Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian...

נכתב על ידי Katelyn2910

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At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sixth year is the first year in which students take N.E.W.T... עוד

Chapter 1 - Olive Branch
Chapter 2 - Welcome Back
Chapter 3 - Checkmate
Chapter 4 - Choice
Chapter 5 - Back to Class
Chapter 6 - Since We Last Spoke
Chapter 7 - Answers
Chapter 8 - Poachers
Chapter 9 - Secrets
Chapter 10 - Library Venture
Chaper 11 - Coming Clean
Chapter 12 - The First Relic
Chapter 13 - Friendly Competition
Chapter 14 - The Hufflepuff Cup
Chapter 15 - Her Move
Chapter 16 - Dreaming
Chapter 17 - The Second Relic
Chapter 19 - Vivarium
Chapter 20 - An Old Friend
Chapter 21 - Pains of the Past
Chapter 22 - Christmas in Feldcroft
Chapter 23 - An Ominous Return
Chapter 24 - Slytherin's Locket
Chapter 25 - Encounter
Chapter 26 - A Starry Night
Chapter 27 - Family
Chapter 28 - Light and Dark
Chapter 29 - The Third Relic
Chapter 30 - Kindred Spirit
Chapter 31 - Blaine's Plan
Chapter 32 - Expecto Patronum
Chapter 33 - Helen Thistlewood
Chapter 34 - Azkaban
Chapter 35 - Ravenclaw's Diadem
Chapter 36 - Our Magic
Chapter 37 - Realisation
Chapter 38 - What We Do For Love
Chapter 39 - The Final Relic

Chapter 18 - The Moon and Stars

200 5 1
נכתב על ידי Katelyn2910

It was now Christmas break.
The hallways echoed with excitement as students rushed around, leaving the castle to go back to their families, eager to start their own traditions and spend time at home.
It was such a contagious feeling, but sadly, it was one that I could never truly understand.
I swerved around students from the moment I left the common room, all the way around the school, smiling as they zoomed past, too focused on leaving their studies behind to care where they were going.

I calmly strolled towards the Astronomy Tower, admiring the place as I did, taking in every ounce of Christmas spirit.
Once I finally got there, I headed straight for the observation deck, knowing that it would most likely be empty, since it was far too cold for any sane person to visit.
But I needed a quiet place to think.

After we had visited the map chamber, no one had dared to say a word.
I knew Poppy and Natty did not know the full story behind Ominis' family, but the Gaunt's certainly had a reputation, and it wasn't my place to tell them.
But Sebastian and I knew.
And we didn't dare say anything to Ominis when we left.
We knew the toll his family had on him, yet, that was all the more reason why Ominis was the only one who could help us to get the locket.

The Gaunt's were too proud to have such a relic in a cellar, like the Hufflepuff cup, and probably had it locked away safely, or on display for everyone to see.
Either way, it would not be easy getting it without being caught.
Ominis knew the house, he knew what sort of things to expect, and he was quite good at sneaking around.
Sebastian and I had learnt that the hard way.

My mind wandered as I remembered what had happened in the catacomb, and how the whole thing was because of Salazar Slytherin's spellbook.
If the trials were based on the values of the house founders, then it was safe to bet that this was going to be the darkest one.
The scriptorium came to mind, since that was Salazar Slytherin's test as well.
He was a pureblood fanatic, which wasn't too much of a problem since I and the rest of my friends were all pureblood.
It was another part that concerned me... something Sebastian had told me.
He didn't want his information shared with those afraid of the power of dark magic.
Did that mean his trial would involve it too?

"You're going to catch a cold out here."
I quickly turned, surprised by the sudden voice.
Ominis stood at the top of the stairs, holding a concerned look, before making his way over to me.
I relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief, before turning back towards the view.
"I have my scarf." I replied, grabbing it absentmindedly.

I saw Ominis stand beside me from the corner of my eye, leaning against the railing, just as I did.
"How did you know I was here?" I asked.
"Followed you." he answered simply, causing me to let out a short laugh of amusement.
Like I said, he was good at sneaking.

We both stayed silent after that, not sure what to say next.
I could imagine what he wanted to talk about, and it was the only thing I could think of too.
But just blurting it out felt wrong.

I looked towards Ominis, preparing to say something, but stopped as I saw him tilt up his head, his expression becoming more calm.
"You know, I have always wondered what stars look like. People constantly talk of their beauty, but I can never really picture it." he said, his voice holding a tinge of sadness.

I looked up as well, seeing the clusters in the sky, and trying to think of a way I could explain it.
"It's not really about the way they look, since it's just a ball of light. It's the way they look together. The way they create art across the sky. There is no order to them, but there is beauty in the chaos. They provide a light in the dark." I tried to explain.
A small smile tugged at my lips as a thought crossed my mind.
"Kind of like Sebastian..."

Ominis didn't really comment on this, his face remaining the same.
He seemed to think for a moment, before finally speaking.
"Someone once told me I reminded them of the moon..." he said, a blush creeping up his cheeks, accompanied by a soft smile as he fondly recalled the memory.
I wondered who it could have been, but I decided not to ask, since he opened his mouth to continue.
"They said that the moon unveils the beauty of the dark, and its light shines brighter because of it. I think that is the only compliment I've ever truly treasured." his smile began to fade, no doubt clouded by memories that followed.

He stayed silent again, hanging his head.
I stared at him, waiting for him to voice his thoughts.
But I could already tell by his expression where this was going.
He was going to tell me his plan.

"I have decided to stay with my family over the break." he started, his voice low, like he was repulsed to say it out loud.
"If I make them believe I am coming around to their way of living, it should be no problem to earn their trust." he continued, lifting his head as he turned to me.
"Once I've done that, I can find the locket in peace, just before the break ends, and I can steal it before they notice. That should give us enough time to use it and get it back." he explained, his voice becoming serious.

It took me a moment to process this plan, picturing it in my head.
But I couldn't stop myself from spiralling down all the possibilities of what could happen.
"What if you get caught?" I asked, not expecting my voice to come out so panicked.
Ominis seemed surprised too, before his face changed to that of concern.
"They wouldn't be forgiving, but it wouldn't be the first time they have punished me. I doubt they would do anything they haven't before. I could even use the excuse that I was interested in the relic, maybe tell them about the scriptorium." he suggested, but it was obvious he wasn't convinced that would work either.

"It just seems too risky, Ominis. I don't want you to suffer. Is there really no way one of us can go with you?" I pleaded, but Ominis quickly shook his head.
"They don't really trust people. Especially those who don't hold the same values. The only person they might accept is you, since you're a Black, but with you being outcasted, that isn't really an option." he explained.

I turned away from him, sighing in frustration.
I knew he was right, but what was the point of this damn family name if I couldn't use it for something.
I looked back up at the sky, anger growing inside me.
"You know what the worst thing about the stars is?" I started, my voice irritated.
I didn't bother looking at Ominis before continuing, narrowing my eyes.
"No matter how beautiful they may be, they will always be ruined for me. Because all I am reminded of is my father, thanks to him being named after the 'Dog Star'." I spat, remembering the time I found out about it.
It was like he was watching over me.
Like I could never truly escape.

It was quiet once again, but it wasn't because there was nothing to say.
In fact, there was too much to say.
We could both go on for hours about how terrible our families were.
About how pureblood ideals tore us apart.
Yet, we both knew how it would end.
It would still end with us being on this observation deck, estranged from our families.
All because this was the path they chose.

"There is one thing you could do..." Ominis spoke, causing me to look at him with hope.
"Anything." I said eagerly. There wasn't much I would say no to at this point.
"Since I will be there, I won't be able to spend the break with Sebastian in Feldcroft. It will be his first time there alone since..." he trailed off.
I looked at Ominis in surprise, seeing where this was going, but Ominis asked anyway.
"Is there any chance you could spend the break with Sebastian?"

I didn't know what to say at first.
Spending a whole break with Sebastian.
In Feldcroft.
Just the idea of it made my cheeks heat up.
But the memories soon flooded in, and the reasoning behind his question brought me back down to Earth.
It was his first Christmas away from Anne.
Leaving him alone there would be awful.

"Of course, Ominis." I agreed, not just for him but for Sebastian's sake.
He needed a friend, and if Ominis couldn't be there, I was glad to be there for him.
Ominis smiled gratefully, before stepping back from the railing.
"I really must be going then. I need to go as soon as I can in order to gain their trust." he explained, beginning to turn away.
I quickly pushed myself away from the railing, chasing after him.
"Wait-" I began.
He turned around, causing me to stop in my tracks.
"I'll be okay. If anything goes wrong, I'll send an owl as quickly as I can." he reassured me, but I still stepped closer.
"That wasn't what I was going to say." I said, causing him to hold a look of confusion.

As I got closer, I quickly wrapped my arms around him, causing him to stumble back slightly, since he hadn't expected it.
I stayed there for a moment, waiting for him to register what was happening, before I felt him slowly return the hug, not quite knowing what was happening.
"Thank you, Ominis." I whispered, my eyes beginning to well up as I thought about what he was willing to do for the sake of the keepers.
"Be safe."

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