The Admiral And His beloved

By Alidemtirane

1.5K 33 1

Elena sets out to find and old friend,Captain Jack Sparrow.Will she succeed...we don't know. Will Elena die t... More



168 2 1
By Alidemtirane

It is dark and murky.Elizabeth sails a small dinghy as a distraction as I and Barbossa hide in the mysterious shadows.Singapore seems gloomy and partly somehow looks ruined.We haven't told the East India Trading Company so we must hope they will not know because I have told them nothing.All I said is i must find Elizabeth and help her with a problem that is private to her.

"Yo,Ho,All together,Hoist the colors high..." Elizabeth sang.

The sound of the song causing me to shiver.Jack had told me before what it was for,The Brethren Court and its meaning.It sounded haunting and terrifying.

"Yo,Ho,Thieves and beggars,Never say we die." Tai Huang sang as he approaches her,three guards with him.

"Dangerous song to be singing, for any who are ignorant of its meaning. Particularly a woman. Particularly a woman alone."

"What makes yer think she's alone?" Barbossa questions appearing from the other side of the stairs as so did I

"You two protect her?" He asked us

"And what makes you this she need protection?" I say holding a small knife to Huang's neck

"Your master is expecting us.And an unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meeting." Barbossa says

I lower the dagger slowly.

"You're Captain Barbossa." Huang says

"Aye.And they be Elizabeth Swann & Elena Swann-"

"Norrington!" I correct

"Ah.And Sao Feng has promised us safe passage." He finishes

As soon as I said Norrington Huang and his guards widened their eye.

"The Navy and East India Trading Company..." he whispers

He smiles awkwardly and leads us.


"Have we heard anything from Will?" Elizabeth asked

We send Will first to try and steal the charts but he must have failed.

"The whelp is more than capable of taking care of himself. But you, in the presence of Sao Feng, you'll be wanting to show a bit more diffidence than is your custom." Barbossa says

"He's that terrifying, is he?"Elizabeth muttered

"He's much like myself, absent my merciful nature and sense of
fair play."

I raise my eye brows.


Huang stops, baring our way.

"No weapons.Remove,please."

"Of course." Barbossa says smiling

Barbossa and Elizabeth lose their swords and pistols as I stay frozen.He lets them go but when I try to follow i am stopped.Elizabeth and Barbossa have to wait for me.He gestures for me to remove my weapons.I look at Elizabeth and put on the table a small pistol.As I try to go I get stopped again.

"Did you you think because she is a woman, we would not suspect her of treachery?" He says turning to Barbossa as if he sees Elizabeth as a child

"Well when you put it that way-"


I take of my shoes and took out a small dagger and took out the weapons I hid in my leather coat and take it of.As I try to pass I get stopped once more.


I look at myself I barely have anything under thanks to Elizabeth forcing me to wear this uncomfortably outfit.I looked at Elizabeth and opened my mouth to argue but Barbossa ends up dragging me away by my arm.

"Thank you." I say

He smiles.


As we approach Sao Feng he turns around to face us.Sao Feng does not acknowledge our presence.

"Captain Sao Feng. Thank you for granting me this audience." Barbossa says

"Captain Barbossa! Welcome to Singapore...More steam!"

The Guard bangs on the wall twice.

"I understand that you have a request to make of me ..?" Feng says

"And a proposal to make to you. I've a venture underway, and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew."

"And you consider me worthy of such an honor? A ship and crew.. Huh. That's an odd coincidence."

"Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?" Elizabeth suggests

Barbossa gives her a warning glance.

"No. Because earlier this day, not far from here, a thief broke into my most revered uncle's temple, and tried to make off with these ..."

Sao Feng crosses to a wizened man, who is clutching ancieng charts to his chest. Sao Feng tries to take them but the
man really does not want to let them go. A look from Sao Feng, and the man releases them.

"Navigational charts. The route to the Farthest Gate. Wouldn't it be amazing if this venture of yours took you to the world beyond
this one?" Feng says

"It would strain credulity, at that."

Sao Feng gazes at him levelly. He nods to two guards near one of the baths. The Guards haul a figure out of the tank...Will!He gasps for breath. Sao Feng grabs him by the hair, displays his face to us.

"This is the thief. Is his face familiar to you?"

We must play this calmly.Sao Feng studies us, shrugs and picks up a small log.

"No? Then I guess he has no further need for it." He says cruelly

He prepares to stab Will with the fid as Elizabeth tenses.She gasped loudly as I flinch.Feng turns as he heard Elizabeth.

"So,you come into my city, you seek my indulgence and largesse, and you betray my hospitality? You betray me?" Fend shouts

"Sao Feng, I assure you, I had no idea-" Barbossa fights back smiling calmly

"That he would get caught!?" Feng shouts again

Sao Feng stares. Barbossa shrugs: yeah, okay.

"You intend to attempt a voyage to Davy Jones' Locker. And I cannot help but wonder: why?" He asks

I look at Barbossa as he gives me a help glare.

"A piece of eight.It's true, then?" Feng asks again

"Aye. The time is upon us. We must convene the Brethren Court." I help Barbossa

Sao Feng bangs twice on the wall. No steam.

"More steam!" He shouts

The Court has not met in my lifetime.

Nor mine.

Sao Feng toys with a Captain's knot pendant at his neck.

And when last it did, my father told
me, it ended ... badly.

"But the time before that, it produced the Code, which has served us well ... and it was the very first meeting what gave us no less than rule of the sea herself, didn't it? And now that rule is being challenged. " Barbossa continues for me

"The East India Trading Company." Feng whispers

Barbossa nodds.

"Lord Cutler Beckett is a pox on us all."

"There is a price on all our heads, it is true. It seems the only way a pirate can turn a profit anymore ... is by betraying other pirates.But pirates are either Captain or crew, and nine squabbling captains trying to chart a course is eight captains too many. Against the company, what value is the Brethren Court? What can any of us do?" Feng says slyly

"You fight!" I say

Everyone in the room seems to be staring at me.

"You are Sao Feng, the Pirate Lord of Singapore. You command in the Age of Piracy, where bold Captains sail free waters, where waves are not measured in feet but increments of fear, and those who pass the test become legend." I say

"Would you have that era come to an end on your watch?But here you are: your ships crowd the harbor, rotting on their lines, while you cower in your bath water!" Elizabeth said loudly

"Elizabeth Swann ... Elena Norrington.
... There is more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?And the eye does not go wanting.But I can't help but notice you have failed to answer my question. What is it you seek in Davy Jones' Locker?"

"Jack Sparrow!" Will reveals

Sao Feng freezes. The room goes dead still, too.

"He's one of the Pirate Lords."

"The only reason I would want Jack Sparrow returned from the realm of the dead is so I can send him back myself!" Feng exclaims angrily

"Exactly why we preferred his name go unmentioned."

"So you admit you have deceived me." Feng says deeply

"Jack Sparrow holds one of the Nine Pieces of Eight! He failed pass it along to a successor before he died. And so we must go and fetch him back!" I protest

Before we could act Feng shouted...


We are suddenly at the center of a ring of weapons pointed at them.

"I assure you our intentions are strictly honorable-"

He has his hands spread wide and then, suddenly, swords are pushed up through the floor boards ... and Barbossa finds
himself holding a sword in each hand. Crap. Elizabeth has
two swords; she tosses one across the room to Will.I get ready into my famous fighting position,as if curtseying deeply but a sword raised in the air.

Sao Feng holds the point of the fid to a man's face who has a dragon tattoo.

"Drop your weapons, or I kill your man!"

Barbossa and I frown. Confused looks from Barbossa to Will to
Elizbeth. Back to Sao Feng. Barbossa shrugs.

"Kill him. He's not our man." I say carelessly

"If he's not with you, and not us ... who is he with?" Will questions

"The East India Trading Company." I say getting up from my position

As soon as I turn around a swarm on men attack us.I quickly grab for my dagger i hid in my corset and started to fight my way through the crowd to the harbour.


I climbed onto the ship and out if no where I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.I didn't get stabbed or anything.What could it be?

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