014 The damn night

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Episodes 11 & 12 are connected

Warnings: smut, swearing as usual

Solaine watched as Ivar looked at Freydis, she scoffed drinking her ale

"You are falling for her? You've just met her"

Ivar rolled his eyes looking at Solaine

"So? She is beautiful, I can marry her and she can give me a son"

Solaine smirked sarcastically before looking at Freyja

"Sigurd got Freyja pregnant"

Ivar looked at her as she continued

"She got a son, she's also thinking of marrying Gaius... I wouldn't be surprised, if the gods gave her another son, but trust me, brother... The next thing you would know is that Freydis or whatever her name is will give you a bastard son"

Solaine laughed as Ivar slapped her

"You are insane..."

"I am just like you brother"

She whispered, throwing the rest of her ale at his face before walking to Hvitserk ignoring the cheers of the people, a slave poured more ale into her mead cup as she stopped in front of Hvitserk

"I don't want to see Rollo... I'm going to Freyja and the others"

She mutters trying to walk away, hvitserk stopped her grabbing her arm

"You... Have married crimson in secret, Ivar wanted to send you away in marriage"

Solaine looked at him before pulling her arm away

"I am happily married unlike you brother, who hasn't found true love unless..."

She turned to Athena who was laughing with Adeline

"Unless your in love with her"

Hvitserk scoffed drinking his ale

"Why would I be in love with a heathen sister? tell me"

"I've seen the way you look at her"

Solaine smiled teasingly tilting her head towards Hvitserk, hvitserk paused holding the mead cup in his hand

"So am I telling the truth"

Hvitserk ignored her teasing, drinking his ale, solaine stared at him before looking as the men brought in the goat

"How is your marriage with... Crimson?"

He asked hesitantly, his tone sounding a bit worried but happy at the same time, solaine turned to him tapping her mead cup

"It is good brother"

Hvitserk hummed in approval drinking his ale, solanine span her mead cup before walking off, as slain walked away hvitserk's gaze turned to Athena smiling a bit

Freyja walked down the garden staring at the book, before hearing Frigg's voice walking toward her holding her son, Freyja smiled placing the book down

"Sigrid own my whole heart!"

She said smiling, running up to them as she had her arms out, Sigrid held his arms out as Freyja grabbed him from Frigg, she kissed his cheek spinning around


She smiled before turning to Frigg passing the book

"You may leave us"

Frigg nodded leaving quickly, she kissed Sigrid's head as he moved around his arms, she turned her head to Gaius her smile falling, and she stared at him as she rocked Sigrid in her arms


Gaius looked at her nodding looking at both Freyja and Sigrid, she looked away rocking the babe in her arms, and Ivar limped towards them as Solaine followed quickly, Gaius kissed freyja cheek walking to Ivar, as solanine ran over to her smiling, solanine jester towards Freyja to follow her, Freyja eyed ivar smiling before walking with solanine as she rocked Sigrid

"Did you find them?"

Ivar asked as Rollo ate, Adeline sat next to Ivar watching Rollo


Was all Rollo could say before he continued to eat, Ivar placed his mead cup down looking at Rollo

"Where are they, Rollo?"

"I could tell you, but before I do, we must discuss our deal."

Ivar looked at Rollo intensely as Halfdan stood up

"You agree to pay me, in yearly tribute, six thousand pounds of silver"

Ivar chuckled upon hearing those words

"Two thousand Roman solid in gold."

Adeline rolled her eyes walking out and mumbling

Solaine jumped off the horse to the now empty camp, she watched as Ivar throw a tantrum, both of their gaze turning to Margrethe and Eliga chained to a wall.

"Margrethe and Eliga."

As Margarethe whimpered in fear, Eliga stayed silent looking away from their gazes


"so you dint find them."

Halfdan asked walking towards Ivar and Solaine

"No, they were gone except this one."

Ivar responded patting Margrethe's head as Solaine held Eliga's arm

"Why is she bound."

Halfdan asks about Margrethe

"Because she is mad, hitters you know them, don't you?"

"Of course, I remember... Hey Margrethe."

Hvitserk said touching her neck, Margarethe whimper scared in response

"It's all right it's alright I won't hurt you."

"What are you doing brother? Some evil spirit possessed her"

Hvitserk ignored Ivar carrying Margrethe

"She will kill you!"

"I will take my chance."

Hvitserk made eye contact with Athena, who eyed him back before looking at the children playing 

"Well, maybe you've become crazy too!"

Ivar yelled as Solaine walked with Eliga, following hvitserk

Freyja walked over four holding some furs, Solaine sat in a chair washing Eliga's face with a cloth Eliga played with the hem of her dirty dress, as Solaine looked at her worried, Freyja sat in a chair breastfeeding Sigrid her head turning to the door seeing Ivar limp in, she fixed her dress looking as Ivar sat on the bed, she smiled slightly placing Sigrid in the cradle, Freyja got onto the bed looking at Ivar

"What is on your mind love?"

Freyja asked, holding Ivar's hand, Ivar looked up at Freyja starting at her, before leaning in to kiss her, Freyja kissed him back placing her hand on his cheek, she lay on the bed as Ivar got on top of her still kissing her, his hand trailed up her tight as he began to kiss her neck, Freyja closed her leg as she moaned slightly from the kiss in her neck, Ivar pulled away looking at her, Freyja laid there breathing looking up at him lustfully, Ivar smirked before entering his finger into her, he covered her mouth as she moaned loudly his finger rapidly entering in and out, Freyja rolled her hips as she moved even louder, Freyja sat up looking at Ivar, her hand creeping into his trousers, Ivar placed his forehead onto his moaning as Freyja gave him a handjob, Ivar pushed her down on the bed taking off his trouser, her jerked off a bit before entering into her, Ivar covered her mouth again as she moaned loudly, all that can be heard echoing in the chambers is, skin slapping and muffled moan, Ivar paused as he finally finished, Freyja sat up tired looking up at Ivar, seeing his face makes her laugh, Ivar smiled kissing her neck laying next to her.


𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟷𝟷𝟷𝟹


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