Chapter 15 - Jimmy and Sassy

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"Are you ready to go my dear?" Max asked and tapped Cecilia on the leg. She buckled her seat belt and said, "I'm ready." Max put the car into drive and pulled out of the hotel. "Do you want a drink? I brought sodas, coffee, and tea," Cecilia said and pulled the small cooler from her feet into her lap. "Sure, I will have a soda love," Max said and looked briefly into the bag to see what flavors there were, "I'll have strawberry please." She unscrewed the cap for him then handed him the glass soda bottle. "How far is the drive?" Cecilia asked. "It's about 5 hours," Max said and took a swig of his drink. "It's just like a fun little road trip across Europe," Cecilia said and got comfortable in her seat. "I can't wait for you to meet everyone and get to experience the Netherlands," Max said with a big smile and put his hand on her's. Cecilia smiled back and said, "I can't wait either." Cecilia flicked on the radio and flipped through the channels before she found one that they could agree upon: Classic Italian. They both took in the scenery of the French countryside and sat enjoying the music and the wildflowers along the side of the road. Cecilia fell asleep for about 2 hours and when she awoke, the sun was setting. "Aww Max, why didn't you wake me? You have just been driving all alone," Cecilia said, rubbing her eyes and stretching from her nap. "I didn't want to wake you. You looked far too peaceful and I really don't mind," Max said. "Do you want a snack dear?" Cecilia asked and rummaged through her bag that she had up front. "Whatcha got?" Max said, licking his lips. He had probably been waiting to eat for the past two hours. "I have kettle chips, pretzels, and oranges," Cecilia said, placing the items on her lap as she found them. "I will have an orange if you could peel it for me," Max said. "Of course," Cecilia said and got to work peeling his oranges. As she finished peeling them she would hand him the slices and he would quickly down them before she could hand him the next one. She finished peeling them all and she could tell that he was still hungry so she offered him her pretzels by sticking them straight into his mouth. Everytime he wanted another one, he would just open his mouth and make a large grunt when she did not see that he was ready for one. "One more hour," Max said and pointed to his GPS screen. Cecilia pulled her legs up into the chair and got comfy for the last bit of the drive. "Did your dad also refuse to use a GPS when you would go on roadtrips?" Cecilia asked after a while of silence. "Yeah, he would always claim that he had driven the route a thousand times and then we would get lost," Max said, chuckling at the memory. "One time my dad refused to use a GPS and so he made me use a map to navigate through London," Cecilia said, adding on her memory. They both laughed and Max started looking excited for what was to come in his break. "Are you cool with getting breakfast with my family in the morning?" Max asked. "Yes, that sounds lovely," Cecilia said and took Max's free hand in hers. "Is your father going to be there?" she asked. "I don't think so. He's usually in the city and only visits occasionally," Max said with a sigh of relief. "Well I am so so excited to meet everyone," Cecilia said, squeezing his hand in hers. They turned off of the highway and onto a backroad, meaning they were getting closer to his house. Max had a house just outside of Amsterdam that he often spent his breaks in to be with his family and to relax. They pulled down an even smaller road and drove for a while before pulling up to his house. He lived on a canal and had a large deck that hung over the water. "So this is it," Max said and waved his arms to his house. "Oh Max, it's beautiful," Cecilia said and looked at the blooming gardens that lined the house. "The landscaping and architecture is amazing," she added. "I knew you liked flowers and so I had some gardeners from Keukenhof come and plant tulips that would bloom just when we got here," Max said, blushing a little. Cecilia looked at Max in shock at his thoughtfulness and said, "Oh my god Max you are too sweet." She pulled him over and gave him a tight hug and a long kiss. "Alright, ready to go in?" Max asked and gathered all of his things. She nodded and they both got out of the car.

Max opened the door to the house and Cecilia gasped at how pretty it was. He had wooden furniture with hints of modern accents all throughout. Cecilia usually liked more traditional houses but she loved how he did it. "This is your new home for the next 3 weeks. Please take and use anything here. What's mine is yours," Max said with his arms still carrying all of the bags. All Cecilia could do was smile as she followed Max to the bedroom. She rolled her suitcase over to the corner and almost left it there before Max said, "We might as well just put your clothes in some of the drawers since you are going to be here for a while." "Okay that's good with me. Just tell me where is free," Cecilia said and wheeled her suitcase over to his closet. She turned the light on and was amazed by how organized and clean it was. "Anywhere that there is space you are free to take it," Max said, also pulling his clothes into the closet. They both began folding, organizing, and putting away clothes into the drawers and shelves in his closet. After about 30 minutes they had finished and were both feeling the effects of travel. "What do you want for dinner?" Max asked after he put his shoes away. "I don't know. What is good around here?" Cecilia asked. "There is a good Italian place that we could get delivered? It's nothing fancy but we could go somewhere nicer tomorrow?" Max said, going to lie down on the bed. "That sounds great," Cecilia said. Max patted the bed next to him and Cecilia crawled over to him. "Your house is lovely Max," Cecilia said and rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you C, I'm glad that I could get to enjoy my break with someone special," Max said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Their food arrived and they went into the kitchen to eat. His dining table was under a large light fixture and looked out over the canal through large windows. His kitchen ran along the wall and had a large marble island in the middle. They sat at the table and began to eat and chatted a bit about Max's next race. "Do you think you are ready for Belgium?" Cecilia asked between bites. Max finished chewing and replied, "I think that we have a great shot at winning and I can't wait to have a home race." "I am so excited for you," Cecilia said and smiled. Max smiled back and jokingly blew her a kiss. Cecilia gave him a sarcastic look and he laughed. "The cats are coming tonight too," Max said excitedly. "Oh my goodness I can't wait to meet them," Cecilia said. "They haven't been home in so long and I hope that they can adjust," Max said looking around at his house. "Well they can sleep with us if that will make them feel better," Cecilia laughed. "Sassy will definitely love you and Jimmy may try to eat your hair in your sleep," Max laughed. "What time are they coming?" Cecilia asked and gave Max a provocative look. "Not for another few hours. What do you want to do?" Max said and gave her a sly smile. "I don't know," Cecilia said and placed her hand on his arm. She began to rub up and down his arm while he stared into her eyes. "I'm going to go get a drink," Cecilia said and got up while keeping her hand on his body as she walked around his chair. He followed her body with his eyes as she walked over to the fridge. She pulled out a Vodka Soda. Max kept watching her as she pulled herself up back onto the counter to sit. Max got up from the table and walked over to her. He took the drink out of her hands and placed it behind him on the island as to not spill it. He ran his hands down her body and she placed her arms over either shoulder. She began to kiss down his neck and run her fingers through his hair. Cecilia began to pull her shorts down and Max helped as she slid them past her knees and onto the floor. Max unzipped his pants and pulled his soft dick out of his underwear. He began to slowly stroke his cock as he admired Cecilia's body and she ran her hands up and down him. He pulled her closer to the edge of the counter and inserted his dick into her. "Oh Max," Cecilia moaned. "Do you like that?" Max asked. "Yes," she said, almost gasping for air. He began to pump faster into her and her back arched with each new stroke. As she orgasmed her insides clutched his dick causing him to cum inside her with a loud moan. As both of them were panting, they heard the doorbell ring. "Oh shit," Max said and quickly pulled out of her. Cecilia jumped down from the counter and frantically pulled her shorts back on. Max got his dick situated in his pants before opening the door. Max said thank you to the woman in Dutch and grabbed the two cat carriers from the woman. She waved goodbye and Max closed the door behind him. Both of the cats were meowing like crazy and scratching to get out of their cages. Max opened both of their doors and they came out looking a little confused at their new environments. "Hello little kitties. Hi Sassy. Hi Jimmy," Max said and stuck his hand down to smell. Jimmy jolted back after smelling his hand and Cecilia joked, "That's the same hand you used to touch your dick." "Hey," Max said and wiped his hand on his trousers. 


Thanks so much for reading! Please let me know what you think!

I will try to keep up with how many chapters I am publishing each week!


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