Itty bitty imps

By NottaPossum

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Classification AU: Blitzø didn't have a great childhood, he had to grow up really fast and take on a lot of r... More

1. Blitzø's little secret
2. 💙Fizzarolli's Secret Caregiver 💚
3. ❤️Results ❤️
4. 💚Home away from home 💚
5. ❤️Stuck❤️
6.💚Never enough💚
Chapter 7: ❤️❤️🩹Stoles the caregiver Pt 1
Chapter 8: Solutions Pt 1 💚
Chapter 10: Solutions Pt 2 💙💚💙💚
Chapter 11: I don't love you.
12. My way home is through you 💚💙💚💙
13: Blitzø the brat: 😈❤️💜❤️💜
14. Comfort items and comfort people 🧸💚❤️💜💙
15. A new Friend and a new Foe
16: Lost again
17. Two Anxious babies
18. I'll be there
19: Fizzarolli the strong and Blitzø the brave! ❤️🦒🐒🐊💚
20: Birdie the Horse 🐴💛
21 Resolutions💚💙❤️💜
22. We all fall down💔 🏥❤️‍🩹

Chapter 9: Stolas the caregiver Pt 2

820 16 9
By NottaPossum

Blitzø woke up in Stolas's arms. He was bigger again, and could easily put two and two together.

He fucking regressed in front of Stolas!


He tried to release Stolas's grasp on him, but he it was kinda impossible.

"Stolas?" He called out, tapping on the bird's shoulder to wake him up.

Stolas's eyes open and look down at the imp. "Oh, you're awake." Stolas says, letting go of Blitzø to rub the sleep from all four of his eyes. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yeah..." The Imp sighs. "I'm fine."

"How are you feeling?" The prince asks.

Blitzø shrugs, scooting away from Stolas anxiously. "M'fine. Like I said."

"Are, older, now?" Stolas asks, hesitantly.

"I guess." Blitzø shrugs again.

"So, you are a regressor then?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø was embarrassed, he can't believe he actually admitted it. He turned away from Stolas, bringing his knees closer and hugging them.

"Blitzø, please talk to me; I know I push a lot of boundaries with you, but it's only because I care. I would never intentionally hurt you, ever; or tell anyone about this." He promised.

Blitzø thinks about it, then he nods. "Yeah...I am. I don't normally- in front of other people.... Actually ever."

"I figured that." Stolas says. "Do your friends or family know? Your employees? Your daughter?"

Blitzø shakes his head. "No, normally I can hide it pretty well. honestly don't know what's going on with me."

Stolas looks at him, listening. Trying so hard restrain himself from asking a million questions about it- how has he never slipped in front of anyone else? Did Stolas do a good job? How old was regressed Blitzø? He has to know! But he doesn't want to overwhelm him! So, he settles on asking only one question: "What made you slip?"

Blitzø Thought about it...could he tell Stolas the reason? Should he?

He doesn't remember much of what happened at all... but the single word of endearment Stolas had used was all he could think about.


Of all the things to fucking call him!

"I don't- I don't know." Blitzø lies.

He can't trust anyone, he should've lied to Stolas the first place.

Nothing good ever came from people knowing...

Blitzo, past {Age 15}:

Blitzo slowly made his way to his parents side of the tent, he couldn't believe he was actually doing this.

"Blitzo, is everything alright?" Tilla, his mother asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just need to talk to dad for a second." He explains.

"Blitzo..." Tilla crossed her arms.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to cause any problems, I just need to talk to him about what happened, a simple explanation, you don't have to worry about it." Blitzo says.

Tilla still wasn't convinced, she raised an eyebrow to show Blitzo that she was serious; now was certainly not the time to piss off Cash.

"I saw barbie smoking earlier, you may want to check on her to make sure she's okay." Blitzo tells her.

Tilla sighs. "Promise me that you will not antagonize your father."

Blitzo nods. "I promise." He lies.

Tilla nods back. "Alright, I'll go check on your sister, are you going to be alright?" She asks.

"I'll be fine, it's not gonna take long." Blitzo says.

"Alright, goodnight darling." Tilla says before kissing her son's cheek.

"Night, mom." He says. Blitzo waits until his mom is really gone before walking inside the tent.

His father was busy, counting money and shit, the one thing he actually loved was money. He didn't really care about his wife or kids, nothing they did ever made him proud. It was never enough for him.

"Blitzo? What the fuck do you want?" His father asks, suddenly noticing the teen.

"It was me..." Blitzo confessed.


"I was the one who cheated on the godamn test, alright? Happy?" Blitzo asks.

Cash was happy, he smiled slyly at his son with raised eyebrows as if he actually accomplished something. "Oh yeah? Why did you cheat?" He asks, standing up and circling the smaller imp.

"Why do you think?" Blitzo asks.

"So you are a little then?" Cash chuckles. "What a shame. I was hoping it would be a kid I could actually be proud of." Cash says. "But I suppose you'll have to be enough."

"Listen, I'm the one who funded this fucking circus after you sold me to that stupid prince!" Blitzo raised his voice. "And I've been making plenty with your 'special' clients."

"I don't know why you feel the need to bring it up all the time!" Cash scoffs. "We brought you back, just like we always do!"

"The point is, do you really want to be stuck with me? Deal with caseworkers and shit forever?! They won't leave you alone long enough to hide what you've been having me do. And, I'm telling you now, if you send any caseworkers here, I'll make sure they know about all the shit that happens around here, including stealing from that owl prince and pimping me off while you overwork Fizz and Barb." Blitzo threatens, moving closer to his father in his attempt to be intimidating.

"You'd do that to your own family- to your mother?!" Cash asks spitefully.

"The guilt trip and threats won't work on me this time, pops; I'm fucking serious." Blitzo says, standing his ground. "You did this to your family, not me."

"Then you'll be in shit too, taken to some fucking adoption center to waste away, you fucking moron!" Cash explains. "No one will want you!"

Blitzo shrugs. "It's better than jail with you, right?" He asks. "How about this: I don't retake the test, and no one needs to make any drastic decisions or ruin a perfectly horrible family business, alright?" He suggests.

Cash sighs. "Fine, I won't make you take the second test; but don't think for one second that if you cause me any more trouble I'll just let you. I can always find a trafficker to sell you to." His father got frightening close to Blitzo. "Because, see, they don't really care what your results are. They'll take you anyway." He cornered Blitzo to the wall of their tent, his threatening dark tone bright shivers down Blitzø's spine.

"Trust me, I wouldn't expect anything different from you." Blitzo says, glaring daggers at his father, he tries to keep his breathing under control, Cash can't know how scared he was.

"Good, it's important you know who's mercy you're under." Cash says, grabbing Blitzo by his collar. "I've done everything I can to take care of you kids, and none of you have ever shown me any kind of respect, especially you! You will start showing me the respect I deserve, and you're going to be working harder from now on, pleasing anyone I put in front of you with no trouble. Got that, buster?" His father asks.

"Yes." Blitzo agreed reluctantly, looking away from his father's violent eyes. "I got it."

"Good, now get some sleep. You have work tomorrow." Cash says with a smile, letting him go.

Blitzo walked back to his side of the tent with Fizzarolli. He hated that he had to do that, hated his father more than anything... but it was worth it to ensure the safety of both Barbie and Fizzarolli.

Blitzo knew he'd pay for this. But, no good deed goes unpunished. Blitzo's life is already horrible, this is the only way he can protect his sister and boyfriend, and it will be worth it in the end.


"Well, I certainly understand why you'd want to keep this a secret." Stolas says. "Especially from me."

Blitzø couldn't believe that he actually told Stolas about this, he hasn't told anyone about this since his father! And what the hell is Stolas going to do? Would he send a report? He's never been against breaking the rules before (e.g the grimoire) but who knows where Stolas stands on this particular subject.

"Blitzø, if you're worried about me telling anyone, you don't have to be. I'm serious when I say I genuinely care about you and your health. Alerting anyone about this would possibly ruin your career and reputation; not to mention take away the little freedom you have. I care too much about you to let that happen, and I don't know what I'd ever do if I lost you." Stolas explains.

Blitzø nods. "Alright."

"Are you alright?" Stolas asks again as he notices Blitzø's breathing had increased immensely.

Blitzø nods. "Yeah, I just- I need to catch my breath." He says.

Stolas nods, understanding.

They waited a few moments for Blitzø's breathing to get back to normal in total silence, then Stolas suddenly smiles, then starts laughing hysterically.

Blitzø glared at the owl. "The fuck is your problem?" He asks.

"It's just-" he hoo'ed. "you really ARE a child."

Blitzø blushes slightly, then scoffs and throws a pillow at Stolas to try and hide his reaction. "Shut up, asshole."

"Seriously, though. You have nothing to worry about." Stolas says. "I won't yell anyone about this. But, I must say, I'm am glad you told me."

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" Blitzø' asks.

"Because it means you trust me." Stolas says.

Blitzø thought about it, did he really? He definitely could've just told him to fuck off and been done with it- but, he choose to tell him the truth. Willingly.

"So that means you don't have a caregiver." Stolas says.

"What?" Blitzø asks. "Oh, Uh, no. Obviously. And I don't need one." He adds.

"I happen to be a classified caregiver, perhaps I could look after you?" Stolas suggests.

"I just fucking said I don't need one." Blitzø repeats.

"I know you don't, I just mean sometimes, or hang out with you so you don't feel so lonely. I did a fairly good job today, didn't I?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø hesitates. "I- I don't really remember anything when I regress." He confesses.

"Oh, that sounds rather scary." Stolas says.

Blitzø shrugs. "I think it's my mind trying to protect me from shame or something."

Stolas nods. "Probably For the best then." He mumbles. "Maybe having a caregiver just to make sure nothing bad happens to you would be useful?" He suggests. "Make you feel more secure?"

Blitzø sighs. "Maybe..."

"Take some time to think about it." Stolas suggests. "I promise I would never do anything that we hadn't already talked about, you can trust me."

"Why do you even want to? Littles are...I don't know, they're a lot of work." Blitzø says.

"Well, being royalty and all, I've never had a little of my own. Raising my daughter was one of the best experiences of my entire life if you don't count Stella's interference. All caregivers need a little, and with you being more independent, I think it would be a perfect opportunity for the both of us." Stolas explains.

Blitzø thought about it, Stolas did make a good point, but it was still Stolas. They're business partners, not friends, not boyfriends. It would be foolish to allow him to do something this intimate.

It was a good sign that Stolas was actually asking though, he could've just told the authorities about him, then he could've filled in the stupid paperwork and kept Blitzø to himself and no one would ever say anything about it! They never asked what the littles wanted, always claiming that littles just don't know what's good for them, especially when they're lower class citizens like imps- but Stolas actually asked him.

Stolas was...evolving. He's thinking of Blitzø as something other then a lower class demon, what did he actually think of him? Blitzø wasn't sure...

"What do you think?" Stolas asks.

All Blitzø could hear is his stupid father saying: 'No one will want you.'

Most people might think this proved him wrong, that Stolas actually did want him. But, Blitzø knew the truth. No matter what happens, Stolas and him could never be more than what they already are.

Which is nothing.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Stolas." Blitzø says. "I'm sorry."

Stolas nods. "Don't be, I understand." He says. "Don't worry, I won't bring it up again you know, unless I have to. I do not wish to make you feel uncomfortable."

Blitzø nods.

"Oh, I'll go bring us some dinner now." Stolas announced awkwardly, getting up and leaving.

Blitzø exhaled slowly, He can't wait till he can go home, he has a feeling Stolas has been rejected enough for now.


Stolas was a little disappointed at Blitzø's rejection, of course. But he did understand. Blitzø and him have a complicated relationship, and Stolas felt he was mostly to blame for it; why did he feel the need to push Blitzø into doing whatever he wanted? It's not that he doesn't care what the Imp needs or wants, perhaps he was simply too selfish in the beginning...and maybe he still is.

He needs to start considering what Blitzø wanted...

Yes, Stolas decides that he needs to start listening and prioritizing Blitzø more, it hasn't really worked in the past but, maybe if he tries harder that will change!

Suddenly, Stolas felt something crawling under the covers of his bed, it was rather strange. He turned on the light and removed the comforter to reveal the darling little Imp.

"Blitzø? What are you doing?" He asks.

Blitzø wasn't in a talkative mood, he just moved closer to Stolas. Blitzø was holding the small horse plushie Stolas had given him a year ago when he hurt his leg, thus indicating he was indeed little right now. He was also wearing his adorable horse hoodie, he was overall the most adorable thing Stolas has ever seen.

"Oh, darling. Are you little?"

Blitzø just hugs the horse closer.

"It's alright if you are, I'm not upset." Stolas says.

Blitzø finally nods.

"Well, that's alright. Do, what are you doing out of bed?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø frowns and shrugs, he doesn't want to answer verbally, which was alright too.

Stolas tilted his head. "Hmm. Perhaps you're just looking for some company? You're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you'd like."

Blitzø smiles and snuggles close to Stolas, he held on to the bird as if he was afraid he'd suddenly leave if he let go.

Stolas petted the little one gently, there has to be a way, he couldn't just let Blitzø be without a caregiver, could he? It would be cruel to leave a child on his own.

But how could he convince Blitzø to agree?


Happy Mother's Day if you're a mother, or a caregiver, or to those who had to mother themselves.

If you like this story, please comment...I'm lonely lol

Feel free to interact with me on here, wattpad, a even on Tumblr

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