You and I

By anderssonlyngstad

4K 233 132

Benny and Frida are a married couple that has been together for nearly 15 years and 5 of marriage. After spli... More

bésame mucho
are you happy?
hej gamle man
a threesome
angry sex
you give me love
puppy love on bad times
the sex shop
night of passion
thinking out loud
A cheater or a preggo?

open relationships

226 15 12
By anderssonlyngstad

Frida was lying naked on her stomach, her arms supporting her head, while Benny was giving a few kisses on her back, they had just made love and it felt phenomenal. He placed his hand on her lower back almost on her butt and then began to lightly bite her shoulder, admiring her perfect body and her tan. "We have to get back to the beach," he commented, his index finger tracing the lines of the swimsuit on her skin.

"Why? I mean, it doesn't sound like a bad plan, but why?" She then chose to turn around to look at him.

Benny took advantage and followed the path with his fingers on to her breasts, playing with the difference in shades. "The lines of the swimsuit need to be corrected," he expressed and moved a little closer to her placing a kiss on her breast.

Frida rolled her eyes and put her hands covering her chest. "I'm not getting any younger Benny," she complained. "I can't walk on the beach with my tits sticking out anymore, nor with the miniature bikini I could once wear," she added.

"Why not?" He asked kissing her neck. "For me is the same. Your body hasn't changed that much," he assured her.

"Oh you say," she laughed and tossed him a pillow sitting on the bed. "You know that's not true," she then got up grabbing her robe that was lying on the floor. "My breasts go down, like the rest of my body," she added.

"And I don't give a damn about that," he quickly replied and also got up from the bed to look for his underwear. "The more the years go by, the sexier you are to me," he looked at her and they both smiled. They returned to the bed and she took his face in her hands, then kissed him. "Second round?" he tempted.

"No..." she released him. "Benny," she sighed and they both stared at each other. "What do you think our marriage needs to survive?" she asked him.

Benny's face went from light to rigid in a matter of seconds, her question disconcerting him. "Absolutely nothing. The only thing our marriage needs is for us to stay together and love each other," he replied.

Frida sighed. "I need to have this conversation, seriously..." she frowned at his response, she hated that Benny always romanticized everything.

"I meant it, Frida," he replied. "I don't know what your question is about, I thought everything was fine between us, what do you need from us?" He questioned her.

"I don't lack anything but I'm afraid that you do," she pursed her lips. "A threesome?" She paused and stared at him. "A baby?"

"I don't need a threesome," he fixed his gaze on her trying to digest the last part, without committing any indiscretion. "For me there is no more kinky fantasy than having only you in my bed," he confirmed climbing on top of her and bringing his mouth to hers, caressing her lips and lubricating them with saliva. It felt like they were hugging, he inserted his tongue into her for more pleasure. Frida hugged him, pressing him against her and feeling how with each passing second he was running out of breath, she felt too good despite her discomfort.

Frida broke the kiss looking for air. "Okay, I get it," she teased, closing her eyes and trying to breathe.

"In case it wasn't clear to you," he returned to his bedside and got under the covers.

Frida sighed and pulled the sheets tight, also covering herself. "But you didn't answer me the second one," she commented somewhat shyly, still not looking at him.

"Aren't we too old for that already?" He looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes. "Not long ago you were talking about how old we are."

"Well, my biological clock is already ticking down, but how many women my age have been pregnant?" She explained.

"I'm surprised," he raised an eyebrow.

"What surprises you, Benny?"

"That you are now asking that question," he laughed. "What will we do on the weekend?" He completely ignored the subject and gave her a kiss. "Tomorrow is Friday and I feel like inviting the children to dinner this weekend, if they remember us..."

"We'd better take them out for dinner," she snuggled in, closing her eyes. "I don't feel like being home this weekend," she added.


The next day, Frida parked her car a few meters from the hairdresser where it had parking available, she had made an appointment at the hairdresser with Agnetha, so she had five minutes to arrive on time.

The snow had come down a bit, but they still didn't have sun in the city and the streets were still wet and it was very cold, but she was supposed to be used to that weather by now. She'd rather go out and do things than stay in the house while Benny worked.

Already at the door of the place, she heard a voice in the distance but approaching that called her. "Frida!" She turned to her side before opening the door and watched as her short-haired blonde friend quickened her pace toward her.

Frida smiled and stepped back to wait for her at the entrance. "Hej!" She said as soon as they were close, Agnetha had a huge sack to cover herself against the cold and her bag in hand.

They both shared a hug. "How are you?" she asked her.

"Not as young as you," she teased. "But I'm fine, let's go in..." Frida opened the door for them to enter.

"Welcome," the salon manager said.

"Matilda!" Frida smiled and they both shared a hug. "I brought with me Agnetha today," she laughed and stepped aside so they could greet each other.

"You did good. Welcome Agnetha," she said. Frida had gone with her to get her hair done since the late 70s, so they already knew each other. "Champagne, run through the house," she offered them, as one of her assistants emerged with a bottle of Moët and two glasses.

"I like coming here," Frida smiled. Then, she saw that Lillebil and Mona were in the dryer, who were also getting pedicures.

"Frida, friend!" Lillebil greeted her.

"Nice to see you two here," Frida commented and went to her chair where one of the stylists was waiting for her.

"What will you do to your hair today?" she asked, pulling the black cloak over her.

"I want to go blonde," she replied, taking a drink.

"Oh! From redhead to blonde," Matilda looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm tired of being dangerous," she pursed her lips.

"Those radical changes are made by women when we are going through a challenging and restorative phase," Mona dared to comment from her seat.

Frida chuckled. "Well..." She sighed. "Probably."

"I change my hair color every time my husband sleeps with someone else," Matilda commented helping Agnetha to sit on the sink.

"Do you let your husband sleep with others?" Frida raised both eyebrows, feeling how the subject suddenly haunted her, as if life had some message to tell her.

"Well," Matilda took a towel and put it around Agnetha's neck, wondering what she would say, but she was a salon owner and usually gossip was collected in the salon. "Sure, from time to time... but that gives me permission to do the same."

"Why are you in a relationship then?" Frida asked, not wanting to judge, she was just curious.

"Because we feel good about each other and we want to share our lives, but sometimes we need other things..." she paused. "Do you understand me?"

Frida laughed somewhat embarrassed. "Oh no! I can't understand those things, I think my relationship is somewhat analogous in that sense," she confessed.

"Men by nature are unfaithful," Mona commented adding fuel to the fire. "They have one or two little adventures, so giving them the go-ahead and free rein will not change the situation, it will only make you aware..."

Frida looked at her through the mirror and had to control her hands that had started to shake a little.

"That's right," Lillebil corroborated. "An unexpected change of hours at work, a business trip abroad, a trip to some place that you don't know where and then he doesn't want to explain. There they are cheating at every opportunity they get," she explained, as expert as if she had experience.

"Men of all shapes come to you, allow them, relationships are not all forged in the same way," Agnetha entered to save the moment, knowing that Frida was an overthinker and now she would make a whole movie in her head, although she didn't care either, she wanted to detract from comments that were partly true.

"You're partly right," Matilda tilted her head slightly, then ran water over Agnetha's hair to rinse out the shampoo. "But they will do it knowing you and not, I prefer my husband to be clear with me and I decide if I get angry or not."

Later, Agnetha and Frida had left the salon, Frida had gone completely blonde, her short hair styled. They were both walking through Hamngatan, their final destination was Nordiska Kompaniet, as Agnetha would have a photoshoot in a few days for her new album "Eyes of a Woman" and she asked Frida to accompany her.

They were walking along the sidewalk on that cold Stockholm afternoon that soon threatened to grow dark, but neither of them was in a hurry. "Have you and Björn ever, as far as I know, ever had a threesome?" Frida dared to ask while they both walked, she with both hands inside the pockets of her jacket.

"Oh my God, no!" Agnetha immediately responded by shaking her head and stopped for a few milliseconds looking at her confused, Frida didn't stop and kept walking. Agnetha had to pick up her pace a bit to catch up. "Don't tell me that the conversation in the salon is already working on your little head.

Frida sighed. "It's not just that, we were having dinner with another friend of mine and well, at dinner they confessed to us that they are in an open relationship. It surprised me, it left me bewildered," she confessed. "I don't know why, because in the end that is their life and they decide what to do but..."

Agnetha cut her off, "but now you're wondering if your relationship needs that too," she finished her sentence. "But it doesn't have to be that way, you relationship with Benny doesn't have to be like everyone else's."

"It's not just that, it doesn't have to be like everyone else's because from the beginning we set our own rules, but... what if Benny needs an open relationship? What will happen if he gets bored with me and goes off with someone else?"

"Honey, I thought you'd gotten over those insecurities by now," Agnetha slowed her pace a bit. "I don't think it's necessary for you to immerse yourself now in that world that is not true..."

"Have you ever thought about it in your relationship?" She questioned her. "That maybe Björn needs something else."

"Maybe I've thought about it to be honest but I don't let it keep me up at night," she added. "Whatever Björn decides to do with his life one day, he will do it taking me into consideration or not, doing things right or not..." she assured him. "Men don't leave because you're doing something right or wrong, or because they're missing something...they leave because they don't care and I think Benny cares a lot about you."

"Maybe you're right," Frida agreed, convincing herself that she was just paranoid and that she shouldn't fall back into bad thoughts.


Frida got home around 5:00 p.m., which was supposed to be the time Benny was supposed to be arriving. She left the keys and shoes at the entrance but took the jacket with her, she was to put it in her dirty clothes, earlier eating with Agnetha she dropped garlic sauce and it got dirty.

She tossed her hair back to clear her face and sighed, she wanted to make some dinner to share with Benny and spend the night together. She made sure to take off all of her extra clothes because she was already in the comfort and warmth of her home, she was left with only a flannel and stockings.

Entering the kitchen, she smiled because she was excited to cook and make things for her and Benny, it was what she was most passionate about and she knew that she liked him with that.

Later, it was already past 7 pm, she looked at her watch and sighed. She had already served the food, Benny was supposed to be home two hours ago but no, he hadn't called either, she tried to call a couple of times but then she regretted it, she didn't want to control him either.

Already with the spirits on the ground, she decided to leave food covered on the table and go up to the bedroom, she wanted to take a shower. Once in her room, she finished taking off all her clothes, leaving herself completely naked, she lowered the curtains because the windows did not give privacy, then she went into the bathroom. She turned on the shower faucet and the water was ice cold, so she switched to hot water and she had to wait until it was to her liking.

Where's Benny? She thought aloud when looking in the mirror and remembering that she had a makeover, the blonde tint now gave her a softer feeling, less rocky, more mature but it was still her and she liked it.


Benny got home around 8:30 p.m., it was quiet, only the sound of the rain could be heard. Once he took off everything, he entered the dining room and noticed that there was food on the table, "Frida?" He called but no one answered. He continued his way to the second level and entered his bedroom, then he found his wife with a peculiar look, something new and she was asleep on the bed while she was wrapped in her white towel.

He approached her and leaned on the bed, contemplating her perfect face and her new look. "Now you're blonde," he whispered and giggled, stroking her short hair. He then sighed and got up, to put on more comfortable clothes, he was sorry he hadn't arrived earlier that night.

Benny took off everything he was wearing and got ready to put on some warm pajamas, then he went to the bathroom to wash his face and teeth and returned to the bedroom. He looked at Frida, he didn't want to wake her up, it wouldn't be fair for her, what seemed strange to him is that by that time she hadn't done it, because she was a light sleeper and woke up easily. He approached her and tried to accommodate her on the pillow and cover her with the sheets, at least she would have to sleep comfortably. He pulled the towel back a little so it wouldn't get in the way, but he knew he had to restrain himself from having her body like that and so close to him.

To take care of the rest, he went down to the kitchen and saved all the food for the next day, he felt bad that all of that was left there, knowing that she worked hard to prepare dinner. The ringing of the telephone sounded disconcerting him, being the only sound that interrupted his peace. He immediately went to answer it, he thought it might be Lotta, she used to call around that time of the night because of the time difference from New York.

"Good evening," he replied.

"Hello Benny?" He heard a woman's voice say, he was trying to remember where he recognized her from but he still couldn't.

"He speaks..." he paused to see what was coming.

"It's Mona, Lillebil's sister," he introduced herself. "Sorry for calling at this time, Anni-Frid left her earrings in the hairdresser and I have them," she explained.

"Anni-Frid is sleeping now but I can tell her you called," he replied. "Thank you, I'm sure she'll get in touch with you tomorrow," he added.

"Okay." She paused and cleared her throat. "Nice to hear from you, I hope you're okay," she said, trying to hold a longer conversation.

"Thank you Mona, I hope you're okay too..." he smiled.

"Good evening," he heard her say on the other end of the phone, as if she wanted to keep or extend the call.

After saying goodbye to her, Benny hung up and after leaving everything organized he went back up to his bedroom. Frida was still sleeping, deep inside he hoped to find her awake but that was not the case. He turned off the light and climbed into bed, feeling the warmth of her body warm his as well. Frida turned a little towards him, Benny took advantage of her closeness and put his hand around her waist, settling down to sleep.


Frida began to wake up, she felt her man's breath very close to her, almost going into her nose. She felt his hand on her and tried to pull away from him a little. She rolled onto her back, looking around her, perhaps it still seemed like night, but darkness meant nothing in winter time. She looked on the nightstand, the clock said 2:45 a.m. She removed his hand and sat on the bed, covering herself with the towel that was beginning to bother her, she felt like her whole body had its mark.

She turned on the light of the lamp and looked at her husband who was sleeping soundly, at least he came home to sleep. She took off her towel and consequently, she covered herself with the sheet, she didn't mind sleeping naked. She went back to her initial position and began to stroke his hair with the intention of waking him up. She looked at his lips, moved closer and began to kiss him.

Benny began to groan, struggling to open his eyes until he began to feel the light bothering and in front of him, with her hand on his cheek and her piercing green eyes staring at him, he saw his wife. "Good morning?"

"It's not dawn yet," she was quick to reply.

Yawning. "Are not you sleepy?"

"More or less," she replied, brushing the strand of his hair away. "Why were you late? I've been waiting for you."

"I wasn't late, just not at the usual time," he returned his hand to her waist and stroked her back.

"You didn't notice my hair color," she said.

"Of course," Benny smiled and brought his face to her neck for a kiss. "And I like it," he added.

She turned away from him and he could feel her body tense. "But you didn't make it to dinner," she complained.

"Sorry, I had more work than usual today," he apologized for the situation.

"Phones exist, Benny," she complained, turning to take her side and reaching out to turn off the light.

"I didn't think it was necessary," he sighed, trying to speak to her, but she had turned her back on him.

"You always arrive at 5:00 p.m., especially on Fridays, we are used to that, you can't tell me that arriving two or three hours later is not being late..."

"Frida, don't you get tired of the habit?" He commented, causing her to fall into a terrifying, awkward silence.

"Maybe we will end up like couples that resemble our lifestyle, even if we want to deny it," she commented in a low voice, almost afraid to hear what she had to say, she didn't want to and refused, but the voice of her subconscious screamed at her. Benny knew that a new storm was brewing.

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