Chapter 1 - Bored in Monaco

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Cecilia looked up and down the aisle and just couldn't find a book interesting enough to keep her occupied from all of her father's antics. Her father is the one and only head of Red Bull Racing, Christian Horner. Her father insisted she come with him for the season and took a break from her university and work. She was shadowing him and would be somewhat of an assistant to him while they were traveling. Cecilia pulled a book off the shelf that had a light blue cover with yellow stars. She flipped through the first few pages and closed it with a sigh. It was tough trying to find a good book while traveling. The quaint bookshop was on the corner a couple of streets down from the hotel. She had been sitting in her room all morning waiting for her father to get out of interviews so that she could actually do something interesting, but she got tired of waiting and so she walked down the street and found the bookstore. Cecilia opened her phone and texted her dad, how much longer do you think your interviews will run? She walked out of the shop and said thank you to the kind old woman who was running the shop. How in the world could she possibly be bored in Monaco? There were clubs and parties every night but her father insisted that she stay focused on the team. That's certainly not what his drivers do. Max posted a video of him drinking with Checo just last night and her father barely made a fuss. Maybe tonight she would go out. She started walking back to the hotel when she got a text from her dad, I'm done now, where are you? She sighed and responded, I walked to the bookstore down the road. I'm walking back now. See you in 5. The street her hotel was on was something from a movie. The road curved down towards the bay and had tall historic buildings that towered over the cobblestone road. As she walked up the street she couldn't help but notice all of the nice cars that lined the street. The one at the very front of the hotel was Max Verstappen's of course. Max is one of her father's drivers and the next top driver of f1. He won World Champion last year and is going for it again this year. She walked into the lobby and saw her father waiting for her on the phone with someone. He looked up as she walked in and whispered "Are you ready to go?" She nodded and they walked out to his car. Her father drove a Porsche 911 that had blue and red stripes on the hood. They both got in and he ended his call with a deep huff and started the car. "How were the interviews?" Cecilia asked even though she knew what the response would be. "It went how they usually go. They ask about our strategy and then they egg me on for some drama and then I don't give it to them," He said and turned them out of the parking lot. "I don't know what they would want from you though?" Cecilia said. He shrugged and said, "I don't know either. But that's all that. How was your morning?" She leaned back in the seat and almost put her feet up on the dashboard before remembering what car she was in, "It was fine. Kind of boring," she said after a sigh. "How could you be bored? You are in one of the most beautiful cities in the world," he said and gestured to the beautiful cliffs above them. "I would be having more fun if I was allowed to go out and party," Cecilia said with a pleading smile. Christian gave her a demanding look and said, "I just don't want you getting mixed up with the wrong people or doing bad things." "Dad, I am 21 now, I don't have to be babied. You let me do anything I wanted back at home but now that I agreed to come with you on the circuit suddenly I'm on house arrest?" She said sitting up in her chair. "Fine. Fine. I will let you go out but only on the weekends and only if I think that you should," He finally said after thinking about it for a few seconds. "I mean I guess that's an improvement from where we were. Could I go to a party tomorrow after the race?" Cecilia said with a cheeky smile when she asked about the party. "I guess that's fine. I'll tell Max you're going to a party," he said smiling. "Oh god dad please don't," She whined. "Fine, I won't. But you should talk to him. It's been a while. I need to introduce you to everyone new," He said as they pulled into the parking lot of the race paddock. He gave her the rundown of what they would be doing and they headed into the Red Bull garage.

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