Shadows of Slytherin Book 1

By Slytherin412

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Danielle Potter has always been different from her twin brother, Harry Potter. She was sorted into Slytherin... More

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By Slytherin412

After a long night, Theo walks me to my room, offering a comforting presence as we make out way down the corridors. Once we reach my door, we exchange a few final words before he heads off to his own room. As I step inside, the weariness in my bones seems to settle, and I find myself instinctively gravitating towards the bed. With a gentle plop, I collapse onto the soft mattress and allow my gaze to drift upward, fixating on the intricate patterns on the ceiling.

Despite the physical fatigue, an undercurrent of unease courses through me, amplified by the lingering effects of the Unbreakable Vow. The tingling sensation in my arm serves as a constant reminder of the gravity of the situation I find myself in. The weight of the Vow presses upon me, intertwining with my thoughts and emotions, as if it has seeped into the very fabric of my being.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips, releasing some of the tension that has accumulated within me. I bring my hands up to my face and rub my eyes, briefly obscuring the view of the ceiling above. In this moment of solitude, I allow my vulnerability to surface, expressing the silent plea that resides within me.

"God," I whisper, my voice filled with a mix of desperation and hope, "I hope this works..." The words hang in the air, a fragile prayer seeking resolution and solace. I understand the magnitude of what lies ahead, the challenges and uncertainties that await. Yet, amidst it all, a flicker of faith remains, a glimmer of belief that propels me forward, urging me to trust in the power of my decision.

I tilt my head to the side, and my eyes catch sight of a photograph adorned with the faces of my friends. A warm smile instinctively graces my lips as the static image magically springs to life, captivating my senses. The vibrant scene unfolds before me, revealing a cherished memory captured in that very moment.

We find ourselves engulfed in a contagious laughter. Each of us appears intertwined, caught in a whimsical dance of friendship and affection. As if the laws of gravity hold no power over us, we stumble and collide with one another, our attempts to maintain composure and strike a pose.

"Boys!" Pansy's laughter rings out as she shouts, trying to catch our attention. "Stay still!" Her mischievous tone adds to the excitement in the air.

Mattheo and Draco swiftly respond, lifting me up and balancing me on their shoulders, eliciting a burst of laughter from me. Theo and Enzo follow their lead, joining forces to do the same for Pansy. We find ourselves in a playful formation, posing for the camera Enzo had set up, our eyes fixed on its lens.

Just as the camera captures the moment with a satisfying click and a blinding flash, a mischievous look passes between Mattheo and Draco. Before I can even complete my sentence, they suddenly lean back, letting go of their grip on me. I plummet into the water behind us, letting out a surprised scream as I am engulfed by the cool embrace of the water. Gradually, I resurface, my laughter replaced by an exclamation of annoyance.

"What the hell!" I yell, a mix of surprise and irritation evident in my voice.

The boys erupt in laughter, their amusement echoing through the air. I respond with a sarcastic chuckle and request their assistance. "Help me out of here."

"Alright, alright," Draco replies, extending his hand towards me. I grab hold of it, pretending to accept his help, but instead, I deceivingly use the leverage to pull him into the water alongside me. As Draco resurfaces, his playful expression turns into a playful glare.

"Well played, Potter," he admits, a touch of admiration evident in his voice.

My gaze shifted upward just in time to witness Pansy and Theo conspire against Enzo and Mattheo. With synchronized teamwork, they pushed the unsuspecting duo into the water, their triumphant grins evident as they embraced the wet and playful chaos, jumping in to join us. The once still and picturesque scene had transformed into a delightful frenzy of laughter.

With a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes, allowing the weight of exhaustion to settle upon me. Sleep beckoned, yet my mind wrestled with doubt and uncertainty. But deep down, I knew this was the right thing to do, the only way to shield those I cared for from the dangers that threatened to consume us all...

One week later...

"You're being an idiot." Pansy says as she barges into my room.

"Pansy, calling me an idiot won't solve anything," I respond, trying to maintain my composure despite the frustration building within me. "Good morning, to you too," I say, my tone laced with uncertainty.

Pansy's words pierce through the air, laced with judgment and disbelief. "Now you're giving Draco a chance? I thought you were still in love with Mattheo?" she snaps, her voice carrying a hint of accusation.

Caught off guard by her directness, I pause for a moment, struggling to find the right words to articulate my emotions. "I don't know what I feel anymore, Pans," I finally admit, my voice filled with confusion. "Draco has been so kind to me, but Mattheo..." My voice trails off as I grapple with the complex dynamics of my heart.

Pansy rolls her eyes, dismissing my conflicted state. "Yeah, yeah. Mattheo has been an asshole lately. But it's not like you to give up on him so easily," she remarks, her frustration apparent.

I sigh, feeling the weight of my wavering emotions. "He is the one that left me, Pansy. Twice, actually," I confess, a trace of vulnerability seeping into my voice. The memories of Mattheo's departures resurface, a painful reminder of the heartache I endured.

Pansy's response is swift, defending Mattheo's actions with a fervent conviction. "Because he thought he was protecting you, Dani!" she interjects, her voice holding a mix of exasperation and empathy.

After a moment of silence, I found myself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, contemplating my current predicament. Frustration surged within me as I closed my book, tossing it onto the bed with a mix of annoyance and resignation. Placing my head in my hands, I let out a deep sigh that seemed to encapsulate the weight of my emotions. "God... What am I doing? Why did they have to put me in this situation?"

As I groaned and leaned back, collapsing onto the softness of the bed, Pansy made her way to the side of the bed and settled down beside me, her voice laced with a hint of amusement and understanding. "Well, hun, it seems like boys can never make up their minds, despite all the stereotypes about us being the confusing ones."

My gaze fixated on the ceiling, a multitude of possibilities and uncertainties spinning like a cyclone in my thoughts. "What should I do, Pansy? I feel so torn."

Pansy exhaled audibly, her response tinged with empathy. "Honestly, Dani, if you truly have feelings for Draco, it might be worth giving it a shot. Life is too short to let opportunities slip away. However, if your feelings for Mattheo still linger, even after everything that has happened, it wouldn't be fair to lead Draco on, giving him false hope of a future together."

Her words resonated with a sense of clarity and fairness. I nodded slowly, "You're right, Pansy. I shouldn't mess with Draco's emotions if I'm still unsure. It wouldn't be fair to either of us."

"What are your thoughts on Mattheo now that you know he's a Death Eater?"

I turned my head to face her, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. "Honestly," I began, "my feelings haven't changed much. If anything, I'm even more worried for him now. I know all of you can handle yourselves, but if it were ever revealed that you were associated with me, especially Mattheo, it would put your lives in danger... getting you all killed." Pausing briefly, I continued, "I love him, Pansy. I don't think I could ever stop loving him, no matter the circumstances."

Pansy nodded in understanding. "You really should talk to Draco," she suggested.

I nod. "I know," I replied, my gaze shifting towards the ceiling. "With the second event approaching in just a couple of days, my mind has been consumed by the preparations. But I'll definitely speak to him after that."

Curiosity gleamed in Pansy's eyes as she inquired, "By the way, what exactly is this second event?"

I let out a disbelieving scoff, shaking my head slightly. "Based on the clues I've deciphered from that bloody awful egg," I explained, frustration evident in my voice, "it seems the next task will take place underwater."

Pansy's eyes widened in shock. "You must be joking. They're really trying to kill you, aren't they?"

A humorless chuckle escaped my lips. "That seems to be the story of my life, Pansy. It feels like there's always something or someone trying to kill me."

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