My Twinnies

By Crystal_Roses30

237K 10.7K 3.8K

One girl. Raven Wilson. Two Boys. Ryder Denmark. Ryan Denmark. She loves peace. They loves parties. She is i... More

We met again ;)
Prologue : 1
Prologue : 2
Characters and Introductions
Some little things about Story...
Chapter 1 : Leaving
Chapter 2 : Cameron University
Chapter 3 : Ryder Denmark
Chapter 4 : Roommates
Chapter 5 : Ryan Denmark
Chapter 6 : Punishment
Chapter 7 : 'Their' Group
Chapter 8 : Messing around
Chapter 9 : Insecurities
Chapter 10 : Panic Attack
Chapter 11 : Panic Attack - Part 2
Chapter 12 : U-Uncle ?
Chapter 13 : The Untold Truth
Chapter 14 : My Twins are a-alive !?
Chapter 15 : Realization
Chapter 16 : Promises
Chapter 17 : New Girl
Chapter 18 : The Past !!!
Chapter 19 : Abusing
Chapter 20 : Mr. Rodriguez
Chapter 21 : Camera Footage
Chapter 22 : Spiders
Chapter 23 : Miss Nancy
Chapter 24 : Broken
Chapter 25 : Miss Me, Princess ?
Chapter 26 : Nightmare is back !
Chapter 27 : First Kiss ?
Chapter 28 : Where is Raven !?
Chapter 29 : She is Your triplet sister !
Chapter 30 : Vulnerable
Chapter 31 : "My Princess"
Chapter 32 : R@pe
Chapter 33 : Rescue
Chapter 34 : Little Space Part - 1
Chapter 35 : Little Space Part - 2
Chapter 36 : Little Space Part - 3
Chapter 37 : Scarlett Rose
Chapter 38 : Ivan's P.O.V.
Chapter 39 : Alex's P.O.V.
Chapter 40 : Bestfriends
Chapter 41 : Not even a beginning
Chapter 42 : Alex with Brain !!!
Chapter 43 : Beginning of Jealousy
Chapter 44 : Moongazing
Chapter 45 : He is My Brother !
Chapter 46 : Periods
Chapter 47 : Care
Chapter 48 : Earn forgiveness
Chapter 49 : My Safe Place
Chapter 50 : Last Punishment
Chapter 51 : Triplet Telepathy
Chapter 52 : Failure
Chapter 53 : Accident
Chapter 54 : Hospital
Chapter 55 : Ryan is awake
Chapter 56 : David is back !
Chapter 57 : I Missed You !!
Chapter 58 : Video Call
Chapter 59 : Mom - Dad
Chapter 60 : Mom-Dad - Part 2
Chapter 61 : Ryder is awake !!!
Chapter 62 : Flashbacks
Chapter 63 : Realisation
Chapter 64 : Proofs
Chapter 65 : Police Officer
Chapter 66 : Arrested
Chapter 67 : Wilson Household
Chapter 68 : Pranks and Pool
Chapter 70 : Scared of Ghosts
Chapter 71 : Punishment Time
Chapter 72 : Confession
Chapter 73 : Rowan and his obsession
Chapter 74 : Overprotective
Chapter 75 : Triplet Day
Chapter 76 : Happiest Person
Chapter 77 : Ivan - Pari
Chapter 78 : Birthday
Chapter 79 : Wishes
Chapter 80 : Party
Chapter 81 : Where is Pari ?
Chapter 82 : Pari abducted
Chapter 83 : Suspicious
Chapter 84 : True Colours
Chapter 85 : Love can fix anything
Chapter 86 : Kitten
Chapter 87 : Betrayer
Chapter 88 : Rescue
Chapter 89 : Raven
Chapter 90 : Everything is Ok !
Bonus 1 : Bastards
Bonus 2 : Pure Friendships
Thank you !!!
(Important) New Books.

Chapter 69 : Movie Night

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By Crystal_Roses30

Author's P.O.V.

"So, which Movie ?"

Yes, you read it right, A movie night in Wilson Household. Because of Raining outside, they decided to spend their evening cuddled up, watching movie.

"You guys decide. I will bring snacks" Pari said.

"Wait Pari, How are you gonna bring snacks alone ?" Alex asked.

"Yes, I am coming with you-" Raven is going to stand when, Alex pulled her and made her sit.

"You are not going anywhere near our snacks. I don't trust you with my snacks. Ivan, you go and help her" Alex said and winked at Ivan who in response glared at him.

"N-No, it's ok, I will bring it" Pari said.

"No Pari, I will come with you" Rowan said smiling. Raven glared at him while others just sighed at this.

"No Rowan, you are also not allowed" Ryder said.

"What ? Why ?"

"Because, you gave them the idea of Oreo and Cheery juice, didn't you ?" Ryan raised his eyebrow, daring him to lie.

Rowan coughed but avoided everyone's gaze.

Pari chuckled "It's ok, Row. I will bring"

"No, You idiot, Are you going or not ?" Ryder glared at Ivan, who in response narrowed his eyes.

Ivan was going to deny when he received glares from 4 people in the room. He sighed and left to kitchen.

Raven frowned at Alex and raised her eyebrows.

Alex noticed this and smiled innocently.

Raven narrowed her eyes at him.

He avoided her gaze.

She pinched him hard.

"What are you hiding huh ?" She leaned near his ears and whispered.

"Owww bitch leave me-" Alex winced.

She leave him but still glared at him.

"Now tell me what's going on between you two ?" Raven glared.


"Truth. I want truth."

Alex sighed. "Well, you know-"

"GUYSS, Snacks are here" Pari said bringing tray. Ivan following her with another tray.

"So which movie do you guys decide ?" She asked looking at everyone.

"Let's watch Inception" Ryder suggested.

"Nooo, we will watch Avengers" Rowan whinned.

"I second that" Ryan agreed.

"Let's watch something comedy guys" Raven suggested.

"Let's watch Pirates Of The Caribbean : Curse Of The Black Pearl" Pari beamed.

"No, 1917 is good" Ivan stated.

"Leave everything, Avatar 2 is the best"

Ryan replied.

"Heyy what about Lion King ?" Raven squealed in excitement. They stared at her.

"What are you ? 5 ?" Rowan scoffed.

Raven rolled her eyes.

"Shut up all of you, we are going to watch 1917."

"You shut up, Avengers is the best"

"But not like Inception"

"Heyy, Pirates of Caribbean is also good huh"

"Yes, no doubt but Avatar 2 is the best"

"But Lion King-"

"No Raven, not Lion King"

"HEYYY Texas Chainsaw 3D ?"


"Heyy, I have no problem"

"That's nice"



"It's my bed time guyss"

Raven's P.O.V.

I immediately shaked my head.


"YES I AGREED" Rowan supported me.

I know, he is scared too. Just like me, he also hates horror movie. Well, I don't hate them rather then I found it little amusing. I mean When you know that the house is haunted then why the hell you are going to live there ? And somewhere in movie, there is always a one role who will woke up at midnight for water and as usual, her jug will be empty.

That character should go to the kitchen to get water, right ? No wrong,

That person will start the search operation of that haunted mansion at that time.

I mean are you even serious ?

And when that person will find something unusual in house, he or she will shout there like "Who are you ?"

I mean, The ghost there will not tell you that madam, I am here.

Just already Run from there girl, but no, our character should be stubborn. How can she be afraid of ghosts ?

Where is the logic ?

That's why I don't like these movies.

I mean characters are good, movies are good too, their acting is also-

"Oh yeah, Rav and Row are scared of Ghosts and Horror Movies. They can't sleep tonight alone after watching movie" Ivan commented giving us his sympathies.


"Correction, I am scared" I glared at Rowan.

"And you too" Alex pointed at me.

I scoffed "I am not"

"Ignoring her, What about you Pari ?" Ryan asked her.

I rolled my eyes.

"N-No, I am not scared" She smiled nervously. I grinned with my teeths.

She is scared too.

"Hehe, Pari, what about Girls' night in my room huh ?" I asked her trying to save our asses from this scary movie night.

"YES, YES AND YES. Let's gooo" Pari said squealing.

I was going to stand up when I felt a hold on my wrist.

I looked down.

"Leave me Alex" I told him.

"Nope you all are not going anywhere. We are not letting you go" He said as he pulled me down on the couch. Ivan did same with Pari and Ryan pulled Rowan on his lap. I am trying my best to escape but Alex restrained my moments. I sighed and gave up.

They started movie.

And here we go...

Like I said, Welcome to the Haunted House.

I flinched many times in many scenes.

While I hide my face in Alex's chest, fisting his shirt in my hold. I can hear screams from Rowan time to time.

My eyes widened when I saw Heather went inside coffin box.

Is she even serious ?

Oh No.

"AHHHHHH" A scream left my mouth as I jumped from my seat curling myself on Alex.

"Rav, calm down, it's just a movie" Alex said softly in my ears.

His hold is almost protective on me.

I heard two screams with me too making me flinched.

I felt a hand rubbed my back.

Ring .... Ring ... Ring ...

I flinched because of Alex's phone ring.

He immediately hanged it.

But not a second later, it again rang.

"Rav, I have to attend this, please" He pleaded me.

I gulped and detached myself from him.

He went to the corner.

I suddenly felt cold. I whimpered. I looked around only to see Ivan has tight grip on Pari and she kept her head on his chest, shutting her eyes tightly. While, Ivan caressed her hair softly, saying soft words in her ears, making her relax a little.

While Rowan is tightly hugging Ryan screaming time to time.

I flinched slightly when I heard a thunder.

And a second later, I again flinched when I felt someone pulled me.

"Calm down, it's me" Ryder mumbled pulling me towards him.

I sneaked my glance to the movie and my breath hitched when I saw Leatherface pulled that lady out of the car.

A scream left from our mouths.

I immediately hugged Ryder tightly. He hold me protectively closed to his chest.

"Hey, Hey, it's over ... Chill girl" He whispered. I nodded.

I shut my eyes tightly when I heard thunder strike again.

"It's just a Thunder, Rav, calm down" Ryder caressed my head.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes and his eyes soften.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight, please" I whispered.

Rav, you are so pathetic.

I know it is Embarassing. But I can't help it. I know I am going to regret asking him that but right now, I needed it.


My breath suddenly hitched when I heard a doorbell.

"NO" Rowan shouted, still hugging Ryan tightly.

"What happened ?" Alex came hanging his phone.

"NO LEATHERFACE IS HERE. HE WILL KILL US..." Rowan shouted. I flinched tightening my hold on Ryder.

"Rowan Calm down. No one is there" Ryder said gently, slightly rubbing my back in process.


"Rowan, Don't worry, I will see, okk ?" Alex patted his head. He just clinged on Ryan.

Alex said and goes towards the door. I fisted Ryder's shirt in my fist tightly.

Alex opened the door.

"What took you so long to open the door, Alex"

A familiar voice.

I released a breath, that I didn't know I was holding.

"MOM DAD" Rowan yelled and immediately jumped in Dad's arms.

"Hey Hey Tiger, what happened ?" Dad asked him.

"Nothing. I missed you" Rowan mumbled hugging Dad.

"What happened Pari ? Rav ?" Mom asked us worried.

Pari immediately stood up and detached herself from Ivan "N-Nothing Aunty-"

"Aunty, these three are scared of ghosts" Alex laughed.

I stood up from Ryder's lap and glared at him.


"Not now, guys. Let's eat, I am hungry" Dad said dismissing everyone.

"Dad, Can I sleep with you guys tonight ?" I heard Rowan mumbled to which Dad nodded with a smile.

To Be Continued...

Hope you like this chapter 🤍

Ok so, Opposite of Raven, I love watching Horror Movies. I mean not love, but It's totally ok for me to watch Horror Movies.

I actually found ending of Texas Chainsaw 3D a little funny lol.

I prefer Comedy > Thriller/mysterious > Adventures > Historical drama > Horror  > Action > Romantic > Melodrama ... I mean I can watch anything but I will mostly prefer Comedy and Thriller.

Which type of movies you guys prefer ? What is your favourite movie or series ?

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will update soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 21st May 2k23.

Total Words : 1572 words 😁.

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