angry sex

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Frida was sitting on Benny's lap, they were on a restaurant and waiting for their children to arrive so they could have dinner. Meanwhile, they couldn't take their hands off each other. That day Frida had been very horny, she had an enormous desire to keep in constant physical contact with her husband and she didn't care where they were. She placed her hand on his cheek, caressing his beard and brushing their lips while they kissed regardless of the people around her. "I think we should stop," Benny gasped and broke the kiss.

"I don't want to," she said against his lips.

"You're turning me on Frida," he complained and placed his hand on her ass

"I didn't know this was a bedroom here," they heard Heléne say as soon as she reached the table.

Frida pursed her lips to avoid a laugh and sat in her chair. "Welcome, Heléne," she said.

"Oh my God!" Heléne exclaimed looking at her. "You are blonde..."

"Do you like it?" Frida combed her hair with her fingers showing it off.

"Yes, you look pretty," Heléne nodded smiling.

"And now you're redheaded," Frida raised both eyebrows and smiled. "The color sets your skin tone, well done," she winked at her stepdaughter.

"Inspired by you of course," Heléne replied.

Later that night, Peter and Hans had already arrived for dinner as well. They ordered from the menu and ate and drank, the most common thing on the table was red wine. Benny as always giving advice to his three children, not only about parenting, but also about music; Frida, for her part, was quieter than expected and she just listened and ate. She leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs. Then she stared at Benny as she considered her next move. Through the tail of his eye, Benny noticed her fixed gaze but he didn't pay attention to her,  he just kept talking. Frida cleared her throat and pushed the chair a little more towards him and then towards the table, so that the tablecloth could cover her a little more. Then, she slowly trailed her hands across his thigh. Benny felt her movements, but he still didn't say anything, until he felt her hand between his legs.

He gasped on impact as he listened to Peter speak, but he was no longer concentrating. Frida smiled victoriously, noticing that his face immediately turned red. Frida began to caress his crotch, if their relationship required passion, she was willing to look for it, without needing a third party.

Benny became so distracted that he couldn't keep up with the conversation anymore, he discreetly took her hand and pulled it away, so she wouldn't keep doing that. Frida, for her part, insisted, so she returned her hand, now with a smile on her face. She bit her lip, still not giving in. Frida took the situation further, she began to unzip his pants to reach her target.

Benny frowned, discomfort on his face. He grabbed her hand, squeezing it now, and aggressively pulled it back, letting it fall. Frida looked at him confused and surprised, "what's wrong with you?" She said without pretending anything else.

"What's wrong with you?" He then turned to look at her clearly uncomfortable.

Benny then closed his zipper covertly, their three children looking at them in confusion. He was afraid that she would make him hard, besides he didn't want to do it there, in front of the children, on another occasion he would have considered it but not now. "Is everything alright?" Heléne asked confused.

"Can we talk for a moment?" Benny got up from his chair irritably and addressed Frida.

She rolled her eyes and got up quite offended, she couldn't understand his attitude. Benny headed to a corner of the restaurant near the kitchen, so it wasn't too crowded. Frida crossed her arms and stood in front of him, ready to listen to him. "Do you think it's fun to do those things?" He questioned her, clearly annoyed.

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