008 One mistake causes everything

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Episode 18,19,20 connect!

Solaine ignored her brothers talking as she paced around the room calming aslaug down in her arms, Adeline sighed and walked to ivar slapping him in the head

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"Let's stop talking about this revenge nonse brother"

Solaine passed aslaug in his arm and sitting down next to ivar

"Look one day one of our brother's will die in your hands"

"At least i did not become a parent at thirteen!"

Solaine scoffed looking at him

"Your litterly holding my child ivar"

Ivar rolled his eyes playfully giving aslaug back to her, she sighed and rocked aslaug in her arms

Solaine watched the wedding between ubbe and margrethe, aslaug has been fussing in her arms the entire moment

"And now the bridal race!"

Hvitserk started running as ubbe chased, solaine stood next to ivar laughing

The whole table was laughing, hvitserk was serving drinks

"Come here boy!"

Ivar demanded, hvitserk walked to him and poured ale to his horn

"My horn is empty"

"Mine too"

They all laughed once again as sigurd poured all of his ale out of his horn, freyja smiled and held his hand under the table

"However much we paid for this slave i think it was too much, hmm?"

Hvitserk smiled narcissisticly

"Let's drink to the newlyweds"


Everyone drank there horn, hvitserk poured more ale to margrethe's horn

"And to the soon to be married, sigurd freyja"

Freyja smiled at ubbe as sigurd wrapped his arms around her

"I have heard brother you gotten her pregnant"

"Why yes"

Ivar smile fell as he looked over at sigurd and freyja

"Is this true"

"Um yes ivar"

Freyja response, she drank her ale looking at him, solaine looked around awkwardly before raising her cup high

"Of course congratulations to the newlyweds and to the soon to be married skol!"


Everyone then once drank again, elida looked at hvitserk passed by before drinking her ale, ivar scoffed but still drank his own, freyja looked over at solaine smiling solaine smiled backed at her to show respect

Night reached and solaine looked ivar

"I know you are jealous-"

"Of course i am! Ubbe had gotten margrethe and sigurd had gotten freyja"

Solaine sighed rubbing her temple

"Crimson must have thought you were already in love with margrethe, that's why he arranged the marriage between freyja and sigurd"

Solaine sighed once again looking at ivar

"You have no one to blame but yourself ivar"

Ivar looked at her angrily but kept his calm

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