Chapter 22 - Turkey and Cheese

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Max had a big race coming up in Brazil so he wanted to be well adjusted before the long weekend. They decided to spend a week and a half in Ipanema, Brazil while waiting for the race to start. Much of the rest of the grid had a similar idea and so they spent many days eating and hanging out with the other drivers. One night after eating at a steakhouse, Max and Charles were recognized from them both occupying the front seats with the top down. Cecilia and Charlotte had agreed to sit in the back so that they could chat while the boys looked cool for anyone that saw them. A fan waved them over and so Max pulled to the side of the road to say hello. They signed his phone and took lots of photos. The fan admired the car and then said his goodbyes. Those were the kinds of fans that they liked to encounter, excited but respectful. A few days after that, they had a bit of a different experience.

It was two days until race weekend and so Cecilia and Max were taking it easy, driving around the beautiful city of Ipanema. Max had rented an old Ferrari 365 convertible for them to get around in. As they were driving through the city, they would stop in old shops to look for trinkets to take home with them. After about 6 shops they decided to go find lunch somewhere. "What are you in the mood for?" Max asked her as they sat in the car. "Hmm, maybe sandwiches?" Cecilia said, a little indecisive. "I'm good with that. You know I love a good sandwich," Max said and began searching for a sandwich place. "Oh perfect, there is one right down the road," he said and began to close the roof to the car. "Great," Cecilia said and gathered her things to get out of the car. They got out and began their walk down the sunny sidewalk to the shop. The road bordered the beach which had many volleyball nets lined up in the sand. The shop was on a corner which faced out to water and up into the large mountains. Just as they were about to walk through the door, a person began running down the sidewalk towards them screaming, "MAX!" The two of them quickly turned and Max made a step in front of Cecilia and took her hand as the man approached them. "Max, can I get an autograph?" the man asked and rummaged through his pockets to find whatever he wanted signed. Max glanced a concerned look towards Cecilia and gave him an obliged smile and a nod. The man found a pen and pushed his phone towards Max. Max signed his phone and made an attempt to walk away before the man grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him. "Hey man, please don't grab me like that," Max said and yanked his arm away from the man. "Wow dude, all I wanted was a picture," he said and held up his phone for a picture. Max attempted to smile and waved the man goodbye, clearly agitated. "What happened to you?" the man asked after they had turned their backs. "Excuse me"? Max said and turned back around. Cecilia grabbed at his arm to forget it but he kept going. "You used to be great. Fucked the best woman and won the most races. You've peaked man," the man said and began to back up as Max approached him. "Dude I'd shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you," Max said leaning into the man's face, Cecilia now pulling Max as hard as she can to just go into the shop. "I'm just saying what everyone thinks," the man said and started to walk away, Max following for a couple steps before turning around. He huffed as he ushered Cecilia into the shop. Cecilia rubbed his back while they waited in line to order. He was still worked up so she ordered his favorite for him; a turkey and cheese sandwich on white bread, lightly toasted. Max found a table inside by the window and took some deep breaths while Cecilia picked up the sandwiches from the end of the counter and payed. She brought the sandwiches over to him and gave him a kiss on the head before sitting across from him. "People can be so excruciating sometimes," Max said and began to unwrap his sandwich. Even anger couldn't keep him from eating. "You can't let their words get to you so much. That was some low life guy that will never amount to what you have done," Cecilia said sincerely. He gave her a thankful smile and began to devour his turkey sandwich. "You need to stay focused for this race so why don't we skip the party tonight?" Cecilia said and rubbed his arm. She knew he needed a break and only went to parties because she wanted to. "Thanks C, you are truly the best," Max said and rubbed his thumb on her hand.

After eating, the two began the drive back to Max's apartment for the afternoon. As they pulled up to a stop light, an all too familiar car pulled up next to them and rolled down their window. It was none other than Esteban Ocon. "I see you did end up with that psychotic bitch," he said and shook his head. The anger began to rise in Max's face but he couldn't do anything because the light had turned green and Esteban had already sped off. Max sped off down the road and tried to contain his anger until they got to his flat. He will show him just how angry he is tomorrow.

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