Slow Dance With The Devil [Bb...

By FriedBrain9

409K 18.8K 15.1K

Bitterness. Cold. Hotheaded. Are all things that Kim Minji, the young CEO, is familiar with. She's rich and s... More

May I Have Your Attention Please
I Don't Want Her
Morning Coffee(s)
Predator Cat and Docile Dog
White Lie
Dine In Hell
Starting the Dive
The Night Shift
There's No Turning Back
Let Me Know You Better (1)
Let Me know You Better (2)
Bold Move
The Trap Went Well
Giraffe And Deer
Into Her Nest
Love, Affection, Lust
All The Weird Feelings
Love You In The Dark
Hard Heart
To Break Down Your Walls
Her Darkest Scars
Already Damaged
Please Let Me In
Revenge Party [M]
After The Party
Genuine Desire [M]
A Blast from The Past
Broken Handcuffs
No One Can Refuse Her
The Perfect Pair (1) - M
The Perfect Pair (2) - M
The Perfect Pair (3)
Bloody Hands From The Past
The Lingering Stench of Carcasses
What We Have, What We Had
Her Decision
Immersion Of The Past
And Above All, It Is You
I Love You
The Last Note
The Vows and The Heirs (1): Devoted To You
The Vows and The Heirs (2): Treasure

Flip The Switch

7.2K 375 388
By FriedBrain9

author here.

How are we doing buddies?
Things are getting intense and interesting aren't they 🙂.

Who do you want to save?
The Vietnamese? Or the Sunflower?

Or the giraffe?


That white Maybach cut through the night streets at a speed that Hanni found a little bit excessive. She gripped her seat tightly.
It was still 8pm and the streets were still crowded.

She closes her eyes in fear as Minji speeds up just as the yellow light changes to red. There was an angry honk behind them.

"Miss Kim, please, slow down." Hanni said cautiously, glancing at Minji.
The woman's face was expressionless.
"You don't feel well, you need to be treated immediately." Minji said then.

"If you keep driving like this we will both be hospitalized." Hanni said fearfully, she gasped when Minji suddenly made a sharp turn.

They were on their way to the office.

Hanni sat fidgeting, unable to think, the speedometer and the way Minji drove making her brain deadlocked. Fear overcame her, and the thought of what would happen later when they reached the office made her panic.

"You look pale."

"Yes Miss, I feel more sick with the way you drive." Hanni said.
"Is it not fast enough?"
"It's fine!" Hanni exclaimed in despair.
"We'll be there in a minute."
Minji held Hanni's hand.

The woman's eyes widened, "Miss Kim, your hand...", "Does my driving scare you?" Minji asked.
Hanni looked out the window, they started to enter the parking lot.

"Yes." Hanni replied quietly.

Minji pulled her hand from Hanni's, she drove the car into the CEO-only parking lot.

She turned off the engine and opened the door, then went to Hanni's door and opened it.
Hanni was even more astonished, she got out of the car, "Thank you Miss Kim."

They headed for the elevator. Minji pressed the button, the elevator doors opened, they got in.
Hanni looked nervously at the CEO's back, they were here, what would happen next?

"I'm feeling better, I think I can go home now Miss. Thank you for your concern." Hanni said.

"You're feeling better now." Minji grinned, "Are you doing this to distract me from Hyein and Yoona earlier? You're very brave Pham."

The elevator doors opened, she grabbed Hanni's hand and pulled her out.

Hanni stumbles around trying to keep up with Minji's long footsteps that are now heading towards her office door.


Hanni opened her bag with her free hand, reaching frantically, she quickly gave the small object to Minji when she found it.

"Tell procurement tomorrow morning to replace all the door locks on this floor with facial recognition." Minji said as she unlocked the door.

They walked towards her secret chamber, Minji opened it and pulled Hanni inside, and closed the door, locking it.

She then let go of Hanni's hand and stood facing her.

Hanni just looked down.

"Clean yourself up and change your clothes, I've bought you new underwear, I hope they fit." Minji said.

"Miss Kim, I really feel better already..."

Minji touched Hanni's chin and raised it until the Vietnamese's face was facing her.
"You said you wanted to be with me. Prove it."

Hanni looked into Minji's eyes, they were very dark, pulling her in like a black hole.

Minji pressed her lips to Hanni's forehead, "Or do you want to take a shower with me?" she asked in a husky voice.

"I'm going to the bathroom now." Hanni backed away slowly and headed to the bathroom, closing the door hastily.

Minji didn't move, she touched her lips lightly and staring at the bathroom door, she smirked a little.


Hyein stared out the window, she then glanced at Yoona who was staring ahead. They were in Yoona's car, in the parking lot of Hyein's apartment.

"What you were about to do earlier could hurt you. You know that you are the target of her anger." Yoona said.

"I can't let Miss Pham do that either."
"Why? I believe Hanni can handle it."
"It's...very complicated Miss. I can't tell you."
"I told you to call me by my name." Yoona grunted.

Hyein exhaled and gulped.


The brunette turned her face away and cracked a small smile.

Hyein was so cute.

"I have to go inside now Miss...Yoona, you should also go home and rest" Hyein bowed her head, "Thank you for tonight, I...enjoyed my time with you." she stared into Yoona's doe eyes.

Yoona smiled softly, " So did I. Have a good night Hyein."

Hyein bowed her head again, "Drive carefully." she then opened the door and got out of the car.

Yoona sighed and stared at Hyein's back until the young woman entered the building.

"My gosh..." she whispered.


Hanni wrapped her body in a towel, she forgot to take clothes from the closet because of the panic earlier. Now she had to go out wearing only a towel.

She sighed.

God, please let my dignity remain intact tonight.

Hanni turned the door handle and opened it slowly, she walked out of the bathroom and headed for the wardrobe.
Minji was nowhere to be seen.

She opens the top drawer of the wardrobe, a pile of Minji's boxers and sports bra. She closes it and opens the drawer next to it.
Her eyes widened at the rows of underwear in the drawer.

Different types of panties and lingerie in different shapes and colors, some of them were see-through. Hanni wrinkled her nose.

She held up several types of panties, looking for a shape that suited her thinking. She looks at one of the panties in her left hand, the front is slightly covered but exposed at the back and there is only a thin strip of fabric to cover the center.

Hanni throws it back into the drawer. What's wrong with Miss Kim? Her taste is so...

Hanni continued to dig deeper into the pile of underwear, almost squealing with delight when she found a boyshorts-style underwear at the very bottom.
She quickly picked them up.

She then grabbed Minji's white t-shirt. She would wear this in the bathroom.

Hanni backed up and her back bumped into something, or someone...she then felt her waist being grabbed and twisted so that her body turned around.

Minji looked down at Hanni, her face expressionless, "I bought you a nightwear but I see you like my shirt better." she smiled mockingly.

"Put on my shirt Pham." she whispered.

"I'll go to the bathroom first.."

"Wear it here."

Minji's hands were still holding her waist. Hanni looked at her, what did she mean?

"Wear that shirt here." Minji said again, her tone demanding.

Hanni was silent, she slowly unfolded the shirt, Minji removed her hands from Hanni's waist, her eyes still staring at the woman.

Hanni inserted her head from the bottom of the shirt, the sheet went down slowly to her neck, she took her head out of the neck of the shirt, she then took her right arm through the right hand side of the shirt and did the same with her left arm.

She adjusted the position of the shirt on her body and slowly put her hands back inside the shirt, slowly unfolding the towel on her breasts.

Minji's eyes followed her movements.

Hanni lowered the towel and took it out of the undershirt. She grasped that soft fibrous fabric tremblingly.

Minji did not move.

Hanni stood awkwardly, holding the towel in her right hand and her underwear in her left. She didn't dare to look at Minji.

She then felt Minji's lips on her temple, "Put on your panties and wait for me in bed." she said in her low voice, she then went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Hanni exhaled her breath shakily.

She quickly put on her boyshorts and put her towel on the hanging rack. She stood in the middle of the room.

What was going to happen? Would they do that? Memories from her past flashed before her eyes, she quickly went to the bed and sat on the edge of it.

Please... don't let it happen.

Minji came out of the bathroom ten minutes later, she rubbed her hair.
The air felt colder tonight, she walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed a sweater and put it on over her t-shirt.

She also took a hoodie and a blue and white gingham flannel pants.

She carried the clothes to the bed, Hanni was lying on her side under the blanket.

Minji pulled back the blanket, Hanni immediately woke up in shock and ran to the edge of the headboard, she hugged herself, covering her chest with both arms, she looked like a rabbit trapped by a predator.

Minji threw a sweater and pants in front of her, "Put them on, the weather is cooler tonight." she said, then went to the nightstand, checking her cell phone.

Hanni looked at the clothes in front of her, she took them and put them on immediately, her body felt warmer now. But she still felt alert.

Minji put down her phone in annoyance, "Fucking state agency." she grumbled, "Book the VIP room at La Yeon tomorrow afternoon at 12." she said as she climbed onto the bed.

Hanni bowed her head.

Minji stared at her, "Why are you still there? Come here."
Hanni glanced at her and looked away again.

Minji gritted her teeth, "Do I have to carry you?" she growled. Hanni shook her head firmly.

Minji got under the blanket, "Come here Pham." she said irritably, starting to feel impatient with the short one.

Hanni slowly approached Minji,

The taller one extended her arms and pulled Hanni into her embrace in one swift motion. Hanni gasped.

Minji then pulled the blanket up to their midsection.

"I won't do anything without your consent, do you understand that?" Minji said as she looked deeply into Hanni's eyes.
"But I won't ask permission for a little physical touch and kiss." she added.

Hanni stared back into Minji's eyes, she was scared but she felt a little calm because of Minji's first sentence.

"Yes Miss..." she whispered.

"When we were alone together..." Minji lowered her face, her lips hovering over Hanni's pink lips, "Call me by my name." she whispered.

Hanni gave a small nod.

Minji moved her face away and rested her chin on Hanni's head.
"Now go to sleep Pham."

Hanni didn't know what to feel.

She slowly placed her palm on Minji's collarbone, "Good night..Minji." she closed her eyes.

Minji was still awake, she clenched her jaw tightly. How much longer would she have to endure this?

Her lower body had reacted furiously earlier when she saw Hanni putting on her shirt and removing the towel in front of her. She fantasized about the shape and taste of that body.

The desire to feel Hanni was barely contained earlier, and she released it when she took a shower.

Patience Minji. Be patient.

A week was her target to gain Hanni's trust.

And after that...

Minji grinned.


"What should I do with you Hyein." Minji threw her empty coffee cup into the trash. She pressed the intercom button.

"Yes Ms. Kim."
"Did you do what I said last night?"
"I did. VIP room at La Yeon restaurant, 12 noon, for 4 people."
"Did you tell Haerin?"
"I did, Ms. Kim."

"What about the key change?"
"I talked to Mr. Oh, the vendor will come tomorrow morning."
"If anyone wants to see me tell them to wait in your room, I don't want to be disturbed for the next hour."

Minji stood up and walked towards the window, Hyein looked at her, her eyes glancing at the golf bag in the corner of the room.

"How about we start from the beginning." Minji spun around, facing Hyein, "What did you guys do when I told you to take the documents to her office?"

"She offered me breakfast."
"And you agreed to it?"
"Not at first. But she said I had to have breakfast with her or she wouldn't sign the document."
"Sly woman." Minji grinned.
"I was right back here afterward."

Minji walked over to her golf bag.

"Why did you agree to be her friend?" Minji rubbed her chin, staring at the golf bag.

Hyein's body began to feel tense, "I don't see any bad intentions from her Miss."

"You don't see any bad intentions from her."
Minji repeated Hyein's words, then walked over to her assistant.

"Do you like her?" she asked.
"I like her as a friend."
"Oh, what do you think of her?"

Hyein stared intently at the window, she balled her hands into fists.

"Charming and kind-hearted."

A hard slap landed on her cheek, she staggered.

"What else?" came Minji's voice.

Hyein corrected her stance, she closed her mouth tightly.

"Answer my question or that golf club will replace my hand."

"She's funny and lovable..."

Minji's hand landed on her cheek again, harder than before. Hyein's vision immediately clouded, the corner of her lips felt numb.

Where did Minji get such power from?

The third slap lodged on her face, she backed away, looking for a chance to catch her breath.

"You're friends with someone I hate, you're defending her. Your guts amaze me." Minji pulled at the collar of Hyein's coat, her face red with anger.

"Which side are you on Hyein?" she snarled, making a fist and slamming it into the taller's face.

Hyein fell to the floor.

"Get up." Minji approached her, standing beside her.

Hyein rolled over to face the floor, spitting blood. She could barely feel her face.

"Move away from her." Minji glanced at the door, Yoona was walking towards them.

Hanni followed her, she gasped when she saw Hyein, the Vietnamese immediately pulled Minji's arm with all her might, away from the youngest.

"What are you doing?!" Hanni exclaimed, Minji raised her eyebrows.

Yoona crouched beside Hyein, "Can you stand up?" she asked worriedly, Hyein turned to her, "I'm fine Miss Seol."

Yoona felt like she was struck by lightning when she saw Hyein's face, she stood up and approached Minji angrily, "You sent her to see you this morning, I already thought you would hurt her, but I didn't know you would be this cruel." she slapped Minji's cheek so hard that it was thrown to the side.

"HOW COULD YOU!!!" she yelled.

Hyein stood up staggeringly, holding the pain on her face and went over to Yoona, pulling her gently away from Minji.
She then bowed to Minji and faced Yoona, "I'm fine Miss."

Yoona's mouth opened wide.

Minji went to the large book cabinet attached to the wall behind her desk, she approached a drawer with a digital number code.
She pressed a few random numbers and the drawer pushed out slightly, Minji pulled it out and took out a transparent white folder.

She threw it on the table, "That's the contract Hyein signed when she became my assistant. All the agreements on how she should behave, what she can and cannot do are in there, everything.

Read it, or you can have your lawyer do it if you don't understand." Minji smiled.

Yoona took the folder and pulled out the contents, she tore the sheets angrily.

Minji chuckled, "I have two more copies in different places, with her original signature."

Yoona clenched her fists, "I can take her away from you Minji, she doesn't deserve to work for a lunatic like you." she growled.

"I'd like to see you try." Minji replied coldly.

Yoona looked at Hyein, "Come with me, you have to treat your face." she said with teary eyes.
Hyein stared at her for a moment before bowing 90 degrees, she then straightened up, "I'll be fine Miss, you need to leave now." she said, but she didn't look at Yoona's eyes.

Yoona stood stunned looking at Hyein, feeling hurt.

"Treat your wound." she said quietly before turning around and walking out of the room. Hanni saw her wiping her eyes, she immediately ran after her to escort her to the elevator.

Minji took out her wallet and pulled out a gold card, she gave it to Hyein, "Go to the nearest hospital and get your wound treated. I hope you learned your lesson today."

Hyein accepted the card and bowed her head.

She then picked up the torn contract papers from the floor, "I'll put this in the shredder." she said.

Minji just nodded.

Hyein then turned around and walked out of the room.

Hanni re-entered Minji's room, "Yoona was crying. What's wrong with you, why are you so mean to both of them??" Hanni exclaimed with annoyance.

Minji looked at her expressionlessly, seemingly unfazed, "Didn't I tell you not to let anyone in?"

"She could have died if Miss Seol hadn't insisted on entering earlier! Hyein can befriend or have relationships with whoever she wants!"

Minji stood in front of Hanni, "That's not how the agreement works, everything has to be with my permission." she replied coldly.
"I know you're cruel but it turns out you're also a dictator!"

Hanni gasped when Minji pulled her roughly into her arms, "You have no idea how many people want to bring me and this company down. It's a cruel business world Pham, you have to be careful in every decision you make. Who you deal with or cooperate with." she snarled.

"Yoona wouldn't do something like that Miss Kim! She works in a different field than you, let them be." Hanni held her voice to keep from shouting.

Minji moved her face forward, "I said, just call my name when we're alone." she whispered and caressing Hanni's cheek.

"Alright, I'll obey you to let Hyein get in touch with Yoona. You're my guarantee, okay?"
Minji pressed her lips against the corner of Hanni's lips and let go of the woman.

"Prepare the documents for the meeting later, I'll be leaving in half an hour." she walked to her chair and sat there, opening her laptop.

Hanni was stunned.


Yoona sat on the lobby sofa restlessly. She didn't know if Hyein was allowed to go to the hospital by that jerk or whether she should go straight back to work.

She decided to wait until lunchtime.

The whole system in her body immediately became relieved when she saw Hyein walking across the lobby, she got up and made a small run towards the tall one.

"Hyein." she stopped in front of Hyein, looking at her worriedly, scanning her face.
Why was Minji so cruel to her? She was her assistant, helping with her every business, sometimes even having to be ready at night or on weekends.

"Miss Seol, you can't be seen here." Hyein bowed her head.

"Let me take you to the hospital." Yoona pleaded, "How can you go with eyes like that? Can you even see clearly?" she grumbled.

Hyein was silent.

"I'm just preventing the two of us from getting into trouble again Miss." she said then.

"Minji won't know." Yoona took Hyein's hand and pulled her towards the door, "And I told you to call me Yoona."

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