The Lion and The Bull - Max V...

By tarnaciousturnip

35.5K 683 0

After years of being away from F1, Cecilia finds herself back in the paddock with her father, Christian Horne... More

Chapter 1 - Bored in Monaco
Chapter 2 - Chase Down the Pit Lane
Chapter 3 - Softy
Chapter 5 - P1
Chapter 6 - Clink
Chapter 7 - Yes
Chapter 8 - Monza Dream
Chapter 9 - Keeping it in the Team
Chapter 10 - Drive
Chapter 11 - Strawberry Sangria
Chapter 12 - Dear
Chapter 13 - Trust
Chapter 14 (Mini Story) - Stop in Paris
Chapter 15 - Jimmy and Sassy
Chapter 16 - Eggs and Bacon
Chapter 17 - Believe Me
Chapter 18 - Breakdown
Chapter 19 - Deja Vu
Chapter 20 - Carrot Sticks
Chapter 21 - Tension
Chapter 22 - Turkey and Cheese
Chapter 23 - Cool Down
Chapter 24 - World Champion
La Fine

Chapter 4 - Special Lunch

1.8K 31 0
By tarnaciousturnip

Cecilia woke up to a knock on her door. "Cecilia!" someone shouted. It was only when she sat up that she realized it was her father. "Cecilia, are you in there?" Her father yelled. She groaned and got up. She opened the door and saw her father shocked to see her. Then she realized what she was wearing, her dress from the night before. "Someone got home pretty late last night," Her father said and pushed his way into the room. "Do you want to come to the garage today or just hang out in the city? We just have a couple of meetings so it won't be too interesting," Her father said as he walked around her room inspecting it for any sign of a visitor. "I guess I'll just stay here then," Cecilia said, trying not to show how hungover she is. "How did you get home last night?" her father asked. "Max got me home," she said. "Did he drive?" he asked. "I don't really remember but I think he had someone drive his car for him," she lied. "Well, I'm glad he got you home safe. I'll see you later but please try to sober up," Her father said with a pitying smile. She smiled and waved goodbye to her father as he left the room. She fell back onto her bed and lay there for a few minutes before forcing herself out of bed. She turned her shower on and got out her outfit for the day. While she waited for the water to heat up, she texted Max, Hey, how fucked up was I last night?. She got undressed and then got a text from Max, Pretty fucked up. You slapped Esteban Ocon. She laughed to herself and responded, Well I at least remember that part. She got in the shower and tried to wash out any hint of the party that may still be lingering in her hair. She got out of the shower after intense scrubbing and saw a text from Max, Hey do you want to grab lunch and then watch me do my interview? She dried her hands on the towel and texted, Sure! Meet in the lobby at 12? He responded immediately and said, sounds good. She finished drying off and brushed her teeth. She could still taste Max's mystery concoction that he made for her last night. Cecilia got her clothes on and then sat in bed until she had to leave. She scrolled through social media until she found a trending tab of Max Verstappen. The headline read, Max Verstappen seen with a girl at party last night. She shook her head and turned her phone off. How could people jump to these conclusions? It was 11:55 and so she decided to start walking downstairs. She grabbed her bag and went out the door. Just as she closed her door behind her, she looked up to see Charles Leclerc walking a girl back to her room. She could have sworn he had a girlfriend but she certainly wasn't going to say anything to his face. Charles quickly looked up at her and hurried down the hallway to his room. She took a huff of disbelief and went downstairs. She got out of the elevator and saw Max sitting in the lobby waiting for her. She walked up behind him and shook his shoulders to scare him. "AH," Max yelled and quickly turned around. "Holy shit Cecilia I thought I was being murdered," He said and stood up. Cecilia laughed and said, "I just wanted to keep you on your toes." Max smiled and shook his head, "Well are you ready to go?" "Yep. But I have something to tell you when we get in the car," She said. Max gave her a look of confusion and the two walked out to his car. Once they were in Cecilia took a deep breath and said, "I think Charles Leclerc is cheating on his girlfriend." Max took a sigh of relief and said, "God Cecilia I thought you were about to tell me that you fucked Ocon or something." She laughed and responded, "Oh god Max. I have at least a little self-respect." He laughed and said, "Well Charles has the tendency to do this. He says he won't cheat on Charlotte and then he does it again. I've told him off about it but he never listens and says I'm too nosy," and started the engine. "Oh, I feel so bad for Charlotte. Does she know that it's happening?" Cecilia asked sincerely. "I mean I think so. I hear from one of her friends that she wants to break up with him but I know Charles won't let that happen," Max said and took one hand off the wheel. Cecilia leaned back in her seat and sighed. Max couldn't help but notice her beautiful golden legs beneath her dress and how her green eyes glowed in the sunlight. Unfortunately, Cecilia noticed his glances and asked, "What?" He shrugged and said, "Nothing." She just shook her head and looked out the window. She still remembered the big crush that she had on him when he was karting. She knew Max liked her back but neither of them did anything because they were 8 years old after all. She peered at him through her peripheral and saw him adjusting his crotch with his hand that rested in his lap and tapping the steering wheel with his other. "You don't have a girlfriend do you?" Cecilia said, realizing how scandalous this could look if he did. "Nope. I cut ties with my last girlfriend about 3 months ago," He said bluntly. "Did it end on bad terms?" Cecilia asked curiously. "I mean on my end I thought it was pretty bad terms but she likes to say that we had mutual feelings. She didn't want to break up." Max said. "Oh geez," Cecilia said and left it at that. "Where are we going for lunch?" Cecilia said after realizing she never asked and wanted to change the subject. She was so consumed by the drama that unfolded for her to ask where she was going when she got in the car. "It's a surprise," Max said and tried to hold back a smile. "Well can you tell me anything about it?" She said and turned herself in her chair to face him. He noted her curved waist as she turned to face him and he said, "I come to this place every time I'm in Monaco. Usually, I come alone but today I thought I would try not to look like a loner." She almost blushed and said smoothly, "I'm honored, Mr. Verstappen." He could feel the heat rushing to his face as she said that and tried not to seem flustered. She could see the effect she had and turned back to face the front of the window so as to not overdo her flattery. Max cursed himself for being so easily flustered by her words and sped up to get to the restaurant faster. They arrived at the restaurant and got out. Cecilia was wearing a short sage green dress and white heels. Max was wearing cache pants and a white linen button-down. The two walked into the restaurant and Cecilia was immediately amazed. She looked around at the architecture and the beautiful view of the coast out of the back of the restaurant. As she gazed around the room, Max studied her face and was awed by her amazement. "This place is beautiful Max," She said and looked at him with her eyes shining. He beamed and turned to the hostess, "Hello I have a reservation for Verstappen." She looked down at her paper and said, "You two can follow me." Max gestured for Cecilia to follow the hostess and then followed behind her. Even as Cecilia walked in front of Max she could still feel his gaze on her body. They arrived at their table out on the terrace and took their seats. Max scooched her chair in for her and sat across from her. They were the only ones sitting on the terrace. "Max, this is crazy. How did you find this place?" Cecilia said and looked out past the cliff and down to the sandy beach. He followed her gaze out to the coast and said, "I used to come here with my father but he said it got too busy so he stopped coming. He'll make up pretty much any excuse as to not see me outside of racing." Cecilia gave him a look of apology and his eyes almost teared up. "Oh Max," she said and put her hand on his. He gave her a thankful look and composed himself. "But, I am going to make this a happy place now. My father will not ruin another thing for me," He said and blinked his eyes to clear the tears. The waiter came up to the table and Cecilia removed her hand from his. They ordered wine and an appetizer and chatted a bit more. "Are you coming to the race tomorrow?" Max asked. As he waited for her answer, he leaned back in his chair and spread his legs out to the sides of the small round table. She tried not to show a smile from her amusement and said, "I think I am. If I go, you better win Mr. World Champion." He gave her a humored smile and said, "Only the best for the daughter of Red Bull." She rolled her eyes and took a sip of wine. "How do you stay so private about your life?" Cecilia asked and crossed her legs, resting her wine on her thigh. He eyed her exposed thigh and answered, "I just try not to overshare with the media and tell them about anyone important in my life." "So you haven't told reporters about any of your past relationships?" She questioned. He sat up in his chair realizing how casual he looked and said, "The only relationship that was open was my last one with Kelly. She wanted to be very open and eventually, I couldn't take it and ended it with her." Cecilia nodded along with every word he said but could not help but notice the veins in his neck as he spoke and his rolled-up sleeves. She gave him a slanted smile and said, "Well it sounds like that was for the best." "How have you remained so out of the public eye? Your father is the head of Red Bull for christ's sake," Max asked and took a sip of his water. "I just never really got involved. I got older and realized that I didn't want to be caught up in the mess of the media and so I stopped going to races and stopped showing up for interviews," she said. Max remembered the year that she disappeared from the circuit. One season she just stopped coming to the races and when she did, she would come only for the race and then leave with her mother. The waiter came and took their order and they continued talking until their food came. Max ordered a steak with fruit and Cecilia ordered salmon with asparagus. "How do you guys stay so fit? Every f1 driver I've ever met has had the thickest neck," Cecilia asked after she took a bite of her salmon. Max finished chewing his steak and said, "So you think I have a nice neck?" He smiled flauntingly and flexed his neck muscles as he turned his head to each side. "I never said you had a nice neck, I said you have a fit neck," Cecilia said, rolling her eyes. Max huffed and said, "I know you like my neck." Cecilia huffed a laugh and said, "Oh really?" "Who wouldn't like my neck? I'm built like a fucking bull," Max said enthusiastically and wrapped his hand around the front of his neck to show the width. Cecilia laughed and said, "Max, we are in a restaurant." "I don't care. Everyone needs to know how big my neck is," Max joked and grinned at Cecilia. She shook her head and continued eating. They both finished their meals and Max checked his watch. "Oh shit, we need to go. I have my interview in 10 minutes," Max said and searched the restaurant for a waiter. "Hello, excuse me? Could I go ahead and pay my check? Here is my card," Max said and shoved his card into his hands. The waiter hurried off and came back with their bill. He signed it and said, "Alright let's go."

They both hurried to the car and Max pulled out of the parking lot before Cecilia could even put her seatbelt on. "I thought you hated the press. Why do you care if you're on time?" Cecilia said and fixed her dress under her thighs. "I do hate the press but your father is also terrifying and hates when we don't show up for interviews," Max said as he sped down the road toward the track. They arrived in the parking lot and hopped out of the car. Max did not even bother to park in a single parking spot and instead parked over three. They ran into the building and walked swiftly to the interview room. Cecilia's father was already at the interview table and so Max went and joined next to him. Cecilia stood at the side of the room and watched them. Her father gave her a strange look when she walked through the door with Max but she tried to ignore whatever story he thought up in his mind. Throughout the interview whenever Max got bored, he would look over at Cecilia and smile. She would smile back and give him a thumbs up. Max finished his interview and came over to Cecilia. "How'd I do?" He asked and held his arms out sarcastically. She laughed and said, "You did so great Max. I loved the part where you went on a long tangent about mac and cheese." He chuckled and said, "What can I say? I am Mac Max." She couldn't even laugh at how bad his joke was so she simply rolled her eyes and smiled. Cecilia's father came up to them and asked, "Can I ask what the two of you have been up to this afternoon?" They both looked at each other and then Cecilia said, "We just had lunch and caught up a little bit." Her father made a glance at each of them almost in disbelief at what she had said but finally said, "That sounds lovely. I have to go to a meeting with the engineers but I'll see you guys back at the hotel." They both nodded and waved him goodbye. "What did he think we were doing?" Max said when he walked away. "I honestly don't know. He doesn't trust me to even go out to lunch," Cecilia said with a huff. 

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