Chapter 26 : Nightmare is back !
Chapter 27 : First Kiss ?
Chapter 28 : Where is Raven !?
Chapter 29 : She is Your triplet sister !
Chapter 30 : Vulnerable
Chapter 31 : "My Princess"
Chapter 32 : R@pe
Chapter 33 : Rescue
Chapter 34 : Little Space Part - 1
Chapter 35 : Little Space Part - 2
Chapter 36 : Little Space Part - 3
Chapter 37 : Scarlett Rose
Chapter 38 : Ivan's P.O.V.
Chapter 39 : Alex's P.O.V.
Chapter 40 : Bestfriends
Chapter 41 : Not even a beginning
Chapter 42 : Alex with Brain !!!
Chapter 43 : Beginning of Jealousy
Chapter 44 : Moongazing
Chapter 45 : He is My Brother !
Chapter 46 : Periods
Chapter 47 : Care
Chapter 48 : Earn forgiveness
Chapter 49 : My Safe Place
Chapter 50 : Last Punishment
Chapter 51 : Triplet Telepathy
Chapter 52 : Failure
Chapter 53 : Accident
Chapter 54 : Hospital
Chapter 55 : Ryan is awake
Chapter 56 : David is back !
Chapter 57 : I Missed You !!
Chapter 58 : Video Call
Chapter 59 : Mom - Dad
Chapter 60 : Mom-Dad - Part 2
Chapter 61 : Ryder is awake !!!
Chapter 62 : Flashbacks
Chapter 63 : Realisation
Chapter 64 : Proofs
Chapter 65 : Police Officer
Chapter 66 : Arrested
Chapter 67 : Wilson Household
Chapter 68 : Pranks and Pool
Chapter 69 : Movie Night
Chapter 70 : Scared of Ghosts
Chapter 71 : Punishment Time
Chapter 72 : Confession
Chapter 74 : Overprotective
Chapter 75 : Triplet Day
Chapter 76 : Happiest Person
Chapter 77 : Ivan - Pari
Chapter 78 : Birthday
Chapter 79 : Wishes
Chapter 80 : Party
Chapter 81 : Where is Pari ?
Chapter 82 : Pari abducted
Chapter 83 : Suspicious
Chapter 84 : True Colours
Chapter 85 : Love can fix anything
Chapter 86 : Kitten
Chapter 87 : Betrayer
Chapter 88 : Rescue
Chapter 89 : Raven
Chapter 90 : Everything is Ok !
Bonus 1 : Bastards
Bonus 2 : Pure Friendships
Thank you !!!
(Important) New Books.

Chapter 73 : Rowan and his obsession

1.1K 62 31
Por Crystal_Roses30

Raven's P.O.V.



I looked at Ivan.

Ivan's head snapped towards Pari as he stood there freeze in his spot.

His eyes widened while Pari looked down.

"W-What ?" Ivan stuttered still not believing.

Ivan took a step towards them.

"W-What ? How could you do-" Alex started dramatically but before he could do anything, Ivan shoved him side. He came towards Pari who is still looking down.

"Y-You l-love me ?" He asked slowly.

She nodded not looking up.

"You really l-love me ?" He asked still eyes widened.

"Hmm" She sniffled looking up.

"I-I mean Y-You l-love me ?" Ivan's jaw dropped as he just realised what he heard. She nodded wiping her tears.

I smiled ear to ear.

He looked at Alex who also nodded at him, smiling brightly. He then looked at me, shocked.

"I am not dreaming, right ? Pinch me" I pinched him, wiping my eyes.

"Owww bitch" He squeaked rubbing his arm. I still nodded grinning ear to ear.

He looked down at his body and then widened his eyes.

"P-Please stay here, I will be back" He said sprinting towards his room. Pari frowned.

"Where did he go ?" Ryan asked confused.

We all shrugged.

He came back running and stood infront of Pari keeping his hands back.

He suddenly sat on his one knee and took out a Red Rose.

My eyes sparkled.

"Umm I Love you, Pari. Will you be my Constant ?" He asked smiling ear to ear.

Pari's eyes widened.

Her jaw dropped. She looked at me shocked, I nodded at her excitedly.

"Oh My God Yess" She squealed accepting that Red Rose and immediately hugged Ivan.

Ivan hugged her back, keeping his head on her shoulder. I could literally see tears in his eyes as I grinned.

"Wohooooo" Everyone started cheerings, clappings and started whistlings.

They pulled out from the hug and glared at us.

"Alex what was that ?" Pari said keeping her hands on her hips.

"Umm what ?" He said scratching his head. I gulped.

"Ahhh owwww" He screamed when Pari pinched him hard.

"It's not my fault, it's that bitch plan" He said pointing towards me.

Pari's glare turned towards me.

My eyes widened.

"If it's Rav's plan then it's ok" Pari smirked. I smirked back.

"What the fuck ?" Alex said offended.

Pari come towards me and we hugged each other.

"Congratulations babes, please take care of him" I whispered in her ears. She nodded by tightening her hold on me.

"Ivan, I think your girlfriend will definitely cheats you with her" Ryder smirked pointing at us. Ivan laughed. We pulled out from the hug.

Pari rolled her eyes. I turned towards Ivan.

I glared at him.

He frowned.

"Don't. Ever. Talk. To. Me"

"What ? Why ?" He asked shocked.

"Because I am not gonna talk with you" I huffed and turned around.

What he thinks of himself ?

"But what happened ? Why are you angry ?" He asked me holding my arm and turning me towards him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you love Pari ? Ain't I your best friend ? You told him but not me ? You love him more, I am not gonna talk to you" I turned around again.

I felt silence around me. Pari Smirked at me, seeing me act like that.

I tried my best to hide my smirk.

Suddenly, He came infront of me and I turned around again. He sighed and hold me still in my place.

"I am Sorry" He said softly. I looked at him.

Is he getting serious ?

"At first, I was not sure about my feelings and without my confirm feelings, I don't want to keep this thing in your mind. I saw how you are happy with her. You were always craved for a female friend and you got one, I don't want to break your friendship so I tried to ignore my feelings. But when, I confirmed that I loved her. Not like or not mere attraction, but a love. I came to know that she loved someone. And that's why I decided, I will closed this chapter for always and will bury my feelings in my heart for the sake of everyone" Ivan whispered looking down.

I opened my mouth but closed it again. I can't comprehend what he said just now.

"And about Alex, he found me seeing Pari's photo one day, so he just assumed it. I never love him more than I love you, Rav" Ivan said.

I smiled and showed my tongue to Alex.

"Wow feeling so loved her" Alex muttered going to hug Ryder, who in response showed his middle finger.

"Heyy enough love you" Ryan pulled me towards him.

And 'accidentally' I pushed Pari towards Ivan, before muttering, "you should love her more and I will cut your limbs if you dare to make her cry"

Ivan chuckled. Pari blushed hiding her face in his chest.

"You are My sister, stay with me" Ryan glared at Ivan, who is busy whispering to Pari. She is looking like a tomato.

"Oh Man, I will get a boyfriend soon" I squealed excitedly looking Pari and Ivan.

And I got a hard smack on my head by none other than My Twin, Ryan.

"Shut the fuck up" He glared at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

How dare he !

"HOW DARE YOU ?" No, I didn't speak this. Then who did ?

I turned around only to see Rowan stood at the door.

We all looked at him. He came near Ivan and Pari.

"How dare you to touch my Pari ?" He glared at Ivan.

Ivan smirked "Young Man, Your Pari is now my Girlfriend"

Rowan's eyes widened like it came out from its sockets.


"No Little Man, Find yourself another girl, because she is mine now" Ivan smirked pulling Pari in a process. Pari hits him in his chest and pulled out from the hug. She turned towards Rowan who stood there with tears in his eyes.

"Why are you crying, sweetheart ?" She asked him softly.

"P-Pari, tell him, you are my girlfriend" He sniffed. I rolled my eyes.

"Rowan, She can't be your girlfriend" I told him.

"WHY ?" He asked me.

"Because, she is 17 almost 18 and you are 12" I told him.

"So ?"

"So you can't date till 18" I fold my hands on my chest.

"You stop it-"

"Mom's Orders" I raised my hands in surrender. He stopped in between and think something.

He smirked and turned around.

"Ok, I will agree to your relationship" He stated. We rolled our eyes. While, Pari laughed and ruffled his hair.

"Until I turn 18"

"What ?"

"Yes, take care of her until I turn 18. After that I will take care of her" He smiled at Pari, who chuckled at him.

"Rowan and his obsession with Pari" Ryan shook his head.

"I know right" I sighed.

Ivan rolled his eyes at that.

Ryder came and picked Rowan and started tickling him "Your Brothers are single and you want a girlfriend, huh ?"

Rowan laughed out loud.

Like this, whole evening passed.

Time Skip ...

"So, what we need ?" I asked Pari, who is busy in making bed.

"Yeah, just bring some wafers and cold drinks, it's enough" I nodded and sprint towards the kitchen.

Yes, We are having a sleepover in my room tonight. We will watch movies and will gossip whole night.

I took all necessities and ran towards my room.

We set everything and started watching Furious 7 and then Friends.


"Hmm ?" I hummed still focused on movies and munched on chips.

"Why did you prank me today ?"

"Uh- Well, you remember ? You came to my room and Ivan and Alex were also there ?"


"You guys made eye contact and then you left. And we noticed change in your behaviour. So, when I asked Alex about it, he told me Ivan loves you but you love someone else and I told him that no, you don't love anyone else but Ivan. So we decided to do this prank." I laughed.

She pouted.

"But, Pari, Why did you glared at Ivan at that time ?" I asked her confused.

She chuckled.

"Well, when you guys were out for shopping, I gave everyone juice. When I came to give juice to Ivan. I saw his so disturbed. So, genuinely, I asked him if he wants to say anything and guess what, he nodded. And I was on cloud nine, thinking my crush is going to share something to me" She smiled dreamily.

I giggled.

"But then he said 'Thank you For Mango Juice' and I was like aghhhh-" She said annoyed. I laughed out loud.

"That's why, I was angry" She muttered leaning on my shoulder.

"Hmmm" I nodded getting comfortable.

We sat in a silence when suddenly, Pari stood up in excitement.

She turns towards me with twinkle in her eyes.

"I have an idea" She smirked. I frowned.

"What ?" I raised my eyebrows and sat on my place.

"I am going to take revenge from them" she determined.

"How ?"

"You are going to find a boyfriend" she smirked.

"Oh yeah, find me one" I said again getting comfortable.

"No Rav, not like that. You are going to prank them by 'I have a boyfriend' prank" She smirked.

My eyes widened.

"NO WAY" I shaked my head.

"YES WAY" She said determined.

"But they will kill me" I exaggerate.

"No, they won't"

"But they can kill that boy" I told her seriously.

She rolled her eyes "I know"

"Then how could you-"

"They pranked me today so I am going to take revenge and as you were a mastermind, you are going to help me in my prank as well" She replied.


"No Buts, and imagine Rav, it will be so fun" She said grinning.

I thought about it. She is not wrong tho. Worth a try, isn't it ? I smirked.

"Yes Yes Yes, that's the smirk I want. So, start acting like you are chatting and talking with your crush in phone"

She instructed. I nod my head with smirk.

"Act like a Lovesick Girl"

"Let's get it"

To Be Continued...

Hope you enjoyed 💟.

🤍 Vote and Comment 🤍.

Do you guys like 'Friends' ?

I will update next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 29th May 2k23.

Total Words : 1748 words 😁.

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