and we fell

By amyhopeey

453K 14.4K 2.2K

SOFIA My life was always supposed to be described in one word. Perfect. I am the perfect princess from the pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Extended Epilogue
thank you

Chapter 47

3.5K 130 5
By amyhopeey


I am getting ready for lunch as my bodyguard panicky enters through the door. I decided to go to the dorm for lunch today, since I needed to pick up some stuff for the afternoon classes. Although Alec tried his best to convince me to stay, he even offered kisses as a payment, I sadly had to deny. And head back home.

"Your Royal Highness, you're in danger." Darrel begins, without offering me a greeting of any sort. If there would be an award for mood killers, Darrel would win it.

"Hello to you too, Darrel. I'm making some pasta. Would you want some?" I ask him teasing, looking up from the pot I was cooking the sauce in. He doesn't seem to be in the mood for jokes though. He takes out his suit and heads straight to my room. Although I find it weird, I don't follow him. I've basically grew up followed by the man, I trust him more than I would ever admit to his face.

Darrel comes out of my room a few minutes later, carrying a suitcase. My suitcase. Which is packed.

"What on Earth do you think you're doing?!" I ask him, my pulse going from normal to top speed in the course of a few seconds.

"I've told you. You're in danger. We're leaving. You have been requested to visit Cordelia."

Damn it.

"Who requested me?" I ask interested, hoping he doesn't say the name of anyone important so that I can skip the trip. I've only have one month left of this term. I'm not planning on wasting it.

"The King", he answers.

Oh. Shit. If my Father requested me, than something must have happened.

"Okay then. Let me go to Alec real quick and tell him I'm leaving." I say, wanting to let my boyfriend know I'm not going to make it at his house tonight. We were supposed to meet to watch a movie. And spend the night together. I'm not going to just blow him off like that.

"There's no time for that." Darrel says, looking at his watch. "Your plane arrives in forty minutes. And besides, you can let Mister Dunn know on the way." Darrel can't help but flinch as he says Alec's name. It's so clear how much the two hate each other. I still don't understand why.

"But," I try to protest. Darrel quickly stops me by calling my name.

"Sofia, please. This is serious."

I've never seen him so stressed out before. It's clear something happened. Something bad.

"Alright then," I say. I quickly go to get changed in something more regal, since we'll be going to the palace today. Darrel waits for me and as soon as I'm ready, I follow him as he rushes to the car.


"Your Royal Highness," Mister Dupont says while bowing in front of me. I can't believe he's here. Mister Dupont is Father's most trusted congressman. If he was sent all the way to New York with the jet to pick me up, than the situation must really be critical.

"Mister Dupont, a pleasure as always." I say, acknowledging his bow with a small nod. He sits down on the couch opposite the one I am sitting on at the table in my jet. Darrel is sitting on one of the armchairs, faking he's reading a magazine. Yet, I know he isn't. I've caught him staring in my direction for over five times now.

What happened?

"I'm pretty sure you want to know what this is all about, Your Royal Highness." Mister Dupont says, like he could read my mind. I nod politely, trying to hide the worries inside. Mister Dupont gets the hint and carries on with his explanation: "A few days ago, your brother, Prince Karl, has been spotted being rather close with a young woman working at the La Fontaine Restaurant in Broix."

I swallow hard.

"What do you mean rather close?" I ask.

Mister Dupont takes an envelope which was by then on the table and opens it, revealing some pictures. The congressman hands me them and my blood freezes as I get to see them. It's Karl. Kissing one of the waiters of La Fontaine. They aren't at the restaurant but in a car. Wearing a lot less clothes than one should.

"I see", I whisper, not knowing how else to react. As I can't stand the silence which filled the space anymore, I continue: "And you called me here because?"

"His Majesty The King and the Head of the Congress arranged a meeting. Your Royal Highness and the Prince were called to attend."

I nod as if I understood. I didn't. "But if Karl is coming, then why should I also be there?"

Mr. Dupont takes a pause, as if he doesn't know how to tell the next part to me: "His Majesty and the Head of Congress fear that The Prince will decline his title in the name of love. If he does..."

"That would make me the Queen." I finish for him, feeling how I turn cold. I never wanted to be queen. I don't want to. I really don't. While this could be the dream of many girls, it's not mine. I'm happy being the second-in-line, representing the country. I can spend time with my boyfriend and friends and live a life in which I get to choose some of the stuff I make. Alec and I a found this place a few days ago, a venue in New York. With a bit of luck, we'll contact the owner next week and ask for a prize. I came with the idea of opening my own art gallery. This way, I could finally do something that is mine and that I love. As I told Alec my idea, he has been more than supportive and offered to help me with anything I need. I couldn't believe my luck.

All gone.

All fucking gone.

And I am back where I started.

"This can't be happening." I say, feeling how hard I'm sweating and shivering now. "This can't be happening."

Darrel immediately alerts and brings me a glass of water. I thank him and take a sip to help me calm down. It only partly works. I am not shivering anymore, yet my nerves are still there.

There's one thing I know for sure.

I am not going to be queen.

And I'll do whatever it takes to assure that.

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