โ€ ๐“—๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ฎ๐“ผ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ช โ€

By miss_muffin7

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โŠ ๐‚๐Ž๐‹๐‹๐„๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐ ๐Ž๐… ๐’๐‡๐Ž๐‘๐“ ๐’๐“๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ๐„๐’ โŠ More

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3.7K 165 10
By miss_muffin7


𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓪𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻...




"MUMMY!! Look Bhai again scare my friends."

I glare at my 6 year old Yuvansh who just looked at me innocently.

"They were boys and they were flirting with her."

I shook my head and sigh tiredly.

My 3 year old daughter Yuvika come and hugged my legs. I picked her up and place her on top of kitchen counter.

I wiped few tears which were about to fall. She sniff and rubbed her nose. Her nose turned red. Yuvansh also come to us and hugged me.

Yuvika glared at him with her now red face. Yuvansh mutter a sorry before hugging her.

Yuvika also hugged him with a sad face. These two are each others favourite. First they would fight and it would not even took them a minute to reunite.

Yuvika didn't have this kind of relationship with her twin Yug. Yuvika is all bubbly and full of life but on the other side Yug is silent and reserved. Sometimes it made me worried about him.

" Kids where is Yug? He also went to park with you two."

I asked them to which Yuvika just shrugged her shoulders and Yuvansh shook his head.

I went to twin's room because my baby boy likes to spent his time alone in his room.

When I entered the room I saw him standing in front of the window with the help of chair.

I quietly walk up to him and saw that he was watching our neighbour's daughter Ruhi. She was playing with her father.

Yug and Ruhi are same in age. Ruhi is bubbly and full of life. Yug doesn't play with her. Even when she approaches him he would decline her immediately. Except Yug Ruhi have a special bond with Yuvika and Yuvansh.

But I guess Yug have something special for Ruhi that is why he behave like this in front of her.

My little baby boy is having a crush on his neighbour.

Romantic enough..............


"Yuvika baby don't play with food."

I scolded my daughter.

I gathered all my children to bake some cookies with me. Even Yug is baking with us.

After I caught him red handed he became so shy that his cheeks,neck and ears became red. I didn't wanted to embarrass him so I didn't ask him about his crush instead I decided to play blind. But little did he know that I made up my mind to help him so that he can confess to her if he wanted to.

I proposed the idea of backing and added that we will also give the cookies to our neighbours which obviously include Ruhi's house.

Right now Yug seems really determine to bake cookies. He has been very focused to make them. He asked me to teach him how to make Peanut butter cookies (Ruhi's favourite cookies.)

" Baking without me?"

Came my husband's voice.

Yuvika's loud giggles collide with the kitchen's wall as she ran up to her father. Yuvansh did his special handshake with Yuvan and Yug silently followed behind.

And last but not least Yuvan came up to me and hugged me tightly. He breathe in my smell so did I.

" Dad! dad! See we are backing cookies." Yuvika yelled gaining Yuvan's attention.

Yuvan picked her up and throw her in the air making her giggle loudly.

After playing with her sometimes Yuvan went to our room to freshen up.

Our cookies are also done by now. We backed suger cookies, peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip cookies.

We packed them to that we can give them to our neighbours.

Yug packed peanut butter cookies by himself so that he can give that to Ruhi.


I came to Ruhi's house with kids so that we can give them cookies.

Yug is still holding Ruhi's peanut butter cookies. I press the doorbell and after some seconds Tanisha ( Ruhi's mom) opened the door . She smiled at us and lead us inside.

By the time we entered the living room Ruhi also came there. Yuvika run up to her and hugged her. Yug is silently standing behind me probably feeling shy.

I slightly pushed Yug towards Ruhi and mouthed "Go give her cookies".

He went to her and forwarded the cookies towards her. Ruhi blinked multiple time before smiling.

" Thank you." Thanked Ruhi. She was shyly looking at the cookies.

Yuvika eyed them and process the situation. She grabbed both of their hands and went to the garden.

" So .......... Your son......... My daughter........" Tanisha trailed her voice longer than needed.

" I think Yug likes Her. " I said

A huge smile broke out on her face.

"I can't believe our little Yug likes her. He is such a nice and smart kid. I don't have any problem with him dating my daughter when she grew up."

I looked at the children playing in the garden. I Just hope everyone stay happy like this forever.


" Yuvika baby it's past your bed time. You should sleep now." I said

"Mumma just one more story then I pinky promise I will go to sleep." She paddled while showing her best puppy eyes.

I been reading bed time stories for my both three year old but only Yug is asleep now. Yuvika had been asking me to reading her stories for the sixth time.

She is little too energetic for her age. While Yug is totally opposite to her. He had slept the moment his body had touched the matters.

He actually played alot with Ruhi. He was so shy around Ruhi that till the time he was with Ruhi his whole face was red as tomato. Ruhi was also taking slight glances of him whenever he wasn't looking at her. Tanisha had literally jumped with joy like She herself gets a new admirer.

Sometimes she acts more like a kid than Ruhi while her husband Karthik Malhotra is totally mature person. In their case it totally fit when people say opposite attracts each other.

Karthik was the one who proposed Tanisha when they were in college. He love her so much that you can say just but looking at them.

I read a last story for Yuvika and this time she actually slept.

I turned off the lights making the ceiling glow up with tiny stars in the dark.

I checked Yuvansh's room which is right beside theirs. My baby was sleeping peacefully. All his books were shattered all over the bed. He wasn't even covering himself with duvet. I placed the books on his study table and cover him properly.

Children really grow in the blink of an eye. It was like yesterday when Yuvansh was in my arms babbling stuffs and smiling cutely at everyone.

Yuvansh first words were mama. My baby said mama as his first word. I remember it clearly how I cried when I heard that. I cried like a baby hugging Yuvan. Yuvansh had cried after seeing me cry. He even hit Yuvan cause he thought that I cried because Yuvan hurt me.

I remember him taking his first steps, running around the house while poking everyone with his wooden sword. He didn't even cried when he went to his play school for the first time meanwhile I was worried sick about him crying when he doesn't see me.

When I broke out the news of about my pregnancy he was the happiest. He would always talk to my bump. He also shared his snakes with me whenever I was craving. He even wished for a sister so he can name her Yuvika and Yes it was him who had named them.

When he first saw the twins he cried out of happiness. He was so afraid to even get near then because he thought they were so cute and fragile.
And now he is the best brother ever.

I took a last glace of him and exited his room.

When I entered the room I saw Yuvan working on his laptop. He seemed busy to me so I decided to not to disturb him. I took my night clothes and went to washroom.

I did my business and took a shower to relax.


WHEN Niti entered the bedroom she was greeted by nothing but silence. Yuvan was nowhere to be seen so she took this as a opportunity to do something special for her husband.

She lighted the scented candles all over the room and wore a transparent lingerie.

It's been few days that they had spent some quality time alone. Yuvan was busy with his business meetings while Niti was busy with her designing company and children.

Niti opened a butique when she decided to quite modelling. She quitted it because she was more into designing dresses. But after two years her butique becomes popular because of her fans support and those who liked her dresses.

She had to open a lot of branches of her butique and soon it developed into a company.

Her company hires village women and those who needed jobs. All of the clothes were handmade and beautiful so a lot of people get attracted to her dresses.

Her work represents India and its different cultures. Designs that used to exist a long time ago were seen in her dresses. The hand crafters who were about to quite because of low income were now happily earing a huge some of amount through their work which they thought no one recognises now.

Her whole family supported her. But Yuvan play the most important role to make her dreams come true.

Now she wanted so have some relaxing time with her husband.

After lighting all the candle she deemed the lights. She climbed up on the bed and cover herself from duvet.

Some seconds later a tired looking Yuvan entered their room and was shocked to see the rooms condition.

His eyes travelled to their bed and saw the most beautiful sight. His wife laying on the bed carelessly duvet covering her body. Her long legs were exposed making his heart race faster than a marathon runner.

He went to her and snatched the duvet from her body. His eyes darken at her attire.

"Surprise husband......." She said seductively and bite her lips.

Yuvan took a deep breath to calm his wild thoughts. He knows he had been busy for last few day that he can't even make time for his family. But it's his work to protect his family when some sick people try to harm them.

"Niti I'm warning you once I start I will not stop until you faint in my arms." He tried to be serious.

Niti looked around herself tring to find someone.

" Then what are you waiting for I didn't told you to stop."

Yuvan laughed and climbed up on the bed before kissing her.

He kissed her hard while his hands were roaming all over her body. Soon his plam rested on her right breast. He gave a tight squeeze making her moan but it didn't come out of her mouth as he was still kissing her.

It looks like he had no intention to let go of his wife anytime soon. He kissed her more passionately and pressed her body to his making her sit on his lap.

But looks like God have some other plans for them. Even he didn't want to he broke the kiss and went to pick up his phone which was on the coffee table. He looked at the caller id and rolled his eyes.

It was Niti's brother Nishant. Yuvan mentally swear to interrupt Nishant whenever he will have these moments with his wife then he will understand how it feels like getting interrupted when you want nothing more than your wife.

"Yes Nishant Bhai. Why did you called?" Yuvan did nothing to hide his annoyance in his voice.

"No hi no hello. Direct to the point. I'm hurt Yuvan." The way Nishant sounds right now no one can say that he is a father of a five years old when he himself sounded like a five year old.

Nishant and Priya had their first child five years ago. She is a cute baby girl Navya and soon he is going to be a father of his second child.

"I was going to sleep but you called." Yuvan said firmly.

He looked at Niti's flustered self and smirk.

"I'm so sorry to disturb. I just called you to tell you that baby shower is next weekend. I'm so sorry again and please go to sleep. Good night." Nishant said hurriedly and ended the call.

Yuvan tossed the phone on the table and again went to bed this time hovering over her.

He peacked her lips few times before kissing her. Her hands went to his hair pulling his hair.

He removed the thin sleeves from her shoulder still kissing her. But we are talking about Yuvan and he doesn't have patience when it comes to his wife. He literally tear her lingerie when he wasn't able to remove it from her.

"Yuvan no........ Why did you tear it down. It was my favourite one." Niti broke the kiss and said much to Yuvan's displeasure.

" Baby I will fill your wordrobe with these just let me fuck you. I will fu*King die if you stop me from kissing you now."

He peacked her forehead then eyes then nose and finally her soft pink lips but he doesn't stop on her lips and continue to trail down the kisses leaving hickey on her neck and cleavage.

When he come over her breasts. He kissed her hard nipples. Taking the harden part between his teeth and biting it and sucking on it like he had been starving for years. She quiver at the feeling which he make her feel just by touching her. He gave equal attention to both of her breasts.

After playing with them for a few minutes he started to kiss her stomach while his eyes were on her. Watching her looking like is mess made him happy to another level.

He then tug on her underwear and slowly removed them from her legs. He simply throw it making it land on the coffee table.

He didn't even took much time to throw his jumpers on the floor and his boxer soon got the same fate.

Without a warning he slam into her making her let out a cry. He gave her sometime to adjust then he started to move. He started to move faster with each passing time till he was on full speed while she is a moaning mess. He hold her throat when she was not looking at him. He doesn't like it when she wasn't looking at him when he was loveing her.

Her vision started to blur when he tighten his hold on her neck. He kissed her tears away and keep saying I love you.

When they both had reach the climax he flop on top of her. Niti giggle when he start to kiss her neck once again.

" Haven't had enough of me husband."

" I will never have enough of you Niti. Never in this whole life and another next 6 life. You are bounded to me Miss Niti Yuvan Kapoor." Niti couldn't help but giggle more at his words.

" What if I die some-"

She didn't even get to complete the sentence when Yuvan once again slam into her.

" Never ever say those words. And for your answer I will stop breathing the next moment your breath stops. I didn't love you to loose you wifiee Falling in love with you was the second most wonderful thing has ever happened to me. Meeting you was first."

Niti laughed at his words and asked.

"From where did you learn these lines?"

He just simply shrugged his shoulders and replied.


This time they both laughed.

And then they both once again got lost in each other.

Hi Guys!!

I'm here again with an another update. This is the last chapter of this story. It was so fun writing this chapter. It took me longer then expected because I wasn't sure about what to write in this chapter.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.


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