are you happy?

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Frida was sitting in the waiting room with her legs crossed and moving one of them constantly, Benny was sitting next to her while they carefully observed each situation that came their way. He was already feeling desperate from her restlessness, so he put a hand on her leg trying to calm her down. Frida frowned and looked at him, he tried not to create a drama out of it and stole a kiss from her. "Almost there," he assured her to justify his action.

Frida said nothing and rolled her eyes, then opted to lay her head on his shoulder. The room was full of pregnant women and they, in turn, were with their partners sharing the joys, which, more or less, made Frida jealous. She held her lover's arm and hugged him, he glanced at her not knowing exactly what that meant.

Around three minutes later, they were already inside the doctor's office, Frida had undressed and put on her gown to be examined. With Benny's help, she climbed onto the gurney while her doctor wrote some details on her record about the tests she had taken. "I see that everything is in order Anni-Frid," the doctor informed her reading the papers that she had in her hands. "A little vitamin D deficiency, nothing that a few pills can't fix," she added.

"Or a vacation in the Caribbean," Frida quipped.

"That might help, too," the doctor nodded, moving closer to her and moving Benny to one side of her.

The doctor examined Frida, checked her breasts with a mammogram to make sure there weren't any abnormal situations to worry about, he also did a pap smear to highlight diseases. "Frida, everything is fine with you, even better than the last time we met," he commented. "You can get dressed again now."

With her help, Frida got up from the stretcher and returned to the bathroom to put on her clothes, while the doctor wrote down the results and Benny watched him closely at her work. "Sit down Frida," the doctor suggested when he saw her come out of the bathroom already changed, she did so and Benny next to her. "You're still smoking, right?" he questioned.

"Occasionally, why?" She responded by raising an eyebrow and Benny squeezed her hand.

"Well, as we have already discussed, it is not highly recommended that you continue taking birth control pills, first of all because of your age, confirm for me, you just turned 39, which is beyond the prudent age..."

"That's right, I turned 39 but I thought we had agreed that it was just changing it so my body wouldn't get used to it," she frowned.

"I know but I also asked you to stop smoking," he said.

"Well... how likely is it that I'll get pregnant at my age?" She asked and Benny immediately looked at her, surprised.

"I don't want to say the odds are low, but it's not that possible if you've been on the pills for twenty years, plus your lifestyle. Is having a child what you want?" the doctor asked.

"Oh no," Benny chimed in and shook his head. "That's definitely not in our plans."

Frida only half smiled and decided not to say anything. "Well then, what can we do?" She tried to divert the subject.

"We will change the pill in the next cycle and we will see how your body evolves, but my suggestion is that you stop smoking." Having said this, Frida nodded, agreeing with all yhe indications.

Later that day, Benny and Frida were in gamla stan having dinner at her favorite restaurant, Frida was having fish for dinner and Benny decided to go for grilled lobster, just marinated with garlic sauce and cilantro. They were very quiet just eating, sometimes it used to be like that and it honestly didn't bother them.

Frida was moving her leg all the time and touching Benny's without any intention, he initially let it go, but there came a time when she couldn't help it anymore. "Frida," he called her attention because she was busy with her plate. "Do you think we are two teenagers?" He said as soon as he managed to get her attention.

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