Perfection of Hell

By Emogrape__

572 5 5

This is my first actual book here. I don't know if anyone will actually read it or if it'll be good or not, b... More

Author's note
A/N read before continuing


31 1 0
By Emogrape__

|•|Tw: drugs and alcohol, and mentions of suicide|•|

Amiro threw his bag over his shoulder and took a pill, swallowing it dry, before beginning his walk from the castle to the club. He got there before Ozaki and took out the key he had given him since he was one of the first workers there since he started working. As he unlocked the door, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for being a part of such an exclusive establishment. The club was always bustling with activity, and he knew that tonight would be no different. He knew the club wouldn't be standing if it wasn't for him, and Ozaki knew that too.

No matter how many times he threatened to fire him, he never did.


A few hours after he had gotten there, people started to arrive, and he recognized most of them. And as he sat there, waiting for his time to change into his outfit for his performance, he was going to be stripping first today since one of the people called in sick. He didn't mind performing first, but he definitely preferred performing last.

He counted the people he had slept with, and he counted over half of the people there. Once it was time, he went into the back room to change. Once he was ready, he looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn't look at himself for long; he hated who he was now. He had lost all sense of self-respect and dignity. He knew he needed to make a change in his life, but he didn't know where to start. He sighed and walked out to the stage. The sounds of loud music shut off almost immediately, and as the lights dimmed, a wave of confidence fell over him.

He climbed up on the stage, and the lights came back on only a few seconds later. He heard the loud cheers and whistles of the crowd. He took a deep breath and began to perform, feeling the energy of the audience fueling his every move. The adrenaline rush was exhilarating, and he knew that this was where he belonged—on stage, entertaining the masses.


He walked back to the castle after the night was over; the high he got from the pill he took hours ago had worn off, and his head began to hurt. He hadn't gotten the chance to drink or do any drugs since he had been busy "entertaining" his audience. As he approached the castle gates, he noticed a group of guards waiting for him. He tried to act nonchalant, but his heart raced as they approached him with stern expressions.

He wondered if his whole "sleeping with every guard to get his way" thing had caught up to him. He sighed and smiled when their expressions turned from stern to welcoming. "Welcome home." The female guard said, and he smiled and dipped his head, "Thank you." He smiled as he stepped past the guards and up to the castle doors, repeating his routine. Pushing open the castle doors, walking in, going down the hall, turning to his room, drinking and getting high until he passed out That's how it always was, and he wouldn't stop.

He knew it was a destructive pattern, but he couldn't help himself. The numbness was his only escape from the pain of his past. He had died to escape it and ended up in hell since his mother had been born here, causing him to automatically be put here after he died. But he just couldn't forget anything from his past life. He wanted to, but it kept creeping back at him every time. The memories were like a weight on his shoulders, dragging him further into the depths of despair. He wondered if he would ever be able to truly escape his past and find peace in the afterlife.

He took one last drink of alcohol before going over to his book shelf and pulling out the bag of cocaine he kept stored there. He took it over to the table and made two lines, snorting them one after the other, throwing his head back, and wiping off the residue of the powder on his nose. As he sat there, he felt a rush of energy and euphoria wash over him, momentarily forgetting about his problems. However, deep down, he knew that this temporary escape would only lead to more problems in the long run.

He would say he was slowly killing himself again, but that would be a lie; he wasn't. He was immortal. He couldn't kill himself a second time, no matter how hard he tried. And he tried, but it always failed. He would wake up hours later after overdosing or bleeding out to find himself still there, where he attempted to heal his wounds completely with just scars. And a headache; eventually he just stopped trying. He would obviously accidentally overdose sometimes, but it didn't bother him. He felt like he was living in a never-ending cycle of pain and despair. His addiction had taken over his life, and he couldn't see a way out.

He didn't care how much he was destroying himself; he just wanted the high he got from the drugs and sex. He hated it, but it was who he was. He was about to pass out when he heard a knock on his door. He tried to ignore it, but the knocking persisted. Finally, he stumbled over to the door and opened it to find Ace, his brother's son, staring back at him with a worried look on his face. It looked like he had been crying. Ace looked up at Amiro with a quiet and broken voice. He managed to whisper, "My father, Riku, hurt him badly." He's in the hospital now; Fang wanted me to get you." Amiro's heart sank as he heard the news. He knew how much Ace cared for his father, and he couldn't imagine what Fang must be going through. Without a second thought, Amiro grabbed his coat and followed Ace to the hospital.


Ace had gotten a call that he was needed back at the castle, and he left Amiro alone to see his brother in the hospital. All he could think about on his way there was how Riku managed to hurt him. He had broken up with Riku and threw him out of the kingdom after he tried killing him and killed the best guard there, both in bed and in battle. He wasn't supposed to be back. Anger boiled up in him as he entered the room, and before even looking around the room, he let it out.

"How the fuck did this happen Shungi?"

The king just looked up weakly from the bed and said, "I know I said he couldn't come back, but he promised me he could help." Amiro scoffed and got a good look at Shungi. "Help with what?" The king just shook his head. "I know you think that just because you're my older brother, I have to tell you everything, but I can't, and you know this." Shungi sighed and looked at the ceiling. "I think you should leave; I'll be fine." Amiro simply nodded, knowing he couldn't go against what his brother wanted, and he left. for the castle.

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