A Ragnarasson Lady - Vikings

Od Falenwritting

15.8K 190 10

" You were never on my side " Viac

𝟶𝟶𝟶 A Ragnarasson Lady
001 Where everything started
002 Wrong decision comes with consequences
003 The Yol
004 Rise and fight
005 The years that had passed
006 The children's worst day
007 The worst thing that could happen
009 lies will start here
010 The viking's plan
011 The christian and heathen
012 Blood and war
013 The day the music died
014 The damn night
015 The blood spoil
016 A Son
017 The Blood Bath
018 Power Is Power
019 Is This Really Where Everything Started?
020 Fun Family

008 One mistake causes everything

245 4 0
Od Falenwritting

Episode 18,19,20 connect!

Solaine ignored her brothers talking as she paced around the room calming aslaug down in her arms, Adeline sighed and walked to ivar slapping him in the head

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"Let's stop talking about this revenge nonse brother"

Solaine passed aslaug in his arm and sitting down next to ivar

"Look one day one of our brother's will die in your hands"

"At least i did not become a parent at thirteen!"

Solaine scoffed looking at him

"Your litterly holding my child ivar"

Ivar rolled his eyes playfully giving aslaug back to her, she sighed and rocked aslaug in her arms

Solaine watched the wedding between ubbe and margrethe, aslaug has been fussing in her arms the entire moment

"And now the bridal race!"

Hvitserk started running as ubbe chased, solaine stood next to ivar laughing

The whole table was laughing, hvitserk was serving drinks

"Come here boy!"

Ivar demanded, hvitserk walked to him and poured ale to his horn

"My horn is empty"

"Mine too"

They all laughed once again as sigurd poured all of his ale out of his horn, freyja smiled and held his hand under the table

"However much we paid for this slave i think it was too much, hmm?"

Hvitserk smiled narcissisticly

"Let's drink to the newlyweds"


Everyone drank there horn, hvitserk poured more ale to margrethe's horn

"And to the soon to be married, sigurd freyja"

Freyja smiled at ubbe as sigurd wrapped his arms around her

"I have heard brother you gotten her pregnant"

"Why yes"

Ivar smile fell as he looked over at sigurd and freyja

"Is this true"

"Um yes ivar"

Freyja response, she drank her ale looking at him, solaine looked around awkwardly before raising her cup high

"Of course congratulations to the newlyweds and to the soon to be married skol!"


Everyone then once drank again, elida looked at hvitserk passed by before drinking her ale, ivar scoffed but still drank his own, freyja looked over at solaine smiling solaine smiled backed at her to show respect

Night reached and solaine looked ivar

"I know you are jealous-"

"Of course i am! Ubbe had gotten margrethe and sigurd had gotten freyja"

Solaine sighed rubbing her temple

"Crimson must have thought you were already in love with margrethe, that's why he arranged the marriage between freyja and sigurd"

Solaine sighed once again looking at ivar

"You have no one to blame but yourself ivar"

Ivar looked at her angrily but kept his calm

"Now go you have a ceremony to watch i need to calm aslaug down before she wakes the whole town"

Ivar chuckled and crawled off

"Siblings! This is my decision we refuse to share power with any other kings and earls whoever they are or how powerful they are, least of all my siblings king harald finehair and his brother for they are dedicated to our overthrow"

"A brother killing his own brother by cold blood"

Solaine mumbled as she looked at a bug crawling her hands, ivar looked at her confused before turning to bjorn

"Is that understood? We are all equally ragnar's children but we see not equal in battle so i will take the lead! I will establish the battle plans and i will give the orders do you understand that?"

Ivar shook his head smiling, solaine sighed looking at ivar

"Don't you agree ivar?"

"He didn't say anything-"

"He doesn't have too his age makes him believe he knows more then he do"

Bjorn then leaned to ivar speaking

"But what do you know? What have you done? What battles have you won? And what battles have you lost!? For it is in failure, my brother's and sisters"

Adeline scoffed looking at bjorn

"That is where we learn the most"


"You don't want to listen? That is your choice but i am leader of this great army, me! And you will obey me! And if you do so my siblings revenge for our father"

Bjorn inhaled looking at ivar

"Will be ours"

Solaine knew what she will say will be stupid, she raised her hand looking at bjorn that caught every attention of her siblings

"Yes sister do you have something to say?"

Solaine breathed the air slowly looking at bjron

"You talk very loud and very stupid"

Ivar smiled at solaine and bjorn looked at her with anger, solaine smiled and raised her hand again

"I am speaking the truth brother you sound like a bird flapping his wings"

Sigurd looked away laughing quietly

"Keep your opinions to yourself sister"

"Oh i did and i said it out loud"

Solaine gave him a narcissistic smile before walking off

Solaine stood next to adeline as she stared at the england army

"Did they expect us to be small like them?"

"They are very stupid sister"

Solaine chuckled as the men and woman cheered

Ivar had dragged king ecbert along the mud before ivar stopped, solaine looked down at king ecbert as the ropes on his feet got taken off, solaine followed them as they dragged him to a spot, sigurd held an axe to a scared ecbert as he whimper in fear, adeline walked to him with a fake frown as she placed her hands on his cheeks

"Aw ecbert too scared to fight back"

Adeline looked at sigurd before laughing along with him, bjorn asked a question to ecbert who nodded, the wood was open revealing the sallow space

"This is where our father was killed"

Ivar mentioned, solaine looked into the pit emotionless

"How the little pigs will grunt when they hear the old boar suffered"

"How much gold and silver do you want to spare my life"

Adeline snickered looking at ecbert

"Name your price anything- anything!"

Solaine smiled evily, her siblings turning to her solaine turned to ecbert


Ecbert nodded at her response

"Then we want your life as payment"

Ecbert pleaded before floki held him by the shirt, frigg snickered slightly looking down at the ground

Ecbert screams echoed through the forest as the nail pierced into his hand and the wood holding him down, his shirt was torn half in the back, before ecbert could mutter a thing bjorn already pierced the heat blade into his back making him scream louder , bjorn then opended his skin and started pounding the axe into the skin, ivar got off the stone crawling to ecbert, ivar leaned into the wood as he stared at ecbert's lifeless eyes as it stared back at him,bjorn was covered in blood, some splatter at ubbes face, and some solaine's face, the blood was rolling down there faces until it hit there neck

In the morning ecbert's lifeless body was hang up, everyone looked up on it, solaine looked at it disgusted by kept it hidden

Athena sat next between her brother and half brother, they all watched as the body's wag dragged in

"Father i want to fight with you"

"As do i"

"Me too"

All of them stand up looking at there father

"And i won't risk lives of either of you, your the future, my duty is to protect you both, go to bed sleep peacefully"

Athena sighed and kissed his cheek before walking off with her siblings

"Good boy, good boy,good girl"

"It seems to me the saxon are as timid as frightened women their hearts are faint, i don't think they can truly trouble us"

"You don't know enough ivar, you haven't seen enough this are brave men i have fought some and you haven't"

"I can only see what my eyes tell me bjorn and what i see is frightened people running before us"

Solaine looked at ivar blinking, sigurd then turned to solaine and ivar

"I see their spineless god running away from our gods"

"For once ivar... Why don't you just listen to an older, wiser brother?"

Solaine asked before drinking her ale

"This people who are running away they are not warrior, there not the ones who will stay and fight to defend this kingdom"

"And to protect their honor and what is a warrior without his honor?"

Ivar almost spat his ale out to sigurds words

"I don't know tell me brother and tell me again, how many battled have you fought?"

"Same as you brother expect i don't ride around a comfortable bloody chariot!"

Solaine rolled her eyes mumbling in old norse ignoring her brother as they argue, floki mentioned something and walked off, solaine mumbled again

"Once a cripple kills their own blood... There's nothing going back"

Hvitserk looked at solaine confused as she heard her words

"What did you say?"

Solaine shrugged as she looked at her mead cup

While solaine followed the army before she heard ivar spoke

"Who are you to say that shut your mouth!"

"We are siblings ivar!"

Solaine yelled, walking towards them


"Why do you want to change the tactics"

"Do you want to win brother?"

Bjorn looked at ivar dead in the eye

"Listen come with me solaine orbjornn let us investigate the battlefield, perhaps instead of a narrow and small place, we should stretch the battlefield across a large area many miles and use the landscape, ditches, hills, woods... What do you say"

All of them looked at bjorn waiting for a response

"If it works, it is a good plan if it doesn't it is a bad plan"

Bjorn get on his horse as his others siblings walked off

"Good luck"

Solaine smiled at ivar who smiled back

"What are you waiting for?"


Solaine watched them leave before walking to the camp

Freyja sighed as she was in her own tent fixing her leather gloves, sigurd walked into the tent looking at his bethored


Sigurd called out and walked to her kissing her cheek, freyja looked up at him smiling, sigurd smile back and hold her stomach

"You shouldn't have come"

"But i did"

Sigurd sighed and placed his head on her stomach

"I hope the child grows strong and healthy"

Freyja smiled and pulled his face up kissing him, they didn't noticed ivar watching them in a crack, ivar watched in jealousy as his brother had taken away his love

Once it was time solaine hid behind a rock pointing a bow an arrow at one of them, she was hidden away from the crowd as her siblings were in the crowd, solaine watched as the crowd parted into parts and walked off, she scoffed and followed ivar as she still had the arrow in the bow

Solaine stopped in a spot and Pointe her bow as the christian's turned back, bjorn shot first before solaine and the others followed

"Well they seem stupid"

Bjorn chuckled and continued to shoot along with the others, solaine pulled the string and focused on the guy on the horse, solaine tilted her head and let the string go, it almost hit him, she blinked but continued to shoot on the other's

Solaine looked at the crowd running towards, ivar hummed before responding

"Hmm four blast"

Floki sighed at ivar's words

"If you say so"

Floki blew in the horn as ivar laughed, solaine snickered and got on the cart with ivar, she stick her tongue out to the men laughing

"What are they doing? Where are they going"

Solaine had a smirk on her face as she turned to floki

"To repton i imagine"

Ivar and solaine smirked at floki

"To the boats?"

Floki said in disbelief

"They are going for our boats? Oh you cripple bastard! You were right"

Floki ran up to ivar hugging him

"You were right! Oh you bloody mad genius"

Frigg watched them in the crowd frowning, hvitserk noticed frigg and wrapped his arms around her waist as they watched

Once again the christian fell to the ground from the arrows as they continue to attack, solaine looked at them smirking, solaine run with her siblings, adeline grabbed her hand and made her stand next to her

"Shield wall!"

They do as bjorn commanded


Once that word came out chaos was everywhere, screaming filled the land as they attacked, despite being alone solaine manage to kill some, she swing her axe to a christian's neck and she struggle to get the axe out, she watched as the christian's left and her people cheer, she laughed slightly and adeline run to her hugging her, solaine laughed slightly and she run to sigurd hugging him, sigurd laughed and hugged her back picking her up, solaine run towards ivar cart and was the first one to get in and hugged him

"Ah! We won! Yes!"

Ivar cheered for his siblings as he hugged solaine back

"What she you so happy about?"

Bjorn asked his siblings, they all stopped smiling looking at bjron

"It is still not over yet"

Athena had gotten in the cart with her siblings, she looked over to her grandfather who talked to her brother alfred

"Now now you... You have a destiny alfred that you cannot escape, so you better get used to it, in the meantime listen and learn, listen to the highest and lowest learn from the prince and the sheperd, and remember the greatest christian virtue alfred is humility"

"Thank you grandfather... I love you"

"And i you"

Ecbert kissed Alfred's head as athena held her other brother's hand aelthered

"Now you two take care of your brother, for he is special too and your mother"

Ecbert kissed aelthered head, when ecbert reached athena he hugged him and he hugged back, she watched as her grandfather left with her father

Once the others reached the town almost everyone had left, solaine got off the cart and walked away for a bit, she stopped and grabbed a necklace, it was athena's necklace she remember it has a golden chain with a emerald in the middle, she hesitate but put it in her pocket and looked around

Solaine watched as the men, woman took the gold and burn the place, before ecbert showed up, solaine tilted her head looking at ecbert, a man pointed an arrow at him before bjorn stopped him


Solaine flinched at his tone, the man stopped him by placing there sword in his throat, neck and chest

"This is king ecbert! I order you to spare him"

Frigg walked into the castle and stopped seeing helga fall to the floor



Frigg ran to her crying

"Helga! No no-"

"I am happy now"

Frigg cried in her chest as helga hushed her, she placed her hand on her cheek looking at the crying frigg

"I get to see my angrboda- you are not like anybody else... Be yourself floki- and frigg... Take care of your father for me would you?, this world is too small for both of you-"

Frigg watched as helga had stopped moving, frigg started sobbing as she held helga's hand

The siblings watched as floki carried helga's body out to a hole, adeline slapped them as she shook her head

"Leave them be"

She sighed looking at the ground

"We have to decide what to do with king ecbert!"

Solaine rolled her eyes as she was sitting in the stairs

"I don't understand what is there to discuss, we blood eagle him ecbert is as guilty as aelle, so we should do the same thing to him i've told you this too many times brothers, we were here! We saw ecbert hand father to king aelle"

Solaine looked at bjorn pointing her cup at ivar

"We all understand those feelings ivar! No one is denying what you are saying but sometimes, sometimes"


Solaine warned as she stood up walking to bjorn as he walked towards ivar

"We have to consider things beyond our feelings, and think what is best for our people!"

"I know what our people want bjorn and they want what i want"

Ivar pointed his hand at ecbert

"We have to consider our position of strength and use that to our ultimate advantage!"

Ivar laughed as bjorn walked away slightly, adeline looked at ivar with a stern look

"You always like to complicate things bjorn, you think it makes you look clever"

"And what if we kill ecbert ivar huh? What then"

"Well then he's dead ubbe"

Ivar answered narcissisticly

"We are in the middle of a enemy kingdom, how long will it be before the saxons forces, gather up another army and gather us away!?"

Ivar snapped his fingers at bjorn

"Exactly! So we blood eagle ecbert and then we move on, we raid this entire land"

Ivar continued to rant as solaine rolled her eyes and almost fell off the wall where sigurd was leaning

"What about you three? You've been very quiet so far"

"I'm still a child so i don't have an opinion"

Solaine smiled narcissisticly getting a slap from both sigurd and adeline

"I'm sure you guys have an opinion"

"I agree with you ivar"

Ivar turned to sigurd

"Excuse me?"

"We should blood eagle him"

"Finally thank you-"

Sigurd cut ivar off before he could say anything else

"But im not sure, im not sure what they're saying"

Ivar looked at sigurd in disbelief before turning to adeline

"Adeline? Your opinion"

"I have an opinion would you like to hear it"

Adeline smiled as ivar put his hand up to let her talk

"I think we should blood eagle you instead"

"Oh why you little!"


Bjorn yelled as ivar stood up with the help of the chair

"Adeline take solaine out now"

Without protest she shrugged and walked out with solaine, once they left solaine started laughing


"Did you see ivar's face when you said that!"

Adeline laughed with her as solaine smiled wide

As the others were celebrating, solaine was ordered to stay in a house, but they did not knew she had sneaked out, everyone was eating and drinking, sigurd was playing his guitar while stopping as bjorn blew the horn, bjorn stood up while sigurd sat down next to adeline

"Friends! No one will ever be able to doubt what we have achieved! An army of all our people's"

Solaine sneak into the crowd hiding behind a shield maiden, despite knowing she was not supposed to be here she kept her hidden

"And we defeated not one but two english kingdoms!"

Everyone cheered at bjorn's words as adeline smiled

"For us the children of ragnar, our first duty was to avenger our father's death and that we have done, but also we have achieved my father's dream, we have the legal rights to the land and to farm here!"

The crowd once cheered again, solaine watched in happiness at her brother's words

"Is up to all of you to use this opportunity to send new settlers and young families! Unfortunately i won't be here to see this new settlement grow and thrive my fate will take me elsewhere... I always knew I had to return to explore the mediterranean sea, and now i feel free to follow my destiny, but my siblings will be here for you, skol!"


Solaine smile fell as she watched ivar talk about raiding and attacking, she knew this habit would not change

"Who will follow me into battle!? For the love of fame and our love for Odin!? Our all father!"

Ivar yelled as the crowd cheer, solaine looked at adeline who looked at ivar with a dissapointed look

"Don't do this ivar! We are all the children of ragnar we have to stick together"

"Frankly dear sigurd i don't care what you say,the truth is i wouldn't piss down your throat,even if your lungs were on fire"

"If you don't care what he says then we don't care about what you say then too"

Adeline smiled as she continued to eat

"Well maybe that's because your not really a man!"

Freyja looked at sigurd who looked back at her, freyja looked at him with a pleading look as she shook her head, sigurd then turned back to ivar

"Are you boneless?"

"So who is going to stay and farm?"

"I would like to stay.. But i have other plans skol"

Adeline looked at him confused while holding her mead cup

"As for me... I want to go with bjorn i want to see the mediterranean"

Bjorn jumped over the table making adeline backed up in shock

"Then it seems, the only thing that kept the children of ragnar together, was there death of there father"

"Poor bjorn it is you who doesn't want to keep the army together!"


Adeline warned, ivar smiled wickedly at her before continuing

"It is you who wants to go to sunny places! Everyone else can follow me!"

Sigurd stand up making freyja stand up in her own table, crimson held freyja's arm as she watched

"I do not want to follow you ivar! You are crazy you have the mind of a child"

"And all you do is play music sigurd! And that is why you don't deserve a wife like freyja"

Freyja eyes widen as she looked at ivar

"I'm just as much a child of ragnar as you are"

"Ah I'm not so sure. As far as i remember ragnar dint play the aud, and he certainly did not offer his arse to other man"


Adeline hissed looking at ivar

"You make me laugh just like you do when you crawl around like a baby"

"Shut your mouth!"

Ivar hit the table as he gritted his teeth, the shield maiden held solaine close as she hid behind her terrified of her brothers


"This has nothing to do with you!"

"What's the matter ivar you can't take it?"

Sigurd haunted his younger brother looking at him

"Ivar do not listen to him"

Ubbe assured before sigurd cut him off

"No i guess it must be hard for you not that your mommy's dead, knowing that she's the only one who ever really loved you"

"Ivar... Ivar!"

Ivar yelled as he threw the axe at sigurd's chest, a blood piercing scream can be heard through the crowd, the sibling's eyes went widen as they watch sigurd looked at ivar they were also shocked to realized it was solaine


Sigurd looked at solaine who was now shown due to the shield maiden moving out of the way, sigurd took the axe out of his chest and walked to ivar before falling to the floor, solaine ran over to them but was held back by bjorn

"No! Let go of me no- my brother!"

Solaine cried out as she fell on her knees with bjorn still holding her back from running, ivar turned to solaine and fall off his crawling towards her

"Hey everything is alright-"

Bjorn let go of solaine and let ivar hugged her, solaine screamed and pushed him off


Freyja ran over and pulled solaine close

"You- you cripple! You killed my brother"

Solaine yelled at ivar who looked at her shock as she said those words, solaine continue to cry as freyja hushed her and pulled her closed, ivar then looked at the pregnant freyja the woman his brother was supposed to marry... The mother of his brother's children, he had killed his own brother, solaine ran off as adeline followed ignoring the chair falling to the floor


𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟹𝟿𝟷𝟺

𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕... 𝚁.𝙸.𝙿 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚍 𝚎𝚢𝚢𝚢

𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗!

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