you give me love

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Frida was peacefully sleeping on her side of the bed, Benny was already up and in his bathrobe, he had to go to work but not so early, so he could take his time. Coming out of the bathroom, he saw that Apolo was at the bedroom door ripping it open and desperately trying to get out, which made noise. Benny walked over to him and held him in his arms, "what's up buddy?" He whispered to him and opened the door. "Are you hungry? Let's go downstairs," he said. "Your mom is sleeping and we don't want to wake her up," he added.

Apolo calmed down and they both went downstairs, Benny went to the kitchen and put Apolo on the floor, who immediately ped on the floor. "Hey! No..." Benny sighed and crouched down but it was too late, the dog urinated. "You needed it, didn't you?" He got up again and went to find something to clean so it wouldn't get stinky. Apolo, for his part, followed him like his tail to every place Benny went, when he went to look for the mop, then when he returned to the kitchen and began to play with the fringes. He barked with his teeth and bit the fiber of the mop as if it were a toy.

"Give me a chance, boy," Benny asked, trying to control him, but Apolo wouldn't stop playing. "Okay, we're done here," he said, giving up. He took Apolo in his arms so that he could carry the mop to its place.

Later, Frida woke up, it was late and she knew it, but since it was winter she could hardly tell day from night. She looked at the clock, it was 10 in the morning and sighed, then she looked at Apolo's makeshift bed, he wasn't there so she got worried.

She immediately sat on the bed and put her feet on the floor looking for her slippers, then she got up from the bed grabbing her robe to cover her pajamas. She hurried out of the room to find out where her new son was, "Apolo!" She called to him and went downstairs. "Apolo, where are you my love?" She called again.

"In the kitchen," Benny replied, hearing her. A few seconds later, Frida entered the kitchen, Benny was sitting at the table with Apolo on his lap, who was sleeping, with one hand he was stroking his fur and with the other he was drinking his coffee. "Good morning sleeping beauty," he said upon seeing her.

"I didn't know you were still here," she replied, combing her fingers through her hair so she wouldn't look so beggarly. "Good morning."

"I have a meeting at 12 but I don't have anything extraordinary outside of that," he explained. "I made breakfast, Apolo already ate and is back to sleep..."

"Thank you," she sighed and moved closer to them, nuzzling Apolo who was peacefully sleeping with Benny. "Did he behave well?"

"As far as it goes," he laughed. "He peed on the floor but I think it was my fault for not understanding that he needed to pee," he explained. "We must create a space where he can relieve himself," he added.

"Yeah, I'll take care of that," she nodded and then moved away a bit, going to pour coffee into her cup. "I have to go buy him some things and also food."

"Okay, so you can keep yourself busy while I work and at night we can go out to dinner if you want," he suggested.

"We'll see," she replied. Benny, for his part, got up from her chair, accommodating Apolo so he wouldn't wake up, then he went to Frida to kiss her good morning, since they hadn't. He took her by the waist and sniffed at her neck, later giving her a kiss.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked staring into her green eyes.

By this time, Frida was shaking. "I did," she replied.

"I could make love to you right now," he whispered back to her neck, pressing a few wet kisses now. He held her bottom and then brought his hand to her thigh, tempting her against the sink.

"Stop," she gasped, but when he didn't stop, Frida used her hands to separate him from her. "I don't want to," she said.

Benny then stopped, sensing the seriousness in her words. He looked at her but didn't comment on it, "I'll go get dressed," he said, pulling away a bit. Frida agreed.

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