Burn Me Right

By Nyxiden

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Autumn Wraith took a step a 20-year-old shouldn't take. She was naïve for her own ruin. One wrong move, or sh... More

Diabolus et angelus eius....
Angelus Mortis
manes praeterita
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter- 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91

Chapter 39

755 39 42
By Nyxiden

Zyler seethed with rage, his arm gushing crimson droplets that splattered into his whiskey glass, staining it a deep shade of red. The once lively club fell into an eerie silence as everyone's eyes fixed on the menacing figure before them. With a swift and deliberate motion, he reached for a bucket of ice cubes, their coldness starkly contrasting with the fiery intensity that radiated from him.

Without hesitation, he upended the bucket over his head, the ice cubes clattering and melting against his skin. At that moment, he stood there like a vengeful deity, a chilling aura surrounding him as the blood mixed with the icy water, an embodiment of his unleashed wrath. The clubgoers held their breath, a collective shiver running down their spines, as they witnessed the terrifying spectacle unfold.

"What did you do to my son?" a voice boomed. Romano was boiling in rage and pain. He knew it was Zyler. Elliot and Gabriel stood behind him, wanting to avenge Nick's death. "I know you did something to my son. Please tell me what you did to him," Romano lunged toward Zyler, but Elliot and Gabriel stopped him.

Zyler scoffed. "Perhaps you should go around and ask the fathers of those women your son kidnapped," he didn't even raise his eyes to look at Romano.

"He was just a baby," Romano dropped onto his knees, begging to know where his body was at least. Zyler involved himself in everything illegal, but the one thing he didn't involve himself is in the skin trade. He despised it, and Nick trying to use his business under his nose for the very purpose he despised fueled his rage for Nick. He had to act, and he did. He didn't care about the girls or their families. All he did was eliminate one threat from his clan.

"Everybody must pay the price, Romano. Did I kill your son? That is the answer you will never know," he got up and threw the whiskey glass at the bullseye shattering it. He was bloody, but his steps didn't falter. They were steady and with precision. "Next time, think before snatching stuff from my radar. The price might be heavier," he walked out of the club, lighting a cigarette.

"Please give his body to me," he heard Romano sob behind him. He leaned on his car, smoking.

"Zyler," Cole stopped next to his boss. "You okay?" He asked, seemingly unfazed by Zyler's bloodied head, his attention focused on his blood.

"You are worried about this?" Zyler pointed to his head and the blood in his car, not caring to wipe his blood off.

"Well, had to ask," Cole started his car. "I am going home," he announced.

"We can trace those coordinates tomorrow," Zyler blinked his eyes, clearing the drops of blood in his eyes. Cole nodded, disappearing into the night.

Zyler took a minute to survey his surroundings and reached home. The house was already dark and calm. Unbuttoning his jacket, he threw it in the living room. Walking by the kitchen, he took his shoes off.

He wanted to watch her sleep, even in the dark. All he needed was to hear her breathe, and it would calm his chaotic heart. She was very pissed and angry when he dropped her off. He hoped she was still mad at him so he could punish her. He opened the door and stepped in. Like every day, he wasn't enveloped in her breathtaking scent. The loss of her scent made him irritable. He saw a figure asleep on the bed.

He noticed Autumn often had the habit of turning all lights off. She hated that even a little bit of light irritated her. He was about to turn on the light, but he decided not to as he wanted to surprise her. The way she squeaked when he caught her off-guard got him off. He wanted that again, and like an alligator stalking its prey, with a need in his body, he slowly walked and sat next to her bed.

Her blanket was pulled up to her chest, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her attempt to shield herself. Suppressing a mischievous grin, he licked his lips in anticipation. Gently, he covered her mouth with his hand, expecting to hear her startled squeal. However, much to his surprise, he heard a muffled sound of protest.

She thrashed under him, "Shh.... Let's go to the bathroom," he picked up off his bed while still covering her mouth. "Shh...... We don't want to wake up the house now, do we?" The blanket fell off her sides, and he carried her into the restroom and placed her on the counter while still covering her mouth.

"If people wake up, baby. I will punish you," he husked in her ear.

A mischievous grin played on Zyler's lips as he leaned closer, his voice low and seductive. "Are you going to undress, or should I do it for you?" He could hear her muffled protests and the sound of her heel kicking against the door in frustration.

"Fine, then. Allow me," he growled, irritation seeping into his tone as she continued to resist his playful demands. But just as he was about to turn on the light, a voice interrupted his plans.

"Sir?" Carly's terrified voice reverberated through the bathroom, causing Zyler to freeze in place.

He switched on the light, and with a swift movement, he turned his head to find Carly standing there, wide-eyed and trembling. Shock washed over Zyler's face like a tidal wave, momentarily rendering him speechless. However, it took only a split second for his natural wit and cunningness to kick in.

He composed. An amusing smirk crossed his lips. His baby girl was playing with him and hiding away from him. God knows he loved to chase her, his little dahlia, but he is a bee. He will always find a way inside her.

"Ah, Carly. It looks like my uncalled inspection startled you. I want you to take a good look at this bathroom," he pointed to the clean and crispy bathroom walls. Carly's eyes followed his head movements. She was still reeling from the shock of the situation that she experienced.

"It is dirty. I wanted to show you how incompetent my staff is," he unhooked his watch from his wrist on the countertop. "From tomorrow, I want you to oversee everything clearly. No mistakes allowed," he warned her roughly. Carly nodded vigorously and ran away from the bathroom.

"Where is Autumn?" he asked, taking his button-up off. Carly's eyes fixed on his injured head and his muscular chest that had more blood.

"She wasn't feeling well. So, she asked me to stay with her, and I did. I don't know where she went," she wasn't sure where Atty was at too.

He nodded in response to her concerned question. "Do you want me to look for her?" she asked, her worry for Autumn evident in her voice.

"No," Zyler replied firmly, his voice tinged with determination. Another fresh drop of blood trickled down his body, but he paid it no mind. With a resolute stride, he stepped out of their bedroom, his gaze set on finding her.

Walking through the house, his eyes scanned every corner, searching for any sign of her presence. As he passed the kitchen, he noticed the door to the balcony ajar. A gust of wind brushed against his face, urging him to investigate further.

Zyler approached the open door, intending to close it and continue his search. But as his eyes swept over the balcony, something caught his attention. There she was, sitting gracefully amidst the pale moonlight that bathed her in its ethereal glow. Her skin seemed to radiate like silver flowers in the night, captivating his senses.

He stood there for a moment, captivated by the sight before him. The moonlight kissed her features, accentuating the beauty that resided within her. In that tranquil moment, he felt a surge of emotions, a mixture of awe, adoration, and an overwhelming desire to be closer to her.

With each step he took, his heart beat a little faster. Zyler approached her silently, not wanting to disturb the serenity that enveloped her. As he reached her side, he stood there for a moment, taking in the beauty of her presence.

"Autumn," he whispered softly, his voice barely audible above the whispers of the night.

Autumn turned her gaze towards him, her central heterochromatic eyes captivating him in the moon's gentle glow. One eye shimmered with the allure of molten gold, its inner circle radiating a warm hazel hue that danced with the moonlight. The other eye held the enchantment of a deep and captivating green, like the lush emerald forests bathed in moonbeams.

The contrast of her unique eyes was even more pronounced in the soft moonlight as if the celestial beams themselves had intricately painted a masterpiece upon her face. The outer ring of her eyes, a vibrant green, encased the captivating inner circles that blended seamlessly between the golden and hazel tones. It was a breathtaking sight, an ethereal display of colors that mirrored the beauty of nature itself.

A soft smile graced her lips, accentuating the mesmerizing play of colors in her eyes. In that instant, Zyler felt an indescribable connection with her, as if the moonlight had woven a bond between their souls, each color within her eyes mirroring the intricate shades of the night sky.

He forgot everything. "What are you doing here? It is getting chilly. Let's go inside," he tried lifting her up, but she denied it, not wanting to talk to him. "Are you mad at me?" he ventured, his voice laced with genuine concern. But Autumn remained silent, her gaze fixed on the moon above. Zyler sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and longing tugging at his heart. His eyes shifted to the moon, following the path of her gaze as if seeking solace in its ethereal glow.

Time passed in stillness, the weight of their unspoken words hanging in the air. Finally, Autumn broke the silence, her words cutting through the night like a knife. "Whom did you kill tonight?" she asked, her voice tinged with a complex mix of curiosity, anger, and a hint of fear.

"Why do you assume I killed someone?" Zyler responded, his tone laced with a mix of defiance and weariness. He reached for a cigarette, its ember casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit night. Smoke swirled around them as if mirroring the enigmatic nature of their conversation.

"Because you are a killer," Autumn whispered, her voice carrying the weight of her knowledge and the underlying fear that danced at the edges of her consciousness. The symphony of crickets filled the silence, adding a haunting backdrop to their exchange.

"I kill to survive," Zyler admitted, his words cutting through the night air. The truth of his words hung heavy between them, a reminder of the darkness that surrounded him.

Autumn's response was a mix of resignation and self-reflection. "Justification doesn't take away crimes committed. We tell stories to ourselves to help us sleep at night," she acknowledged, her voice tinged with the burden of her own guilt and remorse. She knew all too well the art of weaving tales to find solace in a troubled mind. She had been lying to herself ever since April went missing.

Zyler's sharp retort struck a nerve, his words piercing her soul with their harsh truth. "Is that what you do? Tell yourself stories?" he challenged. His voice laden with a raw intensity that exposed the fragility of their shared existence.

"I am not a killer," it stung. Her tone stung Zyler deeply. "No matter what you say. The answer is the same. The end result is the same. That you are a killer."

Zyler laughed. He threw his head back and coughed. "You are cute, Autumn," he inhaled another puff of smoke.

"We all are killers baby. One way or another. We all killed some parts of ourselves as we grew up," He knew he killed his innocence the minute he picked up that machete and slaughtered all those people. He knew he would never get it back, but he chose this path, and he will not go back from it.

Autumn had no comeback for this. So, she changed the topic, "You are bleeding," she pointed to his head.

"I thought you were going to ask if it was my blood or someone else's," he chuckled. She bit her lip from running her smart mouth. Zyler followed her action. The desire to bend her over the railing and claim her emerged in his body.

"I don't care," she desperately tried to prove a point that he wasn't affecting her.

"I don't expect you to," he was quick enough to counter her.

"Then why am I here?" She was suffocating. He was suffocating her. When Zyler was near her, he made sure she was breathing him in. Clouding her senses, not making her think.

"Do you want to know the answer, or do you simply enjoy the feeling of me telling you that you are mine?" His words carried an air of possessiveness, a bold claim that hinted at a deeper connection between them. "You will receive the same answer, baby. Escaping me, breaking up with me is not an option for you."

She wanted to laugh this time. "Breaking up? We are not even in a relationship yet." Her period hormones made her bold.

"The minute I shoved my cigar in your cunt. You became mine," he yanked her by her hair, making her face him. Her eyes twisted in pain.

She didn't answer. Every question she asks traps her in turn, so she chose to ignore him and enjoy the moon.

Suddenly, she was yanked into his lap, and she gave him her much-needed squeal. Her hair brushed his face. "Put me down," she put her hands on his thighs and tried to get down. The more she tried, the more he yanked her into his lap.

"I hope you know I love to chase you. Try to run, and I will bend you over this balcony," he placed his hands under her ass and pulled her closer. His cigarette breath and metallic taste made her want to puke. Her periods made it worse.

Bending closer, he scooped a dollop of his blood and smeared it over her lips. Autumn looked at him disgusted. "Are you always this delusional? I hope you know that I refuse to indulge in your delusions and will never fall for you" she turned her head to the right refusing to look at him.

"There is a certain allure in snatching stuff," he yanked her top, exposing her breasts to the elements. Cold air kissed her nipples, and they hardened under the air.

"Become one with nature, baby," he grabbed another dollop of his blood, smearing it over her nipples. She gasped. It was scary. The motion made her clamp her nails on the chair's metal. "If you move. I will make you stand naked," he threatened her, and she wanted to slap him. With unwavering determination, he brushed his thumb and his ring on her nipple, and Autumn closed her eyes. He pushed the hole of his skull ring into her nipple and twisted it. A wave of strange sensation snaked up her spine.

He shifted his attention to her beautiful nipples. Anticipation filled the air. She didn't know what he would do next. So, she sat there silently.

Zyler inhaled another puff of hot smoke. With a gentle tilt of its head, he blew his smoke on her nipple. A slew of goosebumps generated on her skin, burning her. As his lips touched the smooth surface, it instinctively created a seal, ensuring no part of flesh was left out. His mouth then closed around the nipple, pulling his blood and her skin under his teeth. She hissed as he scraped his teeth over it. He sucked on it hard while rolling the other nipple in his skull ring, creating a vacuum. He pulled back, releasing both nipples. "I wish to cover your body in my blood, baby. The thought of your pussy covered in my blood is making me delirious with need," his voice turned hoarse.

"Hope Satan fries you in palm oil," she spoke amidst her needy nipples crying for his mouth. She wasn't going to give in. She would be damned if he let this man control her. Zyler smirked.

"I will if it means I get to lick that pussy of yours and die of thirst," he was shameless. How can one be this beautiful on the outside and disgusting on the inside?

"I hope you know everything you do is making me hate you more," she pried his head off her nipples as he bit on it this time. "It hurts. Let go," she pleaded. But Zyler refused to.

"Do you like the moon, baby?" he licked her bud and gently rubbed his face on it.

"I do," she didn't want to be bitten again. So, she answered.

"I can show you stars if you give in. if I have you," he picked up another drop of his blood and smeared it on her cheek. Autumn's body recoiled in response. He could've fucked her long ago. But he didn't want to bring her pain without pleasure. So, he let it be.

"No," she rejected him. Zyler never took no for an answer before. But her no was what he wanted, so he could force her down and have his way with her. He loved it when she defied him. Her no was a way to paradise. Her glass cunt wouldn't hold him in if he decided to take her.

"You will, baby. Soon, you will be on your knees begging me," he raised his head, tucking her tits back in.

"In your dreams," she challenged him with defiance. He chuckled, pushing her chain between her tits, letting it stay there. But he immediately pulled it out, "Why do you always wear this medallion?" He wanted to know everything about her.

"I don't think we are at a stage where we can share details of our pasts with each other," she tried to snatch it back. But he pulled her forward with that chain. His lips brushed her blood-stained cheek. Autumn's anger was cute. Her confidence was even sexier. He never knew having someone like her in his life was this exciting.

He chuckled. "Let's see how long you will hold those in," he picked her up in his arms. "For now, let's shower," before she could say a word, Zyler was already on his way to the bathroom.

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